Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

[POLL]: Do you like the new Vampire sub-class?

I just wanted to get an overall senses of how everyone likes the new Vampire? Also, if you like/dislike something please feel free to comment below. I personally think the Stage 4 negatives are a bit too harsh.

Edited by Berek_Bloodfang on May 27, 2020 5:24PM

[POLL]: Do you like the new Vampire sub-class? 217 votes

Yes, it is a lot better than the old Vampire.
ItsMeTooJarndycedaryl.rasmusenb14_ESOopajTerion_FyrNemesis7884Iruil_ESOCyberOnEsoHyperthomas1970b16_ESOeyeseezombiesub17_ESOGlurinkelticfuryub17_ESOTX12001rwb17_ESOGarethjolnirHexiTheTwistedRunelinoge63WeesacsMikeSkyrim333 55 votes
Yes, but some serious tweaking is still needed.
SolarikenBeeKingBerek_BloodfangShadowHvowild_kmacdb16_ESOBeleronZynkojouStravokovVoidCommanderRedcognitorunesword0070ctaveDogeRobertWaylander07RavenfireKrogmoHellmaskerYamensteinNarvuntien 45 votes
No, the old Vampire was way better.
Moloch1514SuddwrathTheBlinkmansolidstate77ub17_ESOThunderclaprlukeHavenSnowZeniaFischblutldzlcs065blkjagdhboy123Monroe585TragedyOAJanTanhideTrapasaurus_RexHamish999RaammzzaaMKintrUrvoth 29 votes
No, but the old Vampire needed some additional tweaking.
AlomarDeathStalkerNoNameNamerKlemenziusb16_ESOSvenjaBeolundMaster_AlucarDLeglessUKValerienCheloOmniDoAdaaryeFaendirKingShockerDrunkensotPrince_ApollonVostornAnhedonieMettaricanaVevvev 70 votes
Other, please provide a response below...
technohicDigitalHypeStreegalihentianOhtimbarBananaArchMikemTheImperfectThannazzarHorrorShowAlohaSORjoshCMDR_Un1k0rnSephyriiRenityEifleberMortiis13Dr_Sinister 18 votes
    Yes, it is a lot better than the old Vampire.
    this is a good poll.
  • Noxavian
    No, but the old Vampire needed some additional tweaking.
    The lack of a gapcloser since the skill line's main dmg ability is melee, lack of creativity with the ultimate, and overwhelming stage negatives (new negatives would be fine if they kept the old 40% vampiric skill cost reduction, not too sure why they nerfed that too...), and the absolute butchering of the vampiric drain.

    For all of these reasons, I dislike the rework and see it as over all 'mixed' to 'negative'.

    Old vampire needed a rework, that is for sure. But by god I was hoping it wouldn't end up like this.

    Now the only hope for people who want to play as a proper vampire is to wait for when they eventually add in more bloodlines, as I doubt vampire as it stands will ever be touched up again.

    That, dear friends, is why this rework was VERY important. It most likely will not be touched to this extent ever again in the game's entire existence. So consider that before going 'well, I mean, I guess they did a good job, sure I'll give it a pass'. Consider all sides to the argument as to why the rework is trash.

    The lack of creativity with the ultimate and the abilities in general (aside from mesmerize, you get a pass) screams that they probably don't have too many people working on this game.
    Edited by Noxavian on May 27, 2020 5:33PM
  • SORjosh
    Other, please provide a response below...
    Console peasant so.... :(
  • red_emu
    Yes, it is a lot better than the old Vampire.
    Knowing that the only thing ZOS will do to Vamps now is nerfs I'd say I'm happy with what I have. It's nice for my mag blade and mag necro for a bit of RP.

    Nice RP skill line.

    RP skill line.


    ... Oh wait! 😢
    PC - EU:
    Falathren Noctis - AD MagNecro
    Falathren - AD StamSorc
    Falathren Eryndaer - AD StamDen
    Falathren Irimion - AD MagPlar
    Talagan Falathren - AD StamDK
    Falathren Infernis - AD MagDK
    Your-Ex - AD MagBlade
  • fierackas
    No, but the old Vampire needed some additional tweaking.
    The skills are useless for my bow Warden so sadly after years of being a vampire I had to cure him to avoid gimping myself
  • Foefaller
    Yes, but some serious tweaking is still needed.
    So far it's been fun for my Magcro.

    Would like to see some tweaks though, mostly to give more things to appeal to stam builds. Not full-on stam morphs though, but things like Everserate scaling based on the highest of stam or magicka or a stam-restoring morph. Still make magicka and health the main resources you spend.
  • Raammzzaa
    No, the old Vampire was way better.
    Thus far, it looks like the new vampire skill line is only useful if you want to essentially play vampire-as-a-class (rather than as a magsorc, magblade, etc.), or for role play purposes. Since, I'm not interested in either I am planning to cure all of my characters of vampirism. Very disappointing, but that is ESO/ZOS for you...
  • bodge2372
    Yes, it is a lot better than the old Vampire.
    It's better as the old vamp was hardly vamp like at all. Although one of my two vamps is stuck at stage 1, even tho he's fed on 6 people. That's not better, however.....
  • iiRenity
    Other, please provide a response below...
    I'm really not sure yet. I cured all my heals and tanks of vampirism, no reason to keep it without supernatural recovery. Made a character and got them to CP solely to test out the new vamp line. I love the visual effects, but the skills themselves are kind of.... weak. I enjoy the look, I enjoy how it goes with my vamp themed character, but so far it's looking like it'll be a quick cure.
    PC - NA - @iiRenity - Master Crafter - CP900 - DC Loyalist - PVE & PVP
    Lady Renity - Breton Magplar Heals
    Bellona Victorias - Imperial DK Tank
    Goddamm-Lochness-Monster - Argonian Magden Heals
    Primogen Carmilla - Breton Magblade Heals
    Mistress Nienna - Dunmer Magsorc DPS
    Pisces Seaborne - Breton Magcro Heals

  • RodneyRegis
    Raammzzaa wrote: »
    Thus far, it looks like the new vampire skill line is only useful if you want to essentially play vampire-as-a-class (rather than as a magsorc, magblade, etc.), or for role play purposes. Since, I'm not interested in either I am planning to cure all of my characters of vampirism. Very disappointing, but that is ESO/ZOS for you...

    Yes, I think that's right. The loss of regen AND increased cost makes running non-vamp skills at stage 4 absolutely horrific, especially in PVP. My Magplar never ran out of magicka before, now it's disappearing instantly. And the toggle on mist form is utterly pointless.

    Great if you want to run a full vamp build, but I don't. Respec, cure and grind psyjic for race against time and no stam for roll dodging :(
  • Vevvev
    No, but the old Vampire needed some additional tweaking.
    I've been getting it to work well in PVE but it really needs a lot more work. I still am wishing they just ditched this low health gameplay entirely but we'll see how it goes as more people get their hands on it. I refuse to use the vampire ultimate though since as a magDK I get wings with my Ferocious Leap ultimate, and its very cheap with an added damage shield so I can fight at low health without too much worry :tongue:

    Still a shame what they did with vampiric drain. It just doesn't work in PVE or PVP :disappointed:
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • sherahd
    No, but the old Vampire needed some additional tweaking.
    A couple of the useful passives should have been kept, and I wouldn't have minded some of the new changes. Supernatural Recovery should have been kept, or even maybe improved. If they had at least kept that I wouldn't have felt the need to cure my Vampirism. Now it's like there's no recovery, and an additional cost added to my skills... So, there's no reason for a healer to use it anymore. I play mostly healers. I tried some of the new active abilities. I didn't like how it felt to light attack weave with the new spammable. It feels like the ability happens right away, and there's all this waiting before the light attack can happen. IDK, feels awkward to use. The ability you use to deal damage over time and sap health... Still feels gross and I don't see why anyone would use it in PvP, or PvE. IDK, it's just ruined for me. I feel like they should have had tweaked the old vampirism, and kept it, but an improved version more for casters, then the newer one for melee/stam people. They could have been different strains of vampirism and people could pick. IDK
  • Aloha
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  • StamPlar_1976
    Yes, it is a lot better than the old Vampire.
    Best addition to the game. The devs are the best and they're killing it.
  • ArchMikem
    Other, please provide a response below...
    Vamps go home.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • TheTwistedRune
    Yes, it is a lot better than the old Vampire.
    Yea, it feels more fleshed out to me. Before there was no downside, now it's an important choice with consequences.

  • Deathlord92
    I’m on console I haven’t tested it but I have seen the skill line and read the feedback from pc players I feel like the drawbacks outweigh the good but I do love the idea of it.

    • eviscerate needs a stamina morph or the health morph should scale with highest stat
    • cost increase in non vampire abilities needs to go fire damage weakness and no health recovery more then enough
    • blood scion really cool imo but I feel like it could give a passive for slotting it
    • blood frenzy needs it’s cost reduction reduce what good is a skill that kills you
  • XomRhoK
    No, but the old Vampire needed some additional tweaking.
    For me it's a disaster. I start playing ESO, because of the possibility to play as a vamprie and "realistic" visual style of the game and vampire skills in particular. I waited 3.5 years for some vampire content which will suit my playstyle, some sets, skins, outfits, full skill line. But now, after the revamp, i am not only didn't recieve nothing valuable for me, but i lost what i had. This mainly concerns visuals of skills and their functionality, not numbers.
    - Eviscerate. Not very good visuals and sound. It looks more as if you are trying to paint a fence, not tear apart the enemy, and sound have absolutely no impact, it sounds like you always miss and hit the air, not render the flesh.
    - Blood Frenzy. Feels absolutely not vampiric for me, despite "Ticks all the boxes of what its like to be a vampire" statement of Rich Lambert in trailer. This skill fit more to some shaman, blood mage, demon, berserker, but not to vampire. Looks okish, but hard to see in fight. Activation sound like a hollow pipe.
    - Vampiric Drain. Halved damage, and so functionality of the skill. Awful new visuals, its not even looks like flow of the blood anymore, it looks like some sci-fi blaster, all starts to glows, target glows, player glows, main visuals glows, in dark environment it can even hurt your eyes. Sound also changed, now it include some unnecessary "boiled water" part.
    - Mesmerize. Normal skill, nothing very interesting, just a stun, maybe needed one. Don't like purple-pink colors part in visuals this colors and particles fit more for a Barbie doll, not for a vampire.
    - Mist Form. Elusive Mist pretty much the same, just some changes in color. Blood Mist, halved damage and heal jumping from useless to overpowered depending on situation. Visuals are too bright and too clearly defined circle on the ground, more like a puddle, not a mist.
    - Blood Scion. Tall, bulky, glowing Xivkyn or demon with horns, not a vampire, his stance and movements are human-like and he don't use his claws. Absolutly zero vampiric feel in him, while Bloodknight NPC and Vampire Lord NPC looks more like it should be. Also strange "broken vase" sound in the moment of transformation.

    Overall i don't like new more cartoony and flashy style of visuals for vampire skills, it's not League of Legends, don't like abundance of purple-pink colors in visuals, some visuals just complitly out of place.
    All skills that i used before (Invigorating Drain, Baleful Mist, Devouring swarm) are gutted in damage or looks absolutly different, in a bad way. So after this revamp i don't want use any of vampire skill, because of aesthetic reasons.

    Sad part for me is that numbers and even mechanics of skills can be changed, but visuals and sound stays here for a long time.
    Edited by XomRhoK on May 27, 2020 7:05PM
  • Hamish999
    No, the old Vampire was way better.
    Just cured my 3 vampires this evening. Only had it for the recovery and also for Undeath on my tank, totally useless now as I have no inclination to "play as a vampire"
    Edited by Hamish999 on May 27, 2020 7:13PM
    Do'Zahra - Khajiit - StamDK - AD
    Narese Telvanni - Dunmer - Petsorc - EP
    Anastasie Chastain - Breton - Magplar - DC
    Gashnakh the Lusty - Orc - Stamsorc - AD
    Stands-In-Stoopid - Argonian - Warden Tank - AD
    Talia al-Morwha - Redguard - Stamden - AD
    Makes-Fier-Wrong - Argonian - Stamblade - AD
    Busty-Argonian-Maid - Argonian - Templar Healer - AD
    Alaru Telvanni - Dunmer - Stamplar - AD
    Ko'Raehsi - Khajiit - Magsorc - AD
    Torhild Rock-Chucker - Nord - StamDK - AD
    Drusilla Larouche - Breton - MagDK - AD
    Ko'Khanni - Khajiit - Magden - AD
    Ilithyia Ectorius - Imperial - DK Tank -AD
    Rosara Laumont - Breton - Warden Healer - AD
    Do'Darri - Khajiit - Stam Arcanist - AD

    Keyboard and mouse FTW!
  • Rtzon
    Yes, but some serious tweaking is still needed.
    Everyone complaining about the loss of the "recovery" of being a vampire is exactly the reason it was removed. It's dumb to be a vampire just for recovery, it should be played as a class/sub-class. The current skills could use some tuning (like I think Eviscerate have more range), but this is definitely a step in the right direction.
  • Fischblut
    No, the old Vampire was way better.
    My khajiit was always on stage 4 for the most pale skin and the most bright eyes. He only needed vampirism for cosmetic reason - it saved him from being removed long time ago (as I didn't like his normal face).
    Now he's reverted to stage 1, and while he's still better-looking than non-vamp, but... He's just not the same and not as cool :/ I don't want to make him stage 4 simply for his pale look, cause of all the negative things introduced with this update for vamps.

    My altmer vampire also doesn't look as cool on stage 1 vampirism, as she used to look on stage 4. She was also vampire for the look; passive mag recovery was nice, but it was just a little bonus that came with her striking appearance.
  • Ohtimbar
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    No more ugly tanks for me. If I actually wanted to play as a vamp I might feel more strongly about the changes, one way or the other.
    forever stuck in combat
  • Skykaiser_Ọlọrun
    No, but the old Vampire needed some additional tweaking.
    No. Vampire definitely needed something because it just felt...there. People try to make a bigger deal out of the stam/mag recovery than it was. I mean, it was nice but what was it doing for you really? Did that little bump in resource recovery have you clearing content you were wiping on before? Probably not...

    But the changes they went with just fell flat for me all around. Drain and Mist Form are they've always been. Blood Frenzy is barely noticeable and I don't think you could make Eviscerate look more unimpressive if you tried. The line is saddled with penalty after penalty and the big payoff is...what...turning into a diet-VL for a few seconds? And it doesn't even do anything interesting mechanically. It's just a stat boost with the old Bat Swarm ult slapped on top of it.

    In the end, it just feels like giving up too much for too little.
    Rtzon wrote: »
    It's dumb to be a vampire just for recovery, it should be played as a class/sub-class.

    Vampires aren't nearly fleshed out enough to be either of those things
  • madman65
    No, but the old Vampire needed some additional tweaking.
    I see the new Vampire Skills are great for PVP, I used the Vamp skills for one reason and that was the Magicka Recovery. First thing I done was got the cure after Greymoor install and had to go back to the Alliance skills to get some recovery.
  • Master_AlucarD
    No, but the old Vampire needed some additional tweaking.
    Always have been a Vampire! With this update it's not just useless, we are even heavily punished with the increased resource cost and fire damage taken :/
  • Michaelkeir
    No, but the old Vampire needed some additional tweaking.
    Noxavian wrote: »
    The lack of a gapcloser since the skill line's main dmg ability is melee, lack of creativity with the ultimate, and overwhelming stage negatives (new negatives would be fine if they kept the old 40% vampiric skill cost reduction, not too sure why they nerfed that too...), and the absolute butchering of the vampiric drain.

    For all of these reasons, I dislike the rework and see it as over all 'mixed' to 'negative'.

    Old vampire needed a rework, that is for sure. But by god I was hoping it wouldn't end up like this.

    Now the only hope for people who want to play as a proper vampire is to wait for when they eventually add in more bloodlines, as I doubt vampire as it stands will ever be touched up again.

    That, dear friends, is why this rework was VERY important. It most likely will not be touched to this extent ever again in the game's entire existence. So consider that before going 'well, I mean, I guess they did a good job, sure I'll give it a pass'. Consider all sides to the argument as to why the rework is trash.

    The lack of creativity with the ultimate and the abilities in general (aside from mesmerize, you get a pass) screams that they probably don't have too many people working on this game.

    You are spittin straight facts. Couldn't agree more. I was about to post a similar post until I read yours.

    The revamp left me disappointed. The spamable is only melee range (no ranged option). No stamina morph that benefits stamina users. The toggle seems unfitting for a vampire. A gap closer (with bats) or targeted AoE "with bats) would be better. And my goodness, the ultimate is a copy and paste off the necromancers ultimate and it's ugly (in my opinion) and no bat wing stubs. And the drain barely tickles the enemy.

    I agree that it will be a LONG time before they touch vampires again and to see how badly they botched it just saddens me. I expect them to maybe tweak the numbers a little but nothing major so we stuck with what we have.

    I'll just have to put together a serviceable build and hope I can at least complete vet dlc dungeons without getting kicked.
  • technohic
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  • drakthir
    No, but the old Vampire needed some additional tweaking.
    Old vamp was better but yes it had to much passive recovery. Should of just tweaked the numbers HEAVILY .
    Old vamp could be used by everyone, even though the class abilities were magicka based it didnt matter because of the passives, remove those and you only have a a vampire mage with a melee main dmg ability.

    TBH, i don't even think they should be calling it vampire form anymore, its not a vampire, its an abomination, would be like calling one of the gentically spliced hist creations a part of nature.
  • Nephthys
    No, but the old Vampire needed some additional tweaking.
    Though I agree the old vampire line needed some tweaking, I was mostly happy with it. I absolutely hate the new version and terribly disappointed, to the point that I may seek a cure. The graphics are ridiculous, over the top garish and the ultimate is just gross. It was bad enough that my necromancer ultimates were laughable in their size and ugliness but now this.

    Perhaps for elite players who go for meta builds it is acceptable but for those of us that enjoy lore, aesthetics & a believable play style, it lacks class and finesse. Looks like it was built by a 10 year old after one of his nightmares. :(
    Dunmer magicka Necromancer DPS/Healer
  • Opalblade
    Yes, but some serious tweaking is still needed.
    Still needs a gap closer and a less boring ultimate. Also drain needs a buff. Either make it powerful enough to make up for the fact that it's a channeled ability, or change it so it doesn't lock you out of doing anything else for the duration.
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