Maintenance for the week of July 8:
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Update 43 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here:

Revert the class burst heal from NB

  • ZOS_Kraken

    Be sure when posting to keep the forums a civil and constructive platform for the game and its community as a whole.
    Staff Post
  • birdik
    Jesus top tier pvp... Class that easily shut downed by pressing block, easiest targets imo
  • birdik
    Heresyall wrote: »
    Bowsorc has been the best dueling spec against players without mara for 1 year now I believe ? I think streak shouldn't exist in the current state of the game

    NB is probably the only class in this game which is straight up invincible.

    NB is tankier than a dk
    NB is more mobile than sorc
    NB has more burst damage than all the pvp classes in the game combined

    It should be impossible to lose a duel on nb when properly played

  • StaticWave
    birdik wrote: »
    Jesus top tier pvp... Class that easily shut downed by pressing block, easiest targets imo

    It’s not about their damage. Idk how many times I have to repeat myself.

    For the last time, this thread is about addressing their ability to spam their burst heal, on a class that was designed to be squishy with high damage.

    I don’t care about their damage, even if it’s high. I’m strictly talking about their healing.
    PC NA

    Static Wave - AD stamsorc

  • birdik
    StaticWave wrote: »
    birdik wrote: »
    Jesus top tier pvp... Class that easily shut downed by pressing block, easiest targets imo

    It’s not about their damage. Idk how many times I have to repeat myself.

    For the last time, this thread is about addressing their ability to spam their burst heal, on a class that was designed to be squishy with high damage.

    I don’t care about their damage, even if it’s high. I’m strictly talking about their healing.

    Woopsie dk, wardens, plars have better heal and i dont think that they have lesser damage ( well plars mb)

    Oh there is no good cc for nb, no dots, invisible is ez to counter

    Just delete this theme
  • Anti_Virus
    StaticWave wrote: »
    Anti_Virus wrote: »
    The burst heal is intended for NB healers in PVE, remove that and your killing NB healers. No thanks

    How would you suggest solving the issue of NB being able to heal through most PvP encounters except for pure pressure builds, when it was supposed to be a high damage class with a drawback of being squishy?

    Make healing scale from a separate stat instead of WD/SD
    Power Wealth And Influence.
  • StaticWave
    birdik wrote: »
    StaticWave wrote: »
    birdik wrote: »
    Jesus top tier pvp... Class that easily shut downed by pressing block, easiest targets imo

    It’s not about their damage. Idk how many times I have to repeat myself.

    For the last time, this thread is about addressing their ability to spam their burst heal, on a class that was designed to be squishy with high damage.

    I don’t care about their damage, even if it’s high. I’m strictly talking about their healing.

    Woopsie dk, wardens, plars have better heal and i dont think that they have lesser damage ( well plars mb)

    Oh there is no good cc for nb, no dots, invisible is ez to counter

    Just delete this theme

    Yes, those 3 have better heals. In fact, all of them have really good heals except for Sorc.

    However, do you know what makes them different from NB? It’s because they don’t have Shadow Image, which is arguably one of the best abilities to kite groups.

    NB is an assassin with 2 great juking abilities. It does not need a spammable burst heal . What it needs is better HoTs, and quite frankly, the class was fine before they nerfed the HoTs and buffed the burst heal. Now it’s just a Templar 2.0.
    PC NA

    Static Wave - AD stamsorc

  • Galeriano
    There is no issue with nightblade getting a burst heal. What is an issue is that the moment nightblade got it their other elements of defense like invisibility and evasiveness didn't recive any direct nerf.
    Edited by Galeriano on June 13, 2023 4:08PM
  • xylena_lazarow
    To me, this PvP would be better if spammable burst heals didn't exist at all.

    If anything should be reverted, it's the artificial lag cast times on NB ults.
    PC/NA || CP/Cyro || RIP soft caps
  • PhoenixGrey
    Weckless wrote: »
    I'd agree with you static if this was the old eso, but as things currently stand, with the amount of dumb ways to do damage with dot/procs I don't think removing healthy offering would be a good thing. The hybrid blade can be tanky in 1v1s but honestly, it's still squishy OW. At least compared to other classes besides sorc

    It’s the hardest class to kill open world with the correct use of shade and cloak. I cannot imagine a well players nb ever dying in open world pvp. It shouldn’t be possible to lock you down if you play your 2 button defense correctly

    And on top of that I have to always be on a lookout for the kiss of death which hits you for 15k at minimum. There are zero counters to it in a 1vX atleast for a sorc.

    Problem is there are only a few competent NB’s in this entire game.

    Most nb mains over complicate the class to the even understand that it is the best class in open world pvp.

    [snip] If NB is so op and impossible to die on then why don't you prove it. Post a clip of ONE 1vX and ill shut up [snip]

    I have clips only on sorc when it was playable class back in the day.
    My definition of a playable class in this game will be a class which is as good if not better than NB.

    Technically there is no concept of 1vX on NB as it is a combination of strategic ganks at certain time intervals.

    Here is how you play NB.

    Step 1 : Try hitting targets with incap and bow proc at more or less the same time
    Step 2: If the target doesn't die you hit cloak/ shade and try step 1 again

    I am not sure if anyone will waste time in watching you rinse and repeat 2 steps

    TBH most NB mains can't even execute the 2 simple steps below and it boggles my mind how they manage not to. They overcomplicate their entire class by actually not slotting cloak and creating their own learning curve like an einstein when there is none.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on June 17, 2023 10:51AM
  • PhoenixGrey
    birdik wrote: »
    Jesus top tier pvp... Class that easily shut downed by pressing block, easiest targets imo

    So you hold block for the entire time in open world PVP ? Genius !
    Edited by PhoenixGrey on June 13, 2023 5:55PM
  • PhoenixGrey
    birdik wrote: »
    StaticWave wrote: »
    birdik wrote: »
    Jesus top tier pvp... Class that easily shut downed by pressing block, easiest targets imo

    It’s not about their damage. Idk how many times I have to repeat myself.

    For the last time, this thread is about addressing their ability to spam their burst heal, on a class that was designed to be squishy with high damage.

    I don’t care about their damage, even if it’s high. I’m strictly talking about their healing.

    Woopsie dk, wardens, plars have better heal and i dont think that they have lesser damage ( well plars mb)

    Oh there is no good cc for nb, no dots, invisible is ez to counter

    Just delete this theme

    Even in outnumbered situations there is a counter for each one of those classes except NB
  • DrNukenstein
    uh oh somebody died to a ganker and is mad about it.

    If you don't want to die to gankers on a sorc do these things:

    -Don't stand still and free cast like the PVP equivalent of a turkey looking at rain
    -Alternate a roll or a streak after every 2-3 second combo
    -Disengage when they start going towards you

    follow these simple steps and you too can be a difficult target
  • Alchimiste1
    Heresyall wrote: »
    Bowsorc has been the best dueling spec against players without mara for 1 year now I believe ? I think streak shouldn't exist in the current state of the game

    NB is probably the only class in this game which is straight up invincible.

    NB is tankier than a dk
    NB is more mobile than sorc
    NB has more burst damage than all the pvp classes in the game combined

    It should be impossible to lose a duel on nb when properly played

    Some misinformation

    someone who plays more classes than just magsorc
    Edited by Alchimiste1 on June 13, 2023 8:21PM
  • Weckless
    Weckless wrote: »
    I'd agree with you static if this was the old eso, but as things currently stand, with the amount of dumb ways to do damage with dot/procs I don't think removing healthy offering would be a good thing. The hybrid blade can be tanky in 1v1s but honestly, it's still squishy OW. At least compared to other classes besides sorc

    It’s the hardest class to kill open world with the correct use of shade and cloak. I cannot imagine a well players nb ever dying in open world pvp. It shouldn’t be possible to lock you down if you play your 2 button defense correctly

    And on top of that I have to always be on a lookout for the kiss of death which hits you for 15k at minimum. There are zero counters to it in a 1vX atleast for a sorc.

    Problem is there are only a few competent NB’s in this entire game.

    Most nb mains over complicate the class to the even understand that it is the best class in open world pvp.

    [snip] If NB is so op and impossible to die on then why don't you prove it. Post a clip of ONE 1vX and ill shut up [snip]

    I have clips only on sorc when it was playable class back in the day.
    My definition of a playable class in this game will be a class which is as good if not better than NB.

    Technically there is no concept of 1vX on NB as it is a combination of strategic ganks at certain time intervals.

    Here is how you play NB.

    Step 1 : Try hitting targets with incap and bow proc at more or less the same time
    Step 2: If the target doesn't die you hit cloak/ shade and try step 1 again

    I am not sure if anyone will waste time in watching you rinse and repeat 2 steps

    TBH most NB mains can't even execute the 2 simple steps below and it boggles my mind how they manage not to. They overcomplicate their entire class by actually not slotting cloak and creating their own learning curve like an einstein when there is none.

    Because your bow is always just magically ready at all times. If you're dying that easily to incap bow combos that isn't nb being op that's you being unable to anticipate the most easily avoidable burst combo. Its blockable and dodgdable and just the fact that youre answer is "nobody is going to stand around holding block all the time" just shows you either pvp at a low level or youre just arguing in bad faith

    [edited for baiting & to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on June 17, 2023 10:52AM
  • ZOS_Kraken

    While we completely understand everyone has their own opinions, thoughts, feelings and even frustrations, we want the forums to be a civil and constructive platform for the game and its community as a whole.

    Staff Post
  • DrNukenstein
    Now I do agree offering should have a cast time, and so should all burst single target heals.

    Going from 15% to 100% should be more involved than pushing a single button on every class, not just the class you don't like.

    And break free should make you complete the animation before you can do anything

  • React
    Now I do agree offering should have a cast time, and so should all burst single target heals.

    Going from 15% to 100% should be more involved than pushing a single button on every class, not just the class you don't like.

    And break free should make you complete the animation before you can do anything

    Two awful suggestions with a nugget of truth sandwiched between them.

    Cast times are awful and do not belong in this game. Almost every ability with an arbitrary cast time (basically every offensive ult, arcanist tentacle, lotus fan/ambush) feel awful to use. They should be removing these, not adding them to more abilities.

    Animation lock is another awful mechanic that doesn't belong in ESO. Animation cancelling is one of the few things about this game that people enjoy, and over the years it has time and time again been reduced in effectiveness. Just like arbitrary cast times, animation lock detracts from the things that make the ESO combat system shine above other MMO's.

    You are correct about the near universal ability for anybody to go from 10%-100% with single burst heal casts, though. There are plenty of ways they could target this - but animation lock and cast times aren't it.
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • OBJnoob
    Meh. I'd really prefer burst heals not have a cast time. I can see where this would create some opportunities for counterplay but in the end I just foresee good players bashweaving and now every toon plays like sorc with an unreliable heal. Im not a fan of cast times on ultimates either.

    The fast paced nature of PvP and relative lack of restriction on what you can do should remain.

    Honestly I'm not really a fan of nerfing NB's burst heal either. The whole "they can two shot you so they are supposed to be squishy," comes from the wrong place in my opinion. NBs always deserved to have healing options. Two shotting is what needs to go-- it's always been what needed to go-- rather than be an excuse why they can't have this or that.

    Ultimately all healing needs to be nerfed. If we're not complaining about Malevolent Offering then we're complaining about Coag or Polar Wind or HoT stacking. Just nerf healing by 15% and be done with it.
  • HiImRex
    Now I do agree offering should have a cast time, and so should all burst single target heals.

    Going from 15% to 100% should be more involved than pushing a single button on every class, not just the class you don't like.

    And break free should make you complete the animation before you can do anything

    Spoken like a man who dedicated his whole life to only ganking 👍🏻

    All burst heals should have a cast time and break free should hard cc you for 1.5 😅 that way I can be properly rewarded for pressing my cloak button and dropping a 25k global burst on a solo player while he’s being zerged down

  • usmcjdking
    We're just rolling back to 2015 and the Breath of Life ballgroup meta.

    The reality is that the game is simply mechanically too bloated. It's impossible to balance what you can't keep track of and it appears they've lost track of PVP balance some time ago.
  • pedrogonzalez
    There is nothing which dk can do which nb can’t do better

    The problem is NB mains don’t know how to play their own class and finding a competent nb is a rarity in this game

    If you go time travel I can give you a memory pill about morrowind launch.
    There was a brand new class, warden. Who slotted undodgeable shalks(that stuns), undodgeable cliff racer and soul assault. Just necropotence bloodspawn war maiden.
    That time magicka nb was the worst class in the game that you can pick. And stamina nightblades was just feeders, because wardens everywhere. So I played pceu and in battlegrounds (brand new thing with morrowind, aha) there was just 3 nightblade at all straight for 6-7 months.
    Also there was a time next year after that when shade was BROKEN (it didn’t worked at all) for 8 months.
    Also cloak just bad defence skill and just waste of slot with hybridisation.

    Edited quote
    Edited by pedrogonzalez on June 13, 2023 11:34PM
  • PhoenixGrey
    Weckless wrote: »
    Weckless wrote: »
    I'd agree with you static if this was the old eso, but as things currently stand, with the amount of dumb ways to do damage with dot/procs I don't think removing healthy offering would be a good thing. The hybrid blade can be tanky in 1v1s but honestly, it's still squishy OW. At least compared to other classes besides sorc

    It’s the hardest class to kill open world with the correct use of shade and cloak. I cannot imagine a well players nb ever dying in open world pvp. It shouldn’t be possible to lock you down if you play your 2 button defense correctly

    And on top of that I have to always be on a lookout for the kiss of death which hits you for 15k at minimum. There are zero counters to it in a 1vX atleast for a sorc.

    Problem is there are only a few competent NB’s in this entire game.

    Most nb mains over complicate the class to the even understand that it is the best class in open world pvp.

    [snip] If NB is so op and impossible to die on then why don't you prove it. Post a clip of ONE 1vX and ill shut up [snip]

    I have clips only on sorc when it was playable class back in the day.
    My definition of a playable class in this game will be a class which is as good if not better than NB.

    Technically there is no concept of 1vX on NB as it is a combination of strategic ganks at certain time intervals.

    Here is how you play NB.

    Step 1 : Try hitting targets with incap and bow proc at more or less the same time
    Step 2: If the target doesn't die you hit cloak/ shade and try step 1 again

    I am not sure if anyone will waste time in watching you rinse and repeat 2 steps

    TBH most NB mains can't even execute the 2 simple steps below and it boggles my mind how they manage not to. They overcomplicate their entire class by actually not slotting cloak and creating their own learning curve like an einstein when there is none.

    Because your bow is always just magically ready at all times. If you're dying that easily to incap bow combos that isn't nb being op that's you being unable to anticipate the most easily avoidable burst combo. Its blockable and dodgdable and just the fact that youre answer is "nobody is going to stand around holding block all the time" just shows you either pvp at a low level or youre just arguing in bad faith

    [edited for baiting]

    Blockable/ dodgeable / Easily anticipatable / a.k.a irrelevant counterplay actions outside the context of dueling.

    What works outside dueling is heals / resists / hard counters / proc sets / burst damage

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on June 17, 2023 10:53AM
  • PhoenixGrey
    There is nothing which dk can do which nb can’t do better

    The problem is NB mains don’t know how to play their own class and finding a competent nb is a rarity in this game

    If you go time travel I can give you a memory pill about morrowind launch.
    There was a brand new class, warden. Who slotted undodgeable shalks(that stuns), undodgeable cliff racer and soul assault. Just necropotence bloodspawn war maiden.
    That time magicka nb was the worst class in the game that you can pick. And stamina nightblades was just feeders, because wardens everywhere. So I played pceu and in battlegrounds (brand new thing with morrowind, aha) there was just 3 nightblade at all straight for 6-7 months.
    Also there was a time next year after that when shade was BROKEN (it didn’t worked at all) for 8 months.
    Also cloak just bad defence skill and just waste of slot with hybridisation.

    Edited quote

    I did play mag warden at that point in time and I rather enjoyed it.

    Ice warden is still very good and probably the only spec which can hard counter a NB.
  • Weckless
    Weckless wrote: »
    Weckless wrote: »
    I'd agree with you static if this was the old eso, but as things currently stand, with the amount of dumb ways to do damage with dot/procs I don't think removing healthy offering would be a good thing. The hybrid blade can be tanky in 1v1s but honestly, it's still squishy OW. At least compared to other classes besides sorc

    It’s the hardest class to kill open world with the correct use of shade and cloak. I cannot imagine a well players nb ever dying in open world pvp. It shouldn’t be possible to lock you down if you play your 2 button defense correctly

    And on top of that I have to always be on a lookout for the kiss of death which hits you for 15k at minimum. There are zero counters to it in a 1vX atleast for a sorc.

    Problem is there are only a few competent NB’s in this entire game.

    Most nb mains over complicate the class to the even understand that it is the best class in open world pvp.

    [snip] If NB is so op and impossible to die on then why don't you prove it. Post a clip of ONE 1vX and ill shut up [snip]

    I have clips only on sorc when it was playable class back in the day.
    My definition of a playable class in this game will be a class which is as good if not better than NB.

    Technically there is no concept of 1vX on NB as it is a combination of strategic ganks at certain time intervals.

    Here is how you play NB.

    Step 1 : Try hitting targets with incap and bow proc at more or less the same time
    Step 2: If the target doesn't die you hit cloak/ shade and try step 1 again

    I am not sure if anyone will waste time in watching you rinse and repeat 2 steps

    TBH most NB mains can't even execute the 2 simple steps below and it boggles my mind how they manage not to. They overcomplicate their entire class by actually not slotting cloak and creating their own learning curve like an einstein when there is none.

    Because your bow is always just magically ready at all times. If you're dying that easily to incap bow combos that isn't nb being op that's you being unable to anticipate the most easily avoidable burst combo. Its blockable and dodgdable and just the fact that youre answer is "nobody is going to stand around holding block all the time" just shows you either pvp at a low level or youre just arguing in bad faith

    [edited for baiting]

    Blockable/ dodgeable / Easily anticipatable / a.k.a irrelevant counterplay actions outside the context of dueling.

    What works outside dueling is heals / resists / hard counters / proc sets / burst damage

    What does this even mean. Are you saying that duels are the only situation that you can anticipate a burst combo coming? Because if youre point is that with multiple people its hard to keep track of what everyone is doing then that doesnt only apply to nightblade. A dks leap-whip combo is way more dangerous and easy to land. Landing a bow after an incap requires a mixture of perfect timing, luck, and if youre lagging even a little it becomes impossible at times. You can fire a bow while your target is still in the break free animation and still be dodged

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on June 17, 2023 10:54AM
  • Mayrael
    Based on the threads created by the OP on the PTS forum, I infer that this particular thread was created solely because the sorcerer did not receive the desired burst heal in the exact form as envisioned by the OP (despite the sorcerer already having two burst heals). Therefore, it seems like an attempt at revenge on those "evil" Nightblades - if I don't have it, then the Nightblade shouldn't have it either. Reviewing the threads created by the OP, I observe that both the OP and a few individuals who always appear in these same discussions hold a bias against Nightblades and unanimously consider the sorcerer the worst class in the game.

    It is challenging to engage in a substantive discussion with someone who simply has no intention of engaging in a discussion but rather aims to present why they are right.

    And to avoid any misunderstandings, I'm not trying to disrespect the OP in any way; I just doubt their objective approach to the topic based on the aforementioned reasons.
    Edited by Mayrael on June 14, 2023 10:30AM
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • StaticWave
    Mayrael wrote: »
    Based on the threads created by the OP on the PTS forum, I infer that this particular thread was created solely because the sorcerer did not receive the desired burst heal in the exact form as envisioned by the OP (despite the sorcerer already having two burst heals). Therefore, it seems like an attempt at revenge on those "evil" Nightblades - if I don't have it, then the Nightblade shouldn't have it either. Reviewing the threads created by the OP, I observe that both the OP and a few individuals who always appear in these same discussions hold a bias against Nightblades and unanimously consider the sorcerer the worst class in the game.

    It is challenging to engage in a substantive discussion with someone who simply has no intention of engaging in a discussion but rather aims to present why they are right.

    And to avoid any misunderstandings, I'm not trying to disrespect the OP in any way; I just doubt their objective approach to the topic based on the aforementioned reasons.

    Yes and no. It's not solely because Sorc didn't receive a burst heal, and that I'm attempting to create "revenge" on NB.

    It's the fact that NB is the only class in the game that has a spammable burst heal AND 2 great escape tools - Shadowy Disguise and Shadow Image. Most classes, up until now, required a burst heal in order to survive. NB and Sorc were the only 2 classes that could rely on elusiveness to survive.

    When you give a class with great elusiveness a spammable burst heal, you have to compromise their elusiveness by nerfing it. @Turtle_Bot and I suggested that if Sorc were to receive an instant cast burst heal scalable with offensive stats/max HP, then Streak would have to be nerfed. Another option is the burst heal would function like a pseudo burst heal. It would have a fixed tooltip, is instant cast, and can only scale with % modifiers like Mending, Vitality, & Crit Healing. Dark Deal was our suggested ability to receive this change, as it already fits into Sorc's toolkit. However, Dark Deal sustain would have to be compromised, or the ability would be too overloaded.

    NB, on the other hand, did not receive any major adjustments to their elusiveness. Shadow Image is still one of the best juking abilities in the game, and Shadowy Disguise was actually buffed when AoE DoTs stopped pulling NBs out of it.

    A nerf to Cloak/Shadow Image is required, or revert the burst heal or make it less of a spammable heal and more of a Rally heal. You choose.

    Edited by StaticWave on June 14, 2023 12:47PM
    PC NA

    Static Wave - AD stamsorc

  • Stamicka
    StaticWave wrote: »
    Most NBs now just camp Refreshing Path with Vigor + Dark Cloak ticking and pop a Healthy Offering if they are low. It's no longer a squishy & high burst class. It's a tanky & high burst class and that's not balanced.

    Not sure why NB is being singled out here. The issue you are pointing out here is much bigger than NB. Most classes have access to vigor + burst heal + supplemental class based HOT.

    NB: Vigor, Refreshing Path, Healthy Offering
    Templar: Vigor, Rune, Ritual, Breath of Life, (Maybe even the bubble too)
    Warden: Vigor, Vines, Arctic Blast
    DK: Vigor, Cinder Storm, Coag
    Necro: Vigor, Tether, Ghost, Resistant Flesh
    Sorc: Doesn't follow this as much

    I'd say the issue here is actually hybridization. Vigor has been the best single target HOT for years now. Of course everyone will throw it on their bar if it scales with their stats.

    The early developers designed this very well actually. Stam builds had vigor (the best HOT), but their burst heal was locked behind a 30 second ability (Rally, which got reduced to 20 seconds eventually). They couldn't spam it, they had to wait a few seconds to actually get a good heal out of it. Mag builds had a class based HOT (not as strong as vigor though) or shields and access to a spammable burst heal. See this? That's good design. There were trade offs, you couldn't have the best of both worlds. It also had the added benefit of making classes feel more unique.

    Now you get Vigor AND a spammable burst heal AND another HOT. It's just bad design and a consequence of hybridization that should be addressed.

    One other thing that makes burst heals more broken: Vampire and 33k+ health. If you think about it, burst heals should only be used when you're low on health. This means that if you're able to get a clean kill (line up a good burst and 100-0 someone's health bar) they won't even get the chance to burst heal. In early ESO when people had 25k health or lower and damage was proportionally higher, getting 100-0 killed was common. Now even if you line up a good burst, the other player will have health left and insane amounts of mitigation from vamp. This gives them time to block and spam a burst heal till they feel comfortable again. This also needs to be addressed cause it makes it VERY hard to get a kill against a player that knows what's going on.

    PC NA and Xbox NA
  • Meurto
    Stamicka wrote: »
    StaticWave wrote: »
    Most NBs now just camp Refreshing Path with Vigor + Dark Cloak ticking and pop a Healthy Offering if they are low. It's no longer a squishy & high burst class. It's a tanky & high burst class and that's not balanced.

    One other thing that makes burst heals more broken: Vampire and 33k+ health. If you think about it, burst heals should only be used when you're low on health. This means that if you're able to get a clean kill (line up a good burst and 100-0 someone's health bar) they won't even get the chance to burst heal. In early ESO when people had 25k health or lower and damage was proportionally higher, getting 100-0 killed was common. Now even if you line up a good burst, the other player will have health left and insane amounts of mitigation from vamp. This gives them time to block and spam a burst heal till they feel comfortable again. This also needs to be addressed cause it makes it VERY hard to get a kill against a player that knows what's going on.

    I think this highlights everything that is wrong with pvp right now (particularly the bolded section). I honestly feel this is carried over from the balance decisions that are specifically targeting pve as it seems that no changes are a direct result of the state of pvp. I think the overall survivability (while still doing extremely good dmg) is far too high. Players are no longer making sacrifices in their builds and can easily do everything (defense, healing, dmg, resource sustain) extremely well. This is all fine and good for pve, but in pvp you should have to choose what your strengths are and that just doesn't happen anymore.
  • Johngo0036
    StaticWave wrote: »
    Most NBs now just camp Refreshing Path with Vigor + Dark Cloak ticking and pop a Healthy Offering if they are low. It's no longer a squishy & high burst class. It's a tanky & high burst class and that's not balanced.

    Every class has access to exactly this kind of heal and also the burst damage you speak of.
    I know you will argue about stamsorc not having a burst heal but sorcs DO have 2 even if you dont agree...

    You have the pet that heals a ton and even darkdeal though you will argue is not a burst heal. Benefit you have as a sorc with streak is immense.. YES you may have to compromise and use a magicka skill just like stamblades have to if they want a burst heal. FYI my stam blade uses rally and vigor, NONE are NB skills to heal..

    have you played a NB lately that you can make all these statements about how tanky they are... if not i suggest you do, as you also have some misconceptions about how good shadowy disguise actually is..

    with the introduction of Invisible pots and vamp stage 4 anyone can also get into stealth and in some cases even more effectively than NB shadowy disguise..

    You call for nerfs yet you play one of the STRONGEST classes and Builds in cyrodiil..
    PC EU Megaserver
    Altmer Magicka Sorcerer |The-Irritable-Witch(DC)
    Orc Stamina Dragonknight | Gru-Bolar(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka Nightblade | Chewbucca(DC)
    Khajit Stamina Nightblade | Gleaming Daggers(DC)
    Altmer Magicka Nightblade | Miss Chewbucca(EP)
    Argonian Magicka Templar | Walks-With-Friends(EP)
    Argonian Templar Healer | Dr Toxic(EP)
    Orc Stamina Sorc | Lady Streaks-Alot(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka DK | Whips-n-Chains(DC)
    Nord Warden | Demi Tank(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka Warden | Crafter-O-Crafts(DC)
    Bosmer Stamplar | Forest-Plump(DC)
    Argonian Hybrid Nb | Men-O-Paws(DC)
    Bosmer Stamblade | 'Maui(AD)
    Altmer Magicka Sorcerer | Mid-Life-Crisis(AD)

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