That was before the PTS. Thus people have, in fact, not tested it.
They were right anyway in the end, but still, let's not muddle the facts.
That was before the PTS. Thus people have, in fact, not tested it.
They were right anyway in the end, but still, let's not muddle the facts.
Oh no, you misunderstand. That comment was before the patch notes, even.
I don't understand why so many people keep on bringing this up as a means to dismiss the gravity of his statement. He knew what was coming when he posted that. IMO, the tweet is even more worrisome because he knew that what was revealed at that point was just the tip of the iceberg.
I am not dismissing anything.
As you correctly say, the fact that people saw this coming is more damning, not less. I have advocated to check out the actual patch first out of fairness but was every bit as concerned about their initial preview as others were. But muddying the facts as to when or in reaction to what that comment was made only harms the credibility of complaints, so lets keep those straight.
Will the folks at ZOS consider either increasing the number of transmute crystals in geodes or lower the cost of reconstructing gear via transmutation for the week after big patches like this? I have 13 characters, and I'm feeling pretty discouraged by the fact that I'm going to have to revisit every one of them post-U35.
Maybe put some crystals in the login rewards for September? Anything would be great.
Necrotech_Master wrote: »
i dont think much of the gear is really changing too much, there wasnt that many gear nerfs in there
now having a week of free respecs to sort out the mess with the skills would be more useful
MindOfTheSwarm wrote: »This is the problem with big changes. As these changes happen they can make sets in the game useless or broken to the point of worthless. Deadly Strike is a prime example of this. This set in particular has gone from a good endgame set for players before they get their trial stuff, to something that has 0 value. With these DoT nerfs, this set in particular should have been buffed significantly to compensate.
I have no doubt that in 3 months once we've almost found new rotations that work, all the sets will get rebalanced again too, because lots of changes means lots of overlooked implications which means lots more changes to correct for those
Everyone is saying Deadly Strikes is a set that needs a tweak so I guess you're right, but I don't have a good set copy to PTS test it with, and I'm too dumb to understand why this specific set is now so bad. Sure, the DoTs buffed by the set do less damage, but so do the light attacks that it doesn't buff. Pretty much the only thing that didn't get nerfed is our spammables. Rapid Strikes is the new strongest single target spammable and it's channeled. Deadly Strike buffs channeled abilities, so it buffs Rapid Strikes. What makes Deadly Strikes fall behind more than it did already?
Eigh1_Puppies wrote: »But maybe what they should consider doing, is recruiting a team of the best, of the most elite, to test this content for them, and to provide feedback and suggestions before presenting these ideas, to ensure that their changes align with their goals.
Starting to get Wildstar vibes here...The "the best, of the most elite" is how we've ended up with update 35, sledgehammer nerfs and all the problems we're getting in this patch AND the issues with the HM content they've been releasing lately. They shouldn't be specifically tuning hard content just for these people.
Razorback174 wrote: »Starting to get Wildstar vibes here...
Wildstar was a fairly recent MMO that started to cater greatly to the hardcore audience. In doing so, they managed to alienate all the other tier players from the game. Among other problems, many cite that one in particular as what caused the game's population to collapse and ultimately resulted in the game being shutdown after only 4 short years.I... don't know what that means.
Will the folks at ZOS consider either increasing the number of transmute crystals in geodes or lower the cost of reconstructing gear via transmutation for the week after big patches like this? I have 13 characters, and I'm feeling pretty discouraged by the fact that I'm going to have to revisit every one of them post-U35.
Maybe put some crystals in the login rewards for September? Anything would be great.
Necrotech_Master wrote: »
i dont think much of the gear is really changing too much, there wasnt that many gear nerfs in there
now having a week of free respecs to sort out the mess with the skills would be more useful
Razorback174 wrote: »Starting to get Wildstar vibes here...
Absolutely not. The last thing they need is a "team of the best, of the most elite" to test stuff for them because people who can burn through all content without seeing mechanics is in no way representative of the vast, VAST people who play the game. Nor representative of the population of endgame raiders pre-PTD 35.
The "the best, of the most elite" is how we've ended up with update 35, sledgehammer nerfs and all the problems we're getting in this patch AND the issues with the HM content they've been releasing lately. They shouldn't be specifically tuning hard content just for these people.
They definitely need actual players who are trying to complete the content to test stuff, this I absolutely agree with, but people who won't actually see most of the content (i.e. mechanics in longer fights, etc) because they are "the best, of the most elite" are not helpful for that. You want to see people who don't hit the highest numbers on the dummy, or aren't the best tanks or healers. That's where the useful data comes from.
They also need to replicate console conditions and use that for testing. That would be the most helpful for all systems including PC, because console is representative the hardest version of the game you can play.