On the contrary. I love quests, but they feel meaningless when the final boss of the questline falls over after three light attacks. Putting the whole weight of the game on questing is also not a good solution IMO, people eventually only show up for content releases, and one bad story (cough Greymoor) can sour the whole game.
That is, after all, the heart of the game. People who find the game too easy are often those same people who find quests boring. They're playing the wrong type of game.
That is, after all, the heart of the game. People who find the game too easy are often those same people who find quests boring. They're playing the wrong type of game.
Dusk_Coven wrote: »They want people to play right away the same content as their friends when they join.
Not spend weeks grinding or buying a level jump item to access the newest content, or, like FFXIV, buy a level jump that also unlocks all story so you can play in the same area, because areas are level and story locked.
Morgha_Kul wrote: »It's been a while since I read any of this thread, so I may be repeating myself here...
I don't know that the problem is that the overland content is too hard. It's that players are allowed to become too powerful. When you can obliterate whole groups of enemies in one shot, enemies that other, newer players take several minutes to defeat... the problem isn't the enemies.
The discrepancy between the lower and higher power characters is too extreme. THAT is the real problem.
deviousthevile wrote: »It was like Doria or something that started with a D.
deviousthevile wrote: »It was like Doria or something that started with a D.
starkerealm wrote: »Drosha. Bonus points there because she was in a solo-only instance. Gutripper was another showstopper for some players. Those two would, effectively, gate off the Mages and Fighter's Guild quest lines, and both of them were in instances where you couldn't bring friends to help out. Halls of Torment had a similar difficulty spike on the main questline for certain builds, if you hadn't grasped some mechanics (or if the encounter bugged out which, yeah, it did that too.) Finally, Molag Bal was brutal back at launch, and if you cleared him, Silver and Gold were basically, Welcome to Dark Souls, where you'd get smeared by mudcrabs if you weren't on your game.
The biggest issue was that you'd hit Drosha and Gutripper very early on. Possibly within your first hour. I'm not sure how many people those two drove from the game, but I'd be surprised if it was a trivial number.
This is literally what one of my guildies sa]id. He was complaining that he couldn't kill anyone in PvP with his PvE toon.
Power creep is real, and this is exactly why nerfs are essential for game balance. Otherwise you just keep inflating the numbers.
newtinmpls wrote: »
I have spent a lot of time over the past week watching a streamer who is starting ESO for the very first time.
No guild.
Mismatched drops for weapons, no sets, no crafting, playing alone with the support of various stream-watchers.
He is really struggling with a lot of things that are so "easy" for me now.
Speaking to the "showstopper" instances.....I can recall that at the point in the main questline where you are supposed to get Flesh Atronauch parts - had me blocked. That fight with the gargoyle....I couldn't survive it.
Over and over and over.
I didn't know how to kite. I didn't know how to stack my abilities to buff myself. I didn't have potions other than dropped ones (this was before the daily rewards).
Oh sure it's easy now, but for that same streamer - man it's gonna be a struggle.
That is, after all, the heart of the game. People who find the game too easy are often those same people who find quests boring. They're playing the wrong type of game.