Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Tiger Mount Request

  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    Maybe it could be back but under the same condition as before? Eso+ for 300 continious day
  • Edziu
    Maybe it could be back but under the same condition as before? Eso+ for 300 continious day

    under same condition?
    did you get secret of time travel so people would be able to travel in time and pay sub for 300 days after game release when they didnt have yet their accounts created for this game? :trollface:
  • karthrag_inak
    Frankly, this one is perfectly ok with angering those original subscribers who cling to their pet as some kind of sign of ... what? exclusivity? coolness? that are still in game, if it means satisfying the rest of the playerbase that wish to have access to this content.

    After all, every change angers someone. Reintroducing the tiger mount as a crown store exclusive for eso+ members of a certain age would yield a net positive - would probably be the single highest selling mount ever. This one doubts there would be many folks who quit over this (after all, these are the same folks who were loyal when this game flat out sucked, and what? they are going to quit now because of a 5 year old mount? Those that do would probably be doing the entire community a service by their exit. )
    Edited by karthrag_inak on January 27, 2020 1:35PM
    PC-NA : 19 Khajiit and 1 Fishy-cat with fluffy delusions
    GM of Imperial Gold Reserve trading guild (started in 2017) since 2/2022
  • Edziu
    Frankly, this one is perfectly ok with angering those original subscribers who cling to their pet as some kind of sign of ... what? exclusivity? coolness? that are still in game, if it means satisfying the rest of the playerbase that wish to have access to this content.

    After all, every change angers someone. Reintroducing the tiger mount as a crown store exclusive for eso+ members of a certain age would yield a net positive - would probably be the single highest selling mount ever. This one doubts there would be many folks who quit over this (after all, these are the same folks who were loyal when this game flat out sucked, and what? they are going to quit now because of a 5 year old mount? Those that do would probably be doing the entire community a service by their exit. )

    so after this....what loyality reward would mean? becaue here people who was not loyal suddenly can obtain exclusive item avaible for only loyalsin such early and bad times of this game which was additional bigger loyality for staying in these times here

    if people want so much this to be done...then Im waiting for other "loyality" reward for people from these early days to keep them rewarded for their loyality in this old and bad time
  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    JKorr wrote: »
    I might be okay with the tiger being available again, BUT only under the same conditions as it was originally. Sub for 300 consecutive days, not available for outright purchase or in the crown crates.

    As a 5 year ESO vet, I'd be ok with this option. Now if they just stuck it in loot crates or the crown store, I'd be really upset, but not enough to quit the game. And I would really find it difficult to justify spending any more money in the game. I think a lot us who have the tiger, a symbol of our on going commitment to ESO (or stupidity :p ), would unsub from ESO+ in disgust with yet another broken promise.
    Edited by starlizard70ub17_ESO on January 27, 2020 1:52PM
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
  • nine9six
    I'm not for it returning. Devise a new loyalty system with a new mount? Fine. But not the return of that specific mount.
    Wake up, we're here. Why are you shaking? Are you ok? Wake up...
  • Tigerseye
    I would like to also point out, once again, that my Nibenay Mudcrab was supposed to be "exclusive digital content" when I bought it as part of the Imperial Edition 70 months ago (at launch):


    ...and yet, when I returned, 29 months ago, I found it was available for anyone to buy, as a standalone pet, in the Crown Store.

    I just assumed it would be a limited time offer and if it said "exclusive content", that is what it would be.

    No one seems to know and/or care, at all, about that...

    Not that I really care, either, because I'm not driven by pettiness and selfishness.

    But, we're not allowed a tiger (even a different tiger), according to some people, even if we have subbed continuously for way more than 12 months, at this point?

    Seems legit. :lol:
  • karthrag_inak
    Edziu wrote: »
    Frankly, this one is perfectly ok with angering those original subscribers who cling to their pet as some kind of sign of ... what? exclusivity? coolness? that are still in game, if it means satisfying the rest of the playerbase that wish to have access to this content.

    After all, every change angers someone. Reintroducing the tiger mount as a crown store exclusive for eso+ members of a certain age would yield a net positive - would probably be the single highest selling mount ever. This one doubts there would be many folks who quit over this (after all, these are the same folks who were loyal when this game flat out sucked, and what? they are going to quit now because of a 5 year old mount? Those that do would probably be doing the entire community a service by their exit. )

    so after this....what loyality reward would mean? becaue here people who was not loyal suddenly can obtain exclusive item avaible for only loyalsin such early and bad times of this game which was additional bigger loyality for staying in these times here

    if people want so much this to be done...then Im waiting for other "loyality" reward for people from these early days to keep them rewarded for their loyality in this old and bad time

    This one has been loyally paying eso+ for 3 years. that is what loyalty means. in other words, "What have you done for us(zos) lately?"
    PC-NA : 19 Khajiit and 1 Fishy-cat with fluffy delusions
    GM of Imperial Gold Reserve trading guild (started in 2017) since 2/2022
  • karthrag_inak
    in other words, this one does not think that staying with the game during its bumpy birth eternally entitles someone to gate the rest of the community out of any content whatsoever. this viewpoint is irrational on many levels.
    PC-NA : 19 Khajiit and 1 Fishy-cat with fluffy delusions
    GM of Imperial Gold Reserve trading guild (started in 2017) since 2/2022
  • JKorr
    Edziu wrote: »
    Frankly, this one is perfectly ok with angering those original subscribers who cling to their pet as some kind of sign of ... what? exclusivity? coolness? that are still in game, if it means satisfying the rest of the playerbase that wish to have access to this content.

    After all, every change angers someone. Reintroducing the tiger mount as a crown store exclusive for eso+ members of a certain age would yield a net positive - would probably be the single highest selling mount ever. This one doubts there would be many folks who quit over this (after all, these are the same folks who were loyal when this game flat out sucked, and what? they are going to quit now because of a 5 year old mount? Those that do would probably be doing the entire community a service by their exit. )

    so after this....what loyality reward would mean? becaue here people who was not loyal suddenly can obtain exclusive item avaible for only loyalsin such early and bad times of this game which was additional bigger loyality for staying in these times here

    if people want so much this to be done...then Im waiting for other "loyality" reward for people from these early days to keep them rewarded for their loyality in this old and bad time

    I have my loyalty tiger. My very first ever character only uses him. I've been around since the beta.

    I know there are people who only recently found the game. Or only recently got a new console or pc that can play the game. They didn't have the option or the ability to support the game "way back when". If they fulfill the same requirements, 300 consecutive days subbed, that is supporting the game the same as I did. I could see them getting a tiger. Putting it out for sale or in the crown crates, no, not at all.

    And if you listen to the constant ranting/whining/harping on the forums, every minute of every day is *still* "bad times" for ESO, and players are leaving in the billions and the game is dying/dead. Staying subbed for the original time period is supporting the game.
  • MurderMostFoul
    As a tiger rider on Xbox, I am strongly opposed to anything that will decrease its exclusivity. :wink:
    “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
  • Tigerseye
    As a tiger rider on Xbox, I am strongly opposed to anything that will decrease its exclusivity. :wink:

    We live in this time of "inclusivity", where we are all supposed to be tolerant of each other - although, only in certain ways, please note, other intolerance is still tolerated.

    ...perhaps even encouraged.

    Yet, simultaneously, while being inclusive, we are expected to tolerate certain people (perhaps the very people who would, otherwise, be prime targets for intolerance) talking about "exclusivity" as if it's a good thing.

    I would say that is a dangerous type of double think.
    Edited by Tigerseye on January 27, 2020 3:18PM
  • TheTwistedRune
    in other words, this one does not think that staying with the game during its bumpy birth eternally entitles someone to gate the rest of the community out of any content whatsoever. this viewpoint is irrational on many levels.

    You seem to be forgetting that there are players who have NEVER unsubbed. That in itself does warrant some kind of recognition, and for some of those few this mount is it. Releasing the mount again reduces it’s exclusivity and value, and that is not going to be popular with those who qualified. Yet you call such behaviour irrational? People should look up what exclusive means.

    They say “complacency is a luxury of those on the sidelines” and I am sure SOME who want it released again would be singing a different tune if they were on the other side of the debate, though none would admit it.

    I have no issue for console owners getting it if they had no access to a PC, as they never had a chance. But pc players had their chance and now it’s gone. Subbing eso+ for however long doesn't entitle people for anything extra, (some day one subbers have never unsubbed, what else would they get for continuing to sub?), and certainly not for a mount that was earned at the games inception whose purpose was to reward, solely, those who help keep it afloat during its first year while thousands and thousands of players ditched it.

    You can say owners who don’t like the idea are being selfish or think they are special or whatever, but people who want it rereleased are hardly being honourable when they KNOW it lessens the reward for original owners.

    Let it go. There are plenty of other opportunities to get similar mounts, and even rarer ones.

  • tigerborn62
    I was here in 2014, but I for some reason never got a tiger mount and never even knew of it at the time, now that I think about it. I hated this game so much in 2014 that I rarely played it. It wasn't until xbox release that I gave it a serious go. Oh well. Thems the brakes, I guess.
    Nevertheless, I would still love one. I love tigers sooooo much.
  • TheTwistedRune
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    As a tiger rider on Xbox, I am strongly opposed to anything that will decrease its exclusivity. :wink:

    We live in this time of "inclusivity", where we are all supposed to be tolerant of each other - although, only in certain ways, please note, other intolerance is still tolerated.

    ...perhaps even encouraged.

    Yet, simultaneously, while being inclusive, we are expected to tolerate certain people (perhaps the very people who would, otherwise, be prime targets for intolerance) talking about "exclusivity" as if it's a good thing.

    I would say that is a dangerous type of double think.

    This is straying into RL issues to support a debate in a computer game. Not really a good or relevant stance for such a topic. Things invariably get nasty soon after.

    Just my opinion.
  • Kartalin
    Frankly, this one is perfectly ok with angering those original subscribers who cling to their pet as some kind of sign of ... what? exclusivity? coolness? that are still in game, if it means satisfying the rest of the playerbase that wish to have access to this content.

    After all, every change angers someone.
    To you it is a digital item that you desire, to others of us it's a symbol of what we went through with a game that we believed in and stuck out the bad times supporting it. And ZOS acknowledged that by gifting their supporters from that era this pet, even when they were so laser focused just trying to launch the console versions. PC received little to no support during the latter part of that first year. To go back on that now is to throw that all in our face and say "*** you".

    There's a lot of [snip] in this thread that probably would have quit the game and never looked back if they started during the first year.

    70 months as a subscriber and counting.

    [Edited for inappropriate comment]
    Edited by ZOS_Volpe on January 29, 2020 6:37PM
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 35
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 35
    • Kallenna, AD Magcro, AR 34
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • Tigerseye

    They say “complacency is a luxury of those on the sidelines” and I am sure SOME who want it released again would be singing a different tune if they were on the other side of the debate, though none would admit it.

    Can't speak for karthrag, obviously, but I certainly would not be "singing a different tune".

    I'm not going after ZOS to remove the mudcrab from anyone who bought it in the store, after all, or asking them why they gave me the distinct impression the Imperial Edition would be a temporary thing and then it wasn't.

    Also, I have a long history of saying "Sure, let people have this, or that, that I have already got." and of standing against the petty notion of exclusivity, in general.

    Not just on here, but on other forums and not just about game stuff, either.

  • xaraan
    I think they could come up with a striped reskin that looked different enough and maybe put some different armor on it as well to make it more different.

    But I think giving the exact same one out would be insulting to those that were paying for the game when everyone else abandoned eso. If not for those player riding this mount around, you might not have an eso to play right now. Those subs kept at least a bit of money flowing to the company until they changed things up and pointed the game in a better direction.

    And frankly, they said it was exclusive and wouldn't be given out again. They even made a work around for players at the time to get it that ticked off others that had been subbed the whole time. But to go back on their word and act like exclusive only means a couple years until a bunch of people whine for something isn't what this company needs added to its rep IMO.

    They could easily make it more orange and bolder striped, change the barding and bam, different mount that doesn't take anything away from the original and still offers a new striped senche. (They also offered a striped senche-raht at one point)
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • Raammzzaa
    I want a wamasu mount.
  • Iarao
    The day they make this mount available to people who weren't in on the ground floor when the game came out, there will be riots. Saw how angry people got after they released the white gryphon pet for crowns or whatever after being a gift for gifting people stuff last year. But lo, they went and put it in this seasons crates as well. 😂

    I can maybe understand having something similar, always wanted a white version of the senche tiger. Have a pet but no mount version. That would be acceptable. But the original senche tiger is a testament to how long a player has been in the game. That and the dwemer sphere and ice wraith pets, and mask of cheerful slaughter.

    and the plain old monkey.
  • CASP3R421
    tiger is only for people who subbed for year 1. OG mount only/ gg

    My Alt is a Mer

    Due to the excessive amount of bait that we had to remove, this thread will remain closed
  • CASP3R421
    we need a saddled orc mount. for racial speed boost passive

    My Alt is a Mer

    Due to the excessive amount of bait that we had to remove, this thread will remain closed
  • Tigerseye
    [Removed quote]

    [Edited for removed content]

    I am not asking for the loyalty mount to come back for me, personally.

    Obviously, it would be easier for ZOS to not have to do a whole new model (so, I would have settled for that) and I am still for the idea, for people who would prefer the narrow-faced loyalty mount, but still.
    Edited by ZOS_Volpe on January 29, 2020 6:40PM
  • ArchMikem
    Minyassa wrote: »
    There are quite a few other tiger morphs, though this is the classic. It was rather stupid of ZOS to make the most common and recognizable form of an iconic cat that is the favorite of so many people into an exclusive item, but now they're committed to it and the best they can do is offer other colors of tigers. If they would get around to that it would be great. Marmalade's lovely. White's nice. Maltese would be nice.

    Make the White Tiger a console loyalty exclusive and i'll be happy.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Cavedog
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    Minyassa wrote: »
    There are quite a few other tiger morphs, though this is the classic. It was rather stupid of ZOS to make the most common and recognizable form of an iconic cat that is the favorite of so many people into an exclusive item, but now they're committed to it and the best they can do is offer other colors of tigers. If they would get around to that it would be great. Marmalade's lovely. White's nice. Maltese would be nice.

    Make the White Tiger a console loyalty exclusive and i'll be happy.

    No. The only platform that should see anything exclusive to it would be PC. ESO is a PC game. Accommodating console players is, arguably, what has led to a great deal of the bugs in this game.
  • karthrag_inak
    Tigerseye wrote: »

    They say “complacency is a luxury of those on the sidelines” and I am sure SOME who want it released again would be singing a different tune if they were on the other side of the debate, though none would admit it.

    Can't speak for karthrag, obviously, but I certainly would not be "singing a different tune".

    Neither would this one. The coolness and exclusivity of this one's 17 cp1150+ khajiit and 1 cp1150+ argonian would in no way be diminished by anything anyone else has, including the beta monkey, which this one earned through the grueling and depressingly non-elderscrolls experience that was beta.
    Kartalin wrote: »
    To you it is a digital item that you desire, to others of us it's a symbol of what we went through with a game that we believed in and stuck out the bad times supporting it. And ZOS acknowledged that by gifting their supporters from that era this pet, even when they were so laser focused just trying to launch the console versions. PC received little to no support during the latter part of that first year. To go back on that now is to throw that all in our face and say "*** you".

    There's a lot of [snip] in this thread that probably would have quit the game and never looked back if they started during the first year.

    70 months as a subscriber and counting.
    [Edited for inappropriate comment]

    peeking in this one's account, under billing history, you'll find the line :

    11/23/2013 [beta_group_85b_9]

    and also

    4/8/2015 Welcome Back Weekend Account Activation

    You are correct on one point, this one did quit the game, but this one also -did- look back, repeatedly, and since may 2017 has paid for eso+ un-interrupted.

    How about making a reward for all the folks that did return and give this company and this game another chance? This one would endorse that - make this reward a sleek senche tiger mount. Perhaps, in order to not offend the long suffering "Original Gangsters", make this mount a white tiger. And make this only available to folks who -were- in beta, and voted with their feet.

    It could very easily be argued that folks like this one motivated the fundamental changes to how this game was managed that brought about the improvements it so obviously required. After all, if all the folks that left had not done so, no improvements would have been made.

    So sure, allow the [snip] who wish to cling to the exclusivity of their "stick-to-eso-no-matter-what" mount retain it, but let those folks who said "not good enough! improve and this one will return!" and then made good on this inferred promise get something special as well.

    [Edited for inappropriate comment]
    Edited by ZOS_Volpe on January 29, 2020 6:49PM
    PC-NA : 19 Khajiit and 1 Fishy-cat with fluffy delusions
    GM of Imperial Gold Reserve trading guild (started in 2017) since 2/2022
  • Tigerseye
    Cavedog wrote: »
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    Minyassa wrote: »
    There are quite a few other tiger morphs, though this is the classic. It was rather stupid of ZOS to make the most common and recognizable form of an iconic cat that is the favorite of so many people into an exclusive item, but now they're committed to it and the best they can do is offer other colors of tigers. If they would get around to that it would be great. Marmalade's lovely. White's nice. Maltese would be nice.

    Make the White Tiger a console loyalty exclusive and i'll be happy.

    Accommodating console players is, arguably, what has led to a great deal of the bugs in this game.

    That's not the fault of the console players.
  • Edziu
    JKorr wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Frankly, this one is perfectly ok with angering those original subscribers who cling to their pet as some kind of sign of ... what? exclusivity? coolness? that are still in game, if it means satisfying the rest of the playerbase that wish to have access to this content.

    After all, every change angers someone. Reintroducing the tiger mount as a crown store exclusive for eso+ members of a certain age would yield a net positive - would probably be the single highest selling mount ever. This one doubts there would be many folks who quit over this (after all, these are the same folks who were loyal when this game flat out sucked, and what? they are going to quit now because of a 5 year old mount? Those that do would probably be doing the entire community a service by their exit. )

    so after this....what loyality reward would mean? becaue here people who was not loyal suddenly can obtain exclusive item avaible for only loyalsin such early and bad times of this game which was additional bigger loyality for staying in these times here

    if people want so much this to be done...then Im waiting for other "loyality" reward for people from these early days to keep them rewarded for their loyality in this old and bad time

    I have my loyalty tiger. My very first ever character only uses him. I've been around since the beta.

    I know there are people who only recently found the game. Or only recently got a new console or pc that can play the game. They didn't have the option or the ability to support the game "way back when". If they fulfill the same requirements, 300 consecutive days subbed, that is supporting the game the same as I did. I could see them getting a tiger. Putting it out for sale or in the crown crates, no, not at all.

    And if you listen to the constant ranting/whining/harping on the forums, every minute of every day is *still* "bad times" for ESO, and players are leaving in the billions and the game is dying/dead. Staying subbed for the original time period is supporting the game.

    but in all this time this was not that bad, hard as on beggining
    we needed to struggle through this long time with very limited space for items than now,
    we had limited options to use our mount, speed or for item capatiry, choose, now we dont need to choose between those stats
    stamina buils literally doesnt exist in those days as for diversity of builds, the way we wanted to play
    and I probably still missed some points not counting bugs....but ok
    this game specially was not so much friendly for players as on beggining, now I dont even say how everything fromb asic cotent is easy....but how mainly QoL have improvement from these days and soo....
    you think why this game came from p2p to b2p? because it was total mess and more players was leaving than comming at all so it was for ZOS lucky shot to change fot b2p to not lose completely this game

    and once again....these rewards for loyality was as loyality rewards for these days, now you have *** statues which are just crap as for me and I understand they are not real rewards for loyality now....but as for compare what was in beggining and now...I could pass from "exclusivity" of those loyality rewards from old days if we would got something else to reward us for staying in sub in this game supporting this game in compensate of these for now exclusive loyality rewards to not be anymore exclusive,
    just anything worth to use and visible for other players so you can show from how long you are in idk, unique color title on account for every your character :trollface: , aura around character? to feel special xD( trollface or not...but this actually could be also enough reward as for me to be able to show other how old player here Im without breaking characters look)

    btw as I know in every game we have some items which are discountinued and not every of they players are able to obtain at all even as how much they want it
  • Dalsinthus
    You can say owners who don’t like the idea are being selfish or think they are special or whatever, but people who want it rereleased are hardly being honourable when they KNOW it lessens the reward for original owners.

    A) I understand and respect that players, like yourself, who earned this reward enjoy it in part because of its exclusivity and what it represents to you.

    B) Opening up an opportunity for other players to obtain said reward, or a similar reward, only diminishes your feelings about the item if you let it. There have been many "exclusive" and "limited time" items that have returned later to become obtainable through other means. The mud crab example is a good one. Many items I spent crowns to purchase have been given away for free. Items I spent hours and hours grinding for have become much easier to obtain. Motifs that I farmed for ages became easily available during the anniversary event. People buy carries for skins and personalities that I spent considerable time and effort obtaining. There are more examples than I can count. This does not change anything for my play experience. I still know how I obtained things, the experiences I had along the way, and what the items symbolize to me. Why should I care what other people have or how they got it? (This is my perspective; I understand that many of you see things very differently.)

    C) This is a video game we play for our entertainment and it's excessive to imply that people who want a tiger mount are somehow dishonorable.

    Full disclosure: I would like to have a mount that looks like a real world tiger. I don't particularly desire the exact model of tiger that people with the loyalty reward have, just something with a similar aesthetic. I also get that I can't have everything in life and that this particular item is likely not coming my way.
  • CMDR_Un1k0rn
    I honestly think ZOS should shut this thread down.

    Look guys, I've seen this debate before, and nobody wins.

    Believe me, you need to look up the multitude of Cobra Mk IV threads on the Elite Dangerous forum. That ship in that game fulfils a similar reward to the tiger mount discussed here.

    That one ship has on its own managed to cause a rift between new and old players that I just think cannot be repaired at this point.

    Either Frontier gives everyone the ship and the vets start discussing matters of broken promises, and I distinctly remember one player threatening a legal case if "his" ship if given to new players. (It's a space sim. Believe me, those guys will spend a fortune on pixel ships) Or they don't give in. You'll get cries of unfairness but sticking to the status quo just doesn't hurt the company so is safer.

    My point is I think ZOS should take a lesson from Frontier, and improve upon it. Not only should the mount remain "exclusive" as some put it, but also, ZOS should really do what Frontier won't, and come in here and tell new players straight.

    "You will not be given the opportunity to acquire this mount if you don't already qualify."

    They need to say that. Then lock the thread. No debates, no pleads. GM has spoken. Elite Dangerous is probably a prime example of the bad that happens when a dev' tries to include players too much. It does not end well. But then, Frontier Developments are the company who runs an MMO where some players have unobtainable gear that is more powerful then what new players can get, because old players literally cried.

    Edited by CMDR_Un1k0rn on January 27, 2020 5:40PM
    In-game username: Un1korn | Happy member of the PCNA UESP guild (Resident Daggerfall Covenant enjoyer) | Main & basically only character: Crucian Vulpin, Imperial Dragonknight of the Daggerfall Covenant, and Undaunted Bulwark (I tank) | Mountain bike enjoyer and vulpine appreciator | If you know me from PCEU: No | To ZOS: THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME BRING MY HORSE INTO BATTLE!
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