Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

Ask Hawke

This is the thread where your questions will get answered!

However, if I do not know the answer, I will let you know, but come and try stumping the Hawke!

  • Gedalya
    Why is Prince such a great musician?
    Baskin Robbins always finds out.

    Check out my ESO name generator: eso.tamriel.org
  • Hawke
    @Gedalya it is not the size of the microphone that matters, it's how tight your pants are...
  • Hawke
    Now now, nice test run, let's get some TESO new player questions rockin!
  • Gedalya
    Here is one; can we expect mounts/pets and other miscellany in the store and if so when?
    Baskin Robbins always finds out.

    Check out my ESO name generator: eso.tamriel.org
  • murpf
    do you know if the NB skill siphoning strikes affects healing output. since it decreases weapon and spell dmg i presume it affects it. but just wanted some clarification.
  • Hawke
    @Gedalya I would definately expect pets in the in game store.. but mounts I do not think we will see them there, at least not for the first year...

    @murpf That is an excellent question. A hard one. I gotta say without actual testing, I do not know. The theory is sound though since using a staff is "weapon" and the Templar skill is a spell... but the key word is damage.
  • vanillexhope
    I feel like I should know who you are... but I don't. So my first question to Hawke: Who are you?
  • Gedalya
    I feel like I should know who you are... but I don't. So my first question to Hawke: Who are you?

    Ethan Hawke

    Edited by Gedalya on April 1, 2014 8:34PM
    Baskin Robbins always finds out.

    Check out my ESO name generator: eso.tamriel.org
  • murpf
    Hawke wrote: »
    @murpf That is an excellent question. A hard one. I gotta say without actual testing, I do not know. The theory is sound though since using a staff is "weapon" and the Templar skill is a spell... but the key word is damage.

    I figure that since weapon dmg increasing spell dmg affect healing output by boosting it; it should IE: surge.

  • Hawke
    @vanillexhope That is a deeply personal question to ask someone. But since you asked...

    @Hawke is a complex man who searched all over the world for himself. Travelling to the deep south of Alabama to the actual south in South America, and as far east as Japan. Learning more about himself and his place in the world. One might say, he is enlightend. But come on, I am on the line right now.

    I have played MMOs since the days of the MUD and making the game astroids on my Tandy in computer lab in BASIC. UO, Asheron's Call, EQ1, Anarchy Online... Age of Conan, SWG, Shadowbane, Star Citizen... oh the list goes on and on.

    I am in search of that perfect game, to share with others what I know and to learn from them. This is why I started this thread, to help out the new players and impart them the benefit of what I know, and be humble enough to let them know I don't. Common sense is not a thing to be feared or mocked, but embraced!

    Is this enough, or would you like to know more?
  • darkkterror_ESO
    Why did Dragon Age 2 suck so much?
  • murpf
    Why did Dragon Age 2 suck so much?

    EA............ had their hands in it too much.
  • vanillexhope
    @hawke, I feel like we will be great friends =)

    In your search for the "perfect game," do you think ESO stands a chance on making the cut? How do you feel about the subscription fee?
  • Hawke
    @darkkterror_ESO The EA comment is... appropriate, but Bioware seemed to want to try something different. I think they realized their mistake, but it was too late.

    FYI, I have used the name Hawke in games since SWG in 2001 :P So no, I did not get my name from the Dragon Age II game :D
  • Hawke
    @vanillexhope Friends are a great thing! To answer your question, I have high hopes. To be honest it is still very early, since PvP is the huge draw for me, and I am curious to see if it plays out.

    The subsciption fee is something I am agreeing with at this time. There is quite a bit of content, and if nothing else is costing the gold farmers $60 each time they get banned from spamming my /yell and /zone channels.
  • oldbone
    Soul Shriven
    Restoration Staff Questions.

    1. What is the damage type? Magical? Physical? I ask because of the Medium armor passive that gives you crit bonus to PHYSICAL attacks (crit).
    2. If I increase my Attack Speed, will the "speed" of the heavy attack be faster? (again, the Medium armor passive)

    Edited by oldbone on April 1, 2014 8:52PM
  • phermitgb
    I'll bite...see if I can get a more complete answer than my previous thread...

    the bonus treasure map packs that you get from the imperial pre-order...
    A - is there some kind of level limit (??) to the loot you get from the maps? I remember hearing people talking about strategies for *when* they used the map to get the best loot at the ideal point.

    I understand there may be a level CAP to the gear you get from the maps, or some such?

    B - assuming the above is true to some extent, what determines the "cap" on the gear you get from the treasure packs? is it when you open the pack? is it when you *use* the map, however they get used?

    I ask because I want to delete my very first character and replace him, and put all the other pre-order stuff in the bank as suggested - but can't put the map packs in the bank, presumably, until I "open" them - and I don't know how that will affect the output/rewards FROM the maps.
    "There is no correct resolution; It's a test of character."
    James T. Kirk
  • Hawke
    1. When you left click attack the damage is Stamina based. When you use the ability (different skills) it is all magicka based.
    2. The attack speed buff affects the channelled ability timer, as far as the power attack timer, that I need to verify.
  • Hawke
    @phermitgb You got me. I have not used my maps, however, I did loot one. It says Auridon Treasure Map IV, it is in blue and well... it says level one. I obtained it around when I was level 7 and just used it at level 10.

    Maybe one of the level 50s can use their map and see if they loot level 50 gear, otherwise, my answer is to do the treasure maps if you want, when you want. By the time you need better gear, I am sure you will be fine.
  • phermitgb
    well, thanks for trying - truth be told, i'm guessing the rewards from the maps aren't so terribly game changing that it'll make a huge difference, but I'd like not to waste them if I can avoid it
    "There is no correct resolution; It's a test of character."
    James T. Kirk
  • LoreRunner
    Ever found out who took your name in game??
    If you like my thoughts, feed my addiction! Give me forum credit! :)
  • Hawke
    @Lorerunner I did. And we had a nice civil conversation about it. I was pleasantly surprise at how mature the interaction was. But I will not be getting the name :D
  • oldbone
    Soul Shriven

    1. I understand that. But what is "Physical" damage? (as referenced in the 1st Medium Armor passive skill). I assume it's a "damage type", like Lightning or Fire. So, my question is: what type of damage does a Resto staff do? Lightning? Fire? Magical? Physical?

  • Hawke
    @oldbone The physical damage is the attack with the left click of the mouse. Both weak and strong attack. It also will come with the elemental damage as well.
  • Jessabella
    @Hawke, I have to say you are very brave :) Also, glad to hear about the name. I was lurking on that thread and I was actually kinda surprised that the whole thing was so civil. It was one of those threads that I saw and thought to myself "this is gonna get closed, or ugly".

    I was pleasantly surprised, it gives me hope for the future of the community!

    As far as names go, I would not worry to much I believe i read you got the account name, which it what all your friends see in game anyway :) With no name plates, Char names seem to lose a bit of significance, not that they are not 100% significant to the user.
    Mara's Tester <3Psijic Order/PTS Tester
    Jessabella >:)Belladonna Bacia >:)Serves her Master >:)Aurora Rose
    Mara's Moxie <3The Sidekick Order <3The Psijic Order <3Elder Moot
    And my big fat Naked Nord :pAte my Clothes
  • Hawke
    @Jessabella I too was surprised that the mods did not close the thread, as it showed they had temperament and frankly, I think they were just curious to see how it would turn out LOL!

    I also am glad that the encounter was civil, and no one had to feel angry or irked in any way. I mean dont get me wrong , I was disappointed, but he was not a jerk about it. He wanted the name, he told me that the name had bearing with him, and I am ok with that.
  • Eurosonly
    Why am I getting 0 xp per kill at level 4 while killing mobs 3 levels above me whilst in a group?
  • Hawke
    @Eurosonly not sure without all the facts.. but perhaps the group combined is considered not a challenge to a single mob beneath your level? Besides, you should not focus on the enemies, as quest turn ins yield far better xp.
  • kijima
    Here is a question for you Mr @Hawke‌

    Why do I have an endless supply of Arrows in my quiver?
    Been here since Feb 2014 - You'd think I'd be half reasonable at this game by now...

    A'marta - AD Sorc Tank
    Kijima - AD DK Derps
    Annure - AD NB Derps
    Boom Crash Opera - AD Sorc DPS

  • Hawke
    @kijima‌ funny you should mention that. You see, unlike other realms of reality, there are no more rules for knock off quivers of endless arrows. So you see, one fantastic mage created this item, but unfortunately a group of underground knock off artists began copying them and no one was enforcing the law.

    Now...every child has one. *shakes his head slowly* Oh the humanity!
This discussion has been closed.