Honest question... since when did non vet dungeons require a Tank and a Healer? You can almost two man them now with the right gear and knowing what your getting yourself into (aka watch a video to learn the place) This is a old argument that when you scratch the surface becomes just other way to bang on people who are considered scrubs by players who consider themselves better.
Also Companions are going to solve your problem for you, most folks who are tired of hearing Fake Tank are going to grab a friend, they will have both companions queued and they will no longer need to be mentored. Then we will probably hear complaints about how no one is queuing for normal dungeons anymore.
oscarovegren wrote: »
Then do veteran mode. In normal mode there is no need of either tank or heal. I cant blame any DD for quene as tank/healer on normal
Agenericname wrote: »
Probably since the last time a fresh level 10-20 no-CP player queued.
Its all a matter of perspective. Most of the people that I play with can solo the vets, there isnt a normal dungeon that poses a challenge. Thats not the same for everyone though, so the "necessity" of support roles can be a bit subjective. When you queue for a random, unless you queue as a group, you cannot insure the level of the group youre about to get.
Its really more about rationalizing the behavior than it is about need. They could easily be soloed by most, assuming there isnt a mechanic that prevents it, but the daily requires a group. So its all about the XP and geode.
The obvious downside is, we are basically telling tanks they are unwanted in the content theyre meant to learn in then we make forums posts about their absence when we do want them.
I disagree, I have tanked (and yes I am a very real tank) and never once felt unneeded, I get that can be a matter of perspective but I have played MMO's since EQ and have played most of the relevant ones to the highest form of raiding. ESO issues are minor comparatively and they have a several workarounds and are creating more. For the game to succeed it must accommodate many different play styles. Wildstar disagreed with that....Wildstar is shut down.
Honestly my advice is get out of the finder and form a group. Most MMO's a few years back didn't even have finders...so it's odd of you to basically complain about the lack of ridged guidelines, when you yourself would be labeled a ez mode gamer just a few short years ago.
Agenericname wrote: »
I didnt complain about ridged guidelines, or there lack thereof. I said that we (gamers) can be a bit selfish at times and not very considerate. You dont really need guidelines to be considerate.
Ive been playing them UO in 97, Im aware of what life was like prior. The rest are massive assumptions on your part.
StarOfElyon wrote: »
The solution is to make it harder to be a tank and still do damage. If you want to do damage, you should be squishy. If you want to be tanky, you don't do damage. That will end fake tanks really fast.
f047ys3v3n wrote: »I was playing on my alt that is my daughters account yesteday and got booted from a dungeon finder group just before we started the last boss. I'm thinking, that's strange, I was pulling my weight, what gives. So I ask one of the dudes.
His response.
We just booted you because our buddy wanted to come in and get the loot.
Yea, apparently they were a 3 man pre-form and all the time had the idea of just making me do all the work and then booting me before the last boss to bring in their buddy.
f047ys3v3n wrote: »I was playing on my alt that is my daughters account yesteday and got booted from a dungeon finder group just before we started the last boss. I'm thinking, that's strange, I was pulling my weight, what gives. So I ask one of the dudes.
His response.
We just booted you because our buddy wanted to come in and get the loot.
Yea, apparently they were a 3 man pre-form and all the time had the idea of just making me do all the work and then booting me before the last boss to bring in their buddy.
ZOS response.... What do you think?
Form letter blada blada we do not discuss, we protect all bullies, cheater, and miscreants...... no sorry for your bad time, no, loot, not even a word or two written by a human. Felt like getting a beating on the street, going to a cop to report, and getting another beating.
Just so you know what we think ZOS. We think you never ban anybody for cheating, bullying, or treating players poorly. We think you never take any action of any kind whatsoever. But if I put a screenshot here of my conversation with those jerks that had their name in it you would ban me so fast my head would spin for "naming and shaming". The shame is on you ZOS.
And no, ZOS did not sent me the keys and loot for the ARX pledge I was denied the complete on. They could have, but a person would have had to look at my complaint to do that. No medusa inferno or keys for my little girl. Sorry little one, it might have been your birthday this week but ZOS gift is a big ol turd.
f047ys3v3n wrote: »I was playing on my alt that is my daughters account yesteday and got booted from a dungeon finder group just before we started the last boss. I'm thinking, that's strange, I was pulling my weight, what gives. So I ask one of the dudes.
His response.
We just booted you because our buddy wanted to come in and get the loot.
Yea, apparently they were a 3 man pre-form and all the time had the idea of just making me do all the work and then booting me before the last boss to bring in their buddy.
ZOS response.... What do you think?
Form letter blada blada we do not discuss, we protect all bullies, cheater, and miscreants...... no sorry for your bad time, no, loot, not even a word or two written by a human. Felt like getting a beating on the street, going to a cop to report, and getting another beating.
Just so you know what we think ZOS. We think you never ban anybody for cheating, bullying, or treating players poorly. We think you never take any action of any kind whatsoever. But if I put a screenshot here of my conversation with those jerks that had their name in it you would ban me so fast my head would spin for "naming and shaming". The shame is on you ZOS.
And no, ZOS did not sent me the keys and loot for the ARX pledge I was denied the complete on. They could have, but a person would have had to look at my complaint to do that. No medusa inferno or keys for my little girl. Sorry little one, it might have been your birthday this week but ZOS gift is a big ol turd.
Agenericname wrote: »
Ive cleared nearly all of the vet dungeons solo, that can be done solo. So it would be fair for me to queue as a fake tank there?
I can get we have different opinions, sure.
But queuing as tank when DD in vFG1 actually lowers the whole group's damage.
Not only you lie about your role, but you are actually a detriment to your group.
Wow, I've never heard this happen in dungeons before, esp non dlc ones. But it seems to be common thing in places like vDSA. 3 friends/guildys form a group and then kick the 4th pug person at last boss. Then they will either sell "carry " with all weps to someone or bring in some other friend.
oscarovegren wrote: »
If being in a group where the DDs have a dps around 10k and you enter with your 50k dps selfbuffed DD you will increase the damage by A LOT
Anecdata is not data.
I don't know in what universe youn play, but most DDs I end up with certainly do more than 10k.
So, yes .. in the unlikely combination of cosmic event you spoke about, you might, possibly, bring a small modicum of actual help.
In all of the overwhelming, crushing majority of cases, you'll be a detriment.
A taunt is not enough, even. Tanks don't kite the bosses. Tanks hold them in place.
If you don't hold the boss, your 50k DPS (wich is nice, I don't deny it) is unhelpfull, because the boss will be runing around like a moron, annoying everyone ever. You'll not be an hero, you'll be that guy who made the dungeon annoying.
Agenericname wrote: »
You're proposing to impose a restriction on real tanks because of DDs posing as tanks? Should tanks then be allowed to set restrictions on DDs? Like maybe combat data? Parses? Certain gear?
That isnt going to solve your issue either way. Youll just have longer queue times.
Why is it hard to find a real tank? That should be the real question. Fake tanks fill a vacuum.
Luckylancer wrote: »
Yes, restrict real tanks because of DD fake tanks. But the restriction for real tanks should being a real tank. Mind blowing I know. 30k hp or even 25k hp minimum limit will be enough.
I dont care what tanks wear or use most of the time. I just want tank to not die and keep boss in one place. Thats all.
I will want tank to be actually usefull in very hard content, they expect my DPS to be high. This is normal.
I'm always astonished by the pug horror stories I read on the forum.
In vet content, it almost never happens to me.
f047ys3v3n wrote: »I was playing on my alt that is my daughters account yesteday and got booted from a dungeon finder group just before we started the last boss. I'm thinking, that's strange, I was pulling my weight, what gives. So I ask one of the dudes.
His response.
We just booted you because our buddy wanted to come in and get the loot.
Yea, apparently they were a 3 man pre-form and all the time had the idea of just making me do all the work and then booting me before the last boss to bring in their buddy.
ZOS response.... What do you think?
Form letter blada blada we do not discuss, we protect all bullies, cheater, and miscreants...... no sorry for your bad time, no, loot, not even a word or two written by a human. Felt like getting a beating on the street, going to a cop to report, and getting another beating.
Just so you know what we think ZOS. We think you never ban anybody for cheating, bullying, or treating players poorly. We think you never take any action of any kind whatsoever. But if I put a screenshot here of my conversation with those jerks that had their name in it you would ban me so fast my head would spin for "naming and shaming". The shame is on you ZOS.
And no, ZOS did not sent me the keys and loot for the ARX pledge I was denied the complete on. They could have, but a person would have had to look at my complaint to do that. No medusa inferno or keys for my little girl. Sorry little one, it might have been your birthday this week but ZOS gift is a big ol turd.
amm7sb14_ESO wrote: »
I could probably count on both hands the number of PUG horror stories I've had on vet, but they are still outside the norm.
I had one time where I was tanking vet Spindle 2, and we couldn't get past Bloodspawn boss because the DPS were just light / heavy attacking with no skills. I just dipped out.
I DPS'd a vet Selene's Web last night where the tank was whining about the 2nd DPS not being CP160 yet. Said "You shouldn't queue for vet if you're not 160". I replied back "It's Selene's Web. It will be fine." That tank later died to the bear attack in the final boss. I noticed after the fight that he was using dual wield. If you're gonna whine about someone else, make sure your own business is handled correctly. The damage was a little bit low, and I was definitely carrying the weight, but it wasn't too bad.
I also had a run in Arx Corinium the other night where the tank wasn't purposefully fake tanking. He just wasn't good at it. He had about 17k health and was using a 2h. Couldn't withstand the boss, so we ended up kicking him. Low level guy, learning the ropes, I felt kinda bad, but we weren't gonna clear with him tanking.
My PUG experiences have been mostly positive. People may not say much but we get the job done. However, lately I've gotten a few fake tanks in my dailies. If they can pull their weight and contribute to the group, I mostly don't care. One guy we got ran ahead of the group while a few folks were trying to do quests. He must of died on each boss. I was spending more time rezzing than healing. It was awful. My other groupmates tried to kick him but I was too nice to pass the vote to kick. Mistake on my part. After being dead most of the run, he left without a word after the run was over. He was worthless as a tank and DPS.