Yep, @VaranisArano beat me to it. You'd do well to take down this post entirely, @DarkKnight
Also, you kind of set the tone with "Seriously, if you can't tank and you can't dps..."
I get where you're coming from, but.. ya know. Don't start conversations like that, especially with people who feel it's okay to jump the queue like that; it never ends well. : P
Why didn't you kick him at the start of the dungeon when he admitted he was a fake tank then?
VaranisArano wrote: »First off, your image is naming and shaming on the forums. Might want to block out the other player's name.
Second, reporting toxic comments that break the TOS is going to be a lot more effective than posting hatewhispers on the forums for the peanut gallery. If you haven't reported them, I suggest you do so.
Instead of berating people for not being up to what you think they should be, just vote kick. You basically attacked him for not playing to your standards and then when he got defensive, you named and shamed him on this forum. Ask yourself which one of you is being the toxic one here. Him for not being very good or you for making him feel like dirt for not being very good?
This right here is why i can't wait for companions.
oscarovegren wrote: »Was it a vet or normal dungeon? If it was a normal dungeon then whatever. You can use 4 DDs in every normal DLC dungeon
CP 150 so obvious normal. The idea of fake tanking an vet dlc is pretty stupid anyway.oscarovegren wrote: »Was it a vet or normal dungeon? If it was a normal dungeon then whatever. You can use 4 DDs in every normal DLC dungeon
DarkKnight wrote: »
When the dungeon started, and it's a DLC, he already comes in saying 'Aggro is going to be weird because I have my gear for soloing dungeons equipped', so this wasn't an accident on his part.
I attacked him? Really dude? I asked him, legitimately, why he queued for tank if he knew can't tank and can't burn down bosses fast enough for it not to matter. That's not an attack, that's a reflex to having my time wasted repeatedly by people who come in knowing in advance that they are completely unsuited. I still want to know what makes people think it's okay to keep doing this to the other 3 players just to get a faster queue? Maybe you can answer since you are coming to his defense.
My only 'standard' is joining queues in good faith and not coming in expecting everyone else to carry you. That's not unreasonable. If you need a carry, join a guild or go get some friends. At least ASK the people in your group if they mind or are even able to carry you. Don't simply ambush a bunch of strangers just trying to get through a daily, and expect that they can just adjust so you can get an easy clear.
The net result of this was my friend logging off for the night in disgust before we even got started, and it taking 45 minutes to finish a dungeon that should have been done in 20, along with all the repairs. None of that was my fault.
DarkKnight wrote: »...After wiping several times, I asked him why he even queued at all. ...
Yes you can do, but than go to your zone chat and look for another 3 DD and than join your random queue.
There are a lot of people out there which try a MMO or there role for the first time and want to play a normal group composition and enjoy the dungeon. Or in general just enjoy dungeon designs and encounter.
If you want to rush or don´t play as a group because you are in a rush, than as above. Look for 3 other DDs and than queue for your random
DarkKnight wrote: »
When the dungeon started, and it's a DLC, he already comes in saying 'Aggro is going to be weird because I have my gear for soloing dungeons equipped', so this wasn't an accident on his part.
I attacked him? Really dude? I asked him, legitimately, why he queued for tank if he knew can't tank and can't burn down bosses fast enough for it not to matter. That's not an attack, that's a reflex to having my time wasted repeatedly by people who come in knowing in advance that they are completely unsuited. I still want to know what makes people think it's okay to keep doing this to the other 3 players just to get a faster queue? Maybe you can answer since you are coming to his defense.
My only 'standard' is joining queues in good faith and not coming in expecting everyone else to carry you. That's not unreasonable. If you need a carry, join a guild or go get some friends. At least ASK the people in your group if they mind or are even able to carry you. Don't simply ambush a bunch of strangers just trying to get through a daily, and expect that they can just adjust so you can get an easy clear.
The net result of this was my friend logging off for the night in disgust before we even got started, and it taking 45 minutes to finish a dungeon that should have been done in 20, along with all the repairs. None of that was my fault.
To imply that a player with low CP and experience shouldn't queue for a dungeon at all, instead of giving him advise, can be regarded as toxic behaviour. Maybe you try to get off your high horse and offer help next time.
To imply that a player with low CP and experience shouldn't queue for a dungeon at all, instead of giving him advise, can be regarded as toxic behaviour. Maybe you try to get off your high horse and offer help next time.
“Make your own group” is not a solution to the fake tank issue. It feels a bit like the old vaudeville joke;
Patient: “Doctor, it hurts when I talk.”
Doctor: “Then stop talking.”
It’s not actually fixing the problem.