QuebraRegra wrote: »AS healer, I sooo wanted to kick the tank in VET ARX that kept taunting the last boos and keeping her on the land... he also wasn't maintaining well and I had to burn my heals on him. i asked many times on mic for him to move her to the water, but all ignored (DPS underperforming), and about 7 minutes was wasted with barely a scratch on her. Instead of kicking, I ended up just letting them all die, then took her in the water and proceeded to finish her solo. I'm not that great, so that should tell you everything you need to know about the group.
That was VERY frustrating.
Isn't keeping her on land at all times the preferable / recommended method unless you've got very strong and experienced group (which from you're description this was not)? From my experience any time some yahoo decides to lead the sellistrix into water it's authomatic wipe for PUGs on vet. Yes, the damage is higher with boss in water, but there are periods with whole room (both water and islands) covered in AoEs and have seen like ONE healer able to overheal the damage and keep group alive when that happens. If the DDs are already nothing to write home about, then I'm with the tank -> keep boss on land, take you're time and don't let group wipe.
This reminded me of one particular run, where both the other dd and healer kept runing around the boss room like headless chickens, leading boss in water "for higher damage" only to repeatedly die to AoEs and wiping the group by getting everyone caught inside cone of scream attacks. When they both left, HM took maybe five minutes with just me and tank. We kept boss on land, sandwitched her tight between us and when she turned to "lauch" at me, I've just dodge-rolled through her on tank's side, leaving her to scream at nothing, then kited back there once tank taunted her again. Simple and clean, with no more deaths.
newtinmpls wrote: »
I can't.
I can usually do most of the non-vet, but some of the newer ones are not easy. Plus, if I'm doing DPS, I want the boss to be kept in one spot. That's a tank job.
So I want a tank that actually tanks.
https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Sellistrix_the_Lamia_Queen kind of indicates that either strategy is viable.
It's been a while since I've gone there (burnt out from farming for that damn UI staff!), but IIRC the way most groups did it was to hide on that little island to the left that never has rocks fall on it, and keep her in the water. Everyone gets screamed now and then, but otherwise y'all just stand there and parse on her. Has that changed / been patched?