Maintenance for the week of September 16:
• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

[POLL]: Do you like the new Vampire sub-class?

  • HorrorShow
    Other, please provide a response below...
    They should have added a new vampire skill line and left the old one alone.

    Elder Scrolls lore flat out states there are many different versions of vampirism. There was NO REASON to remove the old version.
    "Never go in, miss. Never say a prayer at its door. If you are angry, do not seek revenge by the Laughing Maiden Stone, or at the threshold of the Tombs. There be those who listen for oaths and vows...What may be said in innocence and ire becomes flesh and blood in such places."
    -Old Marsh
  • Michaelkeir
    No, but the old Vampire needed some additional tweaking.
    Noxavian wrote: »
    All the people here who are now curing their characters of Vampirism didn't really want to play a Vampire to begin with. They just wanted to enhance their existing class. Nothing wrong with that, but it's not really a good reason to turn into a Vampire, is it? With this patch, at least the Vampire plays like a class on its own, so now it's more about a conscious decision wether or not you actually want to become a totally different creature. The only reason to turn into a Vampire should be because you want to become one. Not because it boosts your Magicka Recovery.

    No offense!

    Literally almost every single person on this thread is talking about the design of subclass being the issue.

    I have no idea where people keep getting the main thing people dislike about the rework is the removal of the recovery.... Like what? All of the complaints for the most I've been seeing have been from people that WANT to play as a vampire and have it be a viable play style that isn't taken just for passives.

    Exactly. I didn't become a vampire for the passives and most of the complaints on here aren't complaining about the passives either. I became a vampire to play a vampire. My characters entire theme is built around being a vampire, from looks, class skills, and clothing. My major complaint about this revamp is that even after this change, my vampires feel weaker. I've ALWAYS played in stage 4 on both if them. As I said it's part of my characters, but before the revamp I was able to complete vet dlc dungeons with ease and quickness on my dps (mag nightblade)and tank with no issues or resource problems on my nightblade Nord tank.

    Not the case now. When I try and use my new vampire powers as a stage 4 vamp like I've ALWAYS done in a vet dlc dungeon I find I'm running low on resources and I no longer hit as hard or clear mobs as fast as before the update. Similar thing with my vamp tank. He's resource starved now and the vamp heal is garbage when trying to heal in the middle if a heavy hitting boss. Before the update I was fine, now I'm significantly weaker.

    So my question is, how is it possible to play a stage 4 vamp and use mostly vamp powers and still dps or tank as I did before the revamp in vet dlc dungeons and not run dry of resources or clear mobs as fast? As far as I can tell, not possible.

    The revamp was suppose to push us to use our new vampiric abilities. It was suppose to make us want to feed (with the new added feeding animations). It was suppose to make us embrace being a vampire and become stronger by feeding. But as it stands, I'm weaker now then before the revamp. Feeding actually makes me weaker instead of stronger for the content I play (mostly vet dlc dungeons). How is this possible?
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