SaffronCitrusflower wrote: »Where is the poll option for no companion? I prefer to play without a companion and it annoys me to see mobs of players at bosses when only half of them are actual players and the rest are companions. This is an MMO. People should be grouping with other real life players if they need help.
LanteanPegasus wrote: »Edit: I just realized how many people complain about Bastian's comments when killing harmless critters, and how annoying they were. Now I wonder, is it my class (Dragonknight)/weapon (1H+Shield) combo, or my playstyle... But I have him with me every since Blackwood released, and I can't remember hearing that comment more than a dozen times in all that time, at most. And I usually play one to several hours on most days. (And yes, my companion comment frequency setting is set to maximum, so he's quite talkative.)
Treselegant wrote: »
I also have his comments at max frequency and rarely hear critter comments. I play mostly as Sorc and critters get caught in my aoes all the time and it's actually pretty rare to get a reaction. It's the same as the food related comments - I rarely hear them despite doing crafting dailies. As much as I believe they are filler content and they're not really necessary there is definitely an element of exaggeration by some players.
He's a kind and thoughtful character with a voice I'd happily listen to reading the dictionary. I think I'm not alone in wishing that the devs would give him the attention he deserves by giving him more and better written dialogue.
Treselegant wrote: »I also have his comments at max frequency and rarely hear critter comments. I play mostly as Sorc and critters get caught in my aoes all the time and it's actually pretty rare to get a reaction. It's the same as the food related comments - I rarely hear them despite doing crafting dailies. As much as I believe they are filler content and they're not really necessary there is definitely an element of exaggeration by some players.
He's a kind and thoughtful character with a voice I'd happily listen to reading the dictionary. I think I'm not alone in wishing that the devs would give him the attention he deserves by giving him more and better written dialogue.
Agreed completely. His lines still make me giggle:
"What do dragons need with gold anyway? They don't buy anything!"
Ingel_Riday wrote: »@Inaya1 I don't know... I've never found them useless.
It can get lonely wandering the world stabbing / shooting things, and I do occasionally think about grouping. But... I've never liked being beholden to other people's whims. Sometimes I just want to look at a neat vista for a while and enjoy the music, and I would never feel comfortable doing that in a group. "Hey, you guys mind me inconveniencing you for three minute so I can stare at this Summerset waterfall?"
Companions give me a buddy to wander with and they're NPCs, so they don't care if I'm occasionally dull as dirt. :-P Feels much less lonely.
Also, sure... they're not veteran or trial viable, but would you really want that? If they had that much utility, having one would become mandatory. The game would probably have to be balanced around you having a companion out whenever possible, which would be annoying for people that like going solo.
I think the fine balancing act ESO is doing here is making them useful enough that they aren't complete dead weight, but not so useful that people feel compelled to have them. Personally, I've been happy with it. I have no complaints. They supplement my own healing and/or draw some damage away from me, and it's useful enough that I'm grateful but not so useful that I feel dependent.
Daimonion82 wrote: »1. Mirri - love her personality.
2. Isobel - close second. And second only because I can't put both of them ex aequo.
3. Ember - well... Most people like her, but she's not really my type.
4. Every unknown char that will come in the future.
5. Bastian - he's just unbearable, narcisstic ("I'm such a good person"), wannabe-poet ("I love cities, magic and love are both dangerous"). No. Just no. Period