Maintenance for the week of July 1:
• NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Server maintenance times

  • Cry_Wolfe
    Alephen wrote: »
    SuperJChat wrote: »
    Faked wrote: »
    Ive been here sense it went down...

    I couldn't make sense of your sentence since you couldn't spell 'since' correctly.
    And that's just common sense.

    If your gonna be a grammar and spelling ***, shouldn't you use correct spelling and grammar? Forums are not an English class.

    personally, i blame the idiots who decided what is 'correct' english. some morons say 'ruff' should be spelled 'rough' and 'tu' should be spelled 'to,' 'too,' or ''two,' but only spelled correctly, according to phonetics, when a foreign word. more morons say, 'those are great ideas!'

    its all post PIE really....well mostly
  • Mordenkaiser

    I just want to be sure to be clear of Stone Falls before Friday. I think your gonna see a large player influx simply due to the size of the install and the fact that its Friday meaning many players will get the weekend for their first impression.
    "Serve me in death, and let Sithis be your shepherd"
  • BigDumbViking
    come on we've not had any fights since a certain person left about 30 pages ago .. lets not start up now.. :P any news at all @ZOS_JessicaFolsom

    Still here, lurking, reading, enjoying the screenshots. We're working on pushing the new build to the North American megaserver right now. No changes to the ETA yet (still looking at a few hours, maybe a couple.) As soon as we can provide a time, we will.


    James Dalton - Nord Dragonknight

    & Trusty Steed Roadhouse

  • Resourceful
    Things that people can do while waiting for the server to go back up:

    How about...linger on forums reading all the posts and insanity while waiting?

    -Sleep (many have been neglecting this this week)
    -Homework (I know you have been putting it off ^.^)
    -Make breakfast, lunch, or dinner (preferably something relatively healthy...might be the first good thing you will eat all week)
    -Start on the 20 page term paper you have due at the end of this month (oh, wait, that's me)
    -Play with your pet (you've probably neglected them all week)
    -Talk to a real person (don't refer to them as npcs)
    -Take a shower (many of you probably haven't since Sunday)
    -Write out your next character
    -Call your mom (I'm sure she thinks you're dead at this point)
    -Exercise or stretch (you don't want arthritis, plus remember to look after your health)
    -Clean up your computer area (I'm sure it's a mess. Perhaps take out the trash, if it's trash day)
    -Remember to check the mail (could be some good stuff in there)
    -Fiddle with your taxes (in America, tax day is coming up)

    And so much more...

  • T3CHN01221
    Zaeros wrote: »
    juic3 wrote: »
    You know, if this guild happens, @ZOS_JessicaFolsom should probably get first dibs on officer status.
    course :) we'll need an id from her though


    But you're a Downtime Defender Jessica! Should definitely join.
  • robfx13b14_ESO
    TheFio wrote: »
    Teroh wrote: »
    Was talking to guildies about how smooth this launch is but after a 10+ hour downtime, thats out the window.

    It is a just released game, things like this will happen. Now, a few months down the road if such happens you would have more to go on. This launch is MANY times better than most other mmos.

    Keep telling yourself this, it's the same as the ones before it. You would think they would have learned from the ones before them but sadly not.
  • SuperJChat
    Slyphoon wrote: »
    Is it a all alliance guild?
    is Zeros or Superjchat making it?
    clear this up guys.

    Sorry to confuse, but we are working together now, If you had messaged me you will be added to the guild no worries!
  • Rukur
    Slyphoon wrote: »
    Zaeros and Superjchat, good work guys

    Yer good work.

    I figure if we dont start we wont start so I sent my msg.
  • mitsukozen
    so red sauce pizza or white sauce pizza?

    Best Pizza in the World (according to me): Beer dough pizza (whatever is your favorite, I go with a wheat). Sriracha based tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, spicy Italian sausage, jalapenos, ghost pepper infused salt. Then, drizzle with a bit more Sriracha chili sauce.

    Place where I live makes that and its called The Flaming Lips soo good.
    Edited by mitsukozen on April 2, 2014 3:12PM
  • Invisioblack
    While we are here.. What rigs are everyone running? Myself only have an Alienware M17XR4

    CPU - Intel Core I7 4930 4.3 GHz (OCed)
    RAM - 32G gb GSKILL 8CL RAM (8 DIMMs)
    Motherboard - ASUS Sabertooth X79
    Corsair C70 Vengace Case with Corsair H110 CPU Cooler
    Marvel Superdrive [Samsung 240G SSD/Seagate 2TB Hybrid] (OS Drive)
    ADATA 64G SSD [Swapfile & ReadyBoost]

    Edited by Invisioblack on April 2, 2014 3:12PM
  • Zern
    Someone posted a sky falling image earlier. this is what happened to Rah'Jiin after a relog in the clouds. Always fun, yes?


    Rofl, do I see the slaughterfish achievement?
  • Resourceful
    Hmmmmm, My only problem with the down severs is paying for early game play but not getting in that early game play as id like. Sadly, there isn't much I can do about that. I don't mind them doing maintenance i just wish it wasn't on the 5 day early pass time considering i paid an extra 20$ for the game. I love love the game! I wont stop playing because of this inconvenience because all games have their problems but ughhh. HURRY UP ESO <3

    Scarlett... What if I worded it in such a way that you got a mount, pet, and treasure maps, as well as imperial crafting style for the extra fee....and the advance in game release was just an added bonus?

    So you didn't loose anything, just did not get to use up much of the added bonus, that you didn't pay for, but received as an added bonus.

    Does that help to keep the swelling down?

  • j_labbeb16_ESO
    Dear Jessica Folsom,

    Do you actually play ESO?
    If so what are the rules in regards to staff playing with the players?
    I would be interested in joining you and your co-workers in game if permitted.

    Talk to you soon.

  • Robert.Graham18rwb17_ESO
    Sonora wrote: »
    My favorite so far...


    Best of luck to your team in getting the server back up and service stabilized.

    really nice one, strangly reminds me of dark age for some reason gah i've been gaming far to many years.. and @Zern yeah it's normal to have bugs, but as even I think Jessica will admit the communication broke down BIG TIME tonight, the community on most MMO's typically are really understanding.. if you treat us like actual customers.. especially paying customers ;) Add to that the fact you've got a lot of MMO vets here, some of us who've been around since UO, DAOC and EQ ie the 'good ol days before WoW' and we kinda expect a certain level of com's from the CSO's (heck i'm even using DAOC's term for customer service reps lol).

    That's why people on here got upset tonight... that and it happened smack bang on the Australasia prime time.. so you have a lot of people who have come home from work want to play only to find server goes down as they log in.. and very very little communication.. what was given was extremely hard to find at first (the news page REALLY needs to be used here guys (hint) ) and tempers start to boil over..

    I don't expect a 'perfect' launch, they don't happen.. And any one who claims they do really needs to go back over their launches, I've been in all the major ones except the Final Fantasy set (Really don't like how the first one played) and not one has really been 100% with out incident and I really laugh at those who claim WOW was better or the such, because I have over a month of re-imbursed sub time from blizzard for the issues that happened over the first 2 - 3 months of it's launch ;), Dark Age had issues as well.. Guinevere died more than once after a major patch.. heck i can remember patch rollbacks happening.. or the entire frontier crashing at stages due to issues.. always fun..

    But the thing with all of that was the companies communicated.. and that keeps most but the 'worst' self entitled people from flaming all the time.
    -Rob Aka
    Weldien Phoenix
    Guild Leader Warriors Blood.
  • Doraelari
  • Zaeros
    Zaeros wrote: »
    juic3 wrote: »
    You know, if this guild happens, @ZOS_JessicaFolsom should probably get first dibs on officer status.
    course :) we'll need an id from her though


    awwww but we needs you in the guild :) you could be our patron deity lol
    "Yes, one step after the next. Come what may, that is what it means to live" - The Seneschal.

    This is why we keep going. What else are you going to do with your life?
  • Wookie120
    Well, so much for enjoying some gaming goodness before work tonight. I guess they are getting things ready for the major influx of players not in the early release. Having only two servers, makes me wonder. I have to agree in that it will be a major inconvenience for players with limited time or set work schedules. Hope they get the blame thing fixed. had doubts about the game but have really enjoyed it so far. Why I am disappointed at not being able to get in some time before work tonight.
  • Zaggolf
    Yea I don't really think there going to get tons more then what logged on yesterday. I mean who says I don't want 3-5 days early play time I think I will wait till it comes out.? I am sure there will be more but not a lot.Lastnight was the start of the 3 day. But heck just guessing :)
    Fanboy's don't keep a game running! GAMER'S DO!!!
  • pad11
    SuperJChat wrote: »
    Zaeros wrote: »
    Alright guys got a few names for Downtime Defenders so far, everyone who messages/has already done so will get an invite so inbox me with your id's and we'll get it done once server is back up and running :)

    Also to anyone wondering @Zaeros‌ and I are working together to get this up and running, anyone who has messaged me will be included!

    Awesome! thx a ton!
  • Slyphoon
    While we are here.. What rigs are everyone running? Myself only have an Alienware M17XR4

    CPU - Intel Core I7 4930 4.3 GHz (OCed)
    RAM - 32G gb GSKILL 8CL RAM (8 DIMMs)
    Motherboard - ASUS Sabertooth X79
    Corsair C70 Vengace Case with Corsair H110 CPU Cooler
    Marvel Superdrive [Samsung 240G SSD/Seagate 2TB Hybrid] (OS Drive)
    ADATA 64G SSD [Swapfile & ReadyBoost]
    So unnecessarily over the top... like 32gb RAM? Really? You can't even make use of that much. I do admire though don't get me wrong.
  • Earthlybeast
    Man u guys make my laptop seem like a joke, got mine off the shelf for $1000 has:
    i7-4700HQ cpu 2.40ghz
    8g ram
    Nividia Geforce GTX 765m

    Edited by Earthlybeast on April 2, 2014 3:18PM
  • MysticAura
    No one likes downtime, but sometimes it's unavoidable. I'm just impatiently checking every few minutes so I can play the second it's up again. Silly ES sucking me in yet again. We need ESA support groups.
  • robfx13b14_ESO
    Hmmmmm, My only problem with the down severs is paying for early game play but not getting in that early game play as id like. Sadly, there isn't much I can do about that. I don't mind them doing maintenance i just wish it wasn't on the 5 day early pass time considering i paid an extra 20$ for the game. I love love the game! I wont stop playing because of this inconvenience because all games have their problems but ughhh. HURRY UP ESO <3

    Scarlett... What if I worded it in such a way that you got a mount, pet, and treasure maps, as well as imperial crafting style for the extra fee....and the advance in game release was just an added bonus?

    So you didn't loose anything, just did not get to use up much of the added bonus, that you didn't pay for, but received as an added bonus.

    Does that help to keep the swelling down?

    Most of us bought it for the early access not the items, please swallow your word BONUS and choke on it. I would have not paid 20 dollars more for the game if it didn't have the early access.
  • natters69
    ok im spamming silly cats at yas now.
  • Rukur
    Zaggolf wrote: »
    Yea I don't really think there going to get tons more then what logged on yesterday. I mean who says I don't want 3-5 days early play time I think I will wait till it comes out.? I am sure there will be more but not a lot.Lastnight was the start of the 3 day. But heck just guessing :)

    Yes but the 3 and 5 day pre-orders will still be there playing. One would think more will join right ?
  • MattoxMaodhun
    MysticAura wrote: »
    No one likes downtime, but sometimes it's unavoidable. I'm just impatiently checking every few minutes so I can play the second it's up again. Silly ES sucking me in yet again. We need ESA support groups.

    Basically what this thread has been for a while.
  • Robert.Graham18rwb17_ESO
    Dear diary, its been countless hours since the server is down... Meanwhile, I have crafted leather armor to level up my Clothier skill line... my only hope is that the exp i have gained in real life with be added to my character in game...


    that is cool :)
    -Rob Aka
    Weldien Phoenix
    Guild Leader Warriors Blood.
  • DosageCigs
    Soul Shriven
  • Thelrok
    Totes down for downtime defender. My IGN is Thelrok.

  • juic3
    Ok people, place your bets! Will the thread make it to 100 pages before the server is up? It's gonna be a close one.
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