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Tiger Mount Request

  • Tigerseye
    I've still got people in two guilds that have that mount from their year long pre-paid sub to the game when it was terrible.

    As much as I love that tiger mount I'd never want to see it re-released as it is; maybe recolored perhaps re-textured with different stripe patterns and coloration even. But that's their reward to players who stuck with early ESO despite it being nigh untold garbage.

    It was not "nigh untold garbage" and don't believe anyone who says it was.

    It was buggy and it still is!
  • Tigerseye
    idk wrote: »
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    idk wrote: »
    I have a nice stripped Bengal tiger mount. Zos gave it to us for free after about a year of subscribing from the launch date. Basically it was the last subscriber rewards Zos gave us before going B2P. It is a nice mount.,

    Zos has reskinned the mount a few times since and offered it in the crown store but they seem adamant at keeping that original striped senche mount special to those who faithfully subscribed during the first year of the game. I have a black one as well. So OP can find variations from the store and crates.

    OP wanting a legit Tiger and telling them they can have any other Senche BUT the single one they want.

    I am assuming you are saying that I am telling them they can have any other senche but the one they want. So yes. It pretty much appears Zos is keeping that senche solely as the reward they intended it to be.

    They have added many different skins of the senche mount, including one that is dotted. I really do not think Zos will let people by the stripped senche mount as Zos knows it would sell well and has likely seen the requests and still does not offer it for sale in any manner. Sometimes life does not cooperate.

    I could be wrong but the past 5 years has seen many of these threads and still no stripped senche mount for sale. I like that they keep the mount they gave me special.


    The word is striped, not "stripped".

    Stripped means something else entirely...
  • Tigerseye
    The frustrating thing about the loyalty reward tiger is that it had to be what it is. Out of any mount that could've been the reward, it is a simple generic senche tiger. It's like making it a brown horse. Making something so generic so rare. It's just strange, and disappointing too if you don't like flashy mounts and like tigers. not white tigers, not black, not green, not glowing, not senche-raht, but just tigers

    At the time, that was the very first non horse mount in the game. Might seem lame and generic by todays standards with all the crazy flashy mounts running around now, but up until they did away with the p2p structure and switched to b2p and introduced the crown store, all we had were the base horses. And each horse had to be trained separately. So the senche tiger was special at the time.

    She's not saying it's "lame".

    By "generic" she means that it is a very recognisable and well loved species, in the commonest fur colourway of that species.

    She is saying that it is odd that you would choose such a common (and well-liked) species, in its primary colourway, to be an "exclusive" anything.

    If they had made it a white tiger, with flashing green eyes, that would have pleased most of the crowd and left them more room to make a more typical, generically coloured tiger mount available in some other way.

    Normally, things that are labelled "exclusive" are not the norm - often they're Marmite (love them, or hate them).

    This happens for good reason.

    You risk boxing yourself into a corner, if you make the most common version of something the "exclusive" and you will typically minimise, rather than maximise, sales by doing so.
    Edited by Tigerseye on January 28, 2020 5:12AM
  • Tigerseye
    idk wrote: »
    The frustrating thing about the loyalty reward tiger is that it had to be what it is. Out of any mount that could've been the reward, it is a simple generic senche tiger. It's like making it a brown horse. Making something so generic so rare. It's just strange, and disappointing too if you don't like flashy mounts and like tigers. not white tigers, not black, not green, not glowing, not senche-raht, but just tigers

    It is odd that you call it generic yet it was the most unique mount in the game when Zos gave it to us. Further, some players were upset they could not get the mount because they took a few months off so Zos changed the requirements so months of sub paid ahead of the cutoff date would count. It is also a mount that has been the source of many threads of people requesting it like this thread.

    So not so generic as it is considered special.

    I'm calling in generic because it has no special/fantasy quality about it. It's a plain tiger. It's not meant to be an insult, I'm not sure if I came across that way?

    No, you didn't. :smile:
  • idk
    idk wrote: »
    The frustrating thing about the loyalty reward tiger is that it had to be what it is. Out of any mount that could've been the reward, it is a simple generic senche tiger. It's like making it a brown horse. Making something so generic so rare. It's just strange, and disappointing too if you don't like flashy mounts and like tigers. not white tigers, not black, not green, not glowing, not senche-raht, but just tigers

    It is odd that you call it generic yet it was the most unique mount in the game when Zos gave it to us. Further, some players were upset they could not get the mount because they took a few months off so Zos changed the requirements so months of sub paid ahead of the cutoff date would count. It is also a mount that has been the source of many threads of people requesting it like this thread.

    So not so generic as it is considered special.

    I'm calling in generic because it has no special/fantasy quality about it. It's a plain tiger. It's not meant to be an insult, I'm not sure if I came across that way?

    Meh. I was not insulted by it. Just noting that you compared it to a brown horse when it is something players have clamored for ever since. We all have different perspectives it seems.
  • idk
    Lisutaris wrote: »
    svartorn wrote: »
    there is a tiger that was a loyalty reward a loooooooong time back - unfortunately it was already confirmed that it wont come back...


    Yep, and I’d bet 95% of the players who got one are gone now.

    Nope they are not. And i would be pretty annoyed if they break their promise.

    BUT I can understand console players. Still, as they didnt support the game with sub before going b2p, they havent "earned" it. Some transfered and have it, but they supported the game during that time.
    Accept, adapt, overcome.
    If you miss an oppurtunity, happens, unlucky.
    Making it accessable would be a slap to the face for old loyal supporters. Nogo.

    There are console players with the senche mount as it was given well before the account copy was performed. So they have an even more special mount so to speak.

    But you are correct. It is in bad taste for an MMORPG to give such a reward for their loyalty then to turn around and suggest they could care less about the loyalty of early players and let everyone else have it as well. It tells players they really do not care which is why Zos has chosen to not heed the requests in these threads.
  • Tigerseye
    Katahdin wrote: »
    I can't agree with re-releasing the senche tiger mount to ESO+ subs.

    It was from a time when the sub was mandatory and people stuck with the game despite the issues.

    It was a mandatory sub for access to the game, nothing more.

    No crowns
    No craft bag
    No double bank slots
    no extra gold
    No XP boost
    No faster research time
    No double house slots
    No crown store exclusives or discounts

    It's a limited edition and the time to buy it is gone, just like every other limited edition of anything else.

    And you those that say they never see them. Besides my own that I use on the character I play every day, I see others and/or the beta monkey almost every day and often multiples of them on PCNA

    I'm perfectly fine with a reskin of another color different enough to be distinguishable from the loyalty one.

    Considering there were no houses, back then, why on earth list "double house slots"?! :lol:

    As far as I remember, there was no Crown Store either(?), so you didn't need Crowns, or discounts.

    It was a brand new game, so you didn't expect it to have a lot of stuff, yet.

    It was fairly basic, in terms of the mounts and pets that were available, but it was fine and you expected they would gradually be added later.

    That is perfectly normal, in any MMO.

    As far as item storage was concerned, we knew no better and it was fine, at the time, because there were far, far fewer items in the game, so you didn't need anywhere near as much storage for them.

    Also, items sold very well in the guild stores, back then (and for far higher prices!), which kept your inv clear and the gold rolling in (even at low level).

    My storage issues are far worse now than they were then, simply because of the sheer amount of extra stuff that has been added to the game, over the years.

    Plus, I preferred it then, because it was sub-only.

    I'm sad that had to change.
    Edited by Tigerseye on January 28, 2020 5:30AM
  • Tigerseye
    idk wrote: »
    idk wrote: »
    The frustrating thing about the loyalty reward tiger is that it had to be what it is. Out of any mount that could've been the reward, it is a simple generic senche tiger. It's like making it a brown horse. Making something so generic so rare. It's just strange, and disappointing too if you don't like flashy mounts and like tigers. not white tigers, not black, not green, not glowing, not senche-raht, but just tigers

    It is odd that you call it generic yet it was the most unique mount in the game when Zos gave it to us. Further, some players were upset they could not get the mount because they took a few months off so Zos changed the requirements so months of sub paid ahead of the cutoff date would count. It is also a mount that has been the source of many threads of people requesting it like this thread.

    So not so generic as it is considered special.

    I'm calling in generic because it has no special/fantasy quality about it. It's a plain tiger. It's not meant to be an insult, I'm not sure if I came across that way?

    Meh. I was not insulted by it. Just noting that you compared it to a brown horse when it is something players have clamored for ever since. We all have different perspectives it seems.

    No, you misunderstood what she meant by the word "generic" in this context.

    You thought she meant "lame", when she did not.
  • Tigerseye
    ...and the fact that anyone, who has it, thinks that it could be referred to as "lame" says far more about what they really think about it than anything else and that they, almost certainly, only want it to stay exclusive, for exclusivity's sake.

    Not because they, actually, particularly like generically coloured tiger mounts themselves.
  • Aznarb
    there is a tiger that was a loyalty reward a loooooooong time back - unfortunately it was already confirmed that it wont come back...


    It's a panthers disguise in tiger, not a tiger though.
    Tiger are more bulky.

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  • heng14rwb17_ESO
    Can i exchange my tiger mount for a fire breating dragon mount?
    i wan to burn all my enemies in cyrodill.
  • Tigerseye
    Aznarb wrote: »
    there is a tiger that was a loyalty reward a loooooooong time back - unfortunately it was already confirmed that it wont come back...


    It's a panthers disguise in tiger, not a tiger though.
    Tiger are more bulky.


    Exactly. :smile:

    I started this thread on the Crown Store subforum, by the way, for people who would like Amur/Bengal type tiger mounts:
  • Rampeal
    Lore wise t
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    Aznarb wrote: »
    there is a tiger that was a loyalty reward a loooooooong time back - unfortunately it was already confirmed that it wont come back...


    It's a panthers disguise in tiger, not a tiger though.
    Tiger are more bulky.


    Exactly. :smile:

    I started this thread on the Crown Store subforum, by the way, for people who would like Amur/Bengal type tiger mounts:

    Lore wise the Khajit including the Senche do not have true tigers. They are basically overgrown house cats. That's th reason you see some as such.

    Now the Ka Po' Tun are a Cat race that are exclusively tigers. Their leader Tosh Raka is a Tiger-Dragon and is the biggest dragon in Tamriel. Tosh Raka -Akatosh...🤔
  • Tigerseye
    Rampeal wrote: »
    Can we get a Moderator in here to close this thread already.

    Tiger Mount is not coming back. It's
    a reward for those who supported this game during the rough times. It was for loyalty and should remain that way. I did not get it because I did not earn it and that is fine. Enough said.

    No, not on that basis, anyway, because:

    a) The OP was not asking for the loyalty mount to be brought back; he was asking for a Bengal Tiger (which looks like a totally different species).

    b) Even if he had been, so what?

    It's not against forum rules for someone to ask for something.

    Even if you don't, personally, approve of what is being asked for.

    If you want all the derailment posts about the loyalty tiger, including yours, to be removed, you could always ask, of course...
    Edited by Tigerseye on January 28, 2020 5:29PM
  • CkSeaK
    Soul Shriven
    The classic Kagouti mount ( " Touti Fruiti" ) isn't that rare. I received mine through a crown crate in the last year. He's cute but I still love my Dragonscale wolf ;)
  • Edziu
    more this thread should be locked because long ago it went off topic from real topic about which was writing OP :d
  • technohic
    They could do hw they did the imperial horse when it was the only white horse. Just do a tiger with various armors to call it a war tiger, or add sparkles.
  • starkerealm
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    I would like to also point out, once again, that my Nibenay Mudcrab was supposed to be "exclusive digital content" when I bought it as part of the Imperial Edition 70 months ago (at launch):


    ...and yet, when I returned, 29 months ago, I found it was available for anyone to buy, as a standalone pet, in the Crown Store.

    I just assumed it would be a limited time offer and if it said "exclusive content", that is what it would be.

    No one seems to know and/or care, at all, about that...

    Not that I really care, either, because I'm not driven by pettiness and selfishness.

    But, we're not allowed a tiger (even a different tiger), according to some people, even if we have subbed continuously for way more than 12 months, at this point?

    I like how the evidence for this is the mail saying you got the crab, and not a shot of the crab pet being in the store. Pretty sure, if you did link it, it'd show that it was a different mudcrab.
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    Seems legit. :lol:

    Tigerseye wrote: »
    I used to see that tiger mount about very often.... I literally cannot remember when I last saw it within the last year

    I know.

    I see it once every three months, if that (and I'm on a lot!).

    Time before last was in a group with a guy who had it, who had clearly bought his account, because he couldn't answer any questions associated with the early days of the game, accurately.

    I know what it was like, back then, because I played at launch, but sadly had to give up after a few months, mainly because my laptop simply wasn't able to cope, at the time.

    If you encounter someone who purchased their account, report them. Account selling is a bannable offense.
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    Continued to sub, even though I wasn't playing(!), for the full 6 months - never even cancelled it - but, then it failed to renew, automatically.

    So, just missed the tiger...

    No, you didn't. You weren't here.

    Here's the thing: Originally, the Tiger was gated to you had to have been subscribed for 300 days between launch and the release of Tamriel Unlimited. Because of the issues, ZOS revised that requirement fairly quickly, so that you had to have paid for 300 days, but those could include days that were still "ticking down."

    You bought six months at launch, you could have literally purchased another six month sub the day before the deadline and have still received that mount. Hell, my significant other picked up a 3 month sub, to push themselves over the threshold. They would have missed out on their tiger without that.

    The issue is, you weren't here. They were.

    And, I get the issue with your laptop not being able to run the game. I'm even (somewhat) sympathetic to that. But, you checked out, you left, and when ZOS said, "hey, we're giving out goodies for the people who stuck with it for the first year," you didn't swing by. If you were here at launch, you'd remember, that first year was rough. It took a lot of work to get ESO into a good place. Those of us who did stay with the game were given a goodie for sticking it out. You didn't. You left.
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    Would be nice to be able to get a slightly different tiger, even if we can't get this specific model, anymore.

    There have been many senche mounts added to the store over the years, you're free to pick from the ones that are currently available.
  • Tigerseye

    I like how the evidence for this is the mail saying you got the crab, and not a shot of the crab pet being in the store. Pretty sure, if you did link it, it'd show that it was a different mudcrab.

    ...and I like how you, apparently, can't use Google and assume I'm a liar.

    There are, apparently, only two other mudcrabs (of this model) in the game and one is brass coloured.

    I didn't link a pic of the crab in the Store as, funnily enough, I wasn't really bothered (I didn't complain, or anything) and I didn't anticipate a time where I would need to prove anything to anyone.

    This was from well over 2 years ago, remember.

    Whereas, as you can see, I still have the mail saying "exclusive digital content" and if you care to look, you can see exactly when I received that mail (70 months ago).

    Also, you can see it's a recent screenshot, as I'm wearing an outfit that was only made available recently.

    So, you can see that I took that screenshot just for this thread. :smile:

    Not because I have been holding some kind of crab-based grudge, for 2+ years. :lol:

    I only mentioned it here to demonstrate an inconsistency, on ZOS's behalf, where they described the item as "exclusive", when it actually didn't turn out to be.

    If you look here, you will see that there are only three mudcrabs (of that model - Coral is completely different and far too recent):

    One is the Nibenay, one is the Rufous and one is the Prodigious Brass.

    We can rule out the Brass one, for a start, as the one I saw was definitely not brass (it was exactly the same colour as mine).

    Also, that one came out with CWC, I believe, which was slightly later.

    I am 99.9% sure that it was the Nibenay, as it looked the same and I remember seeing the name and checking the name of the one I had and it was the same name.

    The only other (extremely unlikely) option is the Rufous and that (apparently) either came with a stuffed toy, or with the Prima Elder Scrolls Online Collector's Edition.

    So, that presumably shouldn't have been in the Crown Store, as a standalone product, either (if it ever was).

    No, you didn't. You weren't here.

    Here's the thing: Originally, the Tiger was gated to you had to have been subscribed for 300 days between launch and the release of Tamriel Unlimited. Because of the issues, ZOS revised that requirement fairly quickly, so that you had to have paid for 300 days, but those could include days that were still "ticking down."

    You bought six months at launch, you could have literally purchased another six month sub the day before the deadline and have still received that mount. Hell, my significant other picked up a 3 month sub, to push themselves over the threshold. They would have missed out on their tiger without that.

    The issue is, you weren't here. They were.

    I know I wasn't here - I already said I wasn't and precisely why I wasn't, repeatedly.

    However, had my automatic sub renewed, I would have received it, anyway.

    So, how is all this relevant, exactly?

    Especially as I'm not even asking for the loyalty tiger.

    Although, if other people want it, or either of the other loyalty items I did receive (check mail again), they are more than welcome to it/them, as far as I am concerned.

    and when ZOS said "hey, we're giving out goodies for the people who stuck with it for the first year," you didn't swing by.

    I didn't "swing by" mainly because I didn't see the emails.

    My email account is subbed to a lot of sites and so, I simply don't see most of the stuff I'm sent.

    Even if I had seen it, I had given up on ever being able to play the game, for the foreseeable future.

    I didn't even really know, at the time, how many of my problems were due to my inadequate hardware.

    If you were here at launch, you'd remember, that first year was rough. It took a lot of work to get ESO into a good place. Those of us who did stay with the game were given a goodie for sticking it out. You didn't. You left.

    I was here at launch - my mails prove I was - ZOS know I was (which is how I know you don't work for them!) and it wasn't rough.

    It was rough for me, because of my rubbish laptop.

    It was also laughably buggy and it still is, in many respects.

    You say I didn't play then and I say you don't play now (and probably didn't play much, if at all, at launch, either), if you think it was so much worse.

    Look, I get that you have to keep up this pretence that it was so very, very horrible at launch, that no one must ever get anything tiger-related ever again.

    As how we all suffered...

    But, I was (provably, remember!) here, every single day, for months, so I know the truth. :smile:

    It wasn't great, but it was (assuming you had decent hardware) bearable, for a brand new game, despite the bugs.

    Tigerseye wrote: »

    There have been many senche mounts added to the store over the years, you're free to pick from the ones that are currently available.

    I have "picked" a few - I even did so without your kind permission, I'm afraid.

    Hope you're OK with that?

    However, I am still going to politely request an Amur/Bengal type tiger mount, whether you and your SO, or anyone else, like it or not.

    Thanks and goodnight. :smiley:

    Edited by Tigerseye on January 29, 2020 4:49PM
  • Tigerseye
    Edziu wrote: »
    more this thread should be locked because long ago it went off topic from real topic about which was writing OP :d

    No it shouldn't.

    Because, if they do that, all the trolls have to do, if they don't like the subject of any thread being discussed, is derail it until it is closed.

    What should happen, is all the derailment posts should be removed and if people still continue to intentionally derail the same thread, after the removals and a warning, they should get a time out (at the very least) from the forums.

    Alternatively, you could just leave it all, so people can see what some of the people on this forum are like.
    Edited by Tigerseye on January 29, 2020 5:10PM
  • xxthir13enxx
    This mine! Not Yours! Mine!
    No Touchies!!!

    lol just kidd’n
    Genuinely surprised ZoS has kept this exclusive
  • ZOS_Volpe
    Hello there,

    Recently we've had to remove several posts for baiting and flaming, content that is against the Forum Rules. For further posts be sure to stay constructive and respectful to avoid thread derailment.

    Thank you for understanding.
    Edited by ZOS_Volpe on January 29, 2020 7:02PM
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • Edziu
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    more this thread should be locked because long ago it went off topic from real topic about which was writing OP :d

    No it shouldn't.

    Because, if they do that, all the trolls have to do, if they don't like the subject of any thread being discussed, is derail it until it is closed.

    What should happen, is all the derailment posts should be removed and if people still continue to intentionally derail the same thread, after the removals and a warning, they should get a time out (at the very least) from the forums.

    Alternatively, you could just leave it all, so people can see what some of the people on this forum are like.

    erm, as I have nothing to this thread...I was just answering this, not calling for close this thread...I was just answering cant even answer to someone without being judged from start because your answer was not friendly to someone
    I would love a white tiger mount... Thats my favorite animal
    Rhaegar Gregorson, The Ebonheart Centurion - Imperial Dragonknight
    RABIDxWOLVERINE - Xbox One, NA, Ebonheart Pact


  • Jenzi
    It’s funny, not seen a tiger mount for about 2 years and suddenly since this thread was posted, I’ve seen about 5 lol.
  • Kartalin
    Jenzi wrote: »
    It’s funny, not seen a tiger mount for about 2 years and suddenly since this thread was posted, I’ve seen about 5 lol.

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  • starkerealm
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    I like how the evidence for this is the mail saying you got the crab, and not a shot of the crab pet being in the store. Pretty sure, if you did link it, it'd show that it was a different mudcrab.

    ...and I like how you, apparently, can't use Google and assume I'm a liar.

    I didn't assume that. I assumed you'd seen one of the other mudcrabs in the store and gotten it confused. I vaguely remember the Rufous being available for purchase, but having checked UESP, which you linked, it turns out neither the Nibonay, nor the Rufous have been in the store, so it have been the brass mudcrab.

    I was also pointing out, you took the time to gather "evidence," that proved nothing.
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    So, you can see that I took that screenshot just for this thread. :smile:

    Yeah, the "70 months ago" tag on the mail kinda cued me into that.
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    I only mentioned it here to demonstrate an inconsistency, on ZOS's behalf, where they described the item as "exclusive", when it actually didn't turn out to be.

    If you want to get into that discussion: A better example is how the convention team keeps snarfing the Stream Team exclusive pets.
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    No, you didn't. You weren't here.

    Here's the thing: Originally, the Tiger was gated to you had to have been subscribed for 300 days between launch and the release of Tamriel Unlimited. Because of the issues, ZOS revised that requirement fairly quickly, so that you had to have paid for 300 days, but those could include days that were still "ticking down."

    You bought six months at launch, you could have literally purchased another six month sub the day before the deadline and have still received that mount. Hell, my significant other picked up a 3 month sub, to push themselves over the threshold. They would have missed out on their tiger without that.

    The issue is, you weren't here. They were.

    I know I wasn't here - I already said I wasn't and precisely why I wasn't, repeatedly.

    However, had my automatic sub renewed, I would have received it, anyway.

    So, how is all this relevant, exactly?

    Because the item you asked for existed, it was released, and you passed on it, by not paying attention.

    However, it does raise questions. Such as, why would you maintain a subscription on a game you didn't think you'd ever be able to play? It's this weird kind of, "I should have gotten the loyalty tiger, but I didn't, but I deserve it," argument that calls a lot of elements into question.
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    Especially as I'm not even asking for the loyalty tiger.

    No, you want a simulacrum. I got that. You're actively asking for ZOS to break their word, because you're convinced they've done so before. And, because they have, it's okay for them to do so again. Which does not logically follow.
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    Although, if other people want it, or either of the other loyalty items I did receive (check mail again), they are more than welcome to it/them, as far as I am concerned.

    How magnanimous of you.

    However, there a lot of people who are not okay with the idea of ZOS breaking their word. Those rewards were for people who were here at launch. They're badge that reflects you were here back in the day. Much like the Scuttler and the Monkey pet, they tell you, "this player was here back in the day." The tiger says you were here for most (if not all) of the mandatory subscription era.
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    and when ZOS said "hey, we're giving out goodies for the people who stuck with it for the first year," you didn't swing by.

    I didn't "swing by" mainly because I didn't see the emails.

    Frankly, that's a terrible excuse.
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    My email account is subbed to a lot of sites and so, I simply don't see most of the stuff I'm sent.

    This is even worse. I get it if you saw the email, and discarded it as a promotional (which, it was.) But, saying, you didn't see it is a liability for those accounts. Any, actual, critical information would have been lost. For example, such as if an account were compromised and the password is updated, or when your 6 month sub failed to renew.
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    Even if I had seen it, I had given up on ever being able to play the game, for the foreseeable future.

    I didn't even really know, at the time, how many of my problems were due to my inadequate hardware.

    Okay, how does this make sense? You wanted to keep your subscription ticking on a game you couldn't play, and didn't know if you'd ever be able to.
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    If you were here at launch, you'd remember, that first year was rough. It took a lot of work to get ESO into a good place. Those of us who did stay with the game were given a goodie for sticking it out. You didn't. You left.

    I was here at launch - my mails prove I was - ZOS know I was (which is how I know you don't work for them!) and it wasn't rough.

    You know I don't work for them because my text isn't in green, and my username isn't "ZOS_<First Name><Last Initial>." Also, because I'm responding to this thread at all.
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    But, I was (provably, remember!) here, every single day, for months, so I know the truth. :smile:

    Except, all you proved was that your account was created 70 months ago. I'm willing to believe you were here for the beta, and stuck around. But, that screenshot doesn't prove that you stuck around, it just says you had an account at launch, and that you were subscribed for 6 months.

    I don't question that you were here for awhile before issues forced you out. But, saying, "I proved it," isn't true, because, frankly, that screenshot doesn't prove it.
  • starkerealm
    Kartalin wrote: »
    Jenzi wrote: »
    It’s funny, not seen a tiger mount for about 2 years and suddenly since this thread was posted, I’ve seen about 5 lol.

    Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon

    On top of that, the Tiger is a very low key mount. If you don't know the significance of it, you'd probably never realize just how exclusive it is.
  • Vahrokh
    Frankly, this one is perfectly ok with angering those original subscribers who cling to their pet as some kind of sign of ... what? exclusivity? coolness? that are still in game, if it means satisfying the rest of the playerbase that wish to have access to this content.

    After all, every change angers someone. Reintroducing the tiger mount as a crown store exclusive for eso+ members of a certain age would yield a net positive - would probably be the single highest selling mount ever. This one doubts there would be many folks who quit over this (after all, these are the same folks who were loyal when this game flat out sucked, and what? they are going to quit now because of a 5 year old mount? Those that do would probably be doing the entire community a service by their exit. )

    No, because:

    1) ZOS would burn trust in their unique / exclusive items reward policy, so the next game they won't convince anyone to perform <X> for such prize.

    2) Those who propose the mount for 1 year of continuous sub: it's easy to stay subbed now that the game is well established and you don't risk anything at all. The reward came for those who stayed in and subbed when the game was so broken there were rumors it'd be cancelled.
    Now tell me why you should get the same reward I got, when I risked a 6 months sub on a game that could have closed down the next month.
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