Maintenance for the week of July 8:
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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
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Revert the class burst heal from NB

  • tincanman
    Much earlier today I had started to write an 'increase the dot debuff with ramping health cost' post suggestion on the heal but ditched it.

    Requesting the complete removal of an entire skill is just absurd.
    Mayrael wrote: »

    This is the most eloquent and comprehensive response to that absurd request.

  • StaticWave
    Johngo0036 wrote: »
    I have not heard of him

    You play on EU and most likely won't know about me, but several EU players know me, including Sniker who you problably know as one of the best stamblades on PC EU. Most PC NA OG players know me though, and a few of them are active on this forums. I won't bother tagging them for something as trivial as this.

    Johngo0036 wrote: »
    I dont know why he is going on about healing on a NB.. its about time we got some love considering our main play style which is stealth is now very difficult to do with the detect pot changes and also the fact that anyone now has access to instant stealth which is better than cloak..

    Okay first of all, that detect pot change has just been released. Your class received the burst heal 1 year ago. Up until now, stealthy NB did not have any trouble with detect pots. So not only did stealth NB have no issue with detect pots, but they also had a true burst heal for a year up until now. Stealth NB has never been easier to play last patch compared to other patches.

    Second of all, that instant stealth requires you to be sprinting for 4 seconds. You can't cast abilities while sprinting, meaning you can't heal up, and even if you entered stealth, you can't pre cast anything either because the moment you let go of sprint, you exit stealth mode.

    Compared to an ability like Shadowy Disguise that has none of the above drawbacks, Idk why you're even making a comparison here. Vampire stealth is leagues below Shadowy Disguise, and that's a fact.
    Johngo0036 wrote: »
    secondly stam sorcs DO have burst heal options in dark exchange and its morphs which are also one of the best resource management skills in the game and also grants minor beserk and minor force... There are many Stam sorcs running pets in Cyrodiil.. Sorcs also have access to one of the best run away skills, streak which is also a stun..

    NB malevolent offering gives a heal of 3400 to 3600 heal while costing health at base..
    Sorc dark exchange heals for 8000 health, 3600 magicka and 2400 over 20sec at base.....

    No, Dark Deal is not a burst heal. It's a PSEUDO burst heal, meaning it behaves like a burst heal but it's actually not one. It doesn't scale with offensive stats or max HP, meaning you can't have a 15k Dark Deal tooltip like other burst heals. It has a 1s cast time, meaning it can be interrupted and if interrupted, it goes on a 3s cooldown.

    A burst heal that doesn't scale with offensive stats or max HP, can be interrupted and put on cooldown, and has a 1s cast time, IS NOT A RELIABLE BURST HEAL. Imagine if Healthy Offering, your only burst heal, has an 8k tooltip that cannot scale, takes 1s to heal and can be interrupted. Would you say it's reliable, even if it restores 3.6k stam?

    No stamsorc is running pets. Please point out to me 1 pet stamsorc build that's performing at a high level.

    If you're gonna attempt to belittle my experience on my class, at least make an honest attempt instead of saying "many stamsorcs are running pets". It makes your statement lose credibility real fast lol.
    Edited by StaticWave on June 10, 2023 7:41PM
    PC NA

    Static Wave - AD stamsorc

  • StaticWave
    tincanman wrote: »
    Much earlier today I had started to write an 'increase the dot debuff with ramping health cost' post suggestion on the heal but ditched it.

    Requesting the complete removal of an entire skill is just absurd.
    Mayrael wrote: »

    This is the most eloquent and comprehensive response to that absurd request.

    "Lol I was a bit salty but realistically I just want it reverted to the old version." was my response to another person with a similar comment as yours.
    PC NA

    Static Wave - AD stamsorc

  • StaticWave
    Johngo0036 wrote: »
    So you think its unfair that NB got a Burst heal and you cannot wreck them anymore... [snip]

    FYI i dont run that kind of a NB..

    Buddy, I still wreck average NBs. It just takes significantly more time than before when they are now Templar 2.0 camping Path + Vigor + Dark Cloak and block heal to full with Healthy Offering if they ever get low.

    I do all of that without a burst heal of my own. Imagine how long a fight would be if I can also camp my own heals and block cast a burst heal to full lol. It's boring game play and is the reason why nobody dies in this meta.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on June 11, 2023 3:56PM
    PC NA

    Static Wave - AD stamsorc

  • StaticWave
    If you are getting killed by a nb tank that sounds like a skill issue tbh.

    Anyways, NO, leave the class heals from NB ALONE. They already mucked it about by changing the BoL heals magicka based rather than health based, no need to ruin it further.

    When did I say anything about getting killed by a NB?
    PC NA

    Static Wave - AD stamsorc

  • tincanman
    StaticWave wrote: »
    tincanman wrote: »
    Much earlier today I had started to write an 'increase the dot debuff with ramping health cost' post suggestion on the heal but ditched it.

    Requesting the complete removal of an entire skill is just absurd.
    Mayrael wrote: »

    This is the most eloquent and comprehensive response to that absurd request.

    "Lol I was a bit salty but realistically I just want it reverted to the old version." was my response to another person with a similar comment as yours.

    Fair enough :)

    I think @React described more or less what I thought might be a compromise. Also, if the health debuff is affected by battle-spirit it probably shouldn't. A ramping health debuff on consecutive uses would possibly discourage spamming offering in pvp; in pve that cost could be offset by a healer or otherwise worked around. As it is, the health debuff is negligible in either pvp/pve, especially with the minor healing (which I wouldn't be in favour of losing); I think the mag cost looks ok.

  • StaticWave
    tincanman wrote: »
    StaticWave wrote: »
    tincanman wrote: »
    Much earlier today I had started to write an 'increase the dot debuff with ramping health cost' post suggestion on the heal but ditched it.

    Requesting the complete removal of an entire skill is just absurd.
    Mayrael wrote: »

    This is the most eloquent and comprehensive response to that absurd request.

    "Lol I was a bit salty but realistically I just want it reverted to the old version." was my response to another person with a similar comment as yours.

    Fair enough :)

    I think @React described more or less what I thought might be a compromise. Also, if the health debuff is affected by battle-spirit it probably shouldn't. A ramping health debuff on consecutive uses would possibly discourage spamming offering in pvp; in pve that cost could be offset by a healer or otherwise worked around. As it is, the health debuff is negligible in either pvp/pve, especially with the minor healing (which I wouldn't be in favour of losing); I think the mag cost looks ok.

    I think it goes beyond this class too, tbh.

    Post hybridization, most classes now have access to several sources of HoTs. Vigor is universal and always slotted on every build, then each class has at least 2 class HoTs that are suited to their design. For example:

    Templar: Rune, Ritual, Bubble
    NB: Path, Dark Cloak
    Warden: Vines, Budding Seeds
    DK: Cinder Storm, Embers
    Necro: Ghost, Coil
    Sorc: Crit Surge, Blood Magic

    Except for the most extreme circumstances where a build has so much pressure that you cannot survive without spamming a burst heal, most situations only require you to keep your 3 HoTs up. The burst heal is there only for the oh crap moment.

    The problem with the current PvP is that block healing is too powerful. You get someone to low HP, they block and spam their burst heal until full. You simply cannot do anything about it unless you are running a build that falls within these 2 categories:

    1) A full aids pressure build
    2) A build that can 1 shot

    This is why most people now are using builds that fall within the 1st category, with NB in the 2nd category as it has the option to 1 shot someone with Spectral Bow. This is also why most executes in the game are not doing their job as well as they could against someone who can block heal (even Radiant Destruction, which is one of the strongest executes in the game).

    So we have 2 options to nerf block healing without hurting PvErs: Either by allowing execute damage to ignore a percentage of block mitigation, or making block healing hard to spam like what @React suggested.
    PC NA

    Static Wave - AD stamsorc

  • colossalvoids
    Will just absolutely agree with React on this one and possible solutions given. Even because reasons of top mmr players aren't flying for general audience and average pvpers alike, there are dks and wardens that bother people rather than once in a blue moon tanky nb that got all the benefits of ***... hybridisation (it's should be the ultimate target, not classes themselves). Those are in duel tourneys or shoved in an hour of wait time to get a match to even care about it's impact, whilst most NBS are cloak users which are almost as squishy as ever struggling with skill space to get another of those heals and still deal some damage to actually tanky specs.
  • tincanman
    StaticWave wrote: »
    tincanman wrote: »
    StaticWave wrote: »
    tincanman wrote: »
    Much earlier today I had started to write an 'increase the dot debuff with ramping health cost' post suggestion on the heal but ditched it.

    Requesting the complete removal of an entire skill is just absurd.
    Mayrael wrote: »

    This is the most eloquent and comprehensive response to that absurd request.

    "Lol I was a bit salty but realistically I just want it reverted to the old version." was my response to another person with a similar comment as yours.

    Fair enough :)

    I think @React described more or less what I thought might be a compromise. Also, if the health debuff is affected by battle-spirit it probably shouldn't. A ramping health debuff on consecutive uses would possibly discourage spamming offering in pvp; in pve that cost could be offset by a healer or otherwise worked around. As it is, the health debuff is negligible in either pvp/pve, especially with the minor healing (which I wouldn't be in favour of losing); I think the mag cost looks ok.

    I think it goes beyond this class too, tbh.

    Post hybridization, most classes now have access to several sources of HoTs. Vigor is universal and always slotted on every build, then each class has at least 2 class HoTs that are suited to their design. For example:

    Templar: Rune, Ritual, Bubble
    NB: Path, Dark Cloak
    Warden: Vines, Budding Seeds
    DK: Cinder Storm, Embers
    Necro: Ghost, Coil
    Sorc: Crit Surge, Blood Magic

    Except for the most extreme circumstances where a build has so much pressure that you cannot survive without spamming a burst heal, most situations only require you to keep your 3 HoTs up. The burst heal is there only for the oh crap moment.

    The problem with the current PvP is that block healing is too powerful. You get someone to low HP, they block and spam their burst heal until full. You simply cannot do anything about it unless you are running a build that falls within these 2 categories:

    1) A full aids pressure build
    2) A build that can 1 shot

    This is why most people now are using builds that fall within the 1st category, with NB in the 2nd category as it has the option to 1 shot someone with Spectral Bow. This is also why most executes in the game are not doing their job as well as they could against someone who can block heal (even Radiant Destruction, which is one of the strongest executes in the game).

    So we have 2 options to nerf block healing without hurting PvErs: Either by allowing execute damage to ignore a percentage of block mitigation, or making block healing hard to spam like what @React suggested.

    The thing with block-healing is - it's all you're doing....

    Also, it's something that less experienced players may default to for survival under pressure. I'd be concerned about weakening that as an option - might look great on streams toasting x after x but less impressive if their only known/viable defence they are capable of is rendered impotent.

    Any loss of block mitigation is a huge no - pve tanks are hugely reliant on block.

    Also, expanding as described is making this look like another generalised 'nerf healing' thread which returns me to my first comment. But I do concede the point on mulitple healing vectors post-hybridisation - it's certainly significantly easier to source powerful healing with all attributes rather than being locked into a single heavily used attribute.

    If anything I suspect you're attempting to describe a mismatch with the paradigm of burst attack with short ttk now being heavily mitigated by strong tanky builds with potent self-healing. Maybe that's what zos are designing for? Maybe they want a slightly longer ttk than 0-1s?

    I mean, strong pvpers are still smashing through weaker players - it's just maybe taking 2-5s now. If so, I wouldn't see that as a problem except among experienced long-term pv-players who expect that shorter ttk. For newer and developing players a longer ttk (or time to die - ttd for them) offers a much better learning experience than what essentially amounts to being 1-shot.

  • Johngo0036
    StaticWave wrote: »
    Johngo0036 wrote: »
    I have not heard of him

    No, Dark Deal is not a burst heal. It's a PSEUDO burst heal, meaning it behaves like a burst heal but it's actually not one. It doesn't scale with offensive stats or max HP, meaning you can't have a 15k Dark Deal tooltip like other burst heals. It has a 1s cast time, meaning it can be interrupted and if interrupted, it goes on a 3s cooldown.

    A burst heal that doesn't scale with offensive stats or max HP, can be interrupted and put on cooldown, and has a 1s cast time, IS NOT A RELIABLE BURST HEAL. Imagine if Healthy Offering, your only burst heal, has an 8k tooltip that cannot scale, takes 1s to heal and can be interrupted. Would you say it's reliable, even if it restores 3.6k stam?

    No stamsorc is running pets. Please point out to me 1 pet stamsorc build that's performing at a high level.

    If you're gonna attempt to belittle my experience on my class, at least make an honest attempt instead of saying "many stamsorcs are running pets". It makes your statement lose credibility real fast lol.

    It is not my intention to belittle you class knowledge but i get tired of people calling for nerfs on classes the whole time.

    I used to play on EU but have been on NA for 4 years now.. I generally play a gankblade on Blackreach.. i get your frustration with regards to Healing but NB is not the only class that is overpowered in this area.

    I checked out your channel and your last post was 9 months ago.. did you take a break and recently return to ESO?

    I have also run into some NB that have OP healing but then also DK's and perma Block templars..

    PC EU Megaserver
    Altmer Magicka Sorcerer |The-Irritable-Witch(DC)
    Orc Stamina Dragonknight | Gru-Bolar(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka Nightblade | Chewbucca(DC)
    Khajit Stamina Nightblade | Gleaming Daggers(DC)
    Altmer Magicka Nightblade | Miss Chewbucca(EP)
    Argonian Magicka Templar | Walks-With-Friends(EP)
    Argonian Templar Healer | Dr Toxic(EP)
    Orc Stamina Sorc | Lady Streaks-Alot(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka DK | Whips-n-Chains(DC)
    Nord Warden | Demi Tank(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka Warden | Crafter-O-Crafts(DC)
    Bosmer Stamplar | Forest-Plump(DC)
    Argonian Hybrid Nb | Men-O-Paws(DC)
    Bosmer Stamblade | 'Maui(AD)
    Altmer Magicka Sorcerer | Mid-Life-Crisis(AD)

  • Luckylancer
    NB cant become invis while using dark cloak. So NBs have to choose between being high risk high reward and being just another face-tank toon. Warden and dk can do it already so ino there is no reason to remove it because dark cloak is needed for NB tanks.
  • OBJnoob
    Is Dark Cloak even a good heal? I remember when they first changed it to being a percentage of HP most people thought it would suck. Vigor and Malevolent Offering are honestly enough healing. Refreshing path is just a way to proc the extra damage from concealed and dark cloak is just a convenient way to get major resolve and minor protection.

    Not that it doesn't all add up to be a lot of healing-- but in response to people saying "it's either a dark cloak tank or a shadowy disguise squish" that just isn't really true. That's an outdated NB archetype. Dark Cloak isn't carrying much of the weight in PvP I don't think.
  • taugrim
    There's no meaningful justification for nerfing the class healing in PVP, it's one of the things (along with the stealth/invis mechanic) that makes NB unique and appealing.

    It's a sad reality that stealth-based classes will always receive a lot of hate.
    PC | NA | CP 2.3k
    • Active: Dark Elf Stamina Templar | Dark Elf Stamina Necromancer
    • Inactive: Dark Elf Stamina Arcanist | Nord Stamina Warden | Orc Stamina Sorceror | Nord Stamina Nightblade | Nord Stamina Dragonknight
    • Ankle Biters | Legends Syndicate (PVP) | Moonlit Shenanigans | Song of Broken Pines (PVP) | Ulfhednar (PVP)
  • Soarora
    It's fine if you think that something is too strong but why are you crying nerf relequen and remove the nb class burst heal instead of using your almighty "one of the best PvPers out there" knowledge to suggest changes instead of obliteration? NB can't have its class burst heal removed or it will be lacking a critical part of PvE tanking (edit: Also, you are not very clear. Are you talking about cloak or offering? Offering is an important part of the PvE healer toolkit, though could use combat prayer instead).
    Edited by Soarora on June 10, 2023 11:51PM
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
  • pedrogonzalez
    StaticWave wrote: »

    Every decent PvPer in the game knows NB is overtuned.

    Ah, now I see why there is 7 of 10 players are dks! Thank you!
  • SandandStars
    Agree there are way more DKs enjoying the class’s advantages; however, in a skilled player’s hands, NB is even more overtuned/unbalanced.

    As many on other threads have mentioned: DK is the easiest class to do well on.

    If you’re not running into NBs who can dish out damage, heal, and move faster than any other class, I don’t know where you’re playing.
    Edited by SandandStars on June 11, 2023 1:02AM
  • NyassaV

    Nightblade used to have healing ward. When it didn't have healing ward Magblade was unplayable for a time. You also realize that any class can make good use out of rally so arguing about a burst heal is slightly silly.

    Not everyone plays a nightblade like a ganker. Some of us like to brawl. If you want to complain about tanky and good burst then I assume you'll be complaining about DK next and how Coag and Leap is OP.
    Edited by NyassaV on June 11, 2023 2:36AM
    Flawless Conqueror ~ Grand Overlord
    She/Her ~ PC/NA | I record things for fun and for info
  • MetallicMonk
    NyassaV wrote: »
    You also realize that any class can make good use out of rally so arguing about a burst heal is slightly silly.

    Why can't nightblades just use rally then?

  • Heresyall
    Why don't you play Bowsorc to be op ? Maybe stop playing melee like nightblades stopped playing range ?
    (Off balance should be removed from concealed and concealed should only give 5% dmg buff)
    -Heresya EP MagNB/AR 50
    -Hȩresya EP MagNB/AR 50
    -Lonely Player EP MagNB/AR 50
    -The Godblade DC MagNB/ AR 50
    -Useless Class EP MagNB/AR 50
    -Crippled Class AD MagNB/AR 50
    -The Serpent EP MagNB/ AR 50
    -Harrowing Reaper EP MagNB / AR 50
    -Lord Herrington EP MagDK/AR 47
    -Mind Terror EP MagNecro/AR 35
    -Soul Siphoner EP MagNB/AR 38
  • StaticWave
    Heresyall wrote: »
    Why don't you play Bowsorc to be op ? Maybe stop playing melee like nightblades stopped playing range ?
    (Off balance should be removed from concealed and concealed should only give 5% dmg buff)

    I played bowsorc and HP shield sorc. I wouldn’t say bowsorc is OP. It’s strong but has its weaknesses.
    PC NA

    Static Wave - AD stamsorc

  • StaticWave
    Soarora wrote: »
    It's fine if you think that something is too strong but why are you crying nerf relequen and remove the nb class burst heal instead of using your almighty "one of the best PvPers out there" knowledge to suggest changes instead of obliteration? NB can't have its class burst heal removed or it will be lacking a critical part of PvE tanking (edit: Also, you are not very clear. Are you talking about cloak or offering? Offering is an important part of the PvE healer toolkit, though could use combat prayer instead).

    I’ve stated later in the thread that it could just be reverted to the old version.
    PC NA

    Static Wave - AD stamsorc

  • Solariken
    I say NB should keep the burst heal (though I do like the idea of more severe health DOT stacking to prevent spam).

    However I also say remove Major Resolve from the passive and put it on Dark Cloak to reinforce the risk/reward playstyle (no access to Major Resolve if you use Shadowy). Dark Cloak would otherwise be the same as current but the Major Resolve duration can be more standard (22 sec or so)

    Then take Minor Expedition off of Conc Weap and fill in the missing Shadow passive with "gain Minor Expedition while a Shadow ability is slotted."

    Beyond that, healing would still be a problem overall but that's more of a general problem with the poor game design not specific to nightblade. Most importantly, block healing, which like Static said is massively OP. I've got ideas on this but it's beyond the scope of this thread.

  • Soarora
    StaticWave wrote: »
    Soarora wrote: »
    It's fine if you think that something is too strong but why are you crying nerf relequen and remove the nb class burst heal instead of using your almighty "one of the best PvPers out there" knowledge to suggest changes instead of obliteration? NB can't have its class burst heal removed or it will be lacking a critical part of PvE tanking (edit: Also, you are not very clear. Are you talking about cloak or offering? Offering is an important part of the PvE healer toolkit, though could use combat prayer instead).

    I’ve stated later in the thread that it could just be reverted to the old version.

    Stating it later in the thread is much different than mentioning it when you first make the post. You haven't even edited the original post to reflect this. The wild meta shifts and absolute destruction of skills/guilds/gear/playstyles needs to stop.
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
  • StaticWave
    Soarora wrote: »
    StaticWave wrote: »
    Soarora wrote: »
    It's fine if you think that something is too strong but why are you crying nerf relequen and remove the nb class burst heal instead of using your almighty "one of the best PvPers out there" knowledge to suggest changes instead of obliteration? NB can't have its class burst heal removed or it will be lacking a critical part of PvE tanking (edit: Also, you are not very clear. Are you talking about cloak or offering? Offering is an important part of the PvE healer toolkit, though could use combat prayer instead).

    I’ve stated later in the thread that it could just be reverted to the old version.

    Stating it later in the thread is much different than mentioning it when you first make the post. You haven't even edited the original post to reflect this. The wild meta shifts and absolute destruction of skills/guilds/gear/playstyles needs to stop.

    And you, like others, probably need to stop telling others to l2p or throw backhanded comments. I think I've been pretty reasonable with the people who actually wanted to discuss. The only times when I've said anything about being "one of the best PvPers", is when I get comments like yours and comments telling me to l2p. It's very passive aggressive to mock my experience level, clearly trying to get a reaction out of me, then paint me as this know-it-all dude.

    Don't want to see me talk about being one of the best players? Don't throw backhanded insults. It goes both ways.
    Edited by StaticWave on June 11, 2023 4:39AM
    PC NA

    Static Wave - AD stamsorc

  • StaticWave
    Johngo0036 wrote: »
    StaticWave wrote: »
    Johngo0036 wrote: »
    I have not heard of him

    No, Dark Deal is not a burst heal. It's a PSEUDO burst heal, meaning it behaves like a burst heal but it's actually not one. It doesn't scale with offensive stats or max HP, meaning you can't have a 15k Dark Deal tooltip like other burst heals. It has a 1s cast time, meaning it can be interrupted and if interrupted, it goes on a 3s cooldown.

    A burst heal that doesn't scale with offensive stats or max HP, can be interrupted and put on cooldown, and has a 1s cast time, IS NOT A RELIABLE BURST HEAL. Imagine if Healthy Offering, your only burst heal, has an 8k tooltip that cannot scale, takes 1s to heal and can be interrupted. Would you say it's reliable, even if it restores 3.6k stam?

    No stamsorc is running pets. Please point out to me 1 pet stamsorc build that's performing at a high level.

    If you're gonna attempt to belittle my experience on my class, at least make an honest attempt instead of saying "many stamsorcs are running pets". It makes your statement lose credibility real fast lol.

    It is not my intention to belittle you class knowledge but i get tired of people calling for nerfs on classes the whole time.

    I used to play on EU but have been on NA for 4 years now.. I generally play a gankblade on Blackreach.. i get your frustration with regards to Healing but NB is not the only class that is overpowered in this area.

    I checked out your channel and your last post was 9 months ago.. did you take a break and recently return to ESO?

    I have also run into some NB that have OP healing but then also DK's and perma Block templars..

    If you get tired of people calling for nerfs on classes the whole time then let's just not call for nerfs to DKs and Wardens. [snip]

    Even if my suggestion may sound exaggerated, the fact of the matter still stands: NB is one of the tankiest classes currently in ESO, at least in PvP, while also retaining their powerful burst. It's not tanky to a DK, because quite frankly DK is in a league of its own, but it's still tanky compared to the vast majority of classes out there.

    You may play a stealthy gank blade and don't think there's anything tanky about the class, but the people I fight against are brawler NBs who are really hard to kill because of the amount of heals they have.

    I did take a break from ESO and moved out of the U.S. My ping now hovers between 250-290ms compared to 90-120ms. Fighting NB is twice as hard as before because you cannot break free from off-balance/Incap fast enough to dodge Spectral Bow. I have to disengage completely when I'm off-balanced or hold block + roll dodge for 7s until it expires. I also have to anticipate Incap now instead of react to it. It's a lot of adjustment, but it's the only class that can punish you hard for having high ping lol.

    [edited for minor baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on June 11, 2023 3:59PM
    PC NA

    Static Wave - AD stamsorc

  • Soarora
    StaticWave wrote: »
    Soarora wrote: »
    StaticWave wrote: »
    Soarora wrote: »
    It's fine if you think that something is too strong but why are you crying nerf relequen and remove the nb class burst heal instead of using your almighty "one of the best PvPers out there" knowledge to suggest changes instead of obliteration? NB can't have its class burst heal removed or it will be lacking a critical part of PvE tanking (edit: Also, you are not very clear. Are you talking about cloak or offering? Offering is an important part of the PvE healer toolkit, though could use combat prayer instead).

    I’ve stated later in the thread that it could just be reverted to the old version.

    Stating it later in the thread is much different than mentioning it when you first make the post. You haven't even edited the original post to reflect this. The wild meta shifts and absolute destruction of skills/guilds/gear/playstyles needs to stop.

    And you, like others, probably need to stop telling others to l2p or throw backhanded comments. I think I've been pretty reasonable with the people who actually wanted to discuss. The only times when I've said anything about being "one of the best PvPers", is when I get comments like yours and comments telling me to l2p. It's very passive aggressive to mock my experience level, clearly trying to get a reaction out of me, then paint me as this know-it-all dude.

    Don't want to see me talk about being one of the best players? Don't throw backhanded insults. It goes both ways.

    I never said anything about l2p. You say you're a great PvPer, I believe you, I did not mean to mock you. But as a great PvPer you must have great knowledge about the things you are calling to be destroyed, yes? My point is just that you probably know enough to give great insight into what could reasonably done to solve your issues without calling for the complete obliteration of the problem. I apologize if I was offensive, I haven't been in a good mood lately.
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
  • Anti_Virus
    The burst heal is intended for NB healers in PVE, remove that and your killing NB healers. No thanks
    Power Wealth And Influence.
  • StaticWave
    Soarora wrote: »
    StaticWave wrote: »
    Soarora wrote: »
    StaticWave wrote: »
    Soarora wrote: »
    It's fine if you think that something is too strong but why are you crying nerf relequen and remove the nb class burst heal instead of using your almighty "one of the best PvPers out there" knowledge to suggest changes instead of obliteration? NB can't have its class burst heal removed or it will be lacking a critical part of PvE tanking (edit: Also, you are not very clear. Are you talking about cloak or offering? Offering is an important part of the PvE healer toolkit, though could use combat prayer instead).

    I’ve stated later in the thread that it could just be reverted to the old version.

    Stating it later in the thread is much different than mentioning it when you first make the post. You haven't even edited the original post to reflect this. The wild meta shifts and absolute destruction of skills/guilds/gear/playstyles needs to stop.

    And you, like others, probably need to stop telling others to l2p or throw backhanded comments. I think I've been pretty reasonable with the people who actually wanted to discuss. The only times when I've said anything about being "one of the best PvPers", is when I get comments like yours and comments telling me to l2p. It's very passive aggressive to mock my experience level, clearly trying to get a reaction out of me, then paint me as this know-it-all dude.

    Don't want to see me talk about being one of the best players? Don't throw backhanded insults. It goes both ways.

    I never said anything about l2p. You say you're a great PvPer, I believe you, I did not mean to mock you. But as a great PvPer you must have great knowledge about the things you are calling to be destroyed, yes? My point is just that you probably know enough to give great insight into what could reasonably done to solve your issues without calling for the complete obliteration of the problem. I apologize if I was offensive, I haven't been in a good mood lately.

    No worries, I generally don't explicitly say I have a ton of PvP experience unless someone takes a jab. I am open to an honest discussion and I have changed my stance multiple times after experiencing what other people have experienced (such as shields needing a slight buff), so you can be assured that I did not create this thread with a fixed mindset.

    My thread title, admittedly was written with a hint of saltiness towards the class, is open to discussion and I did in fact agree with React's suggestions as he has a more thorough understanding of the class than I do.

    I know the ins and outs of stamsorc to make a detailed description of what the class lacks and what it excels at, but I can't make the same description of another class, in this case NB, because I don't have nearly the same experience on it as someone like @React.

    PC NA

    Static Wave - AD stamsorc

  • boi_anachronism_
    Best example to date of pvp and pve needing to be seperated. I can tell you right now that while i may not be an expert pvper there are skills i would love to see nerfed but... i know how essential those skills are to make the class viable in certain situations. Calling for the nerf bat because something annoys you is incredibly frustrating to watch. Nightblades like all other classes exist outside of pvp. Every time they nerf a class they also nerf it for pvers and solo players. Heck i could ask for a dk nerf for the same reason. They ridiculously op to the point that i regulary see lfg in discord like this "lf 8 dks for x trifecta prog". Literally the only ones in these progs that arent dk is the ot and the healers. They are really good in pvp to boot.
    Edited by boi_anachronism_ on June 11, 2023 6:03AM
  • StaticWave
    Anti_Virus wrote: »
    The burst heal is intended for NB healers in PVE, remove that and your killing NB healers. No thanks

    How would you suggest solving the issue of NB being able to heal through most PvP encounters except for pure pressure builds, when it was supposed to be a high damage class with a drawback of being squishy?
    PC NA

    Static Wave - AD stamsorc

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