Favourite Companion

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Following on from an earlier post, who's your favourite companion?

Favourite Companion 247 votes

KendaricDarkstorneSpell-SlingerSnowfaerieTreselegantSheridanathekaLiedekepeacenoteVulsahdaalRagnarok0130SatanicSisterADarkloreIlsabetTruthSeekerAzOutbackaaisoahocarthalisElectrone_MagnusPeacatcher 42 votes
k9mousedaryl.rasmusenb14_ESOopajsarahvhoffb14_ESOKhenarthiMuizerzariaFoxhuntphaneub17_ESOSilverWFAvalonRangerSilverBrideBlkadrLondonCallingN00BxV1Enemy-of-ColdharbourSarannahValarMorghulis1896lillybitsPark101 100 votes
CireousBlueRavenvailjohn_ESOacastanza_ESOdeadsheepb14_ESODarcyMardinHolycannolivisind2b16_ESOVriendakehatchb16_ESOShagrethwsmith97ub17_ESODelgentkadok00PathLylithCendrillion21cyclonus11Oberon45Venscal 63 votes
chessalavakia_ESOStxJarndyceValveflizomicabrutawhiteshadow711jppreub18_ESOdsalterRomoRoseVexcaptainwolfosJakelDKbinhofizl101Jusey1GiantFruitFlyAcadianPaladinCapsuleCorpZThe_Titan_TimCatagami 42 votes
  • Khenarthi
    I like Ember's enthusiasm and willingness to do whatever activity - even the unlawful ones. Though I am very curious about the upcoming argonian, too.
  • BlueRaven
    Isobel (tank), but she is at level 20 now (as is Bastion [healer]), so I am leveling up Ember and Mirri at the moment.
  • Meiox
    Ember: no complains

    Isobel: almost as good as Ember, but I like Ember more

    Mirri: let me pick these insects for $&%&* !!

    Bastian: too annoying for my taste
  • Snowfaerie
    If I have to choose, Bastian, though I'd really like more variety in male companions. Elves, rogues, anything? An assassin would be cool.
  • ValarMorghulis1896
    She's a Khajiit. So there's nothing more to say :)
    "It is often said that before you die your life passes before your eyes. It is in fact true. It's called living." Terry Pratchett
    “I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" Death thought about it. "CATS", he said eventually. "CATS ARE NICE.” Terry Pratchett
  • AzuraFan
    With Mirri a very close second. In fact, it's probably a tie between the two of them.
  • MacCait
    Hearing the same NPC dialogues in ESO over and over is one of my pet peaves... except for Ember. Ember's enthusiasm and funny remarks always makes me smile. Good job with the Ember personality devs!... now if only you could have chosen a better style of haircut for her dreadlocks... that haircut is pretty bad!
  • goddess2015
    Ember is my absolute favorite because I can do anything, even crimes and she is enthusiastic about all of it. I can murder someone in cold blood, and she just wants to know what's in it's pockets!! lol I like Mirri for fishing and questing. I like Bastion & Isobel for questing or harvesting - I love how they show interest in what I will craft. Isobel always tells me about a heavy sack nearby, I love love love that!! Bastion is my tank, Isobel is my healer, and they both keep me honest when I really have something to accomplish besides murder and mayhem. Ember is magic dps and Mirri is melee dps, so that also helps to decide which companion I choose. My different toons prefer a different companion based on compatibility of activities and fighting styles when questing. I have their comments on the frequent setting, I love to hear them talk. Just like a real pal would. I have enjoyed them all and I'm glad there is such a variety and look forward to the new companions coming out. I do wish that we could customize their hair the way we can their armor and costumes. Mirri would look great in bright red hair and sometimes Isobel should just let hers down and have a good time! lol Maybe the devs will consider this possibility.
    ~Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.~
  • Nanasciro
    ember because I can steal open chests and it doesn't tell me what about fireflies
  • NoxiousBlight
    Mirri, with the exception of her bug hatred.
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    I don't really have "a favourite" companion. Levelled up Mirri, then Bastian. Now I am levelling up Isobel. Ember is next on the list, unless leveling up Isobel will take so much time, that we will have new chapter with new companions.

    The new upcoming Argonian companion looks to be interesting - mostly because Argonian NPCs tend to have interesting personalities and Argonians lore wise have very interesting lore.

    My main is a dude, so ideally I prefer female companions, but despite that the Argonian companion is looking promising. He is apparently a Shadowscale, so hopefully he won't get mad if I pick up bugs or enter outlaw refuge :D
    She's a Khajiit. So there's nothing more to say :)
    Yep. Ember has unfair advantage. Many ESO players seems to absolutely freak out when it comes to Cats. And oddly, a lot of people (sadly) seem to be hating on Lizards & Reptiles in general. :|
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on February 9, 2023 2:15PM
  • phaneub17_ESO
    /scratch behind her ear
  • derkaiserliche
    I really wish for a male nord companion so someone can wear all the cool nord styles i got haha.

    But the argonian next chapter could be really cool as well, depending what skills he can use out of the warden kit.
  • SilverWF
    Coz she likes when I steal and murder.

    But tbf I can't wait for a moment when I'll open their all passives and would never summon them again.
    • PC EU. Ebonheart Pact. CP 1k+
    • YouTube: All ESO disguises (2014)
    • EU players are humans too! We want our maintenances in the least pop time (at deep night) and not lasted for several hours!
    • Animation canceR - is true PvP cancer! When you can't see which actions your opponent do - you can't react properly on them!
  • emilyhyoyeon


    IGN @ emilypumpkin, imperial pumpkin seller
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher
  • Cazador
    Ranked in order for me-
    1 ember
    2 Bastian
    3 isobel
    4 miri
  • Holycannoli
    I would like Ember if it wasn't for that annoying personality. "Doing something with magicky?" bothers me so much I dismiss her and summon Isobel whenever she says it lol. It's like I'm adventuring with a child.
    Edited by Holycannoli on February 9, 2023 3:50PM
  • Necrotech_Master
    ember is the least annoying rapport wise, and to me has the best skill set available

    mirri's skill set is kind of weak, i dont like a lot of her class skills, and dont like i cant kill civilians

    bastion i have set up as a healer, but he just kind of annoys me

    isobel is probably a close 2nd to ember but loses because she doesnt like stealing or murder

    opinions might change once we get the new companions
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • Jarndyce
    I said Mirri because she was my first but I actually like them all equally.

    Mirri is my healer companion.
    Bastion is my antiquities companion.
    Isobel is my tank companion.
    Ember is my dps companion.
  • SilverBride
    Ember is my favorite because she is cheerful and positive.

    Isobel is next because she isn't annoying and is a good tank.

    Bastian is my 3rd because although he is a good tank he can be annoying.

    Mirri is not even an option for me because of her passive aggressive attitude.
  • opaj
    I've paired Ember with a character who doesn't do much crime, so that part doesn't matter to me. But her enthusiasm is infectious! Yeah, Ember, we are dangerous!
  • AcadianPaladin
    Mirri is the only one I never have to worry about rapport losses with. My elf likes to fish and steal groceries. . . and I have an addon that disables any interaction with torchbugs/butterflies. Happily, I also like her as much or more than any of the others.
    Edited by AcadianPaladin on February 12, 2023 1:09AM
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • Vrienda
    Isobel>Mirri/Bastian>Ember for me.

    Isobel I like. If levelling companions wasn't such a grind she'd be my main... although the complaints about visting the outlaw's refuge could get annoying.

    Mirri I dislike. Seriously, all the crying about me using the blade of woe or misclicking an insect. I used to tolerate her. On the bright side she's fine with non-blade of woe murder, which is useful for when I get caught pickpocketing and someone starts attacking me. I think what really sealed it for me was using the blade of woe on a new moon cultist and her freaking out about how dare I stab someone in the stomach from behind instead of from the front. "Nobody deserves to die like that!" Like come on, I'm a Dragon Knight, it's either a quick, reletively painless death from behind or I burn them alive. What the hell? You don't whine when my vampires do it!

    Bastian I find boring.

    Ember I hate. (Mostly due to her questline, haven't brought her back out since finishing it)

    Really want a more morally dubious character so that I won't have someone sobbing that I murdered. Or better yet, some kind of slavish, mute Dwemer automaton who just goes along with whatever I do. Be it helping, harming or picking flowers.
    Edited by Vrienda on February 9, 2023 9:19PM
    Desperate for Roleplaying servers to bring open world non-organised RP to Elder Scrolls Online. Please ZOS.
  • Stx
    I like Mirri but Isobel is a close second. I just think mirri looks cooler and her skills are so good. Literally the only thing I don’t like about Mirri is the bug picking thing.
  • Elvenheart
    I just can’t decide on a favorite because honestly I like them all pretty much equally for different reasons. In my mind, certain companions pair better with specific characters I have for a variety of reasons, and while one companion may be my favorite for a certain character, that changes when I’m on a different character. I can’t wait to see how the two newest companions will work in the mix!
  • Kirawolfe
    I love Isobel's enthusiasm, but Bastian is my steady companion. Love the guy.
  • Ingel_Riday
    Ember has some great class skills, a relatively fun personality, very few scruples (aside from fishing and getting caught while sneaking), and makes a superb healer. I picked her.

    However, Mirri is a very close second for me. I like her personality a LOT more (I get it, Ember, you hate reading. Congratulations on loathing literacy), she spends a lot less time feeling sorry for herself than Ember does, and I'm partial to dunmer. But... Mirri's skillset just doesn't hold a candle to Ember's. She can't beat Ember's utility, and I'm tired of getting complaints every time I accidentally click a torchbug hovering over a chest. It's aggravating. Freaking out because I rammed a demonic blade into the back of somebody's head, thereby perforating their brain and swallowing their soul for Sithis? Fine. Fair enough, really, but torchbugs?

    So, Ember wins.

  • rpa
    Ember, because no whining about normal gameplay.
  • ArchangelIsraphel
    Mirri and Isobel are honestly tied for me, but since I had Mirri first, I chose her.

    Mirri- I love Mirri's sharp witted snark, and enjoyed having her to pal around with the moment I started using her on the test server before the update went live. Many seem to find her passive aggressive, but I always interpret her personality as teasing and playfully gruff. She has a softer side that genuinely cares underneath it all, and I really love that about her. She's been the constant companion of my snarky little bosmer thief, and I enjoy imagining them trading playful jabs at one another.

    Isobel- Again, loved her from the moment I started using her on the test server before High Isle went live. She's a sweetheart, with a tough and loyal spirit. She has much in common with my Templar, and I like to imagine her as a close friend he can trust.

    Bastian- I'm surprised that I'm ranking him third, but here we are. My history with this companion is complicated. At first I really despised him, and found him very annoying and passive aggressive (I feel this is due to how badly timed companion comments can be, and how the companions are programmed to assume you intended to deliberately do whatever it is they hate, when 99% of the time it's an accident. ) but I decided to try him out a second time with my Templar. From a storytelling standpoint, the shift in perspective to a different character was helpful in enjoying Bastian more. I like that he genuinely seems to care about your wellbeing in combat, and that he has dialouge asking in various ways if your character is all right. I've been using him as an off-tank, and he's been quite helpful. There are still things that annoy me about Bastian, however I now find it interesting to imagine how my Templar would react to these moments. While my Templar and Bastian do hold similar ideals, my Templar is far more flexible in terms of his view of good and bad, and it has been an exercise in character development to think of how they'd solve a problem together in moments where they don't quite agree with one another. Bastian has gone from being my least liked companion to being an interesting storytelling device.

    Ember- In all honesty, I cannot accurately rate her as I have not used her very much. A lot of this lies in the sound of her voice and the fact that I would have wanted a more traditional sounding Khajiit whose story delves more into Khajiiti lore. I'm hoping she'll grow on me however.
    Legends never die
    They're written down in eternity
    But you'll never see the price it costs
    The scars collected all their lives
    When everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat
    Before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream
    Oh, pick yourself up, 'cause
    Legends never die
  • katanagirl1
    So far it’s Bastian as tank, because I don’t have Isobel leveled up enough to see if she is a better tank.

    I think she might be, but for now she dies more than he does.
    Khajiit Stamblade main
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP
    Dark Elf Magden
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Khajiit Stamina Arcanist

    PS5 NA
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