I use them all, depending on the character’s needs. The mages prefer a tank or healer companion, and the tanks want a ranged DD. Healers need either tank or DD, depending on their own bias.
Both Bastian and Isobel work for tank or healer, and Ember and Mirri do ranged DD, once you’ve given them the right skills and equipment.
Personalities are a lesser effect. Mirri’s bug fetish is only an issue to a character that is likely to gather them, and sarcasm isn’t a negative for me, anyway. Most of Bastian’s annoying lines are situational, and some characters won’t hear them, because they don’t do whatever he comments on. Once you have enough runes, you won’t hear “magicky”. Isobel hasn’t got any that annoy me.
Holycannoli wrote: »
Oh I have thousands of runes and she still bothers me with "magicky"
goddess2015 wrote: »Ember is my absolute favorite because I can do anything, even crimes and she is enthusiastic about all of it. I can murder someone in cold blood, and she just wants to know what's in it's pockets!!
Araneae6537 wrote: »
Elam Drals.
ArchangelIsraphel wrote: »Mirri and Isobel are honestly tied for me, but since I had Mirri first, I chose her.
Mirri- I love Mirri's sharp witted snark, and enjoyed having her to pal around with the moment I started using her on the test server before the update went live. Many seem to find her passive aggressive, but I always interpret her personality as teasing and playfully gruff. She has a softer side that genuinely cares underneath it all, and I really love that about her. She's been the constant companion of my snarky little bosmer thief, and I enjoy imagining them trading playful jabs at one another.
Isobel- Again, loved her from the moment I started using her on the test server before High Isle went live. She's a sweetheart, with a tough and loyal spirit. She has much in common with my Templar, and I like to imagine her as a close friend he can trust.
Bastian- I'm surprised that I'm ranking him third, but here we are. My history with this companion is complicated. At first I really despised him, and found him very annoying and passive aggressive (I feel this is due to how badly timed companion comments can be, and how the companions are programmed to assume you intended to deliberately do whatever it is they hate, when 99% of the time it's an accident. ) but I decided to try him out a second time with my Templar. From a storytelling standpoint, the shift in perspective to a different character was helpful in enjoying Bastian more. I like that he genuinely seems to care about your wellbeing in combat, and that he has dialouge asking in various ways if your character is all right. I've been using him as an off-tank, and he's been quite helpful. There are still things that annoy me about Bastian, however I now find it interesting to imagine how my Templar would react to these moments. While my Templar and Bastian do hold similar ideals, my Templar is far more flexible in terms of his view of good and bad, and it has been an exercise in character development to think of how they'd solve a problem together in moments where they don't quite agree with one another. Bastian has gone from being my least liked companion to being an interesting storytelling device.
Ember- In all honesty, I cannot accurately rate her as I have not used her very much. A lot of this lies in the sound of her voice and the fact that I would have wanted a more traditional sounding Khajiit whose story delves more into Khajiiti lore. I'm hoping she'll grow on me however.
Araneae6537 wrote: »
Well said and I agree on many of those points! Although I do wish that Mirri and Bastian would only say something, let alone disapprove, if you grabbed a butterfly or zapped a rabbit several times within a few minutes or something — some indication that it is a deliberate action. I really like both Mirri and Bastian for different of my mains and only wish ZOS would give them more dialogue options and adjust the triggers.
Totally agreed on Ember. I love Khajiit and was looking forward to having one as a companion, but she’s just so weirdly bubbly and doesn’t sound like any Khajiit I’ve met elsewhere in the game, and I don’t mean speech pattern, as Khajiit raised among non-Khajiit would naturally adopt their speech pattern. And then both Isobel and Ember are a bit much in enthusiasm and praise for everything from the start IMO. But while it seems too much from someone getting to know you as a friend, I imagine Ember as a new apprentice for my sorcerer main, eager to please and impress her new teacher, and that at least fits better in my mind.
Dovershark wrote: »Following on from an earlier post, who's your favourite companion?
SaffronCitrusflower wrote: »Where is the poll option for no companion? I prefer to play without a companion and it annoys me to see mobs of players at bosses when only half of them are actual players and the rest are companions. This is an MMO. People should be grouping with other real life players if they need help.