Maintenance for the week of July 1:
· [COMPLETE] NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Server maintenance times

  • Resourceful
    Mehh the server is still down...I can deal with that. ATLEAST we still have the forums!!!!
  • Osi
    Faked wrote: »
    Osi wrote: »
    can i get extra cheese please
    Scratch that, cheese for no one. But no cheese can be just as good, right right?

  • Faked
    Heeeeyyyyyyy Yoooouuuuuu Guys!!!!!!!
  • Rukur
    We should be bracing for 4.4 as well...Server load will spike again hmm
  • Faked
    NO CHEESE!!!! what a tease!
    Heeeeyyyyyyy Yoooouuuuuu Guys!!!!!!!
  • Medgirlpts_ESO
    so red sauce pizza or white sauce pizza?

    That would depend on what toppings we are having on the pizza.
    Ceridai <3 Healing Mage <3
    --The Downtime Defenders --
    - Aldmeri Dominion -
  • Veramir
    Must have.... eso.... cmon man! I got these cheezeburgers! Give me some ESO!
  • SuperJChat
    Faked wrote: »
    Osi wrote: »
    can i get extra cheese please

    Free Cheese for all Defenders of Downtime!*

    *One Cheese per Guildie, more cheese may be awarded based on actions and progress made.
  • Zaeros
    Osi wrote: »
    Faked wrote: »
    Osi wrote: »
    can i get extra cheese please
    Scratch that, cheese for no one. But no cheese can be just as good, right right?

    Only if you don't like cheese, in that case you get cabbage instead
    "Yes, one step after the next. Come what may, that is what it means to live" - The Seneschal.

    This is why we keep going. What else are you going to do with your life?
  • Rukur
    Zaeros wrote: »
    Alright guys got a few names for Downtime Defenders so far, everyone who messages/has already done so will get an invite so inbox me with your id's and we'll get it done once server is back up and running :)

    Cool I msg'ed you
  • Itamekaze
    Im really interested to know whats gonna happen with the players that kinda (not sure if it really is ) exploit the quest that was fixed.
  • Slyphoon
    Is it a all alliance guild?
    is Zeros or Superjchat making it?
    clear this up guys.
  • TheFio
    We should be bracing for 4.4 as well...Server load will spike again hmm

    I dunno, most interested in the game I would think at LEAST preordered, that gives them the three days. So I would wager plenty of gold the biggest influx has already hit.

    Fuzzball of the Ashen hand
    ~Daggerfall Covenant~
  • Earthlybeast
    i like white with olives, mushrooms, and chicken
  • T3CHN01221
    Zaeros wrote: »
    Alright guys got a few names for Downtime Defenders so far, everyone who messages/has already done so will get an invite so inbox me with your id's and we'll get it done once server is back up and running :)

    Probably the best news the forum has had for about a solid 30+ pages haha.
  • Zaeros
    Slyphoon wrote: »
    Is it a all alliance guild?
    is Zeros or Superjchat making it?
    clear this up guys.

    i'm taking names for it :)
    "Yes, one step after the next. Come what may, that is what it means to live" - The Seneschal.

    This is why we keep going. What else are you going to do with your life?
  • SuperJChat
    Zaeros wrote: »
    Alright guys got a few names for Downtime Defenders so far, everyone who messages/has already done so will get an invite so inbox me with your id's and we'll get it done once server is back up and running :)

    Also to anyone wondering @Zaeros‌ and I are working together to get this up and running, anyone who has messaged me will be included!
  • Kadigan
    Lol this idea for a guild is lame imo, so someone made 1 comment and suddenly everyone is kissing ass and people are going to make guilds for what? A smartass remark?
    You mean like the one you just made? Try 68 pages and counting. You're one of those people who don't like fun, aren't you. B)
    Daggerfall Covenant: Fork-Stealer, Argonian Dragonknight
    Aldmeri Dominion: Kadigan, Bosmer Nightblade
    Let's be civil, shall we?
  • tyler_797b16_ESO
    Zaeros wrote: »
    Alright guys got a few names for Downtime Defenders so far, everyone who messages/has already done so will get an invite so inbox me with your id's and we'll get it done once server is back up and running :)

    Inboxed for invite
  • natters69
    Osi wrote: »
    Faked wrote: »
    Osi wrote: »
    can i get extra cheese please
    Scratch that, cheese for no one. But no cheese can be just as good, right right?

    cheese might not be good for our poop socks
  • T3CHN01221
    Slyphoon wrote: »
    Is it a all alliance guild?
    is Zeros or Superjchat making it?
    clear this up guys.

    I believe that @Zaeros is making it.
  • Corithna
    Corithna wrote: »
    Some times problem fixes just don't afford you the luxury of knowing exactly how long it will take. As a long time tech I know from experience that even routine procedures sometimes take much longer then anticipated. And in the case of critical problems any estimate would only serve to cause additional problems. I know this team from long experience and I can assure you that they are doing their level best to get us back up and running as soon as possible. Things have gone exceedingly well so far with the exception of a few minor glitches.

    I don't know what game you are playing, but the glitches I've run into the last couple of nights have been far from "minor". In one game session I ran into three glitched quests in a row while playing on EP. These weren't just minor quests they were the main quest line for the zone. I wouldn't classify that as minor.

    I'm playing on the AD side of things, and just taking things easy as they come. I'm sorry to hear your having difficulties, but my experience so far has been smooth as silk overall with only this down time and two crashes to desktop that happened after game session that were more then ten hours old.

    Minor is also a very relative term, subject to personal bias, experience, goals, tolerance, and technical expertise. If for instance a person has the goal of reaching the veteran rank in as short a period of time as possible neglecting to eat or sleep during their run, then yes what are in fact very minor problems can feel disproportionately important. If anyone is reading this and falls into this category then I say slow down, take care of yourself, and most importantly try to have fun with this.
    For all the millions of pages of codified law we have enacted in this nation alone, all of it, every word, sentence, paragraph and nuance, is steeped in the singular idea of this:

    "Be good to one another."
  • MistryssNite
    Things that people can do while waiting for the server to go back up:

    -Sleep (many have been neglecting this this week)
    -Homework (I know you have been putting it off ^.^)
    -Make breakfast, lunch, or dinner (preferably something relatively healthy...might be the first good thing you will eat all week)
    -Start on the 20 page term paper you have due at the end of this month (oh, wait, that's me)
    -Play with your pet (you've probably neglected them all week)
    -Talk to a real person (don't refer to them as npcs)
    -Take a shower (many of you probably haven't since Sunday)
    -Write out your next character
    -Call your mom (I'm sure she thinks you're dead at this point)
    -Exercise or stretch (you don't want arthritis, plus remember to look after your health)
    -Clean up your computer area (I'm sure it's a mess. Perhaps take out the trash, if it's trash day)
    -Remember to check the mail (could be some good stuff in there)
    -Fiddle with your taxes (in America, tax day is coming up)

    And so much more...
    Current main: Pe'tra
    Female Khajiit Templar of the Aldmeri Dominion
    Feel free to join her in questing ^.^
    It's just been a morning of death
  • ScarlettRein
    Hmmmmm, My only problem with the down severs is paying for early game play but not getting in that early game play as id like. Sadly, there isn't much I can do about that. I don't mind them doing maintenance i just wish it wasn't on the 5 day early pass time considering i paid an extra 20$ for the game. I love love the game! I wont stop playing because of this inconvenience because all games have their problems but ughhh. HURRY UP ESO <3
    +So the night will fall and morning will rise once again.+
  • Faked
    you got me down @Zaeros
    Heeeeyyyyyyy Yoooouuuuuu Guys!!!!!!!
  • Slyphoon
    Zaeros and Superjchat, good work guys
  • MistryssNite
    Osi wrote: »
    What kind of cheese? I would like some extra sharp cheddar, if possible. ^.^

    Current main: Pe'tra
    Female Khajiit Templar of the Aldmeri Dominion
    Feel free to join her in questing ^.^
    It's just been a morning of death
  • Earthlybeast
    Heh 1st 5min i was playing i went from Eagle's Eye Strand straight into the middle of the ocean after being launched into the sky.
  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    Zaeros wrote: »
    juic3 wrote: »
    You know, if this guild happens, @ZOS_JessicaFolsom should probably get first dibs on officer status.
    course :) we'll need an id from her though


    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Facebook | Twitter | Twitch | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube | Support
    Staff Post
  • homardpolicierb16_ESO
    Dear diary, its been countless hours since the server is down... Meanwhile, I have crafted leather armor to level up my Clothier skill line... my only hope is that the exp i have gained in real life with be added to my character in game...

    Downtime Defenders... How many pages can we get this time?
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