Viewsfrom6ix wrote: »
Not a valid comparison. It is more like stop talking in a way it hurts and talk in a way it doesn't hurt.
The problem exists because of DPS queue takes too long. This is because there are more DPS players in the game and the large amount of low DPS in random groups thus forcing real tanks to not participate in group finders.
It is hard to solve that without increasing the queue time even longer. The system that we have right now allows people to play any role they want and be successful. And pre-made groups allow players that don't want a random group/can't carry fake roles.
DarkKnight wrote: »If we apparently can't stop people from moonlighting for roles they aren't suited for, can we please at least do something about their toxicity? CP150 player admits he isn't a real tank at the start of DLC dungeon, but then also can't DPS. After wiping several times, I asked him why he even queued at all. This was his colorful response to being called out:
That's just not an okay way to behave in group.
Zos, if you are going to do basically nothing to stop people from queuing in bad faith, at least manage their otherwise toxic attitudes. I pay to have fun, not to put up with this kind of non-sense.
[Edit to remove images for Profanity and Naming and Shamnig.]
StarOfElyon wrote: »
The solution is to make it harder to be a tank and still do damage. If you want to do damage, you should be squishy. If you want to be tanky, you don't do damage. That will end fake tanks really fast.
StarOfElyon wrote: »
The solution is to make it harder to be a tank and still do damage. If you want to do damage, you should be squishy. If you want to be tanky, you don't do damage. That will end fake tanks really fast.
Have recently been thinking about this, and my suggestion would be to change stats: Health gives -2% overall damage output per point, stamina/magicka give +2% overall damage taken per point. (Maybe cap it off at a maximum of 80%)StarOfElyon wrote: »
The solution is to make it harder to be a tank and still do damage. If you want to do damage, you should be squishy. If you want to be tanky, you don't do damage. That will end fake tanks really fast.
Ryath_Waylander wrote: »
How would you stop a DD from queuing in the tank role though? A low HP threshold perhaps?
That will make tanks a lot more rarer.
Tanks don’t exist in a vacuum. When the dungeon is over the player still needs to do quests, harvest nodes, etc. if tanks can’t kill that lion near a harvest node. No one will play one.
Ryath_Waylander wrote: »
How would you stop a DD from queuing in the tank role though? A low HP threshold perhaps?
StarOfElyon wrote: »
I made a tank just to tank. I have a healer to heal. I can still swap gear and do some overland but I'm not going to do it quickly. Everyone wants to be DD, I get it, but it can be rewarding to play other roles. Eventually, I'll probably have two alts per role. Not just a bunch of DD characters. That's what people will have to do if they want to play an MMO.
Ryath_Waylander wrote: »
How would you stop a DD from queuing in the tank role though? A low HP threshold perhaps?
Have recently been thinking about this, and my suggestion would be to change stats: Health gives -2% overall damage output per point, stamina/magicka give +2% overall damage taken per point. (Maybe cap it off at a maximum of 80%)
PS: My tanks do 1.5k DPS, and this has never ever been an issue in any dungeon!
PPS: Would like to have dual spec, or maybe the new companions will compensate for DPS. For overland content!
If you would be better dps or what ever u are, then you would not have problem with fake tanks or toxic players. I don't careif i have fake tank or healer for normal dung. Can carry group without problem. Actually most of the time I even hope people will fake tank so we can get extra dps ans clear faster
Now the dps nerf for tanks is mostly regarding tanks in PvP who uses proc sets to do damage while being very hard to kill.Nothing can be done about fake tanks and there will be even more of them next patch, so get used to that. Just improve your own gameplay or git gud. People who suggest 75% dps reduction for fakes lmao. Do you really think that they care about their dps. They queued as fake tank because they dont care about the test of the group. Most of them cant do much dps anyway and hoping to get free carry. So reducing their dps wouldn't change anything, it would only make everything even slower for everyone.
Then alot of people say to kick. That also not gonna help the test of the group. It will take long time to find replacement and chances are that you get another fake tank. It's just best to get on with the dungeon and take the extra dps that the fake tank can provide. Also alot of fake roles queue with a friend or someone wotes no. It's not that easy to kick as you think.
Just save yourself the aggravation and possible toxic rage from someone and improve your skill and get the dungeon done.
Ryath_Waylander wrote: »How would you stop a DD from queuing in the tank role though? A low HP threshold perhaps?
etchedpixels wrote: »
If you have reasonable CP, decent gear and a bit of practice you can properly tank a normal non DLC dungeon with 20K health and the right shield and damage mitigation skills. There are even tank builds built around 64 magicka/ 0 health / 0 stamina and they work although they are certainly harder to run than the generic 70k health zero damage DK or necro tank.
What's sad is a lot of the fake tanks could go out and buy themselves a set of plague doctor, put a couple of skill points into sword/board and they'd do just fine on non-dlc normal runs even if they kept dps as their other 5 piece and monster helm or trainee as the 2 piece. Stick on both plague doctor and hatchlings shell or green pact plus even cheap food or crusty bread and they'll be well into tank territory even if weaker on some support than a "true" tank as they'll have only skill based supports. Even the skills won't take long. Slot basic sword/board and a couple of dungeons later you'll have levelled up to get a bunch of the heavy armour and sword/board skills/passives.
Gear isn't quite everything in this game but for a wide range of roles gear makes the character and with the PTS changes to champion points the fixed role based on stats gets even more untrue except at the very top end.
Viewsfrom6ix wrote: »
Not a valid comparison. It is more like stop talking in a way it hurts and talk in a way it doesn't hurt.
The problem exists because of DPS queue takes too long. This is because there are more DPS players in the game and the large amount of low DPS in random groups thus forcing real tanks to not participate in group finders.
It is hard to solve that without increasing the queue time even longer. The system that we have right now allows people to play any role they want and be successful. And pre-made groups allow players that don't want a random group/can't carry fake roles.
(emphasis mine)There's no such thing as "Fake" roles in normal dungeons, it's simply inexperienced. All normals (including the DLCs) are easily soloable by anyone over 500cp and a stroll for 2 semi competitent people of any cp.
Instead of raging because a "fake" healer/tank/dps ruined your normal dungeon experience, its probably more productive to look at how you can improve your build so that you're not reliant on the "fakes" to get through....
Vet, well that's a completely different ball game. Vet = vote kick & move on....
DarkKnight wrote: »
When the dungeon started, and it's a DLC, he already comes in saying 'Aggro is going to be weird because I have my gear for soloing dungeons equipped', so this wasn't an accident on his part.
I am going to be very blunt here. You can over DPS all nonDLC and most DLC dungeons. .
Luckylancer wrote: »The invisible elephant in the room: people can ruin your gaming experience and your 20 minute DD que time dungeons in ESO and they can get away with it