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Ask Hawke

  • Hawke
    @ThePunchening the "staff healer" allows everyone to be a healer. It has great aoe heals (not having to be in group is nice too) and it does damage as well with the basic attacks. The Templar has great emergency heals, but if they used the staff as well, they would be having more healing tools at their disposal.

    I saw a video of a Sorcerer Tank and a Nightblade Staff Healer duoing a 4 man dungeon.. it was pretty cool to watch. So something like that is viable, and it would have to be, otherwise we would be screwed since everyone wants to be a nightblade or dragonknight hehe. Thank goodness for the staff :D
  • Skjlvald
    I actually have a question instead of defending your name to strangers.

    I'm looking for a utility, healing, support class. What race/class/spec would you recommend messing around with that would make the character not only fun to play but be feasible to use in a dungeon/pvp.
    Ulyn Andrano

    VR3 Dark Elf Dragonknight

    Ebonheart Pact
  • ThePunchening
    Oh, I got another one. Skill point resets: Is it a thing, or do you eventually accrue enough points to do just about everything?
  • WhiteQueen
    Hey Hawke. Why is it, when developers make "cross-platform" games, PC users seem to get the short end of the interface stick but when developers port their stank-ass console games to the PC they won't do the least amount of work to make them compatible with mice?
  • Hawke
    @Skjlvald it's all gravy baby! Answer what you like here. I am just like everyone else :D Granted, I will rule over everyone, but hey, it's all good.

    Best healing, support, utility, class... That is a tough call. I would say the Restoration Staff, of course, with a skill or two from the fighter's and mage guild for damage, and ultimate being the sorcerer's atronach.

    The trick would be that you have much more magicka and health than stamina. Stamina is still important, but you would be using more magicka than anything else.

    So 3 skills from the staff, 2 (Circle of Protection Entropy) and fighter and mage guild skills and atronach ultimate would be how I would roll... generically.
  • Hawke
    @ThePunchening There is no way to do "everything" with skills in the game. The average amount of skill points players are suspected in getting is around 150. There are a little over 300 or so skill points in the game from skyshards, quests and leveling. If you took all of the skills in the game you are looking at well over 500. So it isn't possible.

    So yes, skill reset is a thing. Because there will be changes to skills over time. And you might be not having the right skills.
  • Hawke
    @WhiteQueen I dont blame the developers for this, well not entirely. It is usually the publishers fault. I dont have a problem with games porting to the console, as everyone should be able to experience great games.

    The issues come with the fact that most games are ported to PC. Which is crazy talk, since the PC can do much more than a console (even the nextgen ones). So the UI feels clunky (skyrim) and everyone seems to suffer.

    But it boils down to money. Because there are more console owners than PC owners. Even though games spawned from the PC...people just forget where they came from sometimes.
  • ThePunchening
    150 should be plenty; just trying to find a happy medium, not really "do everything".

    Last question: are we limited to our faction's third of the world, or is it possible to explore the other lands later on?
  • Hawke
    @ThePunchening you can, but I do not believe it will be free reign in that alliance area. Since the top level stuff was not really experienced by all in beta, I am not completely certain of the extent of travel you can do.

    And ask more questions, that is what this is for.
  • Mulk
    @Hawke - I didn't get all of the questing at veteran ranks done, but you do indeed get to go anywhere in the world (that the map has unlocked) once you have it all filled in. I was as an EP main able to zone to anywhere I'd been to in DC at any point.
  • Hawke
    @Mulk thank you for confirming that!
    @ThePunchening there is your answer... yes you can go anywhere.
  • ThePunchening
    I don't have any more questions!

    But thank you. :D
  • Hawke
    You are very welcome. Thank you for asking. Now some new person may stumble across this thread (allegedly sober) and find some of the questions they had, were brought up.

    I like threads like this.
  • Hawke
    By all means, keep the questions coming!
  • KidKablam
    Hey, Hawke. Thank you in advance. When you level up and look at your stats the floaty text over Stamina says that Stamina effects your damage output but if you click to increase it only the Stamina total goes up and you don't see an immediate effect on anything else. Is that statement erroneous?

    While I'm at it, right now I'm a level 10 Khajiit Nightblade who wears medium armor and wields a two-handed weapon primarily focusing on Assassination. Where should I drop my ability points and what should I aim at them being at level 50? The floaty text I mentioned above has me worried that only having a couple points in Stamina might be sapping my damage potential.
  • ThePunchening
    Alright, I have another one; the patch notes state they fixed a bug that didn't allow the camera to be zoomed closer to the character face upon creation.

    Is there currently (or are there plans for) a vendor or means by which to tweak your character's facial features? (I was one of those people this glitch affected, and as such I had to approximate what they would look like from a distance.)
  • Hawke
    @KidKablam Stamina does play an effect for damage for weapon basic damage and moves that use stamina. Soooo you might see more damage if you increase your stamina. Try eating a piece of food that increases your Stamina by 60 points and see how much your floaty damage increases.

    Sorry I cannot be of more help on that one : /
  • SpireofSouls
    Heh i noticed someone wanted this name "hawke" when the game went live and already taken. There alot of angry players out there trying to get in before someone take their names. Infact i lost one myself too, prob because i wasnt aware what time the server will go live and i was 30mins late :(
  • KidKablam
    Thanks, @Hawke
  • Hawke
    @ThePunchening there isn't anything in the works for that feature, but as it seems to be the thing in current MMOs, I really can't see why they wouldn't.
  • Hawke
    @SpireofSouls well I wouldn't call myself angry, but I was disappointed, but I was able to contact him and we had talked about it like civilized people.
  • ShinChuck
    I saw an Icehawke yesterday and lied in /yell that I had the actual "Hawke" name in case that was you. But my wife called me a jerk and apologized in /yell, hah hah. Sorry. <_<
    "It's morally wrong to suggest gameplay changes for an MMO."
    ...seriously, someone told me that once here. The things people will do to win their internet arguments!
  • Hawke
    @ShinChuck you sir, shall be drawn and quartered at a future date of my choosing :P

    But no, Icehawke was not me. *Daggereyes!*
  • SpireofSouls
    Hawke wrote: »
    @SpireofSouls well I wouldn't call myself angry, but I was disappointed, but I was able to contact him and we had talked about it like civilized people.

    No biggie, good thing that you can have multi-words or name, like surname for example. I though this game was going to focus on 10-12 characters only with one word or name.

  • Taurus498
    Hawke wrote: »
    1. Right now only 8 character slots. Normally I would say yes more character slots could be in the future as that is industry norm, but BethMax has not followed any "normal" procedures for MMOs yet. So I would daresay no.
    It would make me and the thousands of other altoholics very sad if we are not able to have more character slots, especially when there are 10 Races in this game. :\
    Hawke wrote: »
    3. The padlock on gear... I would have to pay more attention, sorry. Normally that means you are not of the appropriate level to use it (character level that is).
    I have a feeling that the padlock icon means that the item already came with an enchantment on it, so you are not able to add another enchantment to it. Is anybody here able to confirm this?
    Hawke wrote: »
    4. As far as I know, only one Glyph can be added to an item, but when you craft it you can add a trait, so that is two "extra" stuff that can be on a single item.
    I remember reading somewhere that depending on the quality of the item the more Glyph Enchantments you can add to them. But I think you are right that you can only add one Glyph, even if the item is Legendary.
    Hawke wrote: »
    4. When a weapon runs out of charge it loses that added damage. You can power it up again by utilizing the proper level of soul stone (filled of course), then you just keep feeding it.
    This is how I thought it would & should work as well, but during Beta I had a Lightning Staff that had a Frost damage enchantment on it, and it would still do the extra Frost damage attack even when it had no charge. But maybe that has been fixed now...
    Hawke wrote: »
    6. The point of fishing is to get fish that you can cook. Or sell to the vender. Depending on the bait you use and your luck in getting it, you never know what you might actually get.
    Cool, I would have assumed that you would use the fish to Cook with as well, but all the fish I have been catching just say that they are"Trophy" fish that I can sell for a paltry sum of gold. So I'm assuming that there must be certain fish that are used for Cooking.
    Hawke wrote: »
    7. No, there is no kill stealing. You get credit for the kill just by smacking the mob once with a damage ability. And all loot (except chests) is localized to the character, which means multiple people who loot the same corpse will find different things on it. If there is any loot.
    I really like this no kill stealing mechanic in this game, because in other MMOs I've played some people get really aggro when you kill an enemy that they are fighting.

    But are you positive that both you and the other player get full XP for the kill? I would have assumed that it would have been 50/50, or dependent on the amount of damage inflicted.

    Or should we all try jumping into every fight we see to get easy XP and Loot?
    Hawke wrote: »
    8. Yes you can have a summoned creature kill stuff, but the sorcerer summon is not that strong... it just meant to be a DoT and agro attractor. You get xp for your skills based on what is on your hotbar. And farming kills is not the way to go for xp in this game. Quest turn and exploration are far far more effective.
    This is what I assumed as well. But the reason I thought I'd ask this is that yesterday I came across a guy that was just standing there while his Familiar was fighting a Wolf, so I decided to jump in and help kill this Wolf, but he then told me off, and said to not kill steal and that he was leveling up his Summoned Creature by letting it Tank for him. But fortunately it looks like the game mechanics don't work like that, which is cool.

    Thanks for the answering my questions Hawke, I will have to think of some more to ask you. ;)

    Edited by Taurus498 on April 2, 2014 10:17PM
  • Hawke
    @Taurus498 For the guy doing the summon to kill critters to get xp is way off lol. I have never ever summoned my pet, and I am level 13 with that skill line :P

    I am not 100% right, but I am glad you found some of the answers, hopefully others will frequent this thread and find the answers.

    Plus I am a serious Altoholic. City of Heroes I had soooo many alts across multiple servers... SWTOR all 14 slots filled, sooo many alts.
  • Hawke
    Ok, well I am open for business, if anyone wants to Ask Hawke :D
  • Holmes
    1. Why exactly does my horse have infinite stamina(it shows that it is drained completely, but my horse keeps sprinting).

    2. Do specific chests spawn treasure maps and recipes, or is it completely random?

    3. How late in the game would I be able to learn to craft in different styles?

    4. Does it also bother you that the junk-items(crafting items that you pick up from mobs, belonging to skills that I don't plan on using) do not sell for any gold, as it was in early beta?

    5. Is there a level cap for each area, such as not being able to gain further experience in a particular skill until your progress through the areas? I've had an instance where my Cleave was on my skill bar, and used it all the time, but it would not gain any experience at all(and it wasn't ready to be morphed, it was about half way to levelling), while my Charge gained experience just fine. What's up with that?

    6. Does the gold reward from mobs and quests, along with the price of items significantly increase past a certain point?

    7. What are the perks in feeding my horse?

    8. Why did Zenimax think it was a good idea to reveal my login name to everyone? :(

    9. What is the meaning of life?
  • Hawke
    @Holmes another speed round of questions!

    It's elementary my dear @Holmes.

    1. It has to do with the steroid induced magical parasite that each horse is infected with, AKA the bug. Once the bug is discovered, hopefully the horses in Tamriel will be normal again.

    2. Roll the dice. It is all random.

    3. You can learn to craft different styles (motifs) as early as Coldharbor. You just need to obtain the books. Right now, I possess all of them except Imperial (which I have one so all good) Ancient Elven, Primal and Daedra. I have not heard these dropping, but does not mean they haven't). I loot everything... and I mean, everything.

    4. Hmmm it does and it doesn't. I can craft these items for free and make profit off of them. Plus it would encourage to sell it to other players for profit. So ,I am pretty much on the fence on this one.

    5. XP is a touchy thing. You don't really get all that much xp from killing things. You get more xp from quest turn in and exploration. Also, (gonna blow your mind here) you dont have to actually use the skill to get XP for it. It just needs to be on your hotbar. Example, you can put cleave on your skillbar and use a bow, and you get xp for both the bow AND your other weapon... Blown! right?

    6. Yes. If you ask when, I will speak of some obscure divine reference :d

    7. Perks in feeding your horse? How about it doesn't starve to DEATH! What kind of monster are you? Well, depending on which "Vitamin infused food" you use, it can increase the speed, stamina or carry capacity (which in turn allows you to carry more stuff).

    8. I love this game, and love the companies involved in making it what it is, but whoever came up with that idea needs to be flogged. That is a super old school industry standard with how sophisticated hackers and thieves are today, just makes it one step easier to break into accounts.

    9. Do you want the answer, or what the answer means?
  • Holmes
    @Hawke I really hope you enjoy rapid fire.

    Round 2.

    1. Customisable gear, aka adaptive gear(since you've played SWTOR, I'm sure you know what I mean.) Will I be able to get my sorcerer(quite happy that they still zap people ^^) to wear heavy armor while retaining the light armor benefits(magicka recovery, I believe)?

    2. Is there a possibility to earn Exp and Gold via PvP? I'm quite the PvP fan, and every chance I've ever had, I've levelled at least one character solely via PvP.

    3. Do you believe in the saying "Roll your alt char first, then roll your main?" Does it apply to TESO as well?

    4. Have you heard any news of an authenticator for TESO. Since everyone already can see my account name, might as well make it a bit harder for them to rob me QQ.

    5. Where do you reside?

    6. Do you believe that TESO can be played in it's majority as a solo gamer, or do you believe that it is a requirement that you join a group to progress further towards the end of the storylines?

    7. Regarding the crafting styles, how does one acquire such books? Must I give my soul to Molag Bal(again) in order to get one?

    8. Would you assume that the developers would eventually give in to player demands such as arenas, auction house, and pretty much everything else that other MMOs have, while TESO does not?

    9. Back to PvP, I've done a bit of it while in Beta, but to be honest I was quite lost, confused, and crashed far too many times for me to enjoy it. Would you say that PvP can be enjoyable as soon as you hit level 10, or will those with more skills and perks(higher level folks) seriously outmanoeuvre me in such instances?

This discussion has been closed.