Fake tanks and toxic players

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  • renne

    Have you ever met fake tanks with their friends? It's impossible to kick the fake tank if his friend votes NO.

    Sure. But not everyone is queued with a friend and OP straight up doesn't mention he bothered trying to do that, he says "One of the group dropped before we even started over this. I just wanted the skill point for finishing." Given he literally named and shamed this person, if he'd tried to kick them and their friend stopped it, you think that wouldn't have been mentioned?

    He just wanted the skill point, so clearly he was willing to put up with drama until the person he poked at poked back.
  • svendf
    There is a way if you think about it if you wanna get rid of these fakes roles and other griefers.

    Start streaming and be open about you are streaming, as there are people, who do not wan´t to be part of a stream. You don´t have to tell why you are streaming, because basic you are just streaming.

    You don´t see these griefers in streams - guess why ?

    Do you see griefing going on report to ZOS with evidence and if on PS to Sony as well and inform Sony, that you have reported to ZOS and inform ZOS, that you have reported to Sony so all know.

    Zos can´t control how people play or do other thing´s in game and I agreed on that. What they can do is take mesures against it and be firm about it. These griefers are as I see it the reason, why people are getting mad/toxic.

    No one should be paying to play ESO and at the same time getting griefed or bullied because some feels they are entittlet to it through their playstyle or other arogant excuse - it´s not about playstyle, it´s about personal attitude and respect for other´s.

    The griefer´s I have seen in my groups are people, who don´t give a f,king flye of you or anyone else and if you call them out, you are toxic and even use the forums to redirect the focus away from them.

    Some will say it will not help to report with evidence. People are removed everyday. They are just not telling about it, who wanna go public and tell they have been a jerk.

    Start streaming.
  • rk1101320
    i thought it was a pvp post
    GM of Pimp my Elf
    Ex member of TOXIC, KNOW YOUR PLACE, [snip], KNOWN'[snip]
    member of D-Ticks and E-Cheeks
    trolling your scrolls since beta
    well known T-bagger and shimmering shield spammer

    [Edited to remove Profanity and Inappropriate Content]
  • Sahidom
    newtinmpls wrote: »

    I can't.

    I can usually do most of the non-vet, but some of the newer ones are not easy. Plus, if I'm doing DPS, I want the boss to be kept in one spot. That's a tank job.

    So I want a tank that actually tanks.

    Reasonable requests. I wont pick at your build since personal playatyles are active there; however, you probably summed up the whole fake tank pain point: holding the boss still.

    Sometimes, new players or rushing vets will just taunt, kite and kill the boss while builds who rely on "stand still" boss fights struggle and get frustrated. We are also in an playstyle environment , "Play as you want," according to ZOS.

    I get your frustration when a perfect scenario doesn't occur; however, everything I've mentioned is real and do-able.
  • oscarovegren
    GreenHere wrote: »
    (emphasis mine)

    That's simply not true.

    If I lie about being a tank, and jump into a dungeon queue on a full damage spec -- as in, I have absolutely no ability or intention to perform any tanking duties at all -- I'm fraudulent by definition. I didn't do it by accident, or because I'm too inexperienced to read what the clearly labeled roles mean -- I did it because I wanted to cut in line. I exploited the "on your honor" system that's in place to get ahead of other players. If that's not fake, I don't know what is.

    I can kind of get behind the "there's no such thing as fake DPS/DDs" argument (to an extent), but to say that there's no fake tanks or healers out there is just... It's so false that I'm not sure if you're just trolling, or what, frankly. If you've truly never run into this, then I envy your random dungeon experience!

    EDIT :: Although, I definitely think a lot of people are far too quick to label new/inexperienced/struggling players as "FAKE" the moment they don't live up to their standards! That's a fair point, but sort of a separate-but-related issue. Fakers absolutely exist, even if not everyone labeled as one is one.

    This applies to veteran dungeons. Roles doesn´t matter in normal dungeons
  • oscarovegren
    newtinmpls wrote: »

    I can't.

    I can usually do most of the non-vet, but some of the newer ones are not easy. Plus, if I'm doing DPS, I want the boss to be kept in one spot. That's a tank job.

    So I want a tank that actually tanks.

    Play veteran then. Tanks is not required for any normal dungeons. If you can´t stay alive on normal without a tank you are a very bad player tbh
  • svendf
    Play as you wan´t. Yes play s a tank with all the gear and skills/abillties beloging to that playstyle. You can also play as a damage dealer by using same approach and same goes for healer.

    Play as you wan´t. Look it up it´s on the website.
  • svendf

    Play veteran then. Tanks is not required for any normal dungeons. If you can´t stay alive on normal without a tank you are a very bad player tbh

    Sorry for interupting here. What you are stating is not corect as I do normal dungeons on low lvl tank Im levl up and on my full blown and do some healing as well.

    I will welcome a dscussion on why there aren´t more tanks available in vet and other content and assume they are not needed in certent conten.

    I know tanks, who will not put their foot in any vet content. Why ? It´s not up to me to answer that question. On my personal accaunt I can say that Im not interested nor as a tank or healer regarding vet content atm. I have been over all that on my dps`s
    It feels a bit more relaxed and time spend on normal are much shorter compaired to vet content, which for me is very important as I don,t have to rush trough content - same goes for healer.

    I don´t know, what will happen after patch/new chapter will look into that when time is. I feel that´s it´s up to anyone to make their own judgement on, what content they feel they wanna do, because at the end of the day - all roles belon in all content

    Thank you
    Forgot onething.


    To point out a person on the forums as a bad player because he/she desire a tank - a real one btw in normal dungdeons is way out of line dude - you most be desperate.
    Edited by svendf on February 22, 2021 11:49AM
  • phil.maricel08ub17_ESO
    ThorianB wrote: »
    Instead of berating people for not being up to what you think they should be, just vote kick. You basically attacked him for not playing to your standards and then when he got defensive, you named and shamed him on this forum. Ask yourself which one of you is being the toxic one here. Him for not being very good or you for making him feel like dirt for not being very good?

    This right here is why i can't wait for companions.

    You literally disregarded the OP's post and turned the offender into the victim. The moment he said he was a "fake" tank he should have been removed from the group and reported if possible. This pacification is almost as bad, if not worse, because it allows players to not be held accountable for such actions.
  • newtinmpls
    Sahidom wrote: »
    I am going to be very blunt here. You can over DPS all nonDLC and most DLC dungeons. .

    Next one is me:
    newtinmpls wrote: »
    I can't.

    I can usually do most of the non-vet, but some of the newer ones are not easy. Plus, if I'm doing DPS, I want the boss to be kept in one spot. That's a tank job.

    So I want a tank that actually tanks.

    Let me clarify. I can successfully participate in a group and survive most dungeons on normal, and some of the DLC's on vet. I've been playing since a month after PC release, and I'm NOT an "MMO'er" so it took me literally 2 years of play to get to the point where I kite without thinking about it.

    I enjoy overland, do not do trials, do not do PvP so there is a LOT of fancy gear I don't use/have. I mostly play with a few particular friends, and semi-regularly do random runs, usually as a healer or tank, as I find those are more about skill and paying attention rather than straight out massive DPS, so they are easier for me to achieve.

    That being said I have multiple characters kitted out as DPSs and two in particular very kick-ass to do vet stuff.
    Play veteran then. Tanks is not required for any normal dungeons. If you can´t stay alive on normal without a tank you are a very bad player tbh

    You make two separate points here:

    1-tanking is not required for dungeons.

    Possibly true, but it is required by the dungeon finder, so when you sign up to participate in a "random group" you are saying "I can and will perform this role in this party". As others have pointed out in this thread, that is fraud and untrue.

    2-If someone can't stay alive without a tank you are a bad player

    If there is no "tank" then guess who gets the aggro? The healer. So when the non-armoured-to-heck healer gets aggro-ed, then folks start dying (possibly starting with the healer).

    And back to the first point (and the main topic of the thread).

    If someone signs on "as a tank" and then promptly tells the team (or demonstrates to the team, by totally NOT tanking) that they are NOT doing the job they agreed to do, then the proper response would be to kick and/or report them.

    Personally I start by saying "will you please load up a taunt of some kind" because that's my minimum. Some folks will say "sure, no problem" and do it. Some will get verbally abusive.

    Then, I respond to whatever happens.

    As a separate point, I could see that it might be interesting to have a "no specific role" group option. I wonder how that would play out.

    Edit: for clarity
    Edited by newtinmpls on February 22, 2021 8:32PM
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • oscarovegren
    svendf wrote: »

    Sorry for interupting here. What you are stating is not corect as I do normal dungeons on low lvl tank Im levl up and on my full blown and do some healing as well.

    I will welcome a dscussion on why there aren´t more tanks available in vet and other content and assume they are not needed in certent conten.

    I know tanks, who will not put their foot in any vet content. Why ? It´s not up to me to answer that question. On my personal accaunt I can say that Im not interested nor as a tank or healer regarding vet content atm. I have been over all that on my dps`s
    It feels a bit more relaxed and time spend on normal are much shorter compaired to vet content, which for me is very important as I don,t have to rush trough content - same goes for healer.

    I don´t know, what will happen after patch/new chapter will look into that when time is. I feel that´s it´s up to anyone to make their own judgement on, what content they feel they wanna do, because at the end of the day - all roles belon in all content

    Thank you
    Forgot onething.


    To point out a person on the forums as a bad player because he/she desire a tank - a real one btw in normal dungdeons is way out of line dude - you most be desperate.

    A person who need a tank in normal dungeons IS a bad player. That´s fact! I´m not desperate. I´m a realist who does all content in the game.

    A tank who doesn´t do vet content probably tank dailes for transmutes or can´t stand babysitting bad DDs in vet content
  • oscarovegren
    newtinmpls wrote: »

    Next one is me:

    Let me clarify. I can successfully participate in a group and survive most dungeons on normal, and some of the DLC's on vet. I've been playing since a month after PC release, and I'm NOT an "MMO'er" so it took me literally 2 years of play to get to the point where I kite without thinking about it.

    I enjoy overland, do not do trials, do not do PvP so there is a LOT of fancy gear I don't use/have. I mostly play with a few particular friends, and semi-regularly do random runs, usually as a healer or tank, as I find those are more about skill and paying attention rather than straight out massive DPS, so they are easier for me to achieve.

    That being said I have multiple characters kitted out as DPSs and two in particular very kick-ass to do vet stuff.

    You make two separate points here:

    1-tanking is not required for dungeons.

    Possibly true, but it is required by the dungeon finder, so when you sign up to participate in a "random group" you are saying "I can and will perform this role in this party". As others have pointed out in this thread, that is fraud and untrue.

    2-If someone can't stay alive without a tank you are a bad player

    If there is no "tank" then guess who gets the aggro? The healer. So when the non-armoured-to-heck healer gets aggro-ed, then folks start dying (possibly starting with the healer).

    And back to the first point (and the main topic of the thread).

    If someone signs on "as a tank" and then promptly tells the team (or demonstrates to the team, by totally NOT tanking) that they are NOT doing the job they agreed to do, then the proper response would be to kick and/or report them.

    Personally I start by saying "will you please load up a taunt of some kind" because that's my minimum. Some folks will say "sure, no problem" and do it. Some will get verbally abusive.

    Then, I respond to whatever happens.

    As a separate point, I could see that it might be interesting to have a "no specific role" group option. I wonder how that would play out.

    Edit: for clarity

    Your role doesn´t matter in normal dungeons. You can take on any role and do whatever you want in normal. The roles you sign for only applies for vet content. There is no need to hold aggro in normal dungeons.

    Roles are important in vet DLC dungeons and to a certain degree in non-DLC vet dungeons. There is still a lot of vet dungeons you can push through fast with 4 DDs since there is no tank-required mechanic
  • svendf

    Your role doesn´t matter in normal dungeons. You can take on any role and do whatever you want in normal. The roles you sign for only applies for vet content. There is no need to hold aggro in normal dungeons.

    Roles are important in vet DLC dungeons and to a certain degree in non-DLC vet dungeons. There is still a lot of vet dungeons you can push through fast with 4 DDs since there is no tank-required mechanic

    Trying to move fakes to normal dungeons to get rid of them in vet have never worked. What you see in norm, you will see the same in vet a month or so later - it have never failed.

    Many fakes end up in pug situations because not many wanna group with them in the first place - that´s what I see in chat.

    Non fakes end up in pugs because it´s faster than vet. I do vet because I need a helmet and will do those, with guild mates, not pug. I do norm on my tanks and healers, because I don´t have to rush.. I can balance it so I don´t have to miss or rush through content.

    To use norm dungeons as a dumpster for all kind of griefing is selfish and arrogant - it simply don´t have a place in ESO and ends up in vet as well.

    If you want a stable and non toxic community, you need to keep the rols, because it´s the fastes way for people to get an idea of, what your role is about.
  • preevious

    A person who need a tank in normal dungeons IS a bad player. That´s fact! I´m not desperate. I´m a realist who does all content in the game.

    A tank who doesn´t do vet content probably tank dailes for transmutes or can´t stand babysitting bad DDs in vet content

    He can also be a newcomer. If a new player, lvl 15-20, gets killed doing a normal dungeon because some selfish expletive wanted to cut the queue by fake tanking and did only his usual mediocre damage never aggroing anything, he'll be rightly annoyed.

    No matter the content, fake tanking in party find is ALWAYS a wrong, selfish act.
    (note that I have nothing agains 3dds/4dds runs in zonePuG .. it's not the most efficient way to do it, but at least, everyone knows what to expect.)
  • GreenHere

    Your role doesn´t matter in normal dungeons. You can take on any role and do whatever you want in normal. The roles you sign for only applies for vet content. There is no need to hold aggro in normal dungeons.

    Roles are important in vet DLC dungeons and to a certain degree in non-DLC vet dungeons. There is still a lot of vet dungeons you can push through fast with 4 DDs since there is no tank-required mechanic
    (emphasis mine)

    By that logic, you should be perfectly happy to join a normal where the other three players just stand around and have a conversation while you solo the entire dungeon for them.

    Fact is, you're signing up for a group activity, where teamwork is implied. It's not about the difficulty of the task, it's about doing your share of the "work" you signed up for. If you signed up for tanking, you should be doing the bare minimum for that role, at least.

    You can come up with any and all justifications you like for not doing your part, but you'll never convince people who see it for what it is that you're not shirking your share. Because you are.

    Furthermore, the hypocrisy of that stance rubs a lot of people the wrong way. You're essentially saying, "The thing I signed up to do is incredibly easy, so I deem it unnecessary. I'm not gonna do it, even though I agreed to." Hopefully you can see why most people would not appreciate that attitude, right?

    Also, normal dungeons often have new and/or low-level players in them. They can't always withstand a boss wailing on them. Just because your Damage Dealer setup is capable of withstanding a boss' focus, doesn't mean you should expect every other player ever to be able to just because you're too stubborn to do your job.

    If tanking in normal dungeons is so trivial, why not just slot a taunt and do it? You literally signed up to be the one who does...

  • svendf

    A person who need a tank in normal dungeons IS a bad player. That´s fact! I´m not desperate. I´m a realist who does all content in the game.

    A tank who doesn´t do vet content probably tank dailes for transmutes or can´t stand babysitting bad DDs in vet content

    No. A player, who want a tank and healer in their group on norm isn´s bad and everyday gameplay is prove of that. There are other reasons for not being effective as a dd.

    My reason for doing pug on norm on my tanks and healers are, that it gives me more freedom and don´t have to rush through content and the chance to get stuck on wipes in norm are minimal, eventhough they do happen on DLC´s. I can cover more content, without getting dungeon/DLC PTSD xD

    Been involved in endgaming as a dd. I have seen people getting burned out and sometimes it´s a good idea to take a step back and ease up a bit. I did it and that´d why im still here playing ESO.

    It must be possible to play ESO in a safe and healthy way and enjoy it, without skiping mechs, bosses and all that. And there is. Do you wanna deny other player´s and me that, by calling people bad player´s ?

    I do vet dungeons if I need something ex. a helmet and I will do it with guildmates, not pug. That´s not to say everything is getting more easy,by doing norm dungeons, because it alway´s isn´t and DLC´s and version II dungeons comes to mind.

    ZOS gave us all an esc key if it all goes wrong by leaving instant. People are everyday enteringg dungeon content they shouldn`t try to do, it´s much better to focus on char and skill leveling in a way, which you learn your char, but that´s another topic.

    Babysitting in vet ? I have no comment on it other than I will do the same as I do in norm.

    Edited by svendf on March 2, 2021 10:18AM
  • Luckylancer
    Kurat wrote: »

    Your gaming experience gets ruined and queue time wasted? What about mine when I queue as real tank and get 10k dps for vet dlc and they also don't know mechs? I can waste 2 hours in there or bail and take the penalty. And then get hate whispers. Everyone's experience can get ruined if you decide to pug. You just have to be ready for it. If you don't like to take a chance then form your own group.
    Also no one stops you from making a tank, real or fake. In my experience the ones who mostly complain and judge others are not that great players themselves.

    As a tank you have short que times and you can punish that group by leaving. It is hard to find tanks. But my groups can find a DD easly.

    I will blame and judge others if they que as tank while they are dd AND we wipe several times in a row. I wont blame them if they are failed real tank.

    Solution to fake tanks is not making my own tank or fake tank. The solution is not "make your group". The solution is removal of unsuccesfull fake tanks one way or another from game. If queing pugs as tank have 30k hp requirement, fake tank numbers will diminish.
  • mobicera

    As a tank you have short que times and you can punish that group by leaving. It is hard to find tanks. But my groups can find a DD easly.

    I will blame and judge others if they que as tank while they are dd AND we wipe several times in a row. I wont blame them if they are failed real tank.

    Solution to fake tanks is not making my own tank or fake tank. The solution is not "make your group". The solution is removal of unsuccesfull fake tanks one way or another from game. If queing pugs as tank have 30k hp requirement, fake tank numbers will diminish.

    Fake take numbers might diminish, however the time spent in que will increase.
    If I am going to pug a random normal chances are I will equip pfg or vo for sustain and slot inner fire on a dps.
    I will hold bosses in place and since I actually main a tank and have a clue I will simply dodge roll a heavy in the few normal dlc that actually require that.
    The trash will melt.
    I do not require 30k hp to tank
    Actually I'm sure I can tank most vets on a damn magnb with inner fire as well and 18k hp including some vdlc.
    This kind of nonsense is why you don't really get skilled people in que.
    They just preform...
  • Agenericname

    As a tank you have short que times and you can punish that group by leaving. It is hard to find tanks. But my groups can find a DD easly.

    I will blame and judge others if they que as tank while they are dd AND we wipe several times in a row. I wont blame them if they are failed real tank.

    Solution to fake tanks is not making my own tank or fake tank. The solution is not "make your group". The solution is removal of unsuccesfull fake tanks one way or another from game. If queing pugs as tank have 30k hp requirement, fake tank numbers will diminish.

    You're proposing to impose a restriction on real tanks because of DDs posing as tanks? Should tanks then be allowed to set restrictions on DDs? Like maybe combat data? Parses? Certain gear?

    That isnt going to solve your issue either way. Youll just have longer queue times.

    Why is it hard to find a real tank? That should be the real question. Fake tanks fill a vacuum.
  • mobicera

    You're proposing to impose a restriction on real tanks because of DDs posing as tanks? Should tanks then be allowed to set restrictions on DDs? Like maybe combat data? Parses? Certain gear?

    That isnt going to solve your issue either way. Youll just have longer queue times.

    Why is it hard to find a real tank? That should be the real question. Fake tanks fill a vacuum.

    The reason its difficult is tanks in eso don't really do much dmg themselves, however they excel at boosting others damage.
    But I mean if you join a random and people don't really try they just spam 1 skill you can't really boost the damage much, then they run around and then insult people who try to help and let's be honest no one really wants to hear that nonsense.
    So the real good tanks well they join a guild, they run with people and soon all they need to do is suggest they want to run dailies a random etc and the group is filled.

    Play as you want is really the issue here, people just assume that means they can essentially do anything they want, while this is true in overland, its just not how group content was designed.

    So a real and decently skilled tank can risk hour long dungeon runs and insults, or they can preform and joke and laugh and CLEAR.

    I mean is this really even a choice?
  • oscarovegren
    svendf wrote: »

    Trying to move fakes to normal dungeons to get rid of them in vet have never worked. What you see in norm, you will see the same in vet a month or so later - it have never failed.

    Many fakes end up in pug situations because not many wanna group with them in the first place - that´s what I see in chat.

    Non fakes end up in pugs because it´s faster than vet. I do vet because I need a helmet and will do those, with guild mates, not pug. I do norm on my tanks and healers, because I don´t have to rush.. I can balance it so I don´t have to miss or rush through content.

    To use norm dungeons as a dumpster for all kind of griefing is selfish and arrogant - it simply don´t have a place in ESO and ends up in vet as well.

    If you want a stable and non toxic community, you need to keep the rols, because it´s the fastes way for people to get an idea of, what your role is about.

    You don´t need to keep to the roles if the content doesn´t require you to fulfill your role, which normal dungeons doesn´t require. There´s nothing toxic with quene as a tank with a DD in a normal dungeon. As long as you clear the content it doesn´t matter.

    For veteran dungeon I have the opposite opinion. It´s important to fulfill the role you quened for there
  • preevious

    You don´t need to keep to the roles if the content doesn´t require you to fulfill your role, which normal dungeons doesn´t require. There´s nothing toxic with quene as a tank with a DD in a normal dungeon. As long as you clear the content it doesn´t matter.

    For veteran dungeon I have the opposite opinion. It´s important to fulfill the role you quened for there

    You almost got it, but I'll rephrase it for you :

    "you don't have to keep the role if everyone involved agrees in advance."

    A new player will be rightly pissed if his first experience in a dungeon is miserable because every players/ennemies/boss runs around like headless chickens for want of a tank.

    Queueing as a tank when you are a DD is toxic, even in normal fungal grotto 1.
  • oscarovegren
    preevious wrote: »

    You almost got it, but I'll rephrase it for you :

    "you don't have to keep the role if everyone involved agrees in advance."

    A new player will be rightly pissed if his first experience in a dungeon is miserable because every players/ennemies/boss runs around like headless chickens for want of a tank.

    Queueing as a tank when you are a DD is toxic, even in normal fungal grotto 1.

    Then we have different opinions. Quene as tank with a DD in vet FG1 is perfectly fine! I would say it´s prefered
  • Agenericname

    You don´t need to keep to the roles if the content doesn´t require you to fulfill your role, which normal dungeons doesn´t require. There´s nothing toxic with quene as a tank with a DD in a normal dungeon. As long as you clear the content it doesn´t matter.

    For veteran dungeon I have the opposite opinion. It´s important to fulfill the role you quened for there

    Ive cleared nearly all of the vet dungeons solo, that can be done solo. So it would be fair for me to queue as a fake tank there?
  • preevious

    Then we have different opinions. Quene as tank with a DD in vet FG1 is perfectly fine! I would say it´s prefered

    I can get we have different opinions, sure.

    But queuing as tank when DD in vFG1 actually lowers the whole group's damage.
    Not only you lie about your role, but you are actually a detriment to your group.
  • preevious

    Ive cleared nearly all of the vet dungeons solo, that can be done solo. So it would be fair for me to queue as a fake tank there?

    Good question, actually. I'd still say no, since you'd put your teamate in a spot where they can't play their roles normally, receiving aggro. You might do it solo, but clearing the content isn't all that matters. If everyone else dies, they'll have a bad time.
  • ZOS_ConnorG
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    You are welcome to review the Community Rules here.
    Edited by ZOS_ConnorG on March 2, 2021 2:02PM
    Staff Post
  • Brrrofski
    umagon wrote: »

    For the dungeon finder ZOS could add a status effect to the tank role when queuing. The first function checks to see if the player has a 1hand+shield and/or frost staff equipped on either skill bar before allowing them to enter the queue.

    The next function it could disable slotting any other weapon types or combinations other than those two and place a 50% damage output debuff on the frost staff while in the dungeon and in the tank role. Again, this would only be for entering as a tank via the dungeon finder.



    Surely, for group finder, as long as the tank hold aggro, why can't they do damage as well?

    I have like 3 tanks than can hold aggro, keep themselves alive and deal a good amount of DPS.

    Why strip that from people?

    If I can never do damage, count me out of tanking. Because I'm equally sick of fake DPS. People who join and do zero damage. Either because they're badly geared, don't understand the game or have low CP.

    The amount of time I have carried a group's damage as the tank is beyond counting.
  • amm7sb14_ESO

    You're proposing to impose a restriction on real tanks because of DDs posing as tanks? Should tanks then be allowed to set restrictions on DDs? Like maybe combat data? Parses? Certain gear?

    That isnt going to solve your issue either way. Youll just have longer queue times.

    Why is it hard to find a real tank? That should be the real question. Fake tanks fill a vacuum.

    "Why is it hard to find a real tank? That should be the real question. Fake tanks fill a vacuum."

    Because we are tired of being told by DPS how to run our builds and what sets to wear, being told that we aren't needed, and then being the first one blamed when something goes back because the DPS is so focused on an 8ok pArSe that he didn't buff his health past 12k and is constantly laying dead because he doesn't understand mechanics.

    Like LeBron took his talents to South Beach, tanks took our talents to our guilds and personal gaming groups where we are actually treated with respect.
    Edited by amm7sb14_ESO on March 2, 2021 3:39PM
  • AyaDark
    How real tank have to do in bad party with not enough skilled players that ask him sets for them ?

    With no healing, with adds alive all the way and low dps, that DD think are good ?
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