When could we play TESO for a gameplay instead of always favoring the max damage?

We're entitled to tons of very interesting sets, but unfortunately they're barely usable because if we don't have a sufficient set with + in dps we don't type anything at all, it's really confusing the vision of zos for TESO, we're supposed to play what we want but now it's not really the case anymore, only the tanks and the cheat mages by ZOS have the right to get their kicks as well as the berserkers, that's what TESO wants us to play, why not give the freedom to the players to create original builds, isn't that the strength of an MMORPG ?

  • StaticWave
    Those “cheat mage” and “berserkers” would argue the same thing. It is ZOS’s responsibility to ensure that every set has a useful purpose, and players are given the freedom to play what they want. That is why multiple patches standardizing roles were made.

    I do understand you. However, it is unfair that players ask for aspects and core mechanics of the game to be removed because they don’t line up with their vision of how the game should be. That’s limiting freedom, and that’s not how an MMORPG should be.
    PC NA

    Static Wave - AD stamsorc

  • WilliamESO
    + 1000
  • Sanguinor2
    No one is stopping you from doing whatever you want.
    Just dont expect to clear the hardest Content with whatever you choose to equip and think About selecting normal mode for experiencing all Content in PvE instead of vet.
    Politeness is respecting others.
    Courage is doing what is fair.
    Modesty is speaking of oneself without vanity.
    Self control is keeping calm even when anger rises.
    Sincerity is expressing oneself without concealing ones thoughts.
    Honor is keeping ones word.
  • Elsonso
    Khatou wrote: »
    We're entitled to tons of very interesting sets, but unfortunately they're barely usable because if we don't have a sufficient set with + in dps we don't type anything at all, it's really confusing the vision of zos for TESO, we're supposed to play what we want but now it's not really the case anymore, only the tanks and the cheat mages by ZOS have the right to get their kicks as well as the berserkers, that's what TESO wants us to play, why not give the freedom to the players to create original builds, isn't that the strength of an MMORPG ?

    People are doing that because they are told they need max DPS. It is the measure of "success" in the game.

    The spreadsheet crowd will always brag up a "max DPS" meta for people to follow, but my experience in the game suggests that this is not necessary to play. It is just what people think they have to do.

    There might be some content that you cannot easily complete, and that is really the reason behind the max DPS... easily completing content. If you accept that it might take longer, or that you may die a couple times while doing it, then you can use a much wider variety of builds.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Khatou
    I don't say after PVE, but I'm thinking about it especially for the pvp, your lot of nice sets that could make the gameplay different, but if your not enough for the dps your set is useless except to be a burden to your band...
  • ArchMikem
    Sanguinor2 wrote: »
    No one is stopping you from doing whatever you want.
    Just dont expect to clear the hardest Content with whatever you choose to equip and think About selecting normal mode for experiencing all Content in PvE instead of vet.

    "You can do whatever you want, just not everything you want."
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Sanguinor2
    ArchMikem wrote: »

    "You can do whatever you want, just not everything you want."

    You can do whatever you want but you cant expect random People to carry you through something.
    Politeness is respecting others.
    Courage is doing what is fair.
    Modesty is speaking of oneself without vanity.
    Self control is keeping calm even when anger rises.
    Sincerity is expressing oneself without concealing ones thoughts.
    Honor is keeping ones word.
  • Tandor
    The concepts of playing the way you want and playing ultra-competitively are not really compatible in any multi-player game. For those playing non-competitively there is massive freedom of choice, but that choice narrows the more you ramp up the competitive nature of your play (and the more competitive your guilds are).
  • Lysette
    Tandor wrote: »
    The concepts of playing the way you want and playing ultra-competitively are not really compatible in any multi-player game. For those playing non-competitively there is massive freedom of choice, but that choice narrows the more you ramp up the competitive nature of your play (and the more competitive your guilds are).

    That's it basically - no one is hindering you to play as a wet noodle, like some of my characters are - and I enjoy playing them, eventually because they are like they are. But I have others as well, which are surprisingly strong even they have a really weird build - as well fun to play, but even those characters would never be able to compete in a competitive environment.

    i enjoy playing characters with flaws - and mainly blue gear with eventually one or the other piece in purple - nothing too special, run of the mill guys and ladies doing their thing - that's how I like it. And that would never be compatible with any competitive meta.
    Edited by Lysette on March 28, 2020 4:45PM
  • Khatou
    Sanguinor2 wrote: »
    No one is stopping you from doing whatever you want.
    Just dont expect to clear the hardest Content with whatever you choose to equip and think About selecting normal mode for experiencing all Content in PvE instead of vet.

    Exactly if the game makes so that one does not have any more enormously of choice in build construction, either made a build by seeking the originality, but have this made kill in 2 seconds or one plays has what "ZOS or youtube decided" and the 0 possible originality ....
  • Everstorm
    This game has an ocean of singleplayer orientated content. You can experiment there to your heart's content. It's actually my favorite part of the game.
  • ArchMikem
    Sanguinor2 wrote: »
    ArchMikem wrote: »

    "You can do whatever you want, just not everything you want."

    You can do whatever you want but you cant expect random People to carry you through something.

    A good player with "bad" sets can still perform well without warranting a carry, and in Trials there's no real way to single out the one underperforming dps in a sea of them, unless you're on PC and using some spying addon. I've even been told my Stamblade wearing Hulking and Leviathan was a terrible build, but It worked very well.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Sanguinor2
    ArchMikem wrote: »

    A good player with "bad" sets can still perform well without warranting a carry, and in Trials there's no real way to single out the one underperforming dps in a sea of them, unless you're on PC and using some spying addon. I've even been told my Stamblade wearing Hulking and Leviathan was a terrible build, but It worked very well.

    Not denying the first part.
    There is this Thing called ESO logs for PC tho so in any serious Trial run you can single out the guy just coasting along and hoping to get carried very easily. In normal Trials it hardly matters since they dont have any requirements anyway.
    Politeness is respecting others.
    Courage is doing what is fair.
    Modesty is speaking of oneself without vanity.
    Self control is keeping calm even when anger rises.
    Sincerity is expressing oneself without concealing ones thoughts.
    Honor is keeping ones word.
  • YandereGirlfriend
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    Sanguinor2 wrote: »
    No one is stopping you from doing whatever you want.
    Just dont expect to clear the hardest Content with whatever you choose to equip and think About selecting normal mode for experiencing all Content in PvE instead of vet.

    "You can do whatever you want, just not everything you want."

    To be blunt, what is the alternative to this setup?

    If you could clear the hardest veteran trials using nothing but white "Ornate" gear and 8k DPS, what would even be the point of having different difficulty tiers?

    Moreover, normal mode is completely fine for experiencing story content without the increased demands of performance, it is not like the story changes at all with your difficulty setting.

    Further, it isn't only DPS, for harder content you need more skilled (and well-equipped) Healers and Tanks as well.

    TLDR; You cannot expect to clear the most demanding content of a game while refusing to engage with the basic systems of the game that you are playing. This is all but axiomatic.
  • LuxLunae
    I had the perfect set that fit my playstyle... it is rendered useless in pvp due to bad sever lag... and works well with breaking free and roll dodging...

    Problem is, break free twice bug, and roll dodging isn't responsive and sprinting ... ohh yeah and roll dodging and break free blackens my bar.. meaning I can't do anything in that time and in high lag it's a matter of life and death...

    So I tossed that perfect set build that fit me well (worked well in BGs until it stated lagging as well) and went with heavy armor... I finally got it...why it was the meta...

    #1 No need to roll dodge or sprint, meaning no black bars to deal with in lag
    #2 no break free twice bug, forget what medium armor gave you.. use a immoable pot or heavy armor skill
    #3 more defense and heals
    #4 better sustain somehow better than medium armor if you know what you are doing. Let's face it, once you not breaking free and roll dodging, you got more stamina. I had to turn that switch off in my head and saw that.
    #5 no need for 2.4k stam recov can go into other things.
    #6 At any point you think medium armor is good in pvp, you are wrong. All the benefits are worthless in pvp. that weapon damage % when you wear medium armor don't mean anything... the reduction cost don't mean nothing...the stam recov dont mean nothing....TRUST ME GO HEAVY....

    Heavy armor gives you more time to make more decisions while in high lag. Dancing around rocks, popping immove pots and splitting a small group is better than trying to roll dodge and break free or sustaining.

    I die with 75%+ stamina....with my old build...holding on to stam in this game dont mean shet...(i actually used skills .a lot of em...) It's better to make a burst damage build and get resources back from heavy attacks. (ZoS is changing that or so I heard...They did have it in such a way once that you could hit the person with dizzy, weave in a heavy attack, and stun them while getting resources back... it was so nice.. because off balacne lasted for a good 8 seconds) They already removedt that ... That was when I was really using Heavy over Medium... and realized ...damn this is better. I had damn near 800 stam recov but that heavy attack weaving really kept me in the battle.

    Now once I used a DK the management got better.

    I haven't been playing the game...I don't know how zos is going to do it...I am dumbfounded as well...

    I have now realized I am a casual....I will never hit 50k dps, or be able to do whatever the metas are doing in pvp. I also realize I can't implement my playstyle into this game. Using mind over might...No way to trap people in this game and make them die except from burst damage...

    That's why I realize this game devovled into a first person shooter, except you hitting five buttons instead of one.
    Edited by LuxLunae on March 28, 2020 11:25PM
  • Khatou
    it's my summary also on TESO in the end TESO becomes the call of duty for MMORPGs...
  • Glurin
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    Sanguinor2 wrote: »
    No one is stopping you from doing whatever you want.
    Just dont expect to clear the hardest Content with whatever you choose to equip and think About selecting normal mode for experiencing all Content in PvE instead of vet.

    "You can do whatever you want, just not everything you want."

    To be blunt, what is the alternative to this setup?

    If you could clear the hardest veteran trials using nothing but white "Ornate" gear and 8k DPS, what would even be the point of having different difficulty tiers?

    It's more a matter of degrees. I don't think anyone is asking to clear the hardest vet trials in "Ornate gear and 8k DPS". But the difference between this month's optimal setup and a sub-optimal one shouldn't be such that the later is stuck in normals. You shouldn't have to use meta builds just to have a shot at clearing the more difficult content.
    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster...when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..."
  • idk
    Khatou wrote: »
    We're entitled to tons of very interesting sets,

    ESO has tons of interesting sets but they are interesting from certain perspectives. So if your goal is to do top DPS in a trial the selection of sets is much smaller. Going into PvP and want to be very effective then much of your gear will change and other sets will be more interesting. On top of that people PvP differently so that opens up more sets that are interesting. Then we have people who like to build differently form hybrids to differently geared types of builds. That requires even more interesting builds.

    When one looks at it from the larger perspective of the game and player base instead of their own narrow focus the light shines brighter.
  • Vaoh
    Glurin wrote: »
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    Sanguinor2 wrote: »
    No one is stopping you from doing whatever you want.
    Just dont expect to clear the hardest Content with whatever you choose to equip and think About selecting normal mode for experiencing all Content in PvE instead of vet.

    "You can do whatever you want, just not everything you want."

    To be blunt, what is the alternative to this setup?

    If you could clear the hardest veteran trials using nothing but white "Ornate" gear and 8k DPS, what would even be the point of having different difficulty tiers?

    It's more a matter of degrees. I don't think anyone is asking to clear the hardest vet trials in "Ornate gear and 8k DPS". But the difference between this month's optimal setup and a sub-optimal one shouldn't be such that the later is stuck in normals. You shouldn't have to use meta builds just to have a shot at clearing the more difficult content.

    Vet trials like the original (much harder) vMoL and vHoF were completed with far weaker builds than what is currently meta. Same goes for the original vICP/vWGT dungeons. Players would run content, take awhile to beat it, and become much better players in the process. There was a huge sense of accomplishment.

    You 100% don’t need BiS gear to complete difficult content like Vet trials.... heck, a lot of BiS gear comes from first competing those trials in the first place. It’s possible to clear everything besides Godslayer by using only crafted, overland, and dungeon sets. I’ve done an IR run with multiple players in crafted/bought gear and playing poorly.

    Now if you mean *RP builds*.... aka a dodgerolling Archer with senche’s bite and eternal hunt, or an Ice Mage with icy conjuror and winterborn, is pulling low dps..... well yeah those are going to do poorly. They are meant to be played for fun. Not for the most difficult content. You can’t expect a roleplaying build to be only barely worse than a BIS build. Suboptimal gear like Julianos, Hunding’s, Automaton, Silks of the Sun, Leviathon, Briarheart, Aegis Caller, Azureblight and many more can be used very effectively.
    Edited by Vaoh on March 29, 2020 4:24AM
  • Glurin
    Vaoh wrote: »
    You can’t expect a roleplaying build to be only barely worse than a BIS build.

    Why not?

    Seriously, why not? One can hardly call wearing a different shirt an original build if you're still restricted to all the same skills, weapons and stat allocation that the meta builds have. So yeah, damn right you should be able to build an ice mage or an evasive archer and still expect to be viable. They don't have to be "barely worse" though. Just good enough to be capable of doing well.
    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster...when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..."
  • Vaoh
    Glurin wrote: »
    Vaoh wrote: »
    You can’t expect a roleplaying build to be only barely worse than a BIS build.

    Why not?

    Seriously, why not? One can hardly call wearing a different shirt an original build if you're still restricted to all the same skills, weapons and stat allocation that the meta builds have. So yeah, damn right you should be able to build an ice mage or an evasive archer and still expect to be viable. They don't have to be "barely worse" though. Just good enough to be capable of doing well.

    A roleplaying Stam Nb archer whose main dps is Snipe and Eternal Hunt procs should be able to compete with BiS godslayer run builds...?

    And yes it would be nice if an Ice Mage Magden was good but that’s a different topic lol
  • Kadoin
    When ZOS team learns that DPS checks aren't the only thing that matter, hard DPS checks are bad for any game, and introduces real mechanics that punish DPS more often. Until then :D
  • Glurin
    Vaoh wrote: »
    Glurin wrote: »
    Vaoh wrote: »
    You can’t expect a roleplaying build to be only barely worse than a BIS build.

    Why not?

    Seriously, why not? One can hardly call wearing a different shirt an original build if you're still restricted to all the same skills, weapons and stat allocation that the meta builds have. So yeah, damn right you should be able to build an ice mage or an evasive archer and still expect to be viable. They don't have to be "barely worse" though. Just good enough to be capable of doing well.

    A roleplaying Stam Nb archer whose main dps is Snipe and Eternal Hunt procs should be able to compete with BiS godslayer run builds...?

    And yes it would be nice if an Ice Mage Magden was good but that’s a different topic lol

    I didn't say compete. I said viable. A lot of people seem to have trouble with that word these days, believing it to mean pulling the same or better numbers as "BiS godslayer run builds", but that is simply not the case. Another symptom of all subtlety and nuance having been expunged from modern society I suppose.
    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster...when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..."
  • carlos424
    Glurin wrote: »
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    Sanguinor2 wrote: »
    No one is stopping you from doing whatever you want.
    Just dont expect to clear the hardest Content with whatever you choose to equip and think About selecting normal mode for experiencing all Content in PvE instead of vet.

    "You can do whatever you want, just not everything you want."

    To be blunt, what is the alternative to this setup?

    If you could clear the hardest veteran trials using nothing but white "Ornate" gear and 8k DPS, what would even be the point of having different difficulty tiers?

    It's more a matter of degrees. I don't think anyone is asking to clear the hardest vet trials in "Ornate gear and 8k DPS". But the difference between this month's optimal setup and a sub-optimal one shouldn't be such that the later is stuck in normals. You shouldn't have to use meta builds just to have a shot at clearing the more difficult content.

    You can do most vet stuff in suboptimal gear, and you can get the best sets in norma trials. Normal Cloudrest and Sunspire are probably the two most farmed trials, which have most of the “bis” gear. The difference between perfected and non perfected gear is actually pretty minimal, and shouldn’t stop anyone from completing any vet content. Then you have sets like mother’s sorrow which can be obtained over land. To me, the bigger issue is why ZOS keeps putting out a few sets every year that are OP, and raise top end dps. I guess it is to sell chapters. But obtaining these sets is not really the problem. They make them easily obtainable.
  • Elsonso
    idk wrote: »
    Khatou wrote: »
    We're entitled to tons of very interesting sets,

    ESO has tons of interesting sets but they are interesting from certain perspectives

    This is true, but a side effect to having tons of interesting sets is that, eventually, you run out of interesting sets. All interesting points of view have been considered. After that, you either stop doing sets, or you duplicate sets, making them a little better, a little worse, or the same as the set they duplicate.

    One can argue that duplicates are not interesting and are nothing more than flexibility options. Rather than using the old set "Skeever's Nose", which has a chance to release a swarm of skeevers, you can use the new set "Mudcrab's Claw", which has the same chance, but releases a swarm of mudcrabs. I would say that there is no difference in "interesting" between those.

    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • JayKwellen
    Seems a lot of folks have trouble understanding that "playing the way you want" doesn't mean your chosen style will be the best. That "viable" means just that, viable. Not BiS, not top, not competitive, just "capable of working successfully". And just because it works successfully, doesn't mean anyone else has to care about it, and they still have every right to kick you out of their group even if your viable build doesn't meet the minimum standards they expect to be upheld, even if those standards exceed what is necessary.

    Personally, I think part of it stems from people feeling perturbed about others being, in their mind, better than them solely because of "crutches" like meta builds or CP or gear or whatever, or bristling at the idea that they may have to do something other than exactly what they want to reach certain levels of achievement -- this insidious idea that rather than equal opportunity to achieve something, instead achievement itself should be guaranteed. This idea that anything which challenges someones own individuality is somehow an attack on their own worthiness and value as a player. It's rather weird and infantile tbqh.

    Just like life, some people are subpar. Some people make bad decisions which fly against conventional wisdom and don't work out for them. Some people fail. There are winners, and there are losers. It happens. Nobody should be guaranteed success, in anything. To do so literally robs any value in it from those who actually worked to achieve it. Instead, everyone should be guaranteed the opportunity to be successful. This actually already exists in ESO -- literally anybody can follow the meta, practice a bit, and reach the most high other than the most soaring pinnacles.

    That said, I can agree that the strictness of the meta can at times be stifling to creativity and individual enjoyment, and I too would like to see more build and set variability, but I absolutely I don't believe the destruction of core mechanics, or sets, or play styles should be the way to achieve this -- which is all too often what the majority of complaints and "suggestions" seem to boil down to. It is, quite literally, the destruction of other peoples enjoyment for the sake of your own, which I honestly think is incredibly narcissistic, as well as a few other terms which would get my post violently moderated.

    Do I think there should be more variability? Absolutely! Do I think there should be far more viable (read: functional) options in both PvP and PvE? Absolutely! Do I think we should drag anyone else's build or set down, or completely upend the games mechanics to get there? Not a chance. Do I think that every build should be able to perform equally well in PvE or PvP? No way. Besides, if every build and set ends up performing essentially the same with the same results, that's not really diversity then either is it? Nothing more than a false choice masquerading as "diversity".

    edit: In rereading this I got like, hella off topic and tangenty, sorry about that. Leaving it anyway though.
    Edited by JayKwellen on March 29, 2020 12:23PM
    Xbox NA - JaeKwellen
    AD PvP
    Trying to main a magcro. This is awful.
  • gatekeeper13
    1) The game is designed in such a way that it needs high dps to complete end game content. More dps, faster boss death, less chances for wipes. I disagree with the design but thats how it is.

    2) Most sets are badly designed, uninspired and utter trash, looking more like junk to fill empty space than useful tools to help you succeed.
  • Juhasow
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    Sanguinor2 wrote: »
    No one is stopping you from doing whatever you want.
    Just dont expect to clear the hardest Content with whatever you choose to equip and think About selecting normal mode for experiencing all Content in PvE instead of vet.

    "You can do whatever you want, just not complete everything you want."

    Corrected it for You.

  • Vaoh
    Glurin wrote: »
    Vaoh wrote: »
    Glurin wrote: »
    Vaoh wrote: »
    You can’t expect a roleplaying build to be only barely worse than a BIS build.

    Why not?

    Seriously, why not? One can hardly call wearing a different shirt an original build if you're still restricted to all the same skills, weapons and stat allocation that the meta builds have. So yeah, damn right you should be able to build an ice mage or an evasive archer and still expect to be viable. They don't have to be "barely worse" though. Just good enough to be capable of doing well.

    A roleplaying Stam Nb archer whose main dps is Snipe and Eternal Hunt procs should be able to compete with BiS godslayer run builds...?

    And yes it would be nice if an Ice Mage Magden was good but that’s a different topic lol

    I didn't say compete. I said viable. A lot of people seem to have trouble with that word these days, believing it to mean pulling the same or better numbers as "BiS godslayer run builds", but that is simply not the case. Another symptom of all subtlety and nuance having been expunged from modern society I suppose.

    You’re spiteful at ESO and modern society over your stealthed, rolldodging, Hybrid archer wood elf with Soul Assault who was born in Riften to foster parent nords (Roleplaying builds) not being “viable” for Vet Cloudrest+3. And I’m informing you that they shouldn’t ever be viable in difficult endgame PvE content.

    There is a big difference between sub-optimal gear (Julianos, Hundings, Leviathon) and RP gear (Ashen Grip, Whitestrakes). Sub-optimal builds are very viable. You do not need the absolute BiS “meta” gear to simply complete difficult PvE content.

    RP builds are not viable for that. If you want to RP then do normal dungeons, normal craglorn trials, PvP, questing... this already makes up over 95% of the game’s content. There’s nothing wrong with RPing - it’s just meant for different content. My BiS PvE build is weak in PvP and it’s not an issue because it was built for a different purpose. Hope that makes sense.
  • Juhasow
    Glurin wrote: »
    Vaoh wrote: »
    You can’t expect a roleplaying build to be only barely worse than a BIS build.

    Why not?

    Seriously, why not? One can hardly call wearing a different shirt an original build if you're still restricted to all the same skills, weapons and stat allocation that the meta builds have. So yeah, damn right you should be able to build an ice mage or an evasive archer and still expect to be viable. They don't have to be "barely worse" though. Just good enough to be capable of doing well.

    But You are still viable and You can do well. Just not as viable as fully optimised setups. Problem was never in the balance problem was always in players heads.
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