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February 2020 Furnishing Limit Status Update

  • Sovaliah
    Thanks so much for clarifying what the status is with this! I appreciate knowing where the team is at on the situation, even if increasing the furnishing cap isn't going to be a solution in the near future.

    I spend a ton of time in housing and absolutely love it. I do have some suggestions that I'd like to offer since you guys are looking for more player feedback!

    So here we go, things I'd like to see in housing:
    • The ability for decorators to retrieve (non-account bound) items from their own inventory to decorate a friend's house. This would have been extremely useful for when my husband and I were decorating our guild house!
    • Larger areas of effect for lights OR houses with more ambient lighting in general. I find that many of my furnishing slots go toward lighting in order to just be able to see inside a dark space. The Ebonheart Chateau, Velothi Reverie, Quondam Indorilia and those other base game Dark Elf themed houses are pretty rough for this. I notice that Vvardenfell houses are much, much brighter by comparison even without lights.
    • Additional single furnishings with clutter built in. I love the ability to take an empty table and fill it up with whatever my heart desires, but I would also like to have some more choices on the other end of the spectrum as well. Having things like a china cabinet filled with nice dishes or a busy workshop table that counts for a single furnishing would do a lot to cut down on slots. I'm thinking of examples like Redguard Bookcase, Full for this example.
    • More knick-knacks! I like to see the small things that make the world feel alive. The hairbrushes and perfume bottles added in Elsweyr were awesome for this. I'd absolutely love to see more things like that. Maybe even some make-up palettes/small moisturizer jars or other small items like that? You could totally look at contraband items from thieving for inspiration.
    • A big one I'd like to see is more small-medium size homes. The notable homes are big and gorgeous, but they are so massive there's no way you could ever hope to decorate it all. I do think though there are some examples that did it well, Tel Galen for example is a large space that I could accomodate in 700 slots because it's constructed in a way that has more nooks and small areas. But sometimes I just want to decorate a little cottage and I'd love to have more choice that way. Lucky Cat Landing was a step in the right direction for this, and the King's Cradle (can't remember if that's the name) part of the Hall of the Lunar Champion is good as well.

    Anyway I hope that helps! Thanks for taking the time to read.
    Dunmer · MagSorc · PC-NA
    Co-GM of Heralds of Nerevar RP Guild
  • Brandathorbel
    one thing i would like to add that housing really needs - a landscaper.

    I have linchal grand manor.

    who thought it was a good idea to put large ugly uncut grass everywhere the completely interferes with peoples creative process.
    You guys do this on almost every home.

    can we for once get a home where the grass is actually manicured? or give us a lawnmower
  • Vaoh

    Would it be possible to have separate furnishing caps based on the different cells/rooms within a house?

    For example, Hall of the Lunar Champion has a main hall and 3 separate portals which take you to different areas, so in essence - Main Room, Halls of Colossus Area, Moongrave Fane Area, Lions’s Cradle Area.

    When you enter a portal, it takes you to the corresponding area which (in terms of the housing instance) can teleport you far to the north, east, south, or west of the Main Room. In this way, the furnishings you place in those areas will be very far away from each other..... simply put it would be perfect for them not to load since we would not see them anyway.

    In other words, only load furnishings in your area to increase furnishing placements across the home without impacting performance.

    This is obviously not a perfect solution.... a home such as Coldharbour Surreal Estate can’t do this. Many homes can though such as Hakkvild’s High Hall, Ebonheart Chateau, Potentate’s Retreat, etc.
  • saf227_ESO
    I'd like to agree with both Sovaliah and xbox15. Being able to completely replace greenery around a house with something nicer would be great.
    Also, general lighting needs an improvement. Sovaliah mentioned dark elf homes, but even Linchal Grand Manor has an issue with this. The downstairs is sooo dark. I've added light all over the room, just so I can show the room. It's a waste of slots.

    Maybe a general lighting slider for indoor spaces you can set to increase or decrease the base amount of ambient lighting?
  • Tigerseye
    while Collectible Furnishings tend to have less impact than many Traditional Furnishings.

    So, is it possible we could be allowed to add smaller, non-animated, relatively non-impactful Traditional Furnishings, instead of Collectible Furnishings?

    Also, is it possible group recipes for some tiny items, like 3 potatoes (for example), could be provided?

    So, we could then place the group as one item, if we prefer, rather than arranging 3 tiny potatoes ourselves for 3 whole slots.

    Edited by Tigerseye on February 10, 2020 11:11PM
  • swankery
    ThoraldGM wrote: »
    What about using doors as separators between loaded and unloaded areas? So each portion gets max furnishing slots?

    Example 1: Autumn's Gate becomes 2 homes (exterior, interior)

    Example 2: Hakkvild's High Hall becomes 3 homes (crypt, exterior, interior)

    Example 3: Hall of the Lunar Champion becomes 4 homes (main and 3 wings)

    Also, I second the request for an "all attunable sets in one station" menu as something that would be a game-changing improvement.

    Can this be done? I would suffer a loading screen for separate instances allowing for reasonable furnishing limits. <3 oh yes would I ever! Housing Enthusiast! DDA founder/rep/Twitter@Swankery1@Swankery PC/NA
  • LarsS
    Its nice to see this explanation, could we get something similar on cyrodiil campaign scoring. Pvper have asked for many years for a change were socres depends on population on the instance. That change would be soo easy to do.
    GM for The Daggerfall Authority EU PC
  • Reverb
    More slots for guar, please. All the guar. That is all.
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Cireous
    So essentially what was said by the housing guy on ESO Live awhile back, but written down. Information is great, and appreciated, but I can't help but feel we are more than due for some good news about housing. I can't remember the last time you've given us something to be excited about instead of the same stuff to be bummed about. :star:

    I mean, I do love the Undo button (okay, maybe I can remember the last exciting thing :/) , but you know what I'd really love?

    Planters. Planters all day long please.
  • driosketch
    You know, just this weekend I was remodeling my Hunding's Palace (Redguard large home), and I was somewhat surprised by how much I could fit in under the cap while still having the place feel full. I coverted 15 sleep quarters for my characters and 2 NPCs into 20 beds with trunks/dressers in a layout that somehow felt more spacious than what I had before.

    Now some of this was accomplished by consolidating pieces. I use place settings that include utensils. Two Redguard large tables are as good as four of the standard. I replaced lamps and mirrors standing on tea table with taller versions. Brighter lights were used so I needed fewer. Book cases that are the kind with items in them, and stair and wall pieces as well as long ramps rather than block by block builds. Even so, I used every slot of that cap. All three of them. With ESO plus.

    So I want to reiterate a couple of the suggestions I've seen so far.
    - more combo items that cut down on slots used.
    - less of these giant open notable homes that we won't ever fill, and more medium/large homes that offer a good slot to space ratio.

    And a personal request, can we get more homes that share the design principles of Hunding's Palatial Hall? Spacious interior, but still lends itself to easy division and sub division. (I want rooms, basically.) An open exterior, but not so large you wish for your horse, with interesting structures that can be built off of or expanded onto. I haven't seen another home as good, especially with the interiors. Always too small or massive caves. And frankly, I've just stopped checking out the new homes, limited time offer or not.
    Main: Drio Azul ~ DC, Redguard, Healer/Magicka Templar ~ NA-PC
    ●The Psijic Order●The Sidekick Order●Great House Hlaalu●Bal-Busters●
  • RMerlin
    One thing I badly miss in houses (comparing to another MMO I used to play years ago) is the presence of roaming pets and NPCs. The houses mostly feel dead because of that. It would be nice if we could place our pets in hour homes, and these would roam around the place.

    More NPCs (beside banker/trader/fence) would help adding more life. Even if they are purely cosmetic, having a butler or a house caretaker to greet us when we get home would be nice.
  • Hymzir
    Skimmed through the thread and saw a lot of the same thoughts and suggestions offered. Most of which mirror mine as well.

    Give us more combination pieces, like bookshelves with books, dinner table arragements, writing desk clutter and so on. Give us a decent set of building parts, so that we don't have to waste dozens of slots on simple things like stairs and walls and second floors. And give us more empty plots of land to go with those building parts, so that we can create the homes we really want.

    Throw out the restrictions on slots based on house sizes. If a player wants to stuff 100 watermelons in his inn room, then let him! Will it be clunky and difficult to navigate? Undoubtedly, and 'prolly confusing to boot, but so what? If that is what the player wants to do, then let him. Let players decide what is reasonable and sensible, and most importantly... what is tolerable performance wise and what is not.

    Divide large homes into separate areas, each with their own cap and loading screen. While load screens are, in general, a thing to avoid if possible, people who actually engange with housing will be fine with extra load screens, if that leads to the ability to decorate each space with maximum number of slots. The thing to keep in mind is, that homes are not busy general gameplay areas seeign a lot of trafic. The extra load screens required, to see fantastic builds the extra slots make possible, are well worth the extra hassle.

    And once you allow that, introduce portal doors that let us link our homes. Running out of slots and the east wing is still not done? No problem, just add a portal door on the entrance and use some other instance to build the interior in. Maybe one of those empty plots where you could build the interior with those building parts I suggested earlier. Or just turn your homes into a magical mystery tour of delightful sights and sounds by stringing them all together. Give us the option to easily show all our homes to other players, and without the need of add-ons.

    I understand why thing were set the way they are now. You did not want people to just buy the cheapest house and store all their items in there. You wanted us to buy multiple houses, and to stuff them as full as possible with crown bought pieces (hence the ridicilous grind for plans and mats.) In a less cyncial mindset, you wanted to draw the process out as logn as possible to maximize player engagement. I get that, I get all of that, but the thing is though... We kinda did that already, and now are just twiddling our thumbs.

    Housign has been around for years now, and most of us have our homes already. Each new expansion keeps adding more and more furnishings, but there is no room in which to place them, since most of us have filled our homes to the max already. Each new cool item added requires removing an old favourite. Luckily for me, so far I've been able to find extra space by simplifying my original build with building parts introduced in Summerset and Elsweyr. Merging a twelve piece stair into one freed eleven slots for new items. But now I am running out of those possibilites too. There are still few places, where the introduction of a perfect piece, will free a handful of slots. Even so, it won't be enough to contain all the new cool stuff that is added.

    And with the introduction of Antiquities into the game... Well, I simply do not know where I can fit them, and no, I won't be buying a new 100 dollar home just to display them. Without the possibility to be able to display them at my "home", there is little incentive to go grind them, and with that, buying the new expancion becomes less enticing.

    At this point, you are only aiming housing to those players who are totally committed to it, the ones that keep buying multiple hundred dollar homes, those who just want to decorate new spaces instead of building a home for their character, and I don't think that is sustainable. Most of us just want to keep fiddling with our "homes", which we no logner can keep doing, since we hit the cap on items ages ago.

    You are slowly strangling housing to its demise. I have my mansion and my castle, I do not need another one. I want to keep improving what I have, not keep adding more empty, partially furnished, cavernous halls ad infinitum. And speaking of those cavernous halls... the current maximum slots are nowhere near enough to do them justice. When we asked for smaller homes, we meant that we wanted smaller spaces utilizing the maximum capacity of items. Not homes that were slightly smaller in size that came with a smaller item cap that was way too small for their size. (Lucky Cat and that frozen dwemer place)

    Housing is the only area that still interests me in ESO. PVP is a mess, the constant nerfs and re-designs make gameplay tiresome, and everything is buried under a ton of aggravating grind. The item cap limitation is preventing me to contiue with my home improvements, and thus I have less and less reason to play at all.

    The bottom line is, that something has to change about the way things are done, or housing itself is done for.
  • Jaraal
    Right now, setups that hit the minimum specifications can still struggle with homes that are fully decorated with relatively high impact furnishings.

    So, tell me why a min spec setup would struggle with 400 items in one zone (medium house) or 600 items in another zone (large house) at the same level of struggle as 700 items in another zone (manor house)?

    The largest zone (manor house) has at least double the permanent assets to render as the medium house, so using logic based upon the amount of total data used per zone (700 player placed items and double the immovable assets) we should be able to place MORE items in the large house than the manor, and even more in the medium house to meet the same data usage as the biggest home.

    So....... why not let us place 700 items in every house then? At least then we can build something that appears to be filled and cozy, rather than some massive, empty looking zone with 700 items sparesly strewn about, or concentrated into one smaller walled off area?

    Oh, let me answer that for you! Because if we were able to abandon these unfillable monstrosities and fill real, smaller homes with 700 items, then you guys would see your profits plummet from us folks saving our crowns and investing less in reasonably sized houses that we could actually make look good!

    Well, let me fix that for you. Stop making giant homes we can't possibly fill with your (pssst... console performance limits... yes I said it for you), and make us smaller homes that you will let us fill with 700 items.... and charge us the same price you've been charging us all along for manor homes.... and we'll pay it!

    Everybody wins. You still get your cash, but you also reduce server load, because it doesn't have to draw a whole Dawnlight Palace just to render our little walled off garden and blocked off house. And we get a smaller zone we can reasonably fill every corner of, like a real home.

    Edited by Jaraal on February 11, 2020 9:10PM
  • Anotherone773
    I just skimmed the thread, but i wonder how much of our posts the dev teams read? I often feel like not much. Anyway some thoughts, points, and suggestions i would like to make:

    1) Item Limit Solutions: It is quite annoying, as someone who runs a higher end computer, to be held back from enjoying the game the way i want too simply because its easier to limit everyone to the worst performing hardware than it is to either not support that hardware any longer or figure out a way in which higher end hardware owners are not limited to the hardware specs on the low end of spectrum. Some possible solutions besides the obvious of "raise the requirements so you can raise the limits":

    A) Have a limit set for each of the consoles based on stock configurations. For computers, an algorithm or such that checks the item number of the housing you are trying to load into against a simple database of some standards your hardware must reach to enter a house with that number of items present. For example
    * Min specced: A system that is min specced to play the game. Current item limits.
    * Recommended specced: The system meets the recommended specs. Max item limit +50%( example)
    * Newer mid range system: Max item limit +100%
    * Higher end PC: Max Item limit +200%
    * Newer very high End system: Max Item limit +300%
    * Gamer's Super Computer: Max Item limit +400%
    ** NOTE: additionally you would have a fail safe if you crash in housing, you are immediately ported to your last location that was not in housing. If the housing was your own house the last 5 items( example) placed are removed and placed in your inventory, in case it was you going over a hardware limit. This repeats itself until enough items are removed to make the housing stable on your system.
    ***NOTE 2: An interface in your house that lets you tag items based on this database. So in this example we have 6 tiers. All items are tagged at your max tier for the houses you own. You can then sort items into tiers based on display priority. So min spec players would only load Tier 1 objects, Recommend spec players tier 1 and tier 2 objects etc. That way everyone can use your home( if you set it up this way) and it should be stable for everyone. They will just see a different level of decor based on their tier.

    B ) The hall of lunar champions was a disappointment because i thought it was going to be a test home to having multiple homes (as the game sees it) as one home( as the player sees it) as a way around limitations. Since we have to load into each area anyway why are they all treated as the same house? You missed a golden opportunity here too. Each of those "halls should be a large or noteable home with the "foyer" a small or medium. This could be done on many of the older houses that require you to go through doors. And would at least be a bone thrown to a very hungry housing community.

    2)Furniture bag: As much stuff as is getting added each year not even ESO plus is cutting it for storage. I use a house to store my furnishings im not using as i swap house layouts around. Why not give us a furniture bag? It doesnt have to be bottomless but something like 50 slots free( or maybe with the purchase of your first large house or bigger or something), 150 slot upgrade with gold( 10 slots at a time similar to how inventory upgrades work), then 300 slots upgrade with crowns( 10 slots at a time), all doubled with ESO plus for a maxed out furniture bag of 1000 slots.

    3)Smaller Home Upgrades: Why not give us the option to upgrade the number of slots in the smaller homes? Maybe the ability to double them or increase them to the noteable limit, whatever comes first, for either gold or crowns? At least that would be something.

    4) Smaller and GOLD homes: Look i get it, you got to bring home the bacon. But seriously, you are selling us your empty house models for ridiculous amounts of crowns and we cant even decorate them adequately. I also dont want to jump through a bunch of hoops( Elsweyr chapter) to get a home. I want to toss a coin purse on the ground and pick up a deed and call it a day. You guys are selling us your empty house models in the game as a "new item" for a small fortune. It feels like you are trying to take advantage of me. All you did was take the stuff out of an existing building and make it purchasable. Snow globe is a perfect example, you start the dark brother hood quest there, on the gold coast. 4200 crowns, so about $35.

    So i had an idea. how about you give us a small and medium ( and large with chapters) gold home every xpack that is one you use in that xpack or just other random ones around already existing zones. Is it REALLY that much work to just transplant them to housing? That was a rhetorical question.

    5) Unusable spaces in homes. There are a few homes that have these cool areas( from the outside) but they arent usable or accessible. Linchel Grand Manor in the Gold Coast is one of them. All those walls and not even usable. HUGE disappointment. Would love to be able to have castle like homes in which i could actually use the walls and towers. There is much in this home that we cant utilize. So much potential that is useless. BTW, the manor is the empty version of the gold exchange or whatever it is, in Anvil. Just added some walls( using walls that were already developed for the gold coast), grass, barn, etc and slapped $100 price tag on it. Ouch. So $100 buys me some weeds and walls i cant even stand on top of?

    6)Guild Hall: I would love an entire guild city that we could build up( like the hollow city or something) but until then maybe a hall that is designed for guilds. Could split it into two halls, A social hall with a high player limit but a low furnishing limit and a crafting hall with a lower player limit( may double what is now) but a higher item limit( remove the random categories for furnishes to allow the same number of normal items but more players).

    7)Lawnmower: I really want to be able to cut/remove grass from areas of some of these homes. If i try to just go over it i have to have the platform higher than the tallest grass or it goes through it and is pointless. can we just remove the grass? Or have some way to hide it in sections or something?

    8) Storage Vault. The storage chests were a novel idea but tbh they just dont fit with home building. Most people keep them hidden. Being able to use items such as crates, dressers, and cabinets to store stuff like we can loot in game is a novel idea but we know that is going to lead to people using housing as an infinite bank by filling it full of storage objects and filling them. What if each house has a storage vault that you purchase separately. For example, in Mournoth Keep, you get a 60 slot storage vault. This is a wooden trapdoor in orc styling that you can place anywhere in the home. But its only accessible in this home, so you have to travel to the keep to access it.

    Snugpod might have a 30 slot vault that has trapdoor that looks like a stretched rabbit hide. Apartments would have a 15 slot, large homes 90 slots, and notable homes 120 slots.
    Edited by Anotherone773 on February 11, 2020 8:40AM
  • SantieClaws
    Thoughts of this one.

    She accepts for now you cannot increase the limits, though of course she wishes it were otherwise.

    This one is patient and has plans for all her properties when that day arrives.

    In the meantime though there are some things you could help us with yes as regards the design of furnishings.

    For example:

    A sizeable patch of mixed flowers
    A sizeable patch of mushrooms
    A sizeable patch of wheat crops
    A group of marsh reeds
    A cabbage patch
    A carrot tree
    A bunch of bananas
    A group of apples
    A tray of drinks
    A collection of assorted wine bottles - both in a group and in a line for on shelves
    A large pile of colourful balls of yarn
    A big pile of fish
    A mixed fruit platter
    A mixed cooked meats platter
    A big bowl of salad

    There are many things that presently we almost always use in multiples that could be provided also as one larger furnishing in addition to their solo counterparts. This one could probably take a look around her property empire and find a few more examples. This one is sure travellers here also have their own ideas. The bowl of bread is a good start but was the flour milled from solid gold? These things need to be affordable and available easily in order to practically help the situation.

    Another thing mentioned earlier is lighting - have light specific furnishings that are, in the normal sense, invisible but add light to an area. Like a white light varla stone but you don't see it perhaps. Call it a crystal of some kind. How many hundreds of candles and lanterns could this one remove if this were possible? Of course we want still to have the ability to light in subtle and interesting ways but we should not need 150 candles to do this.

    Additionally please generally make interiors less dark if you can - this one admits she is mostly an exterior decorator but this is largely because she has found she has to use so many furnishing slots just to see what she is doing indoors - the big Snooty Elf villa is a fine example of this.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Anotherone773
    Thoughts of this one.

    She accepts for now you cannot increase the limits, though of course she wishes it were otherwise.

    This one is patient and has plans for all her properties when that day arrives.

    In the meantime though there are some things you could help us with yes as regards the design of furnishings.

    For example:

    A sizeable patch of mixed flowers
    A sizeable patch of mushrooms
    A sizeable patch of wheat crops
    A group of marsh reeds
    A cabbage patch
    A carrot tree
    A bunch of bananas
    A group of apples
    A tray of drinks
    A collection of assorted wine bottles - both in a group and in a line for on shelves
    A large pile of colourful balls of yarn
    A big pile of fish
    A mixed fruit platter
    A mixed cooked meats platter
    A big bowl of salad

    There are many things that presently we almost always use in multiples that could be provided also as one larger furnishing in addition to their solo counterparts. This one could probably take a look around her property empire and find a few more examples. This one is sure travellers here also have their own ideas. The bowl of bread is a good start but was the flour milled from solid gold? These things need to be affordable and available easily in order to practically help the situation.

    Another thing mentioned earlier is lighting - have light specific furnishings that are, in the normal sense, invisible but add light to an area. Like a white light varla stone but you don't see it perhaps. Call it a crystal of some kind. How many hundreds of candles and lanterns could this one remove if this were possible? Of course we want still to have the ability to light in subtle and interesting ways but we should not need 150 candles to do this.

    Additionally please generally make interiors less dark if you can - this one admits she is mostly an exterior decorator but this is largely because she has found she has to use so many furnishing slots just to see what she is doing indoors - the big Snooty Elf villa is a fine example of this.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    A carrot tree? Do Tamriel Carrots grow on trees?

    What about about different size gardens with lettuce, corn, tomatoes, etc in them? Trees and lighting both kill me on item limits. Grand Topal Hideaway is nearly 20% of its limit before you even start adding your own stuff. Maybe we could have two settings on our lighting: " Realistic" and "Bright" Sometimes i use lighting for an effect and other times just to light up an area.

    Oh what about groups of storage crates, barrels, and sacks so you can give a storeroom feel without using a large number of items.
  • SantieClaws
    Thoughts of this one.

    She accepts for now you cannot increase the limits, though of course she wishes it were otherwise.

    This one is patient and has plans for all her properties when that day arrives.

    In the meantime though there are some things you could help us with yes as regards the design of furnishings.

    For example:

    A sizeable patch of mixed flowers
    A sizeable patch of mushrooms
    A sizeable patch of wheat crops
    A group of marsh reeds
    A cabbage patch
    A carrot tree
    A bunch of bananas
    A group of apples
    A tray of drinks
    A collection of assorted wine bottles - both in a group and in a line for on shelves
    A large pile of colourful balls of yarn
    A big pile of fish
    A mixed fruit platter
    A mixed cooked meats platter
    A big bowl of salad

    There are many things that presently we almost always use in multiples that could be provided also as one larger furnishing in addition to their solo counterparts. This one could probably take a look around her property empire and find a few more examples. This one is sure travellers here also have their own ideas. The bowl of bread is a good start but was the flour milled from solid gold? These things need to be affordable and available easily in order to practically help the situation.

    Another thing mentioned earlier is lighting - have light specific furnishings that are, in the normal sense, invisible but add light to an area. Like a white light varla stone but you don't see it perhaps. Call it a crystal of some kind. How many hundreds of candles and lanterns could this one remove if this were possible? Of course we want still to have the ability to light in subtle and interesting ways but we should not need 150 candles to do this.

    Additionally please generally make interiors less dark if you can - this one admits she is mostly an exterior decorator but this is largely because she has found she has to use so many furnishing slots just to see what she is doing indoors - the big Snooty Elf villa is a fine example of this.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    A carrot tree? Do Tamriel Carrots grow on trees?

    What about about different size gardens with lettuce, corn, tomatoes, etc in them? Trees and lighting both kill me on item limits. Grand Topal Hideaway is nearly 20% of its limit before you even start adding your own stuff. Maybe we could have two settings on our lighting: " Realistic" and "Bright" Sometimes i use lighting for an effect and other times just to light up an area.

    Oh what about groups of storage crates, barrels, and sacks so you can give a storeroom feel without using a large number of items.

    You should come and visit the rare and wonderful carrot tree at Castle Claws traveller :)

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Valagash
    First of all, thank you for an update and breaking the silence on the matter. Much appreciated!

    To address some specific questions and concerns:
    • Different categories of furnishings generally have different performance impacts. Special Collectibles are more impactful than Traditional Furnishings, while Collectible Furnishings tend to have less impact than many Traditional Furnishings.
    • We know not everyone is satisfied with the ratio between these furnishing types—these are set to strike a balance between the various needs people have. We could change this ratio, but any improvement to one group would negatively impact another group. We have no plans to adjust the balance between the different caps at this time.

    This statement makes me sad, real sad. Your ESO Live show last year made me stop buying the limited crown store homes and this statement is even worse.

    So basically you not even try new things or think about to change anything? So nothing about the feedback of your community? (Different categories/Loading screens between rooms/increase used item limit for animated items/combine non-animated to one and so on) The only thing you picked up "oh hey, the are not satisfied with our overwhelmed palace alike homes - so sell them open spaces"
    So not even a teeny tiny try to mix something up with a new home and test feedback? Nothing?

    It makes me sad because housing is basically the only thing which keeps me actually in the game. Don´t get me wrong, I love housing and the way it is made. But it is very frustrating to hear the same statement since a few years on the same matter. "Yes you wish but we don`t do" - and this goes same for ingame small/medium houses for gold

    So here we are... I got mad on housing subject :'(

    Seems we have to do it as on skills/nerf/buff subjects. Place at least 10 rants a hour in the forum to get some voice...
  • redlink1979
    @ZOS_CullenLee @ZOS_SarahHecker Thanks for the feedback. We appreciate it.
    "Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear"
    • Sons of the Night Mother | VforVendetta | Grownups Gaming EU | English Elders [PS][EU] 2360 CP
    • Daggerfall's Mightiest | Eternal Champions | Legacy | Tamriel Melting Pot [PS][NA] 2190 CP
    • SweetTrolls | Spring Rose | Daggerfall Royal Legion | Tinnitus Delux [PC][EU] 2345 CP
    • Bacon Rats | Silverlight Brotherhood | Canis Root Tea Party | Vincula Doloris [PC][NA] 2090 CP
  • Juhasow
    Thanks for this post. Can you look into adding a "Ultimate Attunable station" possibly? My house is filled with crafting stations for all the crafted sets in the game, and if i could infuse all the attunable sets into a single station, that would leave me with a whole lot more decorating room for my house.

    Could possibly help with performance too.

    Papa bless

    EDIT: made this professional illustration to help explain my solution. unknown.png

    Great idea. It'll cost just something like 37543 vouchers to buy :trollface: Also I love time and effort put into paint job. ZOS always encourages us to provide additional data to the feedback we give.

    But yeah they could bring something like "Skyforge replica" or some other cool looking crafting station and make it attunable for all crafting sets.
    Edited by Juhasow on February 11, 2020 11:00AM
  • Hallothiel
    Good ideas here (as always!)

    Would agree with:

    - Separate instances inside & out.
    - Shelves & bookcases etc already filled.
    - Groups of items

    Still unclear about the server load excuse about limits on smaller houses. And why having eso+ magically eases that load when it grants the additional slots.
  • HidesFromSun
    Thanks for this post. Can you look into adding a "Ultimate Attunable station" possibly? My house is filled with crafting stations for all the crafted sets in the game, and if i could infuse all the attunable sets into a single station, that would leave me with a whole lot more decorating room for my house.

    Could possibly help with performance too.

    Papa bless

    EDIT: made this professional illustration to help explain my solution. unknown.png

    That's an INCREDIBLE idea, it would save so much space!
  • resabed
    I wanted to make a library, so I bought the Daggerfall Overlook. Now I have a gorgeous room filled elegantly with books, and an essentially empty manor. I just gated off the basement entirely. The house consists of two instanced spaces, why are they not capped at 350 each? The limit is arbitrary and nonsensical.

    At the very least go the EQ2 route and sell/craft housing expanders that boost the limit by 100 or so.

    I will not buy housing with crowns until the limit is upped. Then I will buy lots of housing with crowns.
  • Starlock
    I'm by no means a heavy user of the housing system (for reason that are beyond the scope of this thread) but as someone who enjoys the system, I'd like to echo a few points others have already made.

    The large sized houses are a problem.

    Setting aside that they're problematic due to being obscenely overpriced and often cash shop only, as others have pointed out their size makes them very difficult or impossible to furnish adequately. This makes their obscene costs even more of a disincentive to bother with them. I would not have a large home at all if it wasn't for the free giveaway during the Summerset community event, and my experience using that home has simply reinforced my feeling that they are not worth it. A simple solution others have proposed for certain homes is separate indoor/outdoor areas with a longer loading screen between them. As I've been slowly decorating this large home, I mostly ignore the exterior because I cannot afford to furnish it and also make the interior look good. That's a shame, because there are some really neat things that could be done with the exterior.

    Make more small houses purchasable at all times with in-game gold.
  • Alinhbo_Tyaka
    Thoughts of this one.

    She accepts for now you cannot increase the limits, though of course she wishes it were otherwise.

    This one is patient and has plans for all her properties when that day arrives.

    In the meantime though there are some things you could help us with yes as regards the design of furnishings.

    For example:

    A sizeable patch of mixed flowers
    A sizeable patch of mushrooms
    A sizeable patch of wheat crops
    A group of marsh reeds
    A cabbage patch
    A carrot tree
    A bunch of bananas
    A group of apples
    A tray of drinks
    A collection of assorted wine bottles - both in a group and in a line for on shelves
    A large pile of colourful balls of yarn
    A big pile of fish
    A mixed fruit platter
    A mixed cooked meats platter
    A big bowl of salad

    There are many things that presently we almost always use in multiples that could be provided also as one larger furnishing in addition to their solo counterparts. This one could probably take a look around her property empire and find a few more examples. This one is sure travellers here also have their own ideas. The bowl of bread is a good start but was the flour milled from solid gold? These things need to be affordable and available easily in order to practically help the situation.

    Another thing mentioned earlier is lighting - have light specific furnishings that are, in the normal sense, invisible but add light to an area. Like a white light varla stone but you don't see it perhaps. Call it a crystal of some kind. How many hundreds of candles and lanterns could this one remove if this were possible? Of course we want still to have the ability to light in subtle and interesting ways but we should not need 150 candles to do this.

    Additionally please generally make interiors less dark if you can - this one admits she is mostly an exterior decorator but this is largely because she has found she has to use so many furnishing slots just to see what she is doing indoors - the big Snooty Elf villa is a fine example of this.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    What no fish tree?

    Speaking of fishing I would like to have the ability to add a fishing hole to houses that could accommodate one.
  • kind_hero
    To address some specific questions and concerns:
    • Different categories of furnishings generally have different performance impacts. Special Collectibles are more impactful than Traditional Furnishings, while Collectible Furnishings tend to have less impact than many Traditional Furnishings.
    • We know not everyone is satisfied with the ratio between these furnishing types—these are set to strike a balance between the various needs people have. We could change this ratio, but any improvement to one group would negatively impact another group. We have no plans to adjust the balance between the different caps at this time.
    • The number of guests in a home also impacts performance. At the moment, increasing the population limit would require reducing furnishing limits.

    Can you also answer to the countless furnishings requests that have been made over the years? What are your plans?
    Could we expect to see building blocks of various styles, but also the most requested things in this forum? Would be great to know.

    Thanks for posting!

    My feedback is that such a limitation works against the price you put on the large houses, in other words they are quite expensive especially since you are limited to 700 furnishings which will not be enough for large places like the Psijic Villa or the Summerset Grotto. Since you don't have plans to increase these limits, then you should discount the crown furnishings, or at least give us more furnishings from the list we keep requesting (I am mostly talking about items that we can already see in the game!).
    I don't know how your engine works, but maybe a solution is to create more furnishings that are groups of smaller items, such as filled bookcases (the Redguard ones with clutter are a great example). Many of us want stacks of books, tools, weapon racks, clutter, rows of bottles, vegetables, planters with soil in them, etc. With Elsweyr we got more grouped furnishings, like the sugar wine rack, or fruits stalls, so I guess it can be done.

    Edited by kind_hero on February 11, 2020 7:35PM
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
  • anadandy
    Ok, so the item/guest limit is not something that can be increased - fair enough.

    So how about the housing team look at some of the amazing ideas this community has had to resolve this without doing either of those things?

    To list them would just be more repetition, but if you claim to listen to the housing community then address those ideas. This post is such a good start - keep it going. Don't make us wait another 3 years. I so looked forward to Homestead, and its neglect makes me sad.
  • bellatrixed
    This is wildly disappointing. While I'm "glad" there's finally an answer, I have to admit I find it pretty disheartening to FINALLY see an official thread about furnishing limits only for our hopes to be utterly decimated.

    I was really excited that the performance updates would positively impact housing, so... this is pretty much a huge letdown and I feel deflated.

    As a roleplayer, player cap has always been a bigger issue for me than furnishing limits. Of course I'd like to have more furnishings like everyone else, but we CAN decorate nice houses right now. We CAN'T use them for large social gatherings. And that's really, really lame and utterly counter to MMO housing in every single other game.
    ESO Roleplay | RP community for all factions/servers/platforms
  • Anotherone773
    resabed wrote: »
    I wanted to make a library, so I bought the Daggerfall Overlook. Now I have a gorgeous room filled elegantly with books, and an essentially empty manor. I just gated off the basement entirely. The house consists of two instanced spaces, why are they not capped at 350 each? The limit is arbitrary and nonsensical.

    At the very least go the EQ2 route and sell/craft housing expanders that boost the limit by 100 or so.

    I will not buy housing with crowns until the limit is upped. Then I will buy lots of housing with crowns.
    anadandy wrote: »
    Ok, so the item/guest limit is not something that can be increased - fair enough.

    So how about the housing team look at some of the amazing ideas this community has had to resolve this without doing either of those things?

    To list them would just be more repetition, but if you claim to listen to the housing community then address those ideas. This post is such a good start - keep it going. Don't make us wait another 3 years. I so looked forward to Homestead, and its neglect makes me sad.

    Dev teams, not in just ESO, but all games need to encourage and listen to constructive feedback and have real communication with the players as group( not through proxies), similar to this thread but better. If you are a forum regular, then its obvious you have some passion about the game.

    Players think outside of the box because we dont have that corporate goals/management oversight/ working on multiple projects with deadlines/etc going on. We are also not restricted by our knowledge of the dev tools and workings of the game engine. In other words, we dont shoot down ideas because the original thought is not considered feasible.

    We also bring the knowledge from many games in multiple genres and most of us were probably just as passionate about those too. For example, outside of this topic, we have the long queues for DPS on group finder. Shorten the queue by making dungeon teams Tank Healer and 3 DPS. Adjust the dungeons for 3 DPS and you will shorten the DPS queue times to a few minutes. This is the standard dungeon team in most games and there is a reason for that.

    Present to us the barrier that keeps you from implementing something and we will find you solutions for it. Dont just keep telling us its not possible. We break games, find exploits, and manage to do things with your software you never thought possible. You can see that just by watching some of the housing videos and how creative we get with the very basic tools you gave use until summerset.

    We are the best consulting team you will ever have.

    * Our combined gaming experience spans millennia.
    * We work remotely.
    * We are hard workers. I once spent 4 hours just decorating under an Orc Tent, Shingled.
    * Best consultant team ever, we pay YOU to consulate on a product you are going to sell us.
    * We are not only a team member, we are a customer. We will tell you how to get our wallets open. Literally tell you. " IF you do X, i will buy it." or " If Y was at price point Z, i would buy it."

    Remember you are only selling us pixels. Its not like you manufactured this stuff and Fedexed it to our house. Lower the price and see a lot more people interested and we tell you that. Most people dont want to buy a $100-150 house in this game. That is my electric bill for a month and i only get that house as long as the game is active. Its not like i can give it to my grand kids.

    Lot of great ideas in this thread. Most will be ignored and the ones that arent will get an extreme implementation. " We want more affordable housing!" Have a smaller house that still cost $50 in crowns!" OR " Have this big empty space that will filled with all kinds of textures but you get 700 items to fill a space that is bigger than Vivec City"
  • Araneae6537
    Thank you for this clarification! :smile:

    In light of the firm furnishing and population caps, I wonder whether any of the below might be feasible:

    - Allow players to choose between different cap configurations, at least for notable homes. That way, residences used for guild functions could sacrifice some furnishing allowance for higher population while someone who never desires more than a guest or two at a time might trade for a higher furnishing cap, perhaps even with choices of which cap to increase by a given amount.
    - Give us an option to increase furnishing caps that are currently below the 350/700 maximum. I would gladly pay Crowns to increase furnishing slots in several of my inn rooms, for example!

    I also agree with what others have posted, that more combo type furnishings such as filled cupboards etc. of various styles would be welcome. Also needed are more building materials to make the most of wonderful open properties like Moonsugar Meadow (an instant purchase for me and I would love to see more such properties!).
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