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So when can small family/friends-only guilds sell and get guild bank storage?

  • Lalai
    And the fact that we can join up to five guilds makes this ten people requirement seem even more ridiculous to me. I mean, if you join a guild of 50+ people for the store then why would you even share something if you could make a prophet off it?

    Totally agree with everything you said, just wanted to input why I think the requirement for 10 people is there.. which is basically to prevent a person from using a guild bank as a personal bank. I think a better system there would have been to take away the person requirement and then just allot guild bank space based on persons in guild, with a cap of (500?) spaces at ten members, but starting at two members. So maybe two people only get 50, but then it steadily increases from there. Or just go with a system that allows the guild to earn points through quests towards a guild bank so that it's earned. Either way, small guilds do deserve access to the guild bank.
    Fisher extraordinaire!
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  • GaBacon
    Just add an Auction house. Why not.
  • jonal11_ESO
    ChuiDuma wrote: »
    You have access to the bank with only 10 people. I can't think that that's unreasonable. If you only needed 1 person in the guild to access the bank, everyone would start their own guild as free storage space.

    What's wrong with that? I think that's just fine, why is the game trying to limit what I can store when there is so much stuff out there, it takes away from the game imo. More storage space for any reason is a good thing!

  • Vodka
    i believe the limited amount of ppl in a guild for a guild bank/store is to stop people using a guild as their own personal bank.
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  • Waylon
    Sorry I don't see how that is relevant as the guild system counts people accounts and not individual characters. Or has there been some change recently?
  • Kor
    Soul Shriven
    Not seeing the problem. Keep your guild small if you want to. If you want to trade join another trading guild. I personally like the idea of guild stores with the ability to join 5 guilds
  • Greydog
    Lalai wrote: »
    That's just it though... changing the system to involve other guilds and players outside of guilds could very well be a complete overhaul from a programming standpoint. The thing you suggested on page 2 very much is an entirely different system from what we have available. I am also not a fan of personal markets. Usually they result in either way too much crowding, or if space is limited, preventing a lot of people from selling (which is essentially what already happens with guild stores in Cyrodiil.. you don't even have to PvP, just have to be there at the right time to claim the keep). If they are going to go that route an Auction House would be much preferred.

    I have read the entire thread. Most people are using it to jump into a conversation about how they think the guild store system should be changed when the original topic, and the original post, quite obviously are just about giving smaller guilds the ability to access the guild store. The original topic, and original post, is what I'm having trouble comprehending as a necessity. The rest of it is just a difference of opinions in what we prefer to do trading-wise combined with a willingness from myself to give the new system a chance before I claim it's going to throw the game into a F2P nightmare.

    Actually it would not be an overhaul. The coding needed to allow guilds to sell to an outside market is already there. They may just need to turn it on for the rest of them.

    As such, the Bazaar idea would also not be a major change to the guild system other than granting the op's request that the requirements be lowered in order for smaller guilds to take advantage of the increased trade. Granted the areas would need to be built and tested, but it is not that far fetched an idea.

    As for the thread straying from the Op's original intent. I apologize for that ;)

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  • Thesiren
    Lalai wrote: »
    And the fact that we can join up to five guilds makes this ten people requirement seem even more ridiculous to me. I mean, if you join a guild of 50+ people for the store then why would you even share something if you could make a prophet off it?

    Totally agree with everything you said, just wanted to input why I think the requirement for 10 people is there.. which is basically to prevent a person from using a guild bank as a personal bank. I think a better system there would have been to take away the person requirement and then just allot guild bank space based on persons in guild, with a cap of (500?) spaces at ten members, but starting at two members. So maybe two people only get 50, but then it steadily increases from there. Or just go with a system that allows the guild to earn points through quests towards a guild bank so that it's earned. Either way, small guilds do deserve access to the guild bank.

    I mentioned this in passing as well-- how about implementing storage caps depending upon how many people are in the guild?

  • jim_klassen_jimb16_ESO
    I agree. I am a solo type, or close friends. There are tones of stuff in the game, and i don't have space to store very much. I would love to have mt Own guild bank to store mats in. In World of war Craft I had 2 Guild banks of my own, just to store all my mats. I mean all Our characters all ready share a Bank, that limits our storage all ready. Even if all or characters just had there own bank, that would be nice, An maybe just a shared bank with fewer slots to send between characters.
  • Malzeroth
    Offering up a guild swap for another small guild so we can both open guild bank.
  • hilelorangutan
    Seems simple. They put the minimum 10 on guilds to keep people from exploiting. If you had five people for example, each starts their own guild and then joins each of the other four's guilds, that is a total of 2500 additional inventory spaces.

    The lack of auction house could be partially a server issue, but I could also see it being a conscious choice for people to promote in-game awareness and investment. As someone who has played both pre and post auction house MMOs, I can say that I pay a lot less attention and feel less accomplishment for gear (pre-end game) when I can simply buy whatever I want whenever I want. Auction house functionality also can very quickly take over the economy and so takes that power out of the hands of people who actually enjoy playing the trading game.

    I like the idea of having trading company guilds, like someone mentioned the East India Trading Company, it really makes it important who you know, and can be a positive experience. I've noticed already kind of a scrabbling in chats to find other people to link up with and form small trade alliances so you can at least have some trading weight.

    In short I'm feeling overall positive about these limitations and I hope they don't change the guild limitations. It was never my intention but I'm already aspiring to create a trade guild and take that bad boy to the top.
  • Ashenar
    Lalai wrote: »
    Gonna ask again in hopes I will get an answer. Can anyone please explain to me why, with the current system, a guild with 7 close-knit people in it would want a Guild Store (which will only allow them to sell items to the other 6 folks in their guild). I get the Guild Bank thing and all.. but having a lot of trouble understanding the need for the Store given how it currently works. Perhaps it's just because I typically give items away to my friends free of charge?

    I think people mistakenly believe that a guild store is a way for your guild to sell to people outside of the guild... not that it's an internal thing. The name guild store is a little ambiguous.

  • MercyKilling
    Ashenar wrote: »
    I think people mistakenly believe that a guild store is a way for your guild to sell to people outside of the guild... not that it's an internal thing.

    So is it sell to guildies only?
    Or can you let anyone use a guild store without them having to join a guild?

    Also...if anyone HAS started a guild store and managed to make it public....is it STILL in Cyrodiil only, or is it out in the open world?
    I am not spending a single penny on the game until changes are made to the game that I want to see.
    1) Remove having to be in a guild to sell items to other players at a kiosk.
    2) Cosmetic modding for armor and clothing.
    3) Difficulty slider.
    4) Fully customizable player housing that isn't tied to anything in the game other than having the correct resources and enough gold to build. Don't tie it to PvP, guild membership, or anything at all. Oh, make it instanced so as not to take up world map space, too. Zeni screwed this one up already.
    Any /one/ of these things implemented would get me spending again, maybe even subbing.
  • Pretext
    This issue would be solved if players could set up stalls to sell their wares. So you would go to a main city and trade there.
  • mr_stealth_b14_ESO
    I'd rather not have the individual stalls that several have suggested. I've played a couple games that do that, and towns were a cluttered mess of player shops. Selling something that way also requires someone to actually look at your store, out of the dozens of others in the same area.

    I still think the most convenient store system, without causing the economic issues of a server-wide store/AH, would be per-town or per-zone public stores in addition to the current guild stores. As far as economic impact, it's about the same as standing around town for several hours spamming chat with your goods. Only without having to waste so much time in town, or disrupting chat with wts spam. Price undercutting would only happen on a per-town basis, which already happens anyway with the existing chat spam methods. And trying to completely control the market on certain items would still be restricted by guild stores and the inconvenience of having to visit many different markets.
  • Anastasia
    Lots of good discussion in this thread and imo I think some of the suggestions are interesting and could work, but I sincerely hope Zeni NEVER makes a change to having the huge/noncompetitive/gold-sellers dream frickkin all server Auction House. I've seen it in too many mmo's I have played.

    I also think if everyone can get anything they need immediately, it basically supports gold sellers because of the instantaneous gratification. It floods the market with harvests and devalues all lower to mid leveling crafting/selling of raw materials which then contributes to 'the REAL fun STARTS at ENDGAME'. Maybe for once, that doesn't have to happen in an mmo. For once, in a long time, maybe there is a 'life' to the mid levels of play, making the journey actually valued as well as adding relativity to the need to craft.

    Let the players look for their target market/customers, and let the competition from various guild 'stores' and the individual mom & pop shop on the corner be word of mouth. Players who are playing ESO regularly will quickly find out the reputation and longevity of various player merchants...the fly-by-nights, the player who has the best customer service for whenever you want or need something special or out of the norm because he makes the stuff himself, other player-vendors who are purely sellers and the middle-men, and the mega-huge guild stores which have full shelves most of the time but treat you like the guy next to you. It fits in great with working to earn what you get as your character lives his or her life in Tamriel. I can even 'see' other players hiring themselves out to PvE people who only make the trek to buy stuff occasionally as 'guards' or caravan protectors. These ideas provide immersion without the necessity of full-on r-p ;o)

    Have a great time in Tamriel today, I know I will ^-^!!
  • Leeta
    I dont like this idea either since im not a huge fan of big guilds and i usually just play with a friend and we make our own little guild with just the two of us and a couple familymembers. We have no choice now than to join other bigger guilds if we wanna be able to trade/sell things. It feels like they are making many mistakes other games have tried and failed on in the past. There been games that had the similar way of selling but it failed miserably and they either flopped or just put in a AH in the end. Those games realised eventually that spamming channels with things to sell just wont work in the long run. There are more examples like this, like having to recast mount after mining or searching bags and things. These things dont exist in almost any other games anymore since people complained so much about it. Seems like rookie mistakes to me. I hope they will put in a AH instead of this system.
  • Pretext
    Stalls - you don 't need to see a cluttered street. You just have an instance where all the stalls are set out, normally you see no player stalls unless you go through a side door or the like.
  • Vikova
    This is why you can join multiple guilds. Join a huge trading guild for a general market - use mail with a small family guild. Or have everyone make 7 alts to hit 50 members.
  • Gillysan
    illogicbh wrote: »
    All you have to do is join a trading guild and turn that chat off....
    This is all you have to do.

    I question how chummy and friendly your tiny guild is if you have to resort to a store to interact with each other. We currently don't have enough members for the bank but that is hardly slowing me down. I actively recruit for the trade guild I'm in but not for my tiny guild. This system works well enough, just get used to it.

  • Mabh
    There has to be some benefit to being in a guild. In this game it seems if you have less then 10 players you get a chat room... wow. Not allowing smaller guilds access to banks is punitive.
    To everyone stating this is to stop exploiting (is that the official word?) why was this not an issue in TSW or WAR? I played with the same number of people that I did in those games and our guild had bank space. I also don't recall anyone complaining about the bank space being explointed in those games.
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