Elendir2am wrote: »
So, if you want any respect from me to your experiences with PvP, then stop make untrue claim about "players don't go out of keeps to fight with their skills". You wouldn't have any problems with sieges, if none come out of keep.
Sounds like you need some bubbles. Or some friends with bubbles.
(________) I cast one for you.
Nah. Siege shield isn't needed. What is needed, however, is the ability to block siege damage again, or them to tone down the damage ticks by effectively 20% across the board if they don't want to fix the bug that prevents siege dmg from being blocked.
Your "respect" has no bearings on my experience, nor does it have any correlation with objective reality in PvP. Hate to burst your bubble.
I think you're confusing trying to siege a keep to get inside with already being inside of a keep whilst having 4-5 coldfire ballistas and a few trebs trying to hit you from the walls and players rotating meatbags on the ground at you because they've given up trying to actually fight you using their own abilities. The amount of times where we've had to leave a keep out of sheer boredom because people stopped coming out to try and fight us, or we've actually just taken the keep entirely after 30-40 minutes of fighting because the faction decided to respawn somewhere else and stop trying is too much for my liking.
People don't improve their mechanics and game knowledge by giving up and resorting to siege, or outright leaving entirely to avoid PvP.
VaranisArano wrote: »Players also don't magically improve by bashing their heads into the same wall over and over again. Beat the same PUGs/zerg over and over, and eventually they'll get tired of it and move on.
If players have given up on fighting you with their own abilities because your skill is so high compared to theirs, nerfing siege isn't going to help make them more skillful players..
VaranisArano wrote: »Skilled players want lesser skilled players to abandon siege and face off in a test of skill. As if lesser skilled players should be obligated to fight fair with just their abilities when the end result of that is getting their butt handed to them over and over again.
or, just MAYBE, we are fighting vs a zerg as a small group for 20+ mins and trying to have some fun? [snip]
[edited for baiting & to remove quote]
VaranisArano wrote: »Cloudrest, the key word there is "slowly."
I likewise slowly learned to get better through trial and error. Unapologetically, part of my learning process was learning to recognize when rushing in to fight with my own abilities was only going to get me killed while accomplishing nothing, so I'd be better off sieging those players who were so far beyond my current skill level or doing something else entirely. After all, one essential skill in Cyrodiil is learning to pick one's fights.
A repeated theme in this discussion is the idea that lesser skilled players should be forced to engage higher skilled players with their abilities even though it puts them at an obvious disadvantage. That getting farmed by a 1vXer in a tower or a small group in a keep is some sort of positive good that will eventually make them more skilled.
Uh huh. I mean, I can see why the farmer says so.
I remain convinced that one of the first major steps away from being an overconfident zergling is learning to recognize when you're dying pointlessly, to break away, reassess, and then either break out the siege, leave to do something more profitable, or decide "No, I'm gonna try to learn something each time they kill me."
You can't force players to choose the latter by nerfing siege or complaining that they're avoiding PVP, especially not when you're the ones killing them over and over when they try to PVP with their abilities. That's something they have to decide for themselves.
Amen.FantasticFreddie wrote: »
What's that quote from the very first Pirates movie?
"I'd have killed you in a fair fight!"
"Well that's not much incentive to fight fair now is it?"
Everyone once and a while people get salty with me and say I'm useless without my group, I depend on my group to kill anything, just a ball group sheeter, etc.
Well yeah. I'm a healer. Of course I need my group. What am I going to do in a 1v1, combat prayer you to death? Why would I do that to myself? Just so Mr. Thinks-He-Should-Be-Able-To-Solo-12-Players can boost his ego with a kill? Nah.
FantasticFreddie wrote: »Siege has very simple counter play, you know what it's called? MOVE.
Don't stand in siege. It's a giant red circle that telegraphs over several seconds. Just move. It's slow enough you can just walk out of it in 90% of the cases. If you are trying to stand on a ram while 6 people pour oils on you from above, that's a you problem. If you are fighting in an open field and can't move out of the giant, creeping red circle, that is again a you problem.
Siege is working as intended. You aren't supposed to be able to eat NINE ticks of it like a player is posting above, you are supposed to move out of it. It's entire job is to deny you space to move.
You have your movement buttons for a reason. Use them.
I just feel like to a certain extent using everything in the game is fair play. I only say "to a certain extent," because I don't mean exploits. Brokenly strong skills, gear, and tactics? Totally fair play.
I'm sure 5 people able to kite, tank, heal, and just withstand 15+ people are using some pretty strong tactics as well. So I just don't see why it matters if you were finally taken down by more and more and more players... Some lucky negate/Colossus/dark convergence... Or siege.
Isn't the point, either way, that the pressure just eventually mounted beyond a tolerable threshold? And isn't that expected? And fair, when drastically outnumbered?
It's a siege weapon, it should be devastating to be hit by.
Short of making siege damage indiscriminately, all you can do is avoid it and the zerg/ball group.
You are also weak to oil if I'm reading it correct
Also the top things in your screenshot are all fire damage, except poison injection which I googled and hits harder under 50% health and plague infected which is the explosion because you stood by someone who exploded or purged plague break's dot.
Appears you are vampire stage 3. Perhaps I'm not even reading this right.
But it is possible that you need practice in not standing in fire with people who explode.
Also to the below comment v
It appears there is a big assumption that everyone plays dueling playstyle. I could play the rest of my lifetime and probably not be able to kill a group on my support character. Sometimes the best way for me to support a handful of people fighting by a keep or a tower is to throw out my heals and pull out the dreaded "bad duelist siege".
And there are several counters to siege. Bubbles, burn them, counter siege, scootch over
What do you mean weak to oil? It ticks for literally 10k damage a second - everyone is weak to it lol.
I dont really know why youre talking about the non-siege damage i received in my metrics, it is not a problem at all and I havent complained about it once. The siege damage is the issue here, it is way overtuned vs players.
Yes there are counters, but when there are multiple sieges hitting you from different angles (while we are constantly on the move btw) and on top of that while you're getting chased by a large number of people, your solutions simply do not work and are not at all viable.
I can see both sides of the debate. It's a fine line between crutching on massive damage from the safety of 50 meters and being willing to die in order how to learn how to counter highly skilled players face to face. I'm nowhere near being an elite player, but I have learned a lot by being willing to leave my comfort zone and trying different skills, sets, and strategies.
ok? The point is oil is at the top with only 9 ticks of damage in a 17 minute long fight