Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
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• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)

Proc Set Test - Vote for your perference

  • Doczy
    I like the no-proc Cyrodiil, please make it permeant!
    hey Elder Stamina Online stamina users. now we can see you are almost nothing without procs and malacath
  • Parasaurolophus
    I like the proc Cyrodiil, Bring me back the proc party in Cyrodiil!.
    What if I say NO? The problem with the latest patches is not proc sets, but Malacat. Playstyle where proc sets are used has the right to be, but should not be the only one. This test also exposed the problems of class balance, where if you are not a stamina warden / necromancer / dk, playing pvp is basically pointless.
  • techyeshic
    I like the no-proc Cyrodiil, please make it permeant!
    What if I say NO? The problem with the latest patches is not proc sets, but Malacat. Playstyle where proc sets are used has the right to be, but should not be the only one. This test also exposed the problems of class balance, where if you are not a stamina warden / necromancer / dk, playing pvp is basically pointless.

    Makes me wonder. Does Malacat actually translate to "bad cat" somewhere? It should.
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    I like the no-proc Cyrodiil, please make it permeant!
    This is so much better! Please, PLEASE make Cyro no-proc permanently!
  • erio
    I like the proc Cyrodiil, Bring me back the proc party in Cyrodiil!.
    Theres some proc sets that should be allowed. I miss my briarheart and clever.
    Clearly theres some proc sets that should be turned off, but not all are bad imo.
  • Kiash
    I'm neutral, either proc or no-proc would be fine.
    I don't care either way, I just want them to fix the lag. Drop stadia if you have to, just make Cyrodiil playable again outside of 4am to 10am.
  • alterfenixeb17_ESO
    I like the no-proc Cyrodiil, please make it permeant!
    2 days into test and actual gameplay changes still look promising.
    techyeshic wrote: »
    What if I say NO? The problem with the latest patches is not proc sets, but Malacat. Playstyle where proc sets are used has the right to be, but should not be the only one. This test also exposed the problems of class balance, where if you are not a stamina warden / necromancer / dk, playing pvp is basically pointless.

    Makes me wonder. Does Malacat actually translate to "bad cat" somewhere? It should.
    Malicious cat to be specific:-)
  • Jaimeh
    I like the no-proc Cyrodiil, please make it permeant!
    I really like the no-proc PvP, but the definition of proc sets may be a bit too tight now considering game play.

    It may be good if the sets only granting X% of stamina / health / magicka can be used. Anyway, the current allowed list is still fine...

    Please keep those sets doing something like "deals x amount of damage if you do some actions" no allowed in PvP.

    Agreed, those sets with conditions on user (like Clever Alchemist, etc.) rather than on enemy, would be nice to have.
  • zaria
    I like the no-proc Cyrodiil, please make it permeant!
    First day in Cyrodil today and I love it, lots of huge fights, combat feels more fast paced because the lack of troll tank builds.
    Good performance but I run on an monster and scaled down effects so rarely have issues but the fights was huge.
    So much AP, cancel all PvE event interfering with PvP.

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Minalan
    I like the no-proc Cyrodiil, please make it permeant!
    I quit the game over a year ago, and came back just to play with this test. I’ve been having fun again, and I haven’t in a long time.

    If you want me to stay, buy your two expansions, and subscribe, please consider “no-proc” for the main campaign. Let imperial city be a free-for-all mess.
  • Doczy
    I like the no-proc Cyrodiil, please make it permeant!
    What if I say NO? The problem with the latest patches is not proc sets, but Malacat. Playstyle where proc sets are used has the right to be, but should not be the only one. This test also exposed the problems of class balance, where if you are not a stamina warden / necromancer / dk, playing pvp is basically pointless.

    doesnt matter. even with procs and mala that classes already imba. but now at least we can kill or fight back to them
  • Adernath
    I like the no-proc Cyrodiil, please make it permeant!
    Much better experience overall. At very large fights there is still lag, but overall the balance seems to be much better. No cheesy situations anymore where you wonder what just happened within two desincs.
  • WaywardArgonian
    I like the proc Cyrodiil, Bring me back the proc party in Cyrodiil!.
    I loathe certain proc sets but I think keeping the current 'solution' where you only have 20 or so sets unaffected is way too big a sacrifice just to hurt certain cheese builds. Not to mention that balancing the classes to a point where they're more or less in the same ballpark in terms of strength would become even more difficult if pvp and pve work with entirely different sets.

    Just for the record, I've played every evening since the tests went live and my performance is similar to when I had procs (and better on the alt I've tried it on), lest I be accused of being a salty proc user wanting his power back. :p
    PC/EU altaholic | Smallscale & ballgroup healer | Former Empanada of Ravenwatch | @ degonyte in-game | Nibani Ilath-Pal (AD Nightblade) - AvA rank 50 | Jehanne Teymour (AD Sorcerer) - AvA rank 50 | Niria Ilath-Pal (AD Templar) - AvA rank 50
  • eyesreye
    Soul Shriven
    I'm neutral, either proc or no-proc would be fine.
    I don't mind proc sets to some extend.
    Currently I think proc sets are doing too much for a player, all damage proc sets should get some big nerfs in Cyrodiil or be disabled.
  • exrei
    Soul Shriven
    Wouldn't the whole issue of damaging Proc sets being too strong while allowing you to be Tanky be resolved if the damage scaled off your highest Offensive stat?

    A health stacked tank wouldn't be able to do a ton of damage with their proc sets if they didn't do anything to build toward that damage.

    Glass cannons will be glass cannons, tanks will be tanks (tank skills or sets focused on CC and debuffs would make them more valuable in PvP), and you have those in between, the brawlers.
  • Master_Kas
    I like the no-proc Cyrodiil, please make it permeant!
    I don't have anything against stat based procs like eternal vigor, seducer, warmaiden, balorgh etc.

    The general free damage procs (like vate inferno, crimson, venomous etc) can happily go and the free heal procs (like earthgore, good riddance).
    Edited by Master_Kas on February 19, 2021 8:32PM
    EU | PC
  • IAmIcehouse
    I like the proc Cyrodiil, Bring me back the proc party in Cyrodiil!.
    Ignoring all things performance:

    Proc sets aren't bad inherently. They are great. Sets like Seventh/Acuity/Titan born --these are great. They allow for variablity in how we fight. Then the healing sets...Healers have so many niche sets that are all procs. Things like Winters Respite or Gossamer allow healers to change how they heal or their role as a healer. Great, variability.

    What sucks are how broken some of them are (we all know them) Tweak the broken/over performing/antifun ones. No need to remove 90% of the sets because we have 5% of them are broken.
    Edited by IAmIcehouse on February 19, 2021 8:45PM
  • Futard
    There are simply too many sets that are disabled. Sets specifically for Cyrodiil / PvP have been disabled. Only having like 5% all sets available in PvP is a big joke.
    There are sets, the should be nerfed and / or disabled. Sure. I agree with that. Yet, the current tests are a joke.

    The tests are even worse when taking into account, that additional calculations are added by enabled cross healing again.
    Disabling proc sets and enabling cross healing again falsifies the results. [snip]

    [Edited for Bashing]
    Edited by Psiion on February 19, 2021 8:55PM
    HäNdLeR sInD pAy2WiN!!!1!11 - RE 2021
  • fred4
    I like the proc Cyrodiil, Bring me back the proc party in Cyrodiil!.
    With the amount of things ZOS considers procs, yes absolutely bring them back. I play half and half proc and non-proc builds. My non-proc builds feel much the same. My magblade's playstyle has been destroyed. I encountered a duelling magblade on my DK in non-proc Cyro, who was excellent. Different playstyle, though.

    I don't view procs as inherently bad nor the single thing that unbalances the game nor something that homogenises the game to where everyone runs procs or, at least, not similarly effective outright cheese builds. The people who chase the meta and run or have knowledge of such cheese (read "effective") builds might disagree, but that's just part of the population. The rest aren't in the loop, don't have the skill to make the most of their builds or they play non-meta builds they enjoy better.

    I can think of adjustments. Nerfing Malacath seems logical as crit is being nerfed. Vateshran destro and 2H are probably too strong. Curtailing health-based heals or Artic Blast specifically seems like an idea. I also think that health-regen is out of control. They nerfed Troll King, but added too much of it elsewhere. They could scale that back a bit and not just on Alessian, although it's one way to offset DOT procs. Wouldn't throw the baby out with the bathwater, basically.

    That said, so much will change next patch already, I am content to wait and see.
    PC EU: Magblade (PvP main), DK (PvE Tank), Sorc (PvP and PvE), Magden (PvE Healer), Magplar (PvP and PvE DD), Arcanist (PvE DD)
    PC NA: Magblade (PvP and PvE every role)
  • pandoraderomanus
    I like the no-proc Cyrodiil, please make it permeant!
    I returned in ESO pvp a bit earlier this year after almost 3 years break, and when my husband, who returned as well after a break, asked one of the famous pvp playes on EU what is the meta today, the answer was 'procs + mala = win'. Like in the old days, when viper, red mountain, selene, etc. ruled the cyro. So when I heard that in a few weeks comes this no proc test, I wanted most definitely to take part in it.

    Yep, the performance is probably the same, it's hard to say anything about that, because I also changed the country of living, and playing pvp from Russia was always a nightmare. It was always laggy in prime time and it is still so, just a bit better, comparing to Russia.

    Speaking about proc sets, playing without them is like a breath of a fresh air. It feels different. Ball groups are finally killable and tanky players are not so tanky anymore. I totally love this, and would love to have such a campaign in Cyro. I would, however, rework or reconsider sets like Alteration Mastery, Seducer, etc. (those, that are not damage/heal proc sets). And a few more other pure stats sets would be awesome to have; to have a bit more variety in builds, including combinations with regen and armor/health in one set, or pure weapon/spell damage sets and so on, so that it would be possible, let's say, to make a full group with specified roles (healer, rapid, damage, support, etc.) with those sets. Or just make whatever you want. Right now the choice is slightly limited.

    But overall I like cyro without procs. Make Cyrodiil great again :)
    PC-EU since 2014

    Touches-Your-Tralala - retired lizardina-templar
    Pandora Morgenstern - noob orc-stamsorc
  • cmetzger93
    I like the no-proc Cyrodiil, please make it permeant!
    Kill em in battlegrounds and imp city too
  • jhharvest
    Okay, after playing a week I think I can definitely say that I personally prefer Cyro without the proc sets. However, as there are a lot of players who like playing with them I'd hope to see that the current no-CP campaign runs with procs disabled and the rest of the campaigns run as usual. It can be called the ultimate level playing field campaign or whatever.

    Of course it'd be nice to have some proc sets enabled. For example my most fun joke build was sorc with Prisoner's rags, I'd like that kind of stuff to be still possible...
    Edited by jhharvest on February 22, 2021 9:08AM
  • dbourb
    Soul Shriven
    I like the no-proc Cyrodiil, please make it permeant!
    I am absolutely loving the No Proc. Set Cyrodiil. It allows for more team work and game play. Seems like it flows a lot better than before.
  • The_Lex
    I like the no-proc Cyrodiil, please make it permeant!
    Although performance remains horrible, I LOVE the no-proc set meta. It feels like pure PvP. If I die, it's because I did something stupid, not because of idiotic, un-counterable proc damage. It is becoming clear who were relying on proc sets to carry them.

    I sincerely hope they keep this true non-proc meta (with loosened restrictions on sets like Seducer, etc.). If not, it will be a sad time in Cyro.
  • gariondavey
    I like the no-proc Cyrodiil, please make it permeant!
    I like the change with no procs, please make it permanent.

    Have been playing (main focus: bgs and no cp cyro) since October 2017.

    Performance is better for me with no procs. Our guild in no-cp is also wiping groups that would run super high hp/tons of heals/prox det/vicious death/synergy cheese that used to give us trouble. We are also wiping groups 2-3 times as big as us!

    You can really tell who was crutching on gear.

    Beyond this test: Please change malacath to not interact with proc sets. This 1 change will fix most problems in gameplay.
    Edited by gariondavey on February 22, 2021 6:03PM
    PC NA @gariondavey, BG, IC & Cyrodiil Focused Since October 2017 Stamplar (main), Magplar, Magsorc, Stamsorc, StamDK, MagDK, Stamblade, Magblade, Magden, Stamden
  • red_emu
    I like the proc Cyrodiil, Bring me back the proc party in Cyrodiil!.
    I like procs because I'm bored of just using the same 3 abilities that are the only thing making my characters different from one another.

    Simply tone them down. Make them scale with stats, so they are more of a utility, than an absolute must to stay competitive.
    PC - EU:
    Falathren Noctis - AD MagNecro
    Falathren - AD StamSorc
    Falathren Eryndaer - AD StamDen
    Falathren Irimion - AD MagPlar
    Talagan Falathren - AD StamDK
    Falathren Infernis - AD MagDK
    Your-Ex - AD MagBlade
  • Doczy
    I like the no-proc Cyrodiil, please make it permeant!
    just make malacath increase skill damages %25 and %25 more damage taken from crit ;)
  • Irfind
    I like the proc Cyrodiil, Bring me back the proc party in Cyrodiil!.
    I miss my ring of the wild hunt, the other sets ? Not so mutch i can do without them
    PC EU no CP PVP
    EP Irfind - Stam NB Dunmer
    EP Iswind - Mag Warden Dunmer
    EP Ko'runa Silberklaue - Mag Temp Khajiit
    EP Eldrid Hagal - Mag DK Dunmer
    EP Feyne R'is - Stam Sorc Dunmer ...with Bow
    EP Wynn Loraethaine - Mag NB Dunmer
    AD Runare Loraethaine - Stam Sorc Altmer
    AD Skadi Hagal - Stam DK Khajiit
  • Ostonoha
    I like the no-proc Cyrodiil, please make it permeant!
    Love the no proc set pvp.
  • Ultravylence
    I'm neutral, either proc or no-proc would be fine.
    I think the real issue and item that needs to be looked at is "Proc Damage Sets". I think most players would be happy and could live with no free proc damage in the game from sets. The current implantation is simply too broad and takes away tons of flavor from ESO PVP. Pick a flat stat combo and run with it as of this test.
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