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• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

Ask Hawke

  • Hawke
    @Holmes I can hang with the big boys... Rapid Fire Round 2!

    1. You can wear a total of 7 pieces of armor. When I wore 4 heavy, 2 medium and 1 light, I was overcharged with armor. Which means I hit the soft cap. The general rule of thumb for armor wearing is 5/2 split. If you go 5 light/2 heavy, it will get you to a good amount of armor to survive (as its the mean) and have the bonus mana and regeneration to be a caster.

    For the "adaptive" part.. wear heavy chest and heavy helmet, and you will get the look you are wanting.

    2. YES! You can earn gold, xp, collect loot, harvest while in Cyrodiil. Get out there!

    3. Oooh that is a tough call... I spend hours in my brain trying to figure out what I want to do in a new game, and TESO was no different. For those out there who don't know what that saying means, basically you play something that you would not normally consider your main character so you can get used to the nuances in the game, so you dont mess up.

    I think I drafted up a pretty good guide for TESO so you dont have to do this.

    4. No news for an authenticator yet, that I know of. But I think if there is anything that the community can push for a change with this game, it is the authenticator. It just makes sense.

    5. I currently reside in the Washington DC area. If you ask me where I am from, I will give a long winded answer, as my father served and we moved around a lot, then when I turned 18, I served. So you can get the idea on how many places I have lived over the years. I spent 2/3 of my time overseas. I have been exposed to many cultures, and exposed myself while sober.

    6. I think it can be solod for the most part, aside from group dungeons. But I think the developers have been going nuts on trying to get this game back to the MMO roots of being a social game. I am curious to see how that plays out.

    7. Ahhh Motifs.. you just loot containers. And get lucky. Much how my jedi did... oh the dark side, how I miss thee.

    8. Arenas yes! I do believe arenas are in our future. Auction House no. They have taken a HUGE amount of critisism about not having an auction house last year, and they stuck to their guns.

    9. I actually have another little writeup about PvP and it applies here :D

    In a nutshell, you dont need to be a part of the horde to get things done or feel like your are helping. You can be level 10 and smoke a level 30. Will the level 30 have access to higher level skills? Yes.. but that does not mean your poison arrow won't kill em!

    So, how did I do this time?
  • Holmes
    @Hawke , you did well. Quite well.

    Bonus round.

    1. I've played this Third Person Shooter back in my youth, called GunZ: The Duel. I've had many fun days in that game, and it's also where I became familiar with the art of cancelling animations, in order to perform another animation, which in turn is also cancelled. I can see a certain form of this one in TESO as well, and wonder if the effects are beneficial in the long run.
    - Using a sword: Slash, and as soon as you hear the /whoosh/ sound, hit the block button, which will in turn cancel the animation half way through, and instantly assume the block position. I've created a Macro for this using my Razer software, and it seems that the attack speed difference is neglectable between spamming the slash button and slash/block combo. Do you believe this may cause some problems in the future, since TESO doesn't seem to have a GCD to negate these "techniques"? Sure, this may only be a minor advantage, but as far as I know, you have a 50% chance to block while using the combo(since 50% of the time, you are in block stance), where as slashing only has a 0% block chance.

    2. I've fallen to my death while trying to climb a ship(and reached a point where the rope I was walking on simply pushed me off). I've noticed that using a soul gem, would allow me to respawn in the spot I was supposedly defeated in. I'm not quite familiar with end game content, but I'm sure there are areas in which you could likely jump, and hence skip a lot of the "ads" as the MMOverse calls them. On top of that, I've noticed that falling to your death also seems to damage your gear, which personally I find odd. Maybe that's because I've played SWTOR for a lengthy amount of time, and I've gotten used to jumping in the Fleet voids to respawn to the banks, and pretty much to kill time.

    3. Speaking of soul gems, in my early levels, it's really hard to get a soul gem drop in my adventures, unless I find it in a magical chest that nobody has looted so far. Do they eventually become a cheap commodity, considering quest rewards increase later in the game(as you have stated in Round 1 I believe). As you level up, will you need to use stronger soul gems in order to respawn? Is it worth investing experience in Soul Trapping?

    4. Why can't we sprint in water, since quite a lot of these areas involve swimming as shortcuts. Maybe learn the daedric art of papercrafting and make myself a nice little boat in which I can sail across the seven seas? Or possibly teach my horse how to swim? Speaking about travelling at an increased speed, everyone knows that MMO players are jump-happy. Will spamming the jump key decrease the speed at which a player moves from point A to point B? How about holstering your weapons? Will I consume more stamina if I try to sprint while my weapon in in wait to stick someone with the pointy end?

    5. Do you like taking chances? If Yes, answer Yes to the next question. If No, answer Yes anyway.

    6. Yes or No?

  • Hawke
    @Holmes glad I did ok.

    1. I am not a fan of macros in this game (other than crafting provisioning, just over 3 seconds every R FYI). Due to the fact that combat is fluid and everything you do impacts your ability for defense or offense. The example of you power attacking and blocking after... If an enemy attacks as you block, you lose stamina... you might need that stamina to sprint out a little, or do another weapon ability, but you can't when you could have easily soaked that damage..

    2. Soul gems will eventually be a pain in the butt. Yes you can obtain some now then fill it, but I can see them being far more expensive in the future. Though not so much that it would not be used. Gear breaking is fine by me. What else is there to spend your gold on? :P

    3. You can buy the soul gems from venders in the main cities. I wouldn't think you get em as a reward, but a random reward maybe (those little boxes you get mailed). As you get up in levels you will need bigger soul gems to rez yourself and others. Soul Trapping does damage... so... up to you. It's one of those 500 skill point things you have to decide what to invest in.

    4. You can't sprint over water, You aren't Remo Williams. Horses should be able to swim, I wish they would. If you swim too far out in some places, you take damage. You jump at whatever speed you are going. So if you sprint and jump into water, you will get more distance than jumping while in the water..

    NEVER RUN WITH SHARP OBJECTS! Didn't your parents teach you anything!?

    5. I take a chance everytime I answer a question.

    6. *sits in silence rebelling against the man*
  • Holmes

    If you go in game within the next few hours, and you see that lame guy who has the name "Hawke" stocked on his puny account, ding me and... err.. I mean ding him, and I... HE might be inclined to delete it so that you may take it.
    Edited by Holmes on April 3, 2014 11:30AM
  • Hawke
    @Holmes The guy isn't lame, he was actually pretty cool about the whole situation. While getting the name Hawke would be cool, I am not upset he got it, since well , he wasnt a jerk about it hehe.

    I won't be able to log in for a while... I dont get off work until 5pm EDT : (
  • Holmes
    @Hawke sadly, I live in Australia, so that's like 5 AM to me. I plan to play this weekend, particularly Saturday morning, which would be Friday night for you, so ding me then.
  • Hawke
    @Holmes Australia is cool. Wait, are you the guy who has the name Hawke?
  • Holmes
    @Hawke yes, I happen to be the same guy.

    I figured that you'd do the name more justice, and since you've gained quite the popularity already, I would feel quite wrong parading around in-game with a name that many people already know as belonging to an entirely different person. Not to mention the confusion it would cause.
  • Hawke
    @Holmes thanks a lot! See everyone, he is pretty cool about the whole situation!
  • Hawke
    I am still open for business, feel free to ask me your questions! And reading this entire thread can also assist you, especially if you are just starting out.
  • Khenarthi
    Hi there,

    I have based my characters on the EU server but, if I decide to log in to the NA server and create a few characters there, will the bank be shared between all of them? Or do I get a different bank? Can items be mailed from the EU to the NA server?

    I'm thinking each server is like a parallel dimension to the other, but would like your input o knowledgeable one.

    Also, if a name is taken on the EU server, will it also be taken on the NA one? I'm fond of my characters already and it would feel odd to find someone else's bunch of pixels around with the same name on another server...
  • Hawke
    @Khenarthi you are attempting interdimensial travel. That is a dangerous craft in Tamriel. Bizzaro world and all that.

    Think of the EU and NA server as two complete separate games or databases. What happens in one, will exist in the other. So your banks will not be shared, and even the character names will be different.

    Speaking of character names, your names might be taken on the NA server, but by someone else. There is an evil twin for everyone just about.
  • Khenarthi
    Hawke wrote: »
    Speaking of character names, your names might be taken on the NA server, but by someone else. There is an evil twin for everyone just about.

    Oh, that does make sense. I will just create a different tribe of Khajiit with different names from my EU ones... or maybe add a suffix to indicate belonging to my "tribe".

    It will feel weird to see a Khenessi (for instance) from someone else walking around when my Khenessi is on EU, but in real life 2 people can be called the same. It's ok :).
    Maybe mine is the evil twin?

    Thanks for replying!
  • Hawke
    @Khenarthi no problem! And we all know the EU is the "evil twin" :P
  • pysgod1978b14_ESO
    Take heart Hawke!!! Rumor is a new SWG is coming that is similar to the original vanilla. And the lead that took over the last one and killed it with NGE has actually apologized for that act of murder.
  • Mulk
    kudos, Hawke and Holmes. :) Enjoyed watching this thread, especially in light of everything else going on in the forums. I thought about posting along these lines, but Hawke beat me to it and honestly has done a better job with more humor than I would have.

    Hope I get to run across you in game sometime, Hawke.
  • Hawke
    @pysgod1978b14_ESO oooh I am not sure if SWG could ever be replicated.

    @Mulk I too am liking this thread. And I have no comedic value at all. My wife just doesn't get my sense of humor. I.e. I find Psych (RIP) and Archer to be gut busting humor.

    Where are all the new players and their questions?
  • Hawke
    Servers are down, Ask away!
  • dolmen
    @Taurus498 and @Hawke on #3 above. Padlock indicates that the item is enchanted and that you can't enchant it with something else. There may be other reasons, but that one I'm sure of since I tried it :)
    The Sidekick Order
  • Hawke
    @dolmen Nice! That does make sense, thank you very much!
  • alleigha
    How do I change my picture for this forum? I tried to select a premade picture, but it would not stay "lit up" for me to confirm the choice at the bottom. Also, for bonus points: What is our purpose in life?
  • Hawke
    @alleigha What is your browser you are using? It should be that you click the picture once, then mousewheel down and click the save button.

    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentations of their women!
  • Hawke
    Has to be more questions out there for me to answer, afterall, only the wise shall bear the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and rule over all.
  • Hawke
    I suppose folks do not want to utilize this source of epic and amazing information here. Please feel free to ask your questions on the game.

    You might even catch some Hawke Humor.
  • JunkyardWolf
    Why cant I target Seagulls?? they would be great target practice!
  • Hawke
    @JunkyardWolf I'll tell you what. I'll talk to Zeni and if they let you target seagulls, the seagulls can target you!

    *hint* Don't wear black or blue anymore!
  • GaBacon
    Hawke wrote: »
    @vanillexhope That is a deeply personal question to ask someone. But since you asked...

    @Hawke is a complex man who searched all over the world for himself. Travelling to the deep south of Alabama to the actual south in South America, and as far east as Japan. Learning more about himself and his place in the world. One might say, he is enlightend. But come on, I am on the line right now.

    I have played MMOs since the days of the MUD and making the game astroids on my Tandy in computer lab in BASIC. UO, Asheron's Call, EQ1, Anarchy Online... Age of Conan, SWG, Shadowbane, Star Citizen... oh the list goes on and on.

    I am in search of that perfect game, to share with others what I know and to learn from them. This is why I started this thread, to help out the new players and impart them the benefit of what I know, and be humble enough to let them know I don't. Common sense is not a thing to be feared or mocked, but embraced!

    Is this enough, or would you like to know more?

    I need to know more Hawke. I need to know how you like your coffee, i need to know if you like pancakes or waffles. We NEED to know the ins and outs of this one named "Hawke"
  • GaBacon
    kijima wrote: »
    Here is a question for you Mr @Hawke‌

    Why do I have an endless supply of Arrows in my quiver?

    Well inventory is already an issue, i couldnt imagine having 5 spaces taken up with arrows lol. Allthough, i wouldnt mind seeing some kind of arrow crafting like there was in asherons call.
  • demendred
    Dear Hawke,

    Considering the rapid competition between large MMO companies, what are your thoughts about using paper bags vs plastic bags?
    Edited by demendred on April 3, 2014 8:53PM
    All good Nords goto Sto'Vo'Kor.
  • Hawke
    @GaBacon hmmm, I will see what I can do.

    First off, Pancakes, as I can make the most amazing inch+ this pancakes you have ever had. But when I go to waffle house... I get the waffles. Bacon with everything! Because it is the nectar of the gods.

    My coffee is sometimes black. Sometimes with just sugar. And sometimes, I just treat like it was chew... oh yes, I am that hardcore.

    I have been gaming since before UO. Then games like Anarchy Online and Asherons Call drew me in and I was hooked on MMOs. SWG was probably one of the most fun times I have had online.

    Oh, I used to have an 8-pack (6-pack was too underachiever for me). My wife reminds me that she misses it.
This discussion has been closed.