Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

Extended maintenance Again ?

  • Mefromnorway
    ThorianB wrote: »
    Nova Sky wrote: »
    ThorianB wrote: »
    Nova Sky wrote: »
    ThorianB wrote: »
    Wolfpaw wrote: »
    Diminish wrote: »
    iamkeebler wrote: »
    @wolfpaw you act like psn users never send a single complaint to Sony. Believe me, they do. But complaining to just Sony doesn’t fix anything cause at the end of the day it isn’t on Sony to issue fixes or communicate to us that maintenance was extended or why. This is why I called out your comment cause you are missing the mark on the advice you are trying to provide.

    *If* enough reports poor into Sony, they will force ZoS' hand. Just look at Cyberpunk...

    They have forced ZOS’s hand in the past, they quickly had to patch the crash issue from dragonhold


    Sony Support 1-800-345-7669
    In the past, PS4 and Xbox were on equal footing. Sony is now a direct competitor to ZOS parent company. PS players may want to be careful rocking that boat, lest you rock yourselves right into the ocean.

    Yes, because I'm sure Microsoft and ZeniMax are more than happy to throw away a lot of revenue because — *GASP* — some PS players had the *nerve* to complain.

    If that's the case, maybe economic populism and monopoly-breaking should become the new normal.

    The amount of revenue that MS will make off this game on the PS platform for the entire year wont even equal the revenue MS made between 8 am and 9 am last tuesday. Corporate giant's shut down businesses that cause the company headaches all the time. They will also take a hard pass on deals that aren't in their interest. Example: MS bought Beam, rebranded it a Mixer paid Ninja and Shroud millions to swap from Twitch to Mixer and then shut it down a few months later because it was being outperformed by Twitch. They threw away millions and didn't even bat an eye.

    That happens in corporate America all the time. If PS4 players keep complaining to Sony, and it causes problems for MS, they will make the problem go away. It's a rival platform. When products don't work right, they get removed. If the game is having to many issues( complaints) on the PS platform but is fine on xbox and PC, MS may just decide to pull PS support.

    All i am saying is you may not want to try to escalate a problem that ZOS is trying to fix already when it is going to do nothing positive for you. Its a game. It states in their TOS or EULA or something that you don't get guaranteed 100% uptime . No MMO has 100% uptime even when you exclude maintenance. That is an unreasonable ask for it to have 100% uptime when you want to play it. And by complaining to Sony, you are rocking a boat that may flip if you rock it to much. But rock away... Tech giant's have pulled the plugs on things for less.

    I don't particularly care about 100 percent uptime. Anyone with a morsel of common sense knows well enough that everything needs maintenance and, thus there will be downtime — even to the point of something like what's happening now on the PS version of ESO.

    What drew my attention, Thorian, was the implication that if people dare complain too much, well, they just might lose it all. Folks wouldn't put up with that if it came from any level of government — local, regional, state or federal — so they shouldn't have to quake in their boots if a corporation decides to play hardball.

    Besides, I'm pretty certain Microsoft and ZeniMax both have hides thicker than a rhino's, so they are more than capable of not reacting to some negative customer feedback like an enraged teenager who's just been told they have a curfew.

    You are missing the point of my post. We are not talking about people with hurt feelings because you told on them. We are talking about corporations who make business decisions. Companies don't do things out of spite, they aren't people. But if there is always tension with Sony over the game because PS players are constantly complaining about it, then MS might decide it makes better sense to pull the plug on their rivals platform rather than keep dealing with issues that come up. Remember every issue ZOS has to fix costs money. MS is not one to beat a dead horse, as i pointed out with Mixer. If it doesn't make good business sense at any time, they pull the plug and move on.

    But you do you, I personally wouldn't cry wolf to Sony for every minor issue and this IS a minor issue because ZOS has been working on it from the moment it went south.

    If Microsoft or bethesda find out we shut down this game at PlayStation. People invest so much money in this game abs they still sell crown. If they would shut it down they had to give people a warning like, example Eso will be shut down at PlayStation in 2023. Do you relly think they can shut down a big business where people pay so much money and still crown, in that case it a big scam and im sure it would been reported for scam. And not many people in world would buy product they sell. Tryst would be like 0
    Have fun and dont be rude. Im Norwegian so im sorry for my spelling, but hope u understand.

    Grand Master Crafter.
    5 chars full 9 traiter.
    3 chars Flawless
    2 chars Stormproof.

    Total 13 chars, evryone got full gold armor both roles.

    PS5 Europe.
  • Riptide
    Yeah and I mean anyone who has been following gaming companies the last several decades knows you really only need one word to describe why Zenimax would be fools to drop PS (and they aren’t) - Bungie.

    It is too silly an idea that they would give up leverage. Rather they would and will fight Microsoft to keep PS etc if it ever comes to push and shove. Every subsidiary CEO of a larger company that has ever existed has constantly looked at other pastures, independence, leverage etc.

    The PS community will be that leverage to that person at Zenimax for the entirety of their time at Microsoft - which well may not be forever.

    So, yeah. Not the dynamic folks are assuming. At all.
    Edited by Riptide on April 6, 2021 1:00PM
    Esse quam videri.
  • Rhiordynn_Stormcloud
    Thank you for keeping us posted on your progress and your diligence in getting it back up and running. It is great that you are extending the event for those that haven't experienced any issues, but I am more concerned with daily rewards that I missed out on because of this outage as well as the event tickets. I primarily play in the mornings EST and very rarely in the evenings and so I've missed a day.
  • Ingenon
    ZOS, thanks for bringing the PS4 NA and EU servers back online.
  • DragonRacer
    Can't not appreciate the all-nighter pulled to get us back up faster than yesterday's final update predicted. Thumbs up, tech dudes and dudettes.
    PS5 NA. GM of The PTK's - a free trading guild (CP 500+). Also a werewolf, bites are free when they're available. PSN = DragonRacer13
  • Destai
    We ran into an issue during maintenance specifically on PS4 and are working as quickly as we can to try and get a resolution.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno Thanks for updating us in the middle of the night!
  • abakzn
    And now extended maintenance time once more?
  • tauriel01
    We ran into an issue during maintenance specifically on PS4 and are working as quickly as we can to try and get a resolution.

    Thanks for the info. It would be super awesome if this kind of feedback wasn't buried in a thread but rather posted at the top of the forum page so everyone knows.
  • Epona222
    tauriel01 wrote: »
    We ran into an issue during maintenance specifically on PS4 and are working as quickly as we can to try and get a resolution.

    Thanks for the info. It would be super awesome if this kind of feedback wasn't buried in a thread but rather posted at the top of the forum page so everyone knows.

    You know that doesn't relate to the current maintenance, right?

    Someone bumped an old thread.
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • Dr_Rektar
    Some one got fished ;)
    Engine guardian - best set ever
  • honglatongla
  • davidtk
    Yea, this is one year necro thread....
    Really sorry for my english
  • ZOS_Icy

    We have closed this topic as it was originally created in April 2021. In many cases, it's better to create a new thread on a topic that you want to discuss as opposed to bumping one that is rather old.

    Thank you for your understanding.
    Staff Post
This discussion has been closed.