SpiderKnight wrote: »Maybe I'm blind, but where does it say anything about completing any pve activity?
SpiderKnight wrote: »Maybe I'm blind, but where does it say anything about completing any pve activity?
IC bosses are PvE enemies. Yes, in a PvP zone. But everyone knows that it's 90% PvE.
Strider__Roshin wrote: »If PvPers didn't have to farm PvE to get BiS PvP gear you may have had some sympathy.
Midyear Mayhem is a PvP event. So... you'd think that that special reward for the event--the style pages--should drop from... oh... PvP activities? Like from earning AP. Or from doing BGs matches. If the drop rate of these style pages are anything like Second Legion or Legion Zero, they're going to be f***ing grindy, with people who report getting nothing even after dozens of kills.
It's almost like you've completely ignored the feedback from the previous two Midyears.
thegreatme wrote: »Midyear Mayhem is a PvP event. So... you'd think that that special reward for the event--the style pages--should drop from... oh... PvP activities? Like from earning AP. Or from doing BGs matches. If the drop rate of these style pages are anything like Second Legion or Legion Zero, they're going to be f***ing grindy, with people who report getting nothing even after dozens of kills.
It's almost like you've completely ignored the feedback from the previous two Midyears.
While I do agree that they need to put a higher drop rate on style pages (coughs at the Legion style pages), forcing everyone to participate in PvP exclusively for an event in order to get either tickets or style pages is wildly unfair and unbalanced to people who don't PvP or can't keep up with the """"professionals"""".
I'm all for encouraging more people to participate in PvP as an activity and all, and it can be pretty fun when you're not getting steamroll roflstomped by "Pro PvPer" 20 man groups who are basically immortal to anyone else who isn't a "pro PvPer" and half the time battles are won by who has the least lag, except for the fact that you can be blocked from ever getting a single thing from the event by other players, which is unique only to PvP. Other players can't stop you from completing objectives in PvE events. They can in PvP. And in PvP they can do it maliciously with full knowledge they're making your day harder just for the lulz.
Unless they can find a way to reward non-PvPers or people who aren't good at PvP/getting kills, its a system that's never going to work.
It was bad enough when PvE'ers just wanted to farm the bosses nearest their home base for tickets and you'd have mobs of 20+ per opposing faction just camping each factions' base entrance mowing down PvEers who didn't even have Tel Var to make killing them profitable and were even using gap-closers to bunnyhop base platforms (which isn't even supposed to be allowed).
And that was when the event didn't require PvP to complete the event. Hard pass on an event that does require it, and I'm not that squeamish about PvP.
thegreatme wrote: »Midyear Mayhem is a PvP event. So... you'd think that that special reward for the event--the style pages--should drop from... oh... PvP activities? Like from earning AP. Or from doing BGs matches. If the drop rate of these style pages are anything like Second Legion or Legion Zero, they're going to be f***ing grindy, with people who report getting nothing even after dozens of kills.
It's almost like you've completely ignored the feedback from the previous two Midyears.
While I do agree that they need to put a higher drop rate on style pages (coughs at the Legion style pages), forcing everyone to participate in PvP exclusively for an event in order to get either tickets or style pages is wildly unfair and unbalanced to people who don't PvP or can't keep up with the """"professionals"""".I'm all for encouraging more people to participate in PvP as an activity and all, and it can be pretty fun when you're not getting steamroll roflstomped by "Pro PvPer" 20 man groups who are basically immortal to anyone else who isn't a "pro PvPer" and half the time battles are won by who has the least lag, except for the fact that you can be blocked from ever getting a single thing from the event by other players, which is unique only to PvP. Other players can't stop you from completing objectives in PvE events. They can in PvP. And in PvP they can do it maliciously with full knowledge they're making your day harder just for the lulz.
Unless they can find a way to reward non-PvPers or people who aren't good at PvP/getting kills, its a system that's never going to work.
It was bad enough when PvE'ers just wanted to farm the bosses nearest their home base for tickets and you'd have mobs of 20+ per opposing faction just camping each factions' base entrance mowing down PvEers who didn't even have Tel Var to make killing them profitable and were even using gap-closers to bunnyhop base platforms (which isn't even supposed to be allowed).
And that was when the event didn't require PvP to complete the event. Hard pass on an event that does require it, and I'm not that squeamish about PvP.
SpiderKnight wrote: »Maybe I'm blind, but where does it say anything about completing any pve activity?
IC bosses are PvE enemies. Yes, in a PvP zone. But everyone knows that it's 90% PvE.
Did they completely merge MM and IC events?
Did they completely merge MM and IC events?
They've been doing a lot of things lately to encourage people to play in IC. Such as removing the dailies requirement of completing the zone quest; adding costumes, emotes, and Alliance War skill xp buff recipes to the tel var merchant, and so forth.
Making IC part of MYM seems to be continuing the trend.
Why? Because IC is by far the least popular PvP activity there is.
And for good reason, too. It just sucks. With the exception of gankers very few people like that mix of PvP and PvE.
They're hoping to increase player numbers in IC with rewards like that.
Did they completely merge MM and IC events?
thegreatme wrote: »Midyear Mayhem is a PvP event. So... you'd think that that special reward for the event--the style pages--should drop from... oh... PvP activities? Like from earning AP. Or from doing BGs matches. If the drop rate of these style pages are anything like Second Legion or Legion Zero, they're going to be f***ing grindy, with people who report getting nothing even after dozens of kills.
It's almost like you've completely ignored the feedback from the previous two Midyears.
While I do agree that they need to put a higher drop rate on style pages (coughs at the Legion style pages), forcing everyone to participate in PvP exclusively for an event in order to get either tickets or style pages is wildly unfair and unbalanced to people who don't PvP or can't keep up with the """"professionals"""".I'm all for encouraging more people to participate in PvP as an activity and all, and it can be pretty fun when you're not getting steamroll roflstomped by "Pro PvPer" 20 man groups who are basically immortal to anyone else who isn't a "pro PvPer" and half the time battles are won by who has the least lag, except for the fact that you can be blocked from ever getting a single thing from the event by other players, which is unique only to PvP. Other players can't stop you from completing objectives in PvE events. They can in PvP. And in PvP they can do it maliciously with full knowledge they're making your day harder just for the lulz.
Unless they can find a way to reward non-PvPers or people who aren't good at PvP/getting kills, its a system that's never going to work.
It was bad enough when PvE'ers just wanted to farm the bosses nearest their home base for tickets and you'd have mobs of 20+ per opposing faction just camping each factions' base entrance mowing down PvEers who didn't even have Tel Var to make killing them profitable and were even using gap-closers to bunnyhop base platforms (which isn't even supposed to be allowed).
And that was when the event didn't require PvP to complete the event. Hard pass on an event that does require it, and I'm not that squeamish about PvP.
Most of the events throughout the year are PvE.
In other words, forcing everyone to participate in PvE exclusively for an event in order to get either ticket or style pages is wildly unfair and unbalanced to people who don't PvE (except for when Zos forces them to).
That goes both ways and I would suggest such an opinion shows great disregard for a portion of the player base that is the focus of most of these little events.
What are your ideas to reward PvP players during the majority of exclusively PvE events, or should Zos really only focus on PvE players?
thegreatme wrote: »Midyear Mayhem is a PvP event. So... you'd think that that special reward for the event--the style pages--should drop from... oh... PvP activities? Like from earning AP. Or from doing BGs matches. If the drop rate of these style pages are anything like Second Legion or Legion Zero, they're going to be f***ing grindy, with people who report getting nothing even after dozens of kills.
It's almost like you've completely ignored the feedback from the previous two Midyears.
While I do agree that they need to put a higher drop rate on style pages (coughs at the Legion style pages), forcing everyone to participate in PvP exclusively for an event in order to get either tickets or style pages is wildly unfair and unbalanced to people who don't PvP or can't keep up with the """"professionals"""".I'm all for encouraging more people to participate in PvP as an activity and all, and it can be pretty fun when you're not getting steamroll roflstomped by "Pro PvPer" 20 man groups who are basically immortal to anyone else who isn't a "pro PvPer" and half the time battles are won by who has the least lag, except for the fact that you can be blocked from ever getting a single thing from the event by other players, which is unique only to PvP. Other players can't stop you from completing objectives in PvE events. They can in PvP. And in PvP they can do it maliciously with full knowledge they're making your day harder just for the lulz.
Unless they can find a way to reward non-PvPers or people who aren't good at PvP/getting kills, its a system that's never going to work.
It was bad enough when PvE'ers just wanted to farm the bosses nearest their home base for tickets and you'd have mobs of 20+ per opposing faction just camping each factions' base entrance mowing down PvEers who didn't even have Tel Var to make killing them profitable and were even using gap-closers to bunnyhop base platforms (which isn't even supposed to be allowed).
And that was when the event didn't require PvP to complete the event. Hard pass on an event that does require it, and I'm not that squeamish about PvP.
Most of the events throughout the year are PvE.
In other words, forcing everyone to participate in PvE exclusively for an event in order to get either ticket or style pages is wildly unfair and unbalanced to people who don't PvE (except for when Zos forces them to).
That goes both ways and I would suggest such an opinion shows great disregard for a portion of the player base that is the focus of most of these little events.
What are your ideas to reward PvP players during the majority of exclusively PvE events, or should Zos really only focus on PvE players?
I couldnt care less about pvp or pve events, I do both. But lets face it, a pvper has a way easier time jumping into pve for 10 minutes to get their daily tickets/reward box, than a pver going to a pvp event to do the same. Also, who are we kidding? The real reason pvpers like these events is to farm the pvers who come in like lambs to the slaughter lol
Why are you asking about Midyear Mayhem months after it has passed and the next has not even been scheduled yet that I know of...
Am I missing something!?
Lost Treasures of Skyrim (September 23-October 5)
Witches Festival (October 22-November 3)
Undaunted Celebration (November 25-December 8)
New Life Festival (December 17-January 5, 2021)
Some kids don't like to participate in PVP and we also had a MYM and separate IC event this year so yall just looking for something to complain about.
VaranisArano wrote: »Why are you asking about Midyear Mayhem months after it has passed and the next has not even been scheduled yet that I know of...
Am I missing something!?
Lost Treasures of Skyrim (September 23-October 5)
Witches Festival (October 22-November 3)
Undaunted Celebration (November 25-December 8)
New Life Festival (December 17-January 5, 2021)
Some kids don't like to participate in PVP and we also had a MYM and separate IC event this year so yall just looking for something to complain about.
Next year's MYM, probably in January, is on the PTS. So we know how the rewards are dropping. ZOS repeated the whole "farm IC bosses for style pages" thing that the OP is talking about.
VaranisArano wrote: »Why are you asking about Midyear Mayhem months after it has passed and the next has not even been scheduled yet that I know of...
Am I missing something!?
Lost Treasures of Skyrim (September 23-October 5)
Witches Festival (October 22-November 3)
Undaunted Celebration (November 25-December 8)
New Life Festival (December 17-January 5, 2021)
Some kids don't like to participate in PVP and we also had a MYM and separate IC event this year so yall just looking for something to complain about.
Next year's MYM, probably in January, is on the PTS. So we know how the rewards are dropping. ZOS repeated the whole "farm IC bosses for style pages" thing that the OP is talking about.
Ah, I see that now. I clicked on the Recent tab so didn't notice this was PTS. But I still don't see the problem with that. I have ESO+ so not sure but don't those Dungs come with that DLC?
why are you talking about that on a pts forum thread?