propertyOfUndefined wrote: »Hear hear...
Normally, I do my best to keep negative criticism to myself. I come from a software development background, and like to think I'm more sympathetic than most when it comes to dev teams. I am finding it extremely difficult to bite my tongue these days though. The changes being made are one head-scratcher after another, and it feels like if I don't speak up, the downward spiral will continue.
Are we feeling the effects of the microsoft acquisition? Is this the result of a slower-than-normal return-to-office post-pandemic? Both?
Hoping this team can get its act together as I love the game and have enjoyed it immensely for many years.
boi_anachronism_ wrote: »This is really an apples and oranges thing and i really dont get it. Dk is strong to exceptional in every kind of game play in almost every role. Pvp, solo, full damage dps, support dps, tanking. Its good in 4 man and essential in 12 man... the list goes on. Nb is exceptional in exactly one area. Pvp. Its trash in 12 man, like you dont/can't bring it to serious comps at all and its ok in 4 man. Necro sees more use in 12 man. All of its skills are designed around pvp which is why it draws so much hate but overall its not even close to dk.
Not by any stretch of the imagination. They have buffed it because pre 35 it hadnt gotten anything useful in ages and was literally binned for group content. The class was utterly devastated during the elswyer patch (look up those patch notes if you think they have never seen hard nerfs lol) and didnt recover for a long long time.
That said i 💯 think the necro seriously needs to be looked at far and above every other class, yes templars as well but necros have been in the bin dps wise for absolutely ages, heck they are 6 feet in the ground under the bin. They are simply not viable beyond buff and support. full damage crow is a joke.Its skills are clunky and buggy and it makes the rotation wierd and frankly not enjoyable to play. I rarely hear someone say they love necros as a class but that they have to use it for the sake of group comp.
boi_anachronism_ wrote: »This is really an apples and oranges thing and i really dont get it. Dk is strong to exceptional in every kind of game play in almost every role. Pvp, solo, full damage dps, support dps, tanking. Its good in 4 man and essential in 12 man... the list goes on. Nb is exceptional in exactly one area. Pvp. Its trash in 12 man, like you dont/can't bring it to serious comps at all and its ok in 4 man. Necro sees more use in 12 man. All of its skills are designed around pvp which is why it draws so much hate but overall its not even close to dk.
Not by any stretch of the imagination. They have buffed it because pre 35 it hadnt gotten anything useful in ages and was literally binned for group content. The class was utterly devastated during the elswyer patch (look up those patch notes if you think they have never seen hard nerfs lol) and didnt recover for a long long time.
That said i 💯 think the necro seriously needs to be looked at far and above every other class, yes templars as well but necros have been in the bin dps wise for absolutely ages, heck they are 6 feet in the ground under the bin. They are simply not viable beyond buff and support. full damage crow is a joke.Its skills are clunky and buggy and it makes the rotation wierd and frankly not enjoyable to play. I rarely hear someone say they love necros as a class but that they have to use it for the sake of group comp.
I'm not sure how Necro was designed around pvp when blastbones is the only damage skill that's actually good in pvp, and even then it's quite inconsistent and buggy.
I have no idea what you're talking about here. Templar has been buffed and is very good in both pvp and pve. Nightblade and warden are the two worst trial dds.
I have no idea what you're talking about here. Templar has been buffed and is very good in both pvp and pve. Nightblade and warden are the two worst trial dds.
I have no idea what you're talking about here. Templar has been buffed and is very good in both pvp and pve. Nightblade and warden are the two worst trial dds.
I have no idea what you're talking about here. Templar has been buffed and is very good in both pvp and pve. Nightblade and warden are the two worst trial dds.
Templar does not have access to a reliable delayed burst, its offensive skills are literally 40% bad.
See the following skills:
- sunshield
- Jabs
- sunfire
- Solar flare ( solar barrage )
- Restoring Aura
- Backlash
See the following passives:
- Burning Light
- Enduring Rays
- Master ritualist
Thats about a full slill line worth of skills mostly offensive and passives that have near no functionality or are underdeveloped compared to skills like Nightblades concealed weapon.
The recent change to power of the light was good, but realistically in a PvP scenario its still a bad ability when compared to assassins will, shalks, blastbones, deep breath, etc.
I have no idea what you're talking about here. Templar has been buffed and is very good in both pvp and pve. Nightblade and warden are the two worst trial dds.
Templar does not have access to a reliable delayed burst, its offensive skills are literally 40% bad.
See the following skills:
- sunshield
- Jabs
- sunfire
- Solar flare ( solar barrage )
- Restoring Aura
- Backlash
See the following passives:
- Burning Light
- Enduring Rays
- Master ritualist
Thats about a full slill line worth of skills mostly offensive and passives that have near no functionality or are underdeveloped compared to skills like Nightblades concealed weapon.
The recent change to power of the light was good, but realistically in a PvP scenario its still a bad ability when compared to assassins will, shalks, blastbones, deep breath, etc.
Zenimax logic: Hmm, we buff beam morph by giving it magic restore
Templar is just the beam class(DD wise) and every change is meant to supplement beam only.
propertyOfUndefined wrote: »Hear hear...
Normally, I do my best to keep negative criticism to myself. I come from a software development background, and like to think I'm more sympathetic than most when it comes to dev teams. I am finding it extremely difficult to bite my tongue these days though. The changes being made are one head-scratcher after another, and it feels like if I don't speak up, the downward spiral will continue.
Are we feeling the effects of the microsoft acquisition? Is this the result of a slower-than-normal return-to-office post-pandemic? Both?
Hoping this team can get its act together as I love the game and have enjoyed it immensely for many years.
propertyOfUndefined wrote: »Hear hear...
Normally, I do my best to keep negative criticism to myself. I come from a software development background, and like to think I'm more sympathetic than most when it comes to dev teams. I am finding it extremely difficult to bite my tongue these days though. The changes being made are one head-scratcher after another, and it feels like if I don't speak up, the downward spiral will continue.
Are we feeling the effects of the microsoft acquisition? Is this the result of a slower-than-normal return-to-office post-pandemic? Both?
Hoping this team can get its act together as I love the game and have enjoyed it immensely for many years.
Rudderless is how balance feels now days and has for a couple years. Certainly since U35. It's like they're making changes just to make changes without much rhyme or reason.
TechMaybeHic wrote: »I've tried solar barrage to pump more damage but let me ask you this. Would you like solar barrage and 5% damage on class abilities? Or something like deadly cloak that hits a little harder AOE on its own and gives 20% damage reduction to AOEs? Or blood mist giving you about the same damag, a heal for some of the damage, and a movement tool?
I ask this as people will say "oh. You get an unamed buff that stacks with other named ones" but fail to realize there's limited space and better options. That really can apply to most templar abilities.
TechMaybeHic wrote: »I've tried solar barrage to pump more damage but let me ask you this. Would you like solar barrage and 5% damage on class abilities? Or something like deadly cloak that hits a little harder AOE on its own and gives 20% damage reduction to AOEs? Or blood mist giving you about the same damag, a heal for some of the damage, and a movement tool?
I ask this as people will say "oh. You get an unamed buff that stacks with other named ones" but fail to realize there's limited space and better options. That really can apply to most templar abilities.
OtarTheMad wrote: »At least Templar’s offensive skills are slottable. Sure they need attention but the majority of necro offensive abilities are complete crap and are not worth slotting in most content.
Need a pet that get lost and forgets to attack? Cool, you got Skeletal summons and BB. Oh and the damage is inconsistent too. Good luck!
Need a slow spammable that can be insanely easy to dodge? Flame skulls is your go to!
How about a once great skill that could be used in many different ways and is unique… but got stomped on and nerfed to Oblivion… yes? Graveyard come on down! You’re the next contestant on Classes That Are Memes!
Let’s not forget a new set that requires a bone tyrant skill to proc a condition that doesn’t work. Oh and one of the bone tyrant abilities that procs it has one of the unique buffs in minor protection already… and that ability has been broken for some time… yay?
You also got tethers that were a unique idea but don’t work in most content and a corpse system that isn’t super great.
IncultaWolf wrote: »OtarTheMad wrote: »At least Templar’s offensive skills are slottable. Sure they need attention but the majority of necro offensive abilities are complete crap and are not worth slotting in most content.
Need a pet that get lost and forgets to attack? Cool, you got Skeletal summons and BB. Oh and the damage is inconsistent too. Good luck!
Need a slow spammable that can be insanely easy to dodge? Flame skulls is your go to!
How about a once great skill that could be used in many different ways and is unique… but got stomped on and nerfed to Oblivion… yes? Graveyard come on down! You’re the next contestant on Classes That Are Memes!
Let’s not forget a new set that requires a bone tyrant skill to proc a condition that doesn’t work. Oh and one of the bone tyrant abilities that procs it has one of the unique buffs in minor protection already… and that ability has been broken for some time… yay?
You also got tethers that were a unique idea but don’t work in most content and a corpse system that isn’t super great.
Necro IS a meme, go ask any pvp streamer what they think about necromancer, and they will laugh and tell you how bad it is.
boi_anachronism_ wrote: »So look lets just talk raw numbers for a second, plain old parse numbers. We not talking content damage right now as thing switch up quite a bit there. We are talking maximum possible under ideal circumstances. So with that in mind - At the absolute tippy top end right now based on vids i could find we have:
Sorc: 141k
Blade: 133k+
Templar: 133k+
Arcanist: 133k+
Warden: 131k+
Dk: 130k+
Necro: 123k+
whats wrong with this picture?
IncultaWolf wrote: »boi_anachronism_ wrote: »So look lets just talk raw numbers for a second, plain old parse numbers. We not talking content damage right now as thing switch up quite a bit there. We are talking maximum possible under ideal circumstances. So with that in mind - At the absolute tippy top end right now based on vids i could find we have:
Sorc: 141k
Blade: 133k+
Templar: 133k+
Arcanist: 133k+
Warden: 131k+
Dk: 130k+
Necro: 123k+
whats wrong with this picture?
Dragonknight needs a buff, obviously