Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

The new Companions are both Male, but...

  • Treselegant
    ADarklore wrote: »
    Rhaena wrote: »
    I would love to be able to do some basic customization with our companions using the collections systems, such as hairstyles.

    I am happy they're evening out the male/female ratio.

    As for romance, I think they should add it because it's such a story driven game and it would fit really well but if they add romance I hope it adds something to the companion experience such as new quests and different/additional banter while running around the world, they could add a platonic/friend alternative too. Some people don't want it, so it should certainly be optional but romance with companions in games like this usually are.

    On the plus side, if they added a romance option, that means they'd probably have to go back to our older companions and update them- which might mean some added dialogue to make them more like the current gen of companions.

    I just want my companion to have more than two lines when entering a city/town and to have least something to say when I'm standing infront of King Emeric, the man who obliterated his entire family. At least Mirri reacts to the Clockwork City - I get "Cities are alive...." again. It's just getting depressing now.
  • langewapper
    for an older female compagnion i suggest sombody like Heiruna.
    from the western skyrim doll quest
    she is also an adventurer and quit a character

  • everseeing_njpreub18_ESO
    <Opinion... Not an insult to anyone...Other pre-defense remarks)

    I cannot see them ever adding any "romance" options these days. If there were even 1 non-allowable or non-prepared for pairing, the game would be torn apart. As soon as they added it, even perfectly for some, someone would complain; why cant i have 3, or 4 or 10, or marry my horse or etc etc.

    The best way for them is to avoid it.

  • Treselegant
    <Opinion... Not an insult to anyone...Other pre-defense remarks)

    I cannot see them ever adding any "romance" options these days. If there were even 1 non-allowable or non-prepared for pairing, the game would be torn apart. As soon as they added it, even perfectly for some, someone would complain; why cant i have 3, or 4 or 10, or marry my horse or etc etc.

    The best way for them is to avoid it.


    I think the devs need to stop being afraid of the playerbase. People are always going to complain about something. Pick a vision and stick with it and people will respect that a whole lot more than constantly bending over backwards trying to avoid complaints. At least half the time the type of people complaining don't use companions in the first place and never had any intention to.

    ESO has become increasingly light on RPG elements despite all the talk of aiming at the type of players who liked ES single player games. A bit more dialogue, a short quest, a change of greeting and you add a whole lot more to that RP experience. Mirri and Bastian were obviously intended to have some sort of romance system so why not just put that back together so the poor things aren't so weirdly disjointed in their dialogue.
  • Wow
    Will the new Warden companions also have their permanent bear pet? Or he's a bearless warden :disappointed:
    I'm a Godot Engine and GameMaker enthusiast from the most populated island on earth, Java, Indonesia. Coffee is my staple fuel, and durian is my favourite fruit. I'm currently building a Godot Community site.
  • Rhaena
    <Opinion... Not an insult to anyone...Other pre-defense remarks)

    I cannot see them ever adding any "romance" options these days. If there were even 1 non-allowable or non-prepared for pairing, the game would be torn apart. As soon as they added it, even perfectly for some, someone would complain; why cant i have 3, or 4 or 10, or marry my horse or etc etc.

    The best way for them is to avoid it.


    I don't think they'd get torn apart as long as it's optional, when they said it was something they wanted to do one day it was something that got a lot of positive feedback, and the romance feature for companions in games like SWTOR, or even single player rpg's are generally really popular features. Elder Scrolls is an RPG, so it honestly just makes sense to add some level of romance for players who want to have that option for their characters.
  • Ragnarok0130
    Wow wrote: »
    Will the new Warden companions also have their permanent bear pet? Or he's a bearless warden :disappointed:

    Probably a bearless Ice warden but I’d like to be surprised
  • blktauna
    Wow wrote: »
    Will the new Warden companions also have their permanent bear pet? Or he's a bearless warden :disappointed:

    Probably a bearless Ice warden but I’d like to be surprised

    he looked to be a bearless ice warden. yay an Argonian!
  • polaris86
    Personally I enjoy having companions, I love Mirri and Ember the most but I'm always happy to see more choices. And as an Argonian player I'm excited to have an Argonian companion available. Hopefully they will be decent in all roles.
  • FeedbackOnly
    I support the new ones coming. I might be cheating on bastian soon.
  • wolfcrisp
    I want a beefy male companion to love (not like romance)

    Someone who would probably call me sport or champ.

    A warrior type with a nice beard, and a bit of a dadbod, then i can put him in the skimpiest clothes like how other games represent female characters. Maybe an orc

    Im just a gae man who falls in love with pixels 😭😭😭
  • FlopsyPrince
    <Opinion... Not an insult to anyone...Other pre-defense remarks)

    I cannot see them ever adding any "romance" options these days. If there were even 1 non-allowable or non-prepared for pairing, the game would be torn apart. As soon as they added it, even perfectly for some, someone would complain; why cant i have 3, or 4 or 10, or marry my horse or etc etc.

    The best way for them is to avoid it.


    I think the devs need to stop being afraid of the playerbase. People are always going to complain about something. Pick a vision and stick with it and people will respect that a whole lot more than constantly bending over backwards trying to avoid complaints. At least half the time the type of people complaining don't use companions in the first place and never had any intention to.

    ESO has become increasingly light on RPG elements despite all the talk of aiming at the type of players who liked ES single player games. A bit more dialogue, a short quest, a change of greeting and you add a whole lot more to that RP experience. Mirri and Bastian were obviously intended to have some sort of romance system so why not just put that back together so the poor things aren't so weirdly disjointed in their dialogue.

    That assumes they listen to the playerbase. That is not clear from this (former) player's view.

    Adding romance would be a huge minefield though. They would surely offend many no matter what options they added (or did not add) and that would probably be even worse than the negatives of the current player desire neglect.

    I am sure a few might play/return for that, but I doubt it would be a large number.
  • Treselegant
    <Opinion... Not an insult to anyone...Other pre-defense remarks)

    I cannot see them ever adding any "romance" options these days. If there were even 1 non-allowable or non-prepared for pairing, the game would be torn apart. As soon as they added it, even perfectly for some, someone would complain; why cant i have 3, or 4 or 10, or marry my horse or etc etc.

    The best way for them is to avoid it.


    I think the devs need to stop being afraid of the playerbase. People are always going to complain about something. Pick a vision and stick with it and people will respect that a whole lot more than constantly bending over backwards trying to avoid complaints. At least half the time the type of people complaining don't use companions in the first place and never had any intention to.

    ESO has become increasingly light on RPG elements despite all the talk of aiming at the type of players who liked ES single player games. A bit more dialogue, a short quest, a change of greeting and you add a whole lot more to that RP experience. Mirri and Bastian were obviously intended to have some sort of romance system so why not just put that back together so the poor things aren't so weirdly disjointed in their dialogue.

    That assumes they listen to the playerbase. That is not clear from this (former) player's view.

    Adding romance would be a huge minefield though. They would surely offend many no matter what options they added (or did not add) and that would probably be even worse than the negatives of the current player desire neglect.

    I am sure a few might play/return for that, but I doubt it would be a large number.

    There has always been a great deal of interest in romancing companions. The question comes up constantly. Even Fallout 76 has managed some sort of romantic dialogue with two of its allies ( whether its well written or not is another matter but they gave it a go).

    No-one is asking for Bioware level experiences here - just a bit more dialogue/short quest and a change of greeting perhaps. Outside of the forum there really isn't swathes of players hand-wringing about it causing issues. The weirder responses you see here whenever the topic is brought up are pretty absent elsewhere.

    There really is this terrible "please please don't complain" thing going on with the newer companions and that's not good. Not every player is going to engage with every feature, not every player is going to be madly in love with every companion, it's normal. If we pandered to every person on social media who hated something in game we would have a very homogeneous game composed only of things that neither excite or offend. Which, I'm sad to say is where we've been heading with story-telling in game of late.

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