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Is vampire trash currently?

  • Vevvev
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Vevvev wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »

    I miss the stun on Vampiric Drain too. So if that's the source of your discontent, I can relate.

    I used to have a lot of fun going in and out of stealth stunning/draining people. The amount of hate whispers I received as a result suggests that the fun was one-sided, however. I got more death threats for doing that then probably anything else I've even done in PvP on this game. So I'm guessing that's why it was removed. I doubt it had anything to do with Mesmerize.

    Don't we all. I remember it going unchanged for years until one day the game took a 180 on how stuns should be. Suddenly Drain became the last long range instant stun in the game, and once everyone realized this they jumped on it. Then we saw the skill getting changed due to its immense popularity and the stun was put on the end of the channel, now.... its just gone. :disappointed:

    Sure they buffed the healing Drain gives, but they also nerfed the damage and didn't give it something to make up for the stun getting ripped off. Drain really needs some love.

    I've been able to stack it with Dark Cloak to get a mediocre return. But as a stand alone heal in PvP it just seems really bad right now. Which is odd, because before Greymoor it was actually a pretty effective heal in PvP, especially if you had a large health pool.

    I'm guessing the general healing nerfs in PvP countered the healing increases it got? That or all the proc damage increases in PvP have just overwhelmed the healing increases it received. I still use it sometimes in PvE, but in PvP it's really hard to use to get your health back no doubt about it.

    The damage has only been going up and you have to couple it with increased lag. Like for example Blood Frenzy is really good in lag since it doesn't tick as often and you can get a few abilities off before needing to shut it off. Vampiric Drain takes a while for each of its ticks to go off meaning you're not getting the healing quickly enough to overcome the damage your taking. Add into the fact its a struggle to get Drain turned on, how easy it is to get bashed, and the fact in chaotic fights your enemy can just line of sight and Vampiric Drain really struggles in PVP.
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • FrankonPC
    FrankonPC wrote: »
    Vamp is solid because of undeath and mist form. Some skills need a rework imo, namely mesmerize. The ult is good.

    Overall vamp is a B, could be better but pretty beneficial on quite a few specs.

    ? You name 1 passive, 1 skill, and the ultimate as being useful and admit that some skills need a rework.

    What kind of grading is that lol. How on earth does only 1 out of the 5 basic skills being useful result in a B? It sounds kinda trash based off what you're saying.

    Undeath and mist form are that strong. The entire rework still needs a rework but half my classes are vamps rn.
    Edited by FrankonPC on February 5, 2021 4:27PM
  • usmguy1234
    Compared to its opposite counterpart, werewolf, absolutely.
    Zaghigoth- Orc Stamplar
    Soul Razor- Altmer Magsorc
    Les Drago- Redguard Stamdk
    Eirius- Altmer Magdk
    Stormifeth- Altmer Magplar

    Disclaimer: My comments are a little sarcasm mixed with truth. If you can't handle that don't respond to me.

  • itscompton
    Cirantille wrote: »
    I still like it on my gankblade/bombblade characters

    But other than that it is nay for me

    Cost increase + health recovery too much drawback together

    One of them gotta go

    Agree, both my gank and bomb blades are vamps, but mainly for the passive stealth bonuses, and as I mentioned before, the rework was kinda meant to stop people just going vamp for the passives.

    I do still use bloodfrenzy on my gankblade, and its wondaful for those 1v1 encounters... but often in Cyrodiil thats not viable and there are larger pitched group battles taking place... in those circs using bloodfrenzy puts you at massive risk from being killed simply by anyone else looking at you lol. As a result, the safer option is to simply not use it, you wont always get back into stealth and healed in time.

    I tried using Blood Frenzy in PvP on my NB but had to stop because most of the time the toggle gets messed up with lag and I can't turn it off quickly enough before it drains me and then someone one shots me with a LA when I'm at 10% health.
  • Toxsik
    Soul Shriven
    To make either vampire of ww feel better both should have a passive that benefit either a stamina toon or a magic toon. maybe even give ww a tank passive but yes the changes to vampire just make it mostly unusable to put in a build w/o some sort a detriment to the build itself.

    The stage 2 passive before was great and it needs something like this could give something like that to ww and make vampire magic don't matter really just needs to see benefits. The way vampire was reworked its only for pve solo content stealth around to get a small dmg boost etc. kinda a nice stat could be for tank but most people i think are doing raid content etc w/ friends groups and its better to just remove it for that stuff.

    obvious my opinion, i'm pretty new and play stamina necro as my first toon was hyped to be a vampire too then i saw the changes and was like ew.
  • Raegwyr
    For 99% of the community it is trash but for score pushing groups it is amazing. Zos basically took vamps away from most of the community and gave new toy to the best players.
    Was it their intention? Probably no but they did it again :wink:
  • Marcus_Thracius
    You can build for it , but even then its not good
  • waterfairy
    Once they changed it so regular skill costs are increased they killed vamps for me. There needs to be a different buff/debuff setup then vamp skills reduced while everything else increases
  • Starlight_Whisper
    Raegwyr wrote: »
    For 99% of the community it is trash but for score pushing groups it is amazing. Zos basically took vamps away from most of the community and gave new toy to the best players.
    Was it their intention? Probably no but they did it again :wink:

    How so?
  • Araneae6537
    Generally not into the whole vampire thing, although Fenn could make me reconsider. ;) I really dislike the ultimate though; the only transformation I associate with vampires is turning into a bat. Even that vampire in Spindleclutch II materialized from a cloud of bats which was really cool. But a big ugly monster? That doesn’t fit for vampire OR for necromancer. :/
  • Deep_01
    If the looks can be hidden or there was a skin that atleast leaves the face human, I would have voted not trash.
    Edited by Deep_01 on March 27, 2021 6:35AM
    @Deepan on PC-EU
  • Brrrofski
    In this patch, vamp stage 3 is really nice in pvp.
    Edited by Brrrofski on March 27, 2021 7:19AM
  • Eccentric_Vampire
    I wouldn't say it's complete trash but it doesn't seem to work with a lot of playstyles and a lot of the abilities are just weaker or riskier versions of skills from different skill lines. Don't get me wrong, there are ways you can make the vampire skills work but it's honestly not really worth it.
  • Raegwyr
    Raegwyr wrote: »
    For 99% of the community it is trash but for score pushing groups it is amazing. Zos basically took vamps away from most of the community and gave new toy to the best players.
    Was it their intention? Probably no but they did it again :wink:

    How so?

    Magcro vamp toggle builds outparse everything with 130-140k dps on raid dummy. In real content builds are viable only for some fights and for score pushing groups (completely useless for progressing group tho). If your group is not on top of the pve foodchain then dont even try it but if you are able to nuke bosses then go for it, it is pretty fun
    Edited by Raegwyr on March 27, 2021 9:03AM
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    This is what I would do to make Vampirism heaps better, this is taken from another post of mine on another thread.

    - Perfect Scion should be changed to Berserk Scion > While transformed by pressing the ultimate button again you can teleport to the targeted enemy dealing XXXX physical damage that scales off of stamina, it would function similar to the effect of Clouding Swarm before the Vampire overhaul.

    - Instead of a Health Regeneration Debuff Vampires get an Outside Healing Debuff at 3%/6%/9%/12% based on stage, since this would be quite a bit worse then what they have currently to make up for it the player vampire would gain an additional 100 base Health Regeneration for every stage they are so they heal faster not slower.

    - Eviscerate and it's morphs will cost health by default, the first morph will simply add range to the ability and essentially be the ability that the boss of spindleclutch II does while the second morph will make the ability deal disease damage and scale off of stamina.

    - Vampiric Drain and it's morphs currently heal you for more the less health you have remaining so why not enforce it and make it deal more damage the enemy in relation to your remaining health.

    - Blood Frenzy should increase your movement speed when used by at least 15% to help make up for the cost, simmering frenzy would increase this number by 5% every second, of course it would cap out at the speed cap.

    - Unnatural Movement should make the Vampire immune to cleansable snares to add a combat purpose to the passive, right now it is better to be at stage 3 then stage 4 as far as combat goes for unnatural movement currently has no benefit for combat other then trying to avoid it.
    Edited by TX12001rwb17_ESO on March 27, 2021 10:18AM
  • Zabagad
    The U29 nerf was the last drop for me - I cured all 14/18 vamps and for the first time since I play the game I have 0 vamps...
    PC EU (noCP AD) Grey/Grau AD
    Please raise the population caps.
    @ZOS - Convert the heal on "Hardened Ward" into a HoT pls.
  • waterfairy
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    In this patch, vamp stage 3 is really nice in pvp.

    maybe for nb bombers but if you think that passive is worth all the negatives like increased skill cost, fire damage and the health regen then you're mistaken. You only get the full effect of the passive when you're at 1% hp and even a noob can finish you off with an execute
    Edited by waterfairy on March 27, 2021 1:24PM
  • Mayrael
    For pve when build around it it can be ok ish, but for PvP, vampire has nothing to offer except of some minor buffs over major debuffs. Nope vamp has been butchered and is trash. Cured on all of my vampires.
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • Ramber
    YES! they have mostly always been trash, only used for a while for regen.
  • Raegwyr
    Vigarr wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    In this patch, vamp stage 3 is really nice in pvp.

    maybe for nb bombers but if you think that passive is worth all the negatives like increased skill cost, fire damage and the health regen then you're mistaken. You only get the full effect of the passive when you're at 1% hp and even a noob can finish you off with an execute

    Not really. Mist is really powerful defensive tool for classes like templar. Overall vamp toolkit being good only for nb is a myth.
    But it requires a really specific gameplay style
  • waterfairy
    Raegwyr wrote: »
    Vigarr wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    In this patch, vamp stage 3 is really nice in pvp.

    maybe for nb bombers but if you think that passive is worth all the negatives like increased skill cost, fire damage and the health regen then you're mistaken. You only get the full effect of the passive when you're at 1% hp and even a noob can finish you off with an execute

    Not really. Mist is really powerful defensive tool for classes like templar. Overall vamp toolkit being good only for nb is a myth.
    But it requires a really specific gameplay style

    a templar shouldn't need mist to survive. If vamps are only good for nb's and niche builds then it really needs a rework
  • Raegwyr
    Vigarr wrote: »
    Raegwyr wrote: »
    Vigarr wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    In this patch, vamp stage 3 is really nice in pvp.

    maybe for nb bombers but if you think that passive is worth all the negatives like increased skill cost, fire damage and the health regen then you're mistaken. You only get the full effect of the passive when you're at 1% hp and even a noob can finish you off with an execute

    Not really. Mist is really powerful defensive tool for classes like templar. Overall vamp toolkit being good only for nb is a myth.
    But it requires a really specific gameplay style

    a templar shouldn't need mist to survive. If vamps are only good for nb's and niche builds then it really needs a rework

    And magnb relies on proc to kill anything for years [cal, vc, etc].
    All of the base game classes needs rework at this point [except sorc, small tweaks needed but overall is in good place]. As for vamp being only for niche builds i expect that it was zos intention. Previously everyone was a vamp for regen passive. Now you need to build for vamp. I agree that vamp rework could be done better and there is a lot to improve but having things that are good in niche builds and not in meta is a good thing.
    Vamps main sin is that they are not as cool and innovative as they could be.
  • HellsCountryman
    In my opinion: Yes

    Yeah it still is playable but the drawbacks are far too big by far too less usefull skills. I still play vampires but only the passives are very usefull and the mali are bigger than the boni.

    The only offensive skill will cost life. The only way to make it stronger... will cost life.

    Most of the time you are not able to heal by your mates and so you are out in most of group content or you will end up not using active vamp skills.

    Nearly everything becomes more expensive and so it can be very painfull even at vampirism 1.

    This needs a rework especially after the coming nerf cause it is simply not worth the cost anymore. It became just a handicap and I wanted to get rid of it.

    And yes - I healed most of my vampires and it was liberating.

    I have two gankers left and they still will bite. But seriosly it is not fun anymore and it does not feel like a power curse. It feels like a glass gun while you have one hand on the back.
    Edited by HellsCountryman on October 19, 2021 12:28AM
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Soul Shriven
    Hello everyone,

    This post is to let you know that we've felt it necessary to put this thread down, as it seemed to have died some time ago. At this time we'd like to try and keep Draugr threads from roaming around the front page, pushing down newer and more lively threads. Feel free to continue this subject in a more recent thread or create a new one if a more recent thread is not available.

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