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Story Mode Dungeons: Do we want them?

  • Iccotak
    Yes. Although I don’t want a story mode, let people who want it have it.
    Heelie wrote: »
    Normal dungeons are already very easy, I don't believe that cater to the lowest denominator. I don't believe all content should be accessible to the people that don't want to put in the effort to actually prepare for the content, already I think normal trials were a huge mistake, same goes for normal version of vet dungeons.

    No content is that hard in this game that it's impossible to complete for a semi-casual player, from a story point of view.

    Except the large majority of people asking for Solo are not looking for faster/easier ways to grind loot & XP. In fact people have already proposed a system that explicitly prevents people from gaining the dungeon rewards and would treat it like any overland quest.
    Nor is this something only the lowest common denominator wants - as it has been requested by many veterans of the game that regularly do group content.

    Most people that are requesting this feature want it so then they can take their time to explore the story & lore in the dungeon without being rushed by a group.
    It's not controversial nor is it a big deal.
    It is a reasonable request especially now that ZOS is now making the Dungeons even more connected to the main story of the Season.
  • Dusk_Coven
    YES. We want a story mode.
    TheFM wrote: »
    Tell you what, you can have a solo mode when we get a vet overland mode.

    Ergo, never.

    It's called Craglorn but you don't want to go there.
  • Dusk_Coven
    YES. We want a story mode.
    Thannazzar wrote: »
    If they are not, respec your character to tank or heal, not only do you get faster queues but on dlc dungeons the other players either wait for you or die.

    LOL. People are rushing through vet dungeons as 4 DDs. Heals are obsolete. So are tanks except in DLC dungeons.
    You know why people queue as fake tank or fake heals? Because most of the time those roles don't matter so they have a good chance of not being kicked.
    Except in DLC dungeons. And a lot of people won't even touch those unless they can get a style page.
    Edited by Dusk_Coven on January 25, 2020 5:58AM
  • idk
    TheFM wrote: »
    snoozy wrote: »
    jeez, will zos ever listen? :(

    how many more replies and votes does this thread need until they take notice? :unamused:

    They won’t ignore this thread. They may decide against doing it for this or that reason, but they will definitely ask the question internally.

    Too many people have voted and the results were too dramatically lop sided. They have noticed. Just don’t expect that to mean a comment in this thread. It will mean we see something a year from now if they go for it.

    It is what it is.

    Tell that to spell crafting, 1h and rune, overland vet mode, spears, etc.

    Yep and good point. Tell that to faction locks and solo queue only for BGs. The person you quoted is correct. Zos will not ignore this thread. It is more about when they will try an "experiment" with solo dungeons tied to new stories.

    BTW, Zos gave veteran zones a try. As someone pointed out it was Craglorn. The reaction was loud and they toned it down as a result.
    Edited by idk on January 25, 2020 5:16AM
  • Dusk_Coven
    YES. We want a story mode.
    Like i said at top i would be semi okay with it if there was no reward at all, but people that want to implement it still cant agree themselves on wether there should be rewards for solo play or not.

    People mistakenly equal SOLO with EASY.
    People who can survive maelstrom arena know that solo is not the same as easy. You have to do all roles. Most of the time you actually have to be good.
    You can't fake tank or fake heal your way through and hope someone will carry you -- guess what? It's SOLO. You CAN'T get a carry at all.
    Obviously I'm not saying that every solo dungeon implementation will look like Maelstrom Arena. But it won't necessarily be a cakewalk either.

    And if easy rewarded low or no rewards, then people 4-manning normal Fungal Grotto 1 should get nothing at all.
    If they do get rewards, then a solo run in a solo story mode of Fungal Grotto 1, which experiences the same difficulty, should get the same rewards.
    Right now, if you run FG1 solo, you are UNDER-rewarded. You just did the work of 4 people but you only got 1x the reward.
    Edited by Dusk_Coven on January 25, 2020 5:26AM
  • Dusk_Coven
    YES. We want a story mode.
    mrsrobot wrote: »
    I think most people have no problem completing the dungeons on normal especially when they have levelled up a lot and gained experience. I think the issue is more about having the time to listen to dialogue, read lore books, explore the area fully, talk to the npc's and listen to their dialogue etc.

    I think it's ironic that you get to properly experience a starter dungeon story like Fungal Grotto or Banished Cells only when you are overpowered at CP-levels and can go through it alone.
  • Iccotak
    Yes. Although I don’t want a story mode, let people who want it have it.
    Dusk_Coven wrote: »
    Like i said at top i would be semi okay with it if there was no reward at all, but people that want to implement it still cant agree themselves on wether there should be rewards for solo play or not.

    People mistakenly equal SOLO with EASY.
    People who can survive maelstrom arena know that solo is not the same as easy. You have to do all roles. Most of the time you actually have to be good.
    You can't fake tank or fake heal your way through and hope someone will carry you -- guess what? It's SOLO. You CAN'T get a carry at all.
    Obviously I'm not saying that every solo dungeon implementation will look like Maelstrom Arena. But it won't necessarily be a cakewalk either.
    The request for solo largely stems from demand for time to enjoy the story as it is hard to do that when playing with a group.
    People are saying to treat the solo dungeon like you would any overland quest - or step in the main quest of a Zone.
    Hence why it would have about the same rewards as an overland quest.

    People equate Solo with Easy because overland is Solo and Easy. The only overland content that is designed for or to encourage group play are Public Dungeons, WB, and Dolmens

    Group content is the endgame (that includes Dungeons, Trials, and PvP) ZOS supports Solo but it encourages the Group playstyle.
    There has to be a reward incentive to do the Group activity over Solo mode.
    If ZOS implemented a solo mode for all dungeons that incentivized players with equal or greater reward than group dungeons then that would ruin the Group Activity as a whole.

    That is an entirely different ask than a "Story Mode"
    And if easy rewarded low or no rewards, then people 4-manning normal Fungal Grotto 1 should get nothing at all.
    If they do get rewards, then a solo run in a solo story mode of Fungal Grotto 1, which experiences the same difficulty, should get the same rewards.
    That makes no sense.
    Normal Fungal Grotto 1 is easier because;
    - Firstly it is one of the first dungeons players can do
    - Secondly it is so New Players can familiarize themselves with the mechanics before they try out the Veteran version. The rewards of normal are an incentive to do veteran. As is the case with the Normal mode of any dungeon.

    Also Normal Dungeons get harder the further down the list you go. Whether Normal or Veteran, "Fungal Grotto I" is certainly easier than "City of Ash II".
    Right now, if you run FG1 solo, you are UNDER-rewarded. You just did the work of 4 people but you only got 1x the reward
    So the Reward System is working as intended - it is an incentive to play with a group
    If you are Solo Farming Normal Fungal Grotto I for XP & Gear then that's your prerogative but ZOS did not design the group content for that nor are they going to implement a system that encourages you to do that over Group play.

    If you want more Hard Solo content that rewards you for the effort put in (EDIT: like Maelstrom which was specifically designed as a challenging Solo activity) then that is a different topic than the discussion on this thread - which is about being able to take your time with the Story.
    Edited by Iccotak on January 25, 2020 11:04AM
  • barney2525
    YES. We want a story mode.
    m2rc wrote: »
    Singleplayer dungeons??? The whole point of a dungeon is to do it with other people! You can still enjoy the story of the dungeon, you just have to pay attention and read the quest description if you're stuck.

    I will be willing to bet that you can Not tell me the last time what you stated ACTUALLY happened.

    Sure.... you can stop and talk with the NPCs... get the lore...and Voila! You are Soloing the dungeon, since Everyone else is long gone! You reach the boss, there is nothing there for you since you never got to lay a finger on him, and poof the dungeon disappears before you got to the end. All assuming the rest of the party did not kick you for not contributing.

    Pretty fun, huh?


  • Dusk_Coven
    YES. We want a story mode.
    barney2525 wrote: »
    m2rc wrote: »
    Singleplayer dungeons??? The whole point of a dungeon is to do it with other people! You can still enjoy the story of the dungeon, you just have to pay attention and read the quest description if you're stuck.

    I will be willing to bet that you can Not tell me the last time what you stated ACTUALLY happened.

    Sure.... you can stop and talk with the NPCs... get the lore...and Voila! You are Soloing the dungeon, since Everyone else is long gone! You reach the boss

    Sorry, I call BS. If "everyone else is long gone", you WOULD NOT have even reached the boss at all! Being the last one in the dungeon means the system kicks you out automatically.
    Used to be 30 seconds. Now it's 2 minutes? Woo... Thanks ZOS <.<
    Edited by Dusk_Coven on January 25, 2020 4:54PM
  • BejaProphet
    I think “long gone” meant that they had run ahead deeper into the dungeon without him/her, not left the dungeon.
  • Dusk_Coven
    YES. We want a story mode.
    TheFM wrote: »
    Just so you guys know, if this is implemented and they give rewards for story dungeons i'll never queue again.
    Why be stuck with a bunch of randoms when i can solo?

    you guys will start to slowly kill the group content with this.

    When will we cry for story mode trials?

    I think this is mistaken. Why hasn’t normal dungeons killed veteran? I can get basically the same loot for less trouble. In fact, I literally can’t remember the last time I ran a dungeon because I wanted a piece of gear. I still just run ebon alkosh and have never upgraded. Yet I’m still running vet dungeons.

    My point is there is a healthy population seeking challenge rather than seeking the easiest version to get the rewards.

    And the whole precept is that it will be absent the rewards.

    Yeah, you can't get monster helms on normal.

    True but why does anyone suffer veteran dungeons when even DLC monster helms and shoulders eventually appear at the Golden Vendor? And with exactly the weight you need? Transmutation stones come from easy dungeon pledges too.
    You're just limited by your patience. (Admittedly some people do want to gear RIGHT NOW so yeah, they'd have to go into a veteran dungeon).
    Edited by Dusk_Coven on January 25, 2020 4:58PM
  • Contaminate
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    Dusk_Coven wrote: »
    TheFM wrote: »
    Just so you guys know, if this is implemented and they give rewards for story dungeons i'll never queue again.
    Why be stuck with a bunch of randoms when i can solo?

    you guys will start to slowly kill the group content with this.

    When will we cry for story mode trials?

    I think this is mistaken. Why hasn’t normal dungeons killed veteran? I can get basically the same loot for less trouble. In fact, I literally can’t remember the last time I ran a dungeon because I wanted a piece of gear. I still just run ebon alkosh and have never upgraded. Yet I’m still running vet dungeons.

    My point is there is a healthy population seeking challenge rather than seeking the easiest version to get the rewards.

    And the whole precept is that it will be absent the rewards.

    Yeah, you can't get monster helms on normal.

    True but why does anyone suffer veteran dungeons when even DLC monster helms and shoulders eventually appear at the Golden Vendor? And with exactly the weight you need? Transmutation stones come from easy dungeon pledges too.
    You're just limited by your patience. (Admittedly some people do want to gear RIGHT NOW so yeah, they'd have to go into a veteran dungeon).

    You’re just... wrong doesn’t even cover it

    Vet mode lets you farm helmets at will, no need to wait a year+ depending on RNG. Tbh the Golden shouldn’t even give helmets, they should stay locked behind a skill gate but whatever that casual-catering ship has sailed.

    Vet drops purple gear, free decon material and less upgrading required to gold out a set.

    Most achievements, titles, and dungeon-based dyes are only obtained in vet mods.

    More cosmetics are awarded from vet mode.

    Vet mode is the only option to get 2 Undaunted keys per pledge over 1.

    Transmute geodes need to be reweighed anyway because vet absolutely should have higher geode payouts than normal. But supposedly they give more on average when you play vet.

    Vet mode grants unique gear (vMA, vDSA) or buffed versions of gear not obtainable in normal (vBRP, vSS, vAS)

    So anyone claiming vet doesn’t give more rewards than normal due to being more difficult is full of hooey. Likewise, any story mode that devolves a dungeon into a delve should have no dungeon rewards at all. Have a piece of overland gear and white-tier junk gear. No skill point, no achievements, no dungeon sets.
  • Legoless
    YES. We want a story mode.
  • Tornaad
    YES. We want a story mode.
    I hope they give us story mode for both dungeons and trials. I don't even care if we get any achievements. I just want to run through the story at my own pace without having to worry about 3 to 11 other people all with their own objectives.
  • Kendaric
    YES. We want a story mode.
    Likewise, any story mode that devolves a dungeon into a delve should have no dungeon rewards at all. Have a piece of overland gear and white-tier junk gear. No skill point, no achievements, no dungeon sets.

    No one is asking for dungeon gear to drop or achievements in story-/questmode, if it would be implemented.

    Regarding the cosmetics:

    Many of those who'd play in this mode wouldn't want those skins anyway, since most of them are hardly lore compliant for our characters (and even uglier than the monster helmets/shoulders). And the style pages for motifs can be bought for gold anyway from guild traders.

      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!. Outfit slots not being accountwide is ridiculous given their price. PC EU/PC NA roleplayer and solo PvE quester
    • Dusk_Coven
      YES. We want a story mode.
      Dusk_Coven wrote: »
      TheFM wrote: »
      Just so you guys know, if this is implemented and they give rewards for story dungeons i'll never queue again.
      Why be stuck with a bunch of randoms when i can solo?

      you guys will start to slowly kill the group content with this.

      When will we cry for story mode trials?

      I think this is mistaken. Why hasn’t normal dungeons killed veteran? I can get basically the same loot for less trouble. In fact, I literally can’t remember the last time I ran a dungeon because I wanted a piece of gear. I still just run ebon alkosh and have never upgraded. Yet I’m still running vet dungeons.

      My point is there is a healthy population seeking challenge rather than seeking the easiest version to get the rewards.

      And the whole precept is that it will be absent the rewards.

      Yeah, you can't get monster helms on normal.

      True but why does anyone suffer veteran dungeons when even DLC monster helms and shoulders eventually appear at the Golden Vendor? And with exactly the weight you need? Transmutation stones come from easy dungeon pledges too.
      You're just limited by your patience. (Admittedly some people do want to gear RIGHT NOW so yeah, they'd have to go into a veteran dungeon).

      You’re just... wrong doesn’t even cover it

      Vet mode lets you farm helmets at will, no need to wait a year+ depending on RNG. Tbh the Golden shouldn’t even give helmets, they should stay locked behind a skill gate but whatever that casual-catering ship has sailed.

      Vet drops purple gear, free decon material and less upgrading required to gold out a set.

      <blah blah blah>

      I was talking specifically about monster helms AND I allowed for people not wanting to wait.
      Quote properly and don't put words in other people's mouths.
      Edited by Dusk_Coven on January 25, 2020 8:17PM
    • Dusk_Coven
      YES. We want a story mode.
      Likewise, any story mode that devolves a dungeon into a delve should have no dungeon rewards at all. Have a piece of overland gear and white-tier junk gear. No skill point, no achievements, no dungeon sets.

      Because 4-man Fungal Grotto is probably easier than any delve and they get vastly more rewards in comparison?
    • Heelie
      NO. Do not add a story mode.
      Iccotak wrote: »
      Heelie wrote: »
      Normal dungeons are already very easy, I don't believe that cater to the lowest denominator. I don't believe all content should be accessible to the people that don't want to put in the effort to actually prepare for the content, already I think normal trials were a huge mistake, same goes for normal version of vet dungeons.

      No content is that hard in this game that it's impossible to complete for a semi-casual player, from a story point of view.

      Except the large majority of people asking for Solo are not looking for faster/easier ways to grind loot & XP. In fact people have already proposed a system that explicitly prevents people from gaining the dungeon rewards and would treat it like any overland quest.
      Nor is this something only the lowest common denominator wants - as it has been requested by many veterans of the game that regularly do group content.

      Most people that are requesting this feature want it so then they can take their time to explore the story & lore in the dungeon without being rushed by a group.
      It's not controversial nor is it a big deal.
      It is a reasonable request especially now that ZOS is now making the Dungeons even more connected to the main story of the Season.

      you can solo any normal dungeon in the game using legendary gear and a single skill, so that is not argument for a story mode dungeon, plus it's an MMO it's supposed to be played with other people that is the entire point of online games.
      Most OwOrated healer of all time
    • Dusk_Coven
      YES. We want a story mode.
      Heelie wrote: »
      you can solo any normal dungeon in the game using legendary gear and a single skill, so that is not argument for a story mode dungeon, plus it's an MMO it's supposed to be played with other people that is the entire point of online games.

      Wayrest 2.
      Fungal Grotto 2.
      And others.

      Do you even do dungeons?
      Recent wrote: »
      I spent almost 40 mins LFG in cyro zone chat and felt completely ignored. The worst of it was when some dude decided to troll me. All i did was type lfg.

      Even in a group zone people don't like to group. We're overdue for Solo PvE everywhere really.
      Edited by Dusk_Coven on January 25, 2020 8:40PM
    • Heelie
      NO. Do not add a story mode.
      Dusk_Coven wrote: »
      Heelie wrote: »
      you can solo any normal dungeon in the game using legendary gear and a single skill, so that is not argument for a story mode dungeon, plus it's an MMO it's supposed to be played with other people that is the entire point of online games.

      Wayrest 2.
      Fungal Grotto 2.
      And others.

      Do you even do dungeons?

      you can solo these dungeons relatively easily on normal if you want to take your time and explore it,
      Most OwOrated healer of all time
    • Sevn
      TheFM wrote: »
      TheFM wrote: »
      zvavi wrote: »
      TheFM wrote: »

      If you wanted a single player game, eso was never the game for you. ever. They cater to everyone, and you are not the crowd they are catering to when it comes to dungeons. And yes, demon dogs should be able to kill you quickly.

      Tbh the game being mmo shouldn't affect the content available. Especially since the game has such a big casual community from TeS games. Now i agree that skill points should not be given on story mode (even though they are tied to the quest, so if it is implemented they will probably put it in anyway) because it will lower the initiative to go multiplayer for dungeon skill points (i would totally take all my tank toons for quick rushed story mode for skill points ez, and thats already a huge reason against it)

      shifting to spending dev time on a story mode would take away somewhere else.

      Do you think it is really a lot more than sth. Like:

      If player count = 1
      Then mobstrength factor = 0.2


      Story mode sounds so big, but in fact.. Just being easier with weaker enemies would be already ok. As there is already a deep scaling mechanic in place I doubt much dev time was lost.
      And gaining a 60% more happy player base (according to the polls) should be worth it anyway. And how can sth. Optional offend anyone is beyond me.

      Same could be said about an instance for vet mode overland.

      So you'd be cool with a vet overworld with no rewards? Because almost everyone who wants a vet overworld wants additional rewards while almost no one is asking for any type of reward for story mode dungeons, including that funky skill point you keep holding on to lol.

      Anyone who has seen your posts knows the real reason why you are opposed to a story mode dungeon and in both instances you are in the minority. As you so nicely told another, if a challenging overworld is what you desire, ESO is not the game for you. It's a storybased MMO first and foremost.

      Let that sink in.
      There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man, true nobility is being superior to your former self
    • Linaleah
      YES. We want a story mode.
      Heelie wrote: »
      Dusk_Coven wrote: »
      Heelie wrote: »
      you can solo any normal dungeon in the game using legendary gear and a single skill, so that is not argument for a story mode dungeon, plus it's an MMO it's supposed to be played with other people that is the entire point of online games.

      Wayrest 2.
      Fungal Grotto 2.
      And others.

      Do you even do dungeons?

      you can solo these dungeons relatively easily on normal if you want to take your time and explore it,

      unless you are god's gift to dps (which with a single skill? you are NOT), you literally cannot, because there are mechanics in those dungeons that are either going to basically one shot you

      for example getting chained in FG2 - in a group, where presumable boss is on tank, even if no one breaks you out, at least damage from unbroken chains is the only thing you are taking, so its survivable - when you are solo, between damage from the boss and chains? you are dead. something very similar happens in Wayrest 2.

      and then there are ye olde favorites of "must step on two pressure plates on the opposite sides of the room at the same time" mechanics. I.. think... you can cheese them in direfrost? not sure about imperial prison.

      and then... there are DLC dungeons other then IC. those on normal, are harder then early vanilla dungeons on vet. NOT an exaggeration.

      you need a very specific set up in terms of gear and skills, heck - you more or less need to be a specific class to pull it off, and generally people who can DO that? are in a minority of players, much like people who are clearing VMA - are in a minority.

      last but not least. sigh... the poin of online game is to give you an OPTION to play with other people. to give you a world with other people in it to play. NOT to force you into grouping.
      dirty worthless casual.
      Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
      Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
    • Tornaad
      YES. We want a story mode.
      Maxx7410 wrote: »
      If it is too easy to do then is not fun at all. i belive that we need npc companions to do the dungeons solo but there shouldnt be any rewards (motif, archivments, heads, etc)

      @Maxx7410 I am fine with no rewards or even achievements. I just want the opportunity to experience the story.
    • Heelie
      NO. Do not add a story mode.
      Linaleah wrote: »
      Heelie wrote: »
      Dusk_Coven wrote: »
      Heelie wrote: »
      you can solo any normal dungeon in the game using legendary gear and a single skill, so that is not argument for a story mode dungeon, plus it's an MMO it's supposed to be played with other people that is the entire point of online games.

      Wayrest 2.
      Fungal Grotto 2.
      And others.

      Do you even do dungeons?

      you can solo these dungeons relatively easily on normal if you want to take your time and explore it,

      unless you are god's gift to dps (which with a single skill? you are NOT), you literally cannot, because there are mechanics in those dungeons that are either going to basically one shot you

      for example getting chained in FG2 - in a group, where presumable boss is on tank, even if no one breaks you out, at least damage from unbroken chains is the only thing you are taking, so its survivable - when you are solo, between damage from the boss and chains? you are dead. something very similar happens in Wayrest 2.

      and then there are ye olde favorites of "must step on two pressure plates on the opposite sides of the room at the same time" mechanics. I.. think... you can cheese them in direfrost? not sure about imperial prison.

      and then... there are DLC dungeons other then IC. those on normal, are harder then early vanilla dungeons on vet. NOT an exaggeration.

      you need a very specific set up in terms of gear and skills, heck - you more or less need to be a specific class to pull it off, and generally people who can DO that? are in a minority of players, much like people who are clearing VMA - are in a minority.

      last but not least. sigh... the poin of online game is to give you an OPTION to play with other people. to give you a world with other people in it to play. NOT to force you into grouping.

      I don't think all content should be accesable without a group
      Most OwOrated healer of all time
    • curtisnewton
      YES. We want a story mode.
      Heelie wrote: »
      Linaleah wrote: »
      Heelie wrote: »
      Dusk_Coven wrote: »
      Heelie wrote: »
      you can solo any normal dungeon in the game using legendary gear and a single skill, so that is not argument for a story mode dungeon, plus it's an MMO it's supposed to be played with other people that is the entire point of online games.

      Wayrest 2.
      Fungal Grotto 2.
      And others.

      Do you even do dungeons?

      you can solo these dungeons relatively easily on normal if you want to take your time and explore it,

      unless you are god's gift to dps (which with a single skill? you are NOT), you literally cannot, because there are mechanics in those dungeons that are either going to basically one shot you

      for example getting chained in FG2 - in a group, where presumable boss is on tank, even if no one breaks you out, at least damage from unbroken chains is the only thing you are taking, so its survivable - when you are solo, between damage from the boss and chains? you are dead. something very similar happens in Wayrest 2.

      and then there are ye olde favorites of "must step on two pressure plates on the opposite sides of the room at the same time" mechanics. I.. think... you can cheese them in direfrost? not sure about imperial prison.

      and then... there are DLC dungeons other then IC. those on normal, are harder then early vanilla dungeons on vet. NOT an exaggeration.

      you need a very specific set up in terms of gear and skills, heck - you more or less need to be a specific class to pull it off, and generally people who can DO that? are in a minority of players, much like people who are clearing VMA - are in a minority.

      last but not least. sigh... the poin of online game is to give you an OPTION to play with other people. to give you a world with other people in it to play. NOT to force you into grouping.

      I don't think all content should be accesable without a group

      Fine for you. We think otherwise. We have a reason, have you?
    • Linaleah
      YES. We want a story mode.
      Heelie wrote: »
      Linaleah wrote: »
      Heelie wrote: »
      Dusk_Coven wrote: »
      Heelie wrote: »
      you can solo any normal dungeon in the game using legendary gear and a single skill, so that is not argument for a story mode dungeon, plus it's an MMO it's supposed to be played with other people that is the entire point of online games.

      Wayrest 2.
      Fungal Grotto 2.
      And others.

      Do you even do dungeons?

      you can solo these dungeons relatively easily on normal if you want to take your time and explore it,

      unless you are god's gift to dps (which with a single skill? you are NOT), you literally cannot, because there are mechanics in those dungeons that are either going to basically one shot you

      for example getting chained in FG2 - in a group, where presumable boss is on tank, even if no one breaks you out, at least damage from unbroken chains is the only thing you are taking, so its survivable - when you are solo, between damage from the boss and chains? you are dead. something very similar happens in Wayrest 2.

      and then there are ye olde favorites of "must step on two pressure plates on the opposite sides of the room at the same time" mechanics. I.. think... you can cheese them in direfrost? not sure about imperial prison.

      and then... there are DLC dungeons other then IC. those on normal, are harder then early vanilla dungeons on vet. NOT an exaggeration.

      you need a very specific set up in terms of gear and skills, heck - you more or less need to be a specific class to pull it off, and generally people who can DO that? are in a minority of players, much like people who are clearing VMA - are in a minority.

      last but not least. sigh... the poin of online game is to give you an OPTION to play with other people. to give you a world with other people in it to play. NOT to force you into grouping.

      I don't think all content should be accessible without a group

      and i don't think stories, let alone parts of ongoing story that is otherwise solo - should be hidden behind group content. at least our compromise suggestions mean that everyone gets to play the way they want. you are just stubbornly stomping your foot, going NA AAh, I don't want you to have fun because it doesn't match my personal idea of fun.
      dirty worthless casual.
      Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
      Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
    • Sevn
      I don't have a dog in this fight, let me start with that. I'm not a lore guy nor do I have trouble soloing content I'm interested in, but it's really irritating seeing the same bs spewed over and over.

      These "remedies" are heavily flawed. Group up? I've been on both ends of this travesty, from the player trying to finish the quest and the player who has done this dungeon run dozens of times and only interested in a fast completion.

      It sucks on both ends people! 1st, even if the group doesn't mind "waiting" no one wants to turn a 15/20 minute run into a 45min run, not even the quester. Why? Because even the quester is going to feel uneasy about slowing down others.

      There is almost ALWAYS one rusher and one quester when pugging. Group up? Yea that's works out for the quester like 1 outta 10 times.

      Skill up you say? Just how many of the DLC dungeons do you think the majority of the population can solo these even on normal? All this has already been said. I know because I've read it posted on almost every single page.

      The opposition to this is absurd. "It'll take away too much resources from other content!". Absurd. It's as simple as granting something like battlespirit that pvp already enables or lessing the damage output of said monsters.

      This would not work for a vet overworld because players can already weaken themselves and choose not too. No need to change ANY of the monster AI for story mode, unlike what is being asked for a vet overworld.

      Stop comparing the two. It's about profit. PLENTY of players will start to buy dungeon packs if this is implemented as this poll clearly indicates. As it stands now I avoid dlc dungeons like the plague, even let my sub run out to avoid them in GF.

      How much and many are willing to pay for a vet overworld? Now that's an interesting poll I'd love to see the results of. Hell, I implore the vet overworld fans to put it to the test and ask those two questions, how many and how much.

      For clarity, I'd be all over a free vet version with better rewards so miss me thinking it's players who can't play who are opposed to spending resources on a vet overworld for a minority group of players. I'd be in farming heaven because it would be so empty like the old vet zones were.
      There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man, true nobility is being superior to your former self
    • zvavi
      NO. Do not add a story mode.
      Linaleah wrote: »
      for example getting chained in FG2 - in a group, where presumable boss is on tank, even if no one breaks you out, at least damage from unbroken chains is the only thing you are taking, so its survivable - when you are solo, between damage from the boss and chains? you are dead. something very similar happens in Wayrest 2.

      The adds die ez in normal... As long as your aoe dots up it should easily be resolved.
    • EchoirVarsoj
      YES. We want a story mode.
      Yes, could be an interesting feature and maybe offer a random piece of non-weapon-jewelry set dropping from the final boss. A lot of players could then enjoy the story content calmly and progress their characters a bit.
    • Heelie
      NO. Do not add a story mode.
      Linaleah wrote: »
      Heelie wrote: »
      Linaleah wrote: »
      Heelie wrote: »
      Dusk_Coven wrote: »
      Heelie wrote: »
      you can solo any normal dungeon in the game using legendary gear and a single skill, so that is not argument for a story mode dungeon, plus it's an MMO it's supposed to be played with other people that is the entire point of online games.

      Wayrest 2.
      Fungal Grotto 2.
      And others.

      Do you even do dungeons?

      you can solo these dungeons relatively easily on normal if you want to take your time and explore it,

      unless you are god's gift to dps (which with a single skill? you are NOT), you literally cannot, because there are mechanics in those dungeons that are either going to basically one shot you

      for example getting chained in FG2 - in a group, where presumable boss is on tank, even if no one breaks you out, at least damage from unbroken chains is the only thing you are taking, so its survivable - when you are solo, between damage from the boss and chains? you are dead. something very similar happens in Wayrest 2.

      and then there are ye olde favorites of "must step on two pressure plates on the opposite sides of the room at the same time" mechanics. I.. think... you can cheese them in direfrost? not sure about imperial prison.

      and then... there are DLC dungeons other then IC. those on normal, are harder then early vanilla dungeons on vet. NOT an exaggeration.

      you need a very specific set up in terms of gear and skills, heck - you more or less need to be a specific class to pull it off, and generally people who can DO that? are in a minority of players, much like people who are clearing VMA - are in a minority.

      last but not least. sigh... the poin of online game is to give you an OPTION to play with other people. to give you a world with other people in it to play. NOT to force you into grouping.

      I don't think all content should be accessible without a group

      and i don't think stories, let alone parts of ongoing story that is otherwise solo - should be hidden behind group content. at least our compromise suggestions mean that everyone gets to play the way they want. you are just stubbornly stomping your foot, going NA AAh, I don't want you to have fun because it doesn't match my personal idea of fun.

      it's not that I don't think you should have fun, it's that content should get progressively harder, and by catering to the lowest denominator, you stagnate end game content, some parts of the story should be locked behind harder content, that's what is supposed to give you insentive to invest into your character and the game. ESO's content is already far too accessible for players, a feature like this is not needed, instead the devs should focus on features that help introduce new players to the different content.
      Most OwOrated healer of all time
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