Maintenance for the week of September 16:
• [IN PROGRESS] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

VMA and VDSA weapons will have perfected versions but your weapon won't be upgraded automatically.

  • Elsonso
    Elsonso wrote: »
    MattT1988 wrote: »
    Elsonso wrote: »
    RaunHunter wrote: »

    When I thought about why ZoS would do this, I couldn't help but wonder how many people must have actually completed vMA. Let's assume (generously) about 20% of the player base actually completed it for the weapon.

    My thinking is that the percentage of all players is probably single digits, closer to 1% than 10%. It would certainly be an interesting number for ZOS to reveal.

    I highly doubt it’s that low.

    Probably not among the players that frequent the forum, no. Still, it would be an interesting number to hear.

    Wouldnt be able to get an accurate number with how artificailyl inflate the playercount is in this game.

    The bot farms combined the the numerous free weekends and such has inflated the 'total players' by so much. The number of actual concurrent players is much, much lower.

    And zos lose to inflate stats so even if you did get a reply it would one of those thats not exactly a lie but its misrepresented.

    Still, I have to think that any number that ZOS throws out is a lot closer to being accurate than something we can come up with. I know that the numbers in here are wild guesses, frequently biased. My answer was based on a limited sampling of achievements for one of the platforms, itself biased and hardly definitive.

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Brovah
    roflcopter wrote: »
    you mean my way above 1k + vma runs to get all what i wanted for all my account

    should be...redone?? like...srsly?

    ok then while we are here why not to raise all gear level to let's say 180cp?

    it won't be more ugly than what you are doing now ZOS =/

    This is just testing the waters for when they want increase the level cap on gear.

    why? there is no benefit in increasing the gear cap...

    If ZOS does this to the current players... man.. people will start a Riot.. I hope that they don't do this since almost all my pve gear is yellow..

    Also.. that would be the last thing they do for the current vet players.
  • khajiitNPC
    Oh well, I’ll just farm it again. Not that hard (especially with the transmute). Feel sorry for all the chumps who paid to get clears on vet — looks like they’ll be paying again.
  • Knowledge
    Brovah wrote: »
    roflcopter wrote: »
    you mean my way above 1k + vma runs to get all what i wanted for all my account

    should be...redone?? like...srsly?

    ok then while we are here why not to raise all gear level to let's say 180cp?

    it won't be more ugly than what you are doing now ZOS =/

    This is just testing the waters for when they want increase the level cap on gear.

    why? there is no benefit in increasing the gear cap...

    If ZOS does this to the current players... man.. people will start a Riot.. I hope that they don't do this since almost all my pve gear is yellow..

    Also.. that would be the last thing they do for the current vet players.

    I don't really think there will be a riot.
  • Tyrthax
    My take on this is that I’m glad that some content will be available for newer, less experienced players... But there is no reward for those of us (myself included) who’ve spent countless days, weeks, whatever, in there on Vet. The purpose (and LEGEND) of Veteran Maelstrom Arena was that it was something to achieve for the most elite of warriors and those who really wanted a challenge with a rewarding pay off. (The Maelstrom Weapons).

    Unfortunately I don’t particularly agree with them basically giving away Maelstrom Weapons for free on Normal Maelstrom Arena... And I don’t condone them expecting those of us who have already ran Vet to refarm for these new “perfected versions” which are... Lackluster at best. In the PTS they really don’t justify refarming. The bonuses they provide are really not game changing and no longer provide themselves as a decent prize for those running vMA (since you can just farm them on normal now). Some of the stats, like on the vMA Destro Staff, provide a flat Penetration bonus... which will only work on the back bar, and will not carry over. Meaning it effectively is pointless to bother with.

    Purveyor of Khajiiti stuff.
    Healer, Tank, DPS.
    Master Crafter
    Lord No-Touchie.
    So why do it again... What's to stop them from upgrading the new perfected weapons next year? The players who have already grinded this out for weapons and farmed and spent coins golding them out are being told so what do it again. Now when we do it again we will be told so what do it again for this new elite perfected weapon and so on. They couldn't of made a new challenge offering new weapons instead of handing it to the dedicated players who have already done this.

    Edited by DR4GONFL1 on April 30, 2020 8:19PM
  • mairwen85
    DR4GONFL1 wrote: »
    So why do it again... What's to stop them from upgrading the new perfected weapons next year? The players who have already grinded this out for weapons and farmed and spent coins golding them out are being told so what do it again. Now when we do it again we will be told so what do it again for this new elite perfected weapon and so on. They couldn't of made a new challenge offering new weapons instead of handing it to the dedicated players who have already done this.


    This is my main gripe here. It sets a precedent. If this goes ahead, and is deemed acceptable, there is nothing holding them back from repeating the same dirty trick. Invalidating time and effort is one thing (and I'm pissed enough about that), but setting the door ajar for this practice is worse.
    Edited by mairwen85 on May 2, 2020 9:47AM
  • sly007
    It is completely asinine to have players grind for gear they already had. These vma weapons were nerfed. Norwe that they are being buffed, players have to toss the nerfed ones aside to regrind? I sure will not. Buff the current versions in the game. Add a new loot table for normal mode.
  • Shantu
    Tyrthax wrote: »
    Some of the stats, like on the vMA Destro Staff, provide a flat Penetration bonus... which will only work on the back bar, and will not carry over. Meaning it effectively is pointless to bother with.

    I agree. Knowing how the vMA staffs are typically back barred only, it is very odd as to how the devs could considered this as their idea of "perfected". Seems like some stat they just pull out of the air without really thinking it through.
  • Universe
    Veteran MA will lag so hard when Update 26 will hit due to too many farmers, I think I will wait at least a month before my re-grind.
    Edited by Universe on May 2, 2020 3:47PM
    Some videos I recorded for fun: Main character:
    PC EU main: Universe - AD magicka Sorcerer, Former Emperor, Grand Overlord, The Merciless, Trial Bosses Solo Champion
    Top alts: Genius(stamina/sagicka Dragonknight) The Force(stamina Nightblade) and other chars.
    PC NA main: The Magic - AD magicka Sorcerer
    Started playing ESO in beta & early access
    User_ID: Daedric_Prince
  • ATomiX69
    I love that people cry about "(re)grinding" vma for weapons now that you just need to drop the type of weapon and what trait you get doesnt even matter thanks to transmuting.
    And they also should have made perfected weapons more impactful but harder to get, for example only reward perfected weapons if you do a flawless run in vMA or in vDSA have 0 deaths and clear under a certain time treshold, then there would be an incentive to actually have to try to get good rewards.
    smurf account
    New PvP content when?
    Better cyro performance when?
    Farmed about 3 GO's worth of AP
    world 3rd immortal redeemer (22.02.18) and other not noteworthy trifectas
  • Universe
    ATomiX69 wrote: »
    I love that people cry about "(re)grinding" vma for weapons now that you just need to drop the type of weapon and what trait you get doesnt even matter thanks to transmuting.
    And they also should have made perfected weapons more impactful but harder to get, for example only reward perfected weapons if you do a flawless run in vMA or in vDSA have 0 deaths and clear under a certain time treshold, then there would be an incentive to actually have to try to get good rewards.

    Very few players manage to do a flawless run in vMA.
    This is not a good idea, it will only widen the skill gap.
    Some videos I recorded for fun: Main character:
    PC EU main: Universe - AD magicka Sorcerer, Former Emperor, Grand Overlord, The Merciless, Trial Bosses Solo Champion
    Top alts: Genius(stamina/sagicka Dragonknight) The Force(stamina Nightblade) and other chars.
    PC NA main: The Magic - AD magicka Sorcerer
    Started playing ESO in beta & early access
    User_ID: Daedric_Prince
  • mzprx
    virtus753 wrote: »
    Even an exclusively monetary-based system of priorities doesn’t call for actively disrespecting players. It merely permits the decision-makers to feel they can do so with minimal repercussions; the choice is still theirs, and it reflects on them accordingly.

    Personally I won’t be returning to vMA. Not after the way they’ve chosen to handle this. I know I earned my weapons on vet, even if the devs themselves insist on erasing that distinction statistically. No BiS is worth my self-respect.

    Finally someone who gets it. By regrinding all that crap, you're letting ZOS win here and get away with this horrible bait and switch. For what, for 0.5% damage boost on a target dummy? Like virtus said, our dignity should be worth more than that.


    all my characters are Stormproof or Flawless Conquerors and if they decide to poop all over us with this i will know i've earned them vMA weapons. and will not go back in to re-farm the "perfected" ones. my sanity would not approve..
  • Commancho

    Tens of runs to get inferno staff, then walls of elements get nerfed, then this!!!!

  • precambria
  • TineaCruris
    As a result, I have decided to not run any of this content for the next few weeks. No reason to run it again or for the first time at this point.
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Not gonna regrind those for sure.
    Will wait for perfected variants of MA 5 pcs sets, maybe then... :joy:
    I don't see the point, especially now that we will have mythic items.
  • StamPlar_1976
    So when does this go live?
  • BackStabeth
    I wouldn't be surprised if there will be added to the crown store, something that would cost between I don't know, 1500 crowns to 2500 crowns to update anyone who has an old VMA or VDA weapon to the new perfected.

    ZoS knows they are going to *** people off. They also know it was a major big deal for some people to complete the arena's and obtain the best weapons in the game.

    There has to be some logical reason for them to not upgrade weapons, or some reason that allows them to reach even deeper into your pocket to squeeze more money out of you. Has anyone at ZoS given any answer as to why they refuse to update peoples weapons?

    One of the worst things ZoS can do to us the players is give us something and then take it away. So many times things have changed so often, so many things have been taken away and ruined, so many things have been nerfed to make newer content attractive so people spend more money that I'm surprise more people haven't left.

    Giving something to someone and then making it useless or downgrading it while upgrading something else, that's the wrong way to go about creating new content.

    I would strongly suggest that people stop subbing, and start paying attention to how the money they have spent on ESO is being spent and what things are being done that make you upset and frustrated, measure that against how much fun you actually have during your free time playing eso. If you find you are more upset than happy, then do not spend any more money, do not subscribe until ZoS changes things in regards to what we the players want. Specially when it comes to performance.

    Just don't give them any more money, and state as many times as it takes on the forums your reasons why. Sooner or later ZoS has got to realize that not listening to their customers, ignoring everything that is being expressed is bad for business.
  • mairwen85
    ZoS knows they are going to *** people off. They also know it was a major big deal for some people to complete the arena's and obtain the best weapons in the game.

    And therein lies the problem. No one in this thread begrudges a normal drop of the arena weapons; most support that and think ZOS are doing the right thing in that regard, but once again, they turn a good decision into a bad one by their method of implementing that idea. Making all existing vet drops the normal drops, and adding a new vet reward without updating those already in game that have been gained through the same content. It's cutting off your nose to spite your face -- and the fact they know the issues with RNG, the time and effort taken to be competent in that content... the mind boggles. Run the arena the day before Greymoor drops, get a veteran reward which the day after is a normal reward, but in the weekly reward mail, you'll receive a perfected weapon? Because that's logical /sarcasm
    There has to be some logical reason for them to not upgrade weapons, or some reason that allows them to reach even deeper into your pocket to squeeze more money out of you. Has anyone at ZoS given any answer as to why they refuse to update peoples weapons?

    No, not yet -- total silence in all threads even remotely referencing this topic 👍 Zos, 👍 👍 which, somehow, they fail to see is only making the situation worse.
    One of the worst things ZoS can do to us the players is give us something and then take it away. So many times things have changed so often, so many things have been taken away and ruined, so many things have been nerfed to make newer content attractive so people spend more money that I'm surprise more people haven't left.

    Giving something to someone and then making it useless or downgrading it while upgrading something else, that's the wrong way to go about creating new content.

    It sends the wrong message on so many levels. The problem is they know that, which just comes across as not giving a ***.

    Edited by mairwen85 on May 6, 2020 7:24AM
  • DreadDaedroth
    Wouldn't have been easier to give the new bonus to Arena weapons that drop and dropped from veteran and introduce new weapons called unstable or minor or whatever Arena weapons without bonus that drop from normal version of those Arenas?
    Edited by DreadDaedroth on May 6, 2020 10:39AM
  • Kuratius
    Wouldn't have been easier to give the new bonus to Arena weapons that drop and dropped from veteran and introduce new weapons called unstable or minor or whatever Arena weapons without bonus that drop from normal version of those Arenas?

    Ah, common sense. Here, I'll show you the door.
  • Raudgrani
    It seems ZOS wants to favor "less good" players now, more and more so. Previously, it was a little like a sign of "respect" in the game, to have a Maelstrom weapon on your back. A bit silly, yes. But still. First they made Maelstrom motifs - great idea, but they should have been bound, like some others are. Then of course, they do this - as a final blow to whatever was left in terms of honor and feeling of achievement, from having a Maelstrom weapon.

    The ones we have, will feel like having these stickers from the doctor or the dentist, that they give kids for "being brave" there. I really wouldn't care that much to run VMA a few times again, if there was ANY sort of way to decide what to have (at least if you have already done that **** a hundred times or more!!!). But as there's not, I will just keep doing it for Stormproof/Flawless titles a few times every time I have a new character. Re-farming these weapon, age old content? Fat chance...
  • Matchimus
    It has been all downhill from this announcement. Sadly the veil has been lifted & what the hell did I marry.
  • WildRaptorX
    Surely they have changed their minds about this change?
  • Rake
    Guess they dont want vet players at all.
    I mean beside oneshot mechanics in some dungeons what is there for vet player to do?
    Shuffle trough same trials over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again?

    At least add more difficult overland content.
    game is getting boring
  • Matchimus
    Everything in this game can mean nothing. That is their statement, not mine.
  • Kalante
    Big deal 99% of those weapons are trash anyways. Other than the inferno staff which has been the meta for pve magicka dps players for the past ***** 4 years. Goes to show ZOS's lack of originality when it comes to set imagination and combat balance.
    Edited by Kalante on May 11, 2020 10:32AM
  • Pallio
    So we get to grind these places 100 more times, sounds fun.
  • YOB
    @Elsonso You really think that they can't upgrade the already existing weapons?

    haha, so how do you think when theres a major nerf to some sets for example the OP old "viper" they were able to update all the availbale versions. this is not an ARPG where Legacy items are allowed.
    Call it evil or not, they are making it so ppl get ESO+ or get the dlc to that dreadfull arena and grind it back all over again,
    that means more playtime & more $$ for ZOS.
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