Story Mode Dungeons: Do we want them?

  • TheFM
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    zvavi wrote: »
    TheFM wrote: »
    Sevn wrote: »
    TheFM wrote: »
    Sevn wrote: »
    TheFM wrote: »
    Sevn wrote: »
    TheFM wrote: »
    Sevn wrote: »
    TheFM wrote: »
    TheFM wrote: »
    zvavi wrote: »
    TheFM wrote: »

    If you wanted a single player game, eso was never the game for you. ever. They cater to everyone, and you are not the crowd they are catering to when it comes to dungeons. And yes, demon dogs should be able to kill you quickly.

    Tbh the game being mmo shouldn't affect the content available. Especially since the game has such a big casual community from TeS games. Now i agree that skill points should not be given on story mode (even though they are tied to the quest, so if it is implemented they will probably put it in anyway) because it will lower the initiative to go multiplayer for dungeon skill points (i would totally take all my tank toons for quick rushed story mode for skill points ez, and thats already a huge reason against it)

    shifting to spending dev time on a story mode would take away somewhere else.

    Do you think it is really a lot more than sth. Like:

    If player count = 1
    Then mobstrength factor = 0.2


    Story mode sounds so big, but in fact.. Just being easier with weaker enemies would be already ok. As there is already a deep scaling mechanic in place I doubt much dev time was lost.
    And gaining a 60% more happy player base (according to the polls) should be worth it anyway. And how can sth. Optional offend anyone is beyond me.

    Same could be said about an instance for vet mode overland.

    So you'd be cool with a vet overworld with no rewards? Because almost everyone who wants a vet overworld wants additional rewards while almost no one is asking for any type of reward for story mode dungeons, including that funky skill point you keep holding on to lol.

    Anyone who has seen your posts knows the real reason why you are opposed to a story mode dungeon and in both instances you are in the minority. As you so nicely told another, if a challenging overworld is what you desire, ESO is not the game for you. It's a storybased MMO first and foremost.

    Let that sink in.

    No, if you put more effort in you get more rewards, as is the case in vet dungeons. More effort - more reward, less effort - less reward.

    Exactly what I thought, you have zero interest in challenging content you just want extra rewards.

    Let's be real here, for hardcore players,
    the ones banging on about this challenging content is challenging the 1st time, maybe the 2nd as well. By the 3rd time you know what to expect and how to overcome it.

    With that out of the way, you are now free to reap the additional rewards from "challenging" content that is no longer a challenge for you.

    I found Maelstrom Arena extremely challenging the 1st few times, now it's a cakewalk.

    I found Demon Souls challenging the 1st few times. No longer. Are they supposed to constantly redo overworld every update to keep up?

    Nope, thereby leaving you what you really want, access to easy rewards because the content is no longer challenging.

    Yes,go ahead and tell me what I think, clearly you know better than I do, that's hilarious.

    I'm not. I'm simply telling you what I would do. As I said, if they were to introduce vet zones with increased rewards for free I'd be all over them. Why? Because I'm part of the tiny percentage of players that can complete hardcore content like Maelstrom and would take advantage of the system.

    It wouldn't be long before I was mowing down this new content and start farming the daylights out of it for maximum profit. Hell I'd group up with other players who couldn't handle hardcore content but wanted access to the new shinys and sell carrys.

    I'd make a killing off the mats alone since these zones would be barren like Craglorn. Just off the top of my head I can think of 3 or 4 ways to exploit these new challenges that are no longer challenging.

    But I'm sure none of that even crossed your mind.*Rolls eyes*

    Keep telling me what I think, tell me how things work. You clearly know better what I think than myself.

    Well at least we agree I do know better and know how things work!

    Yep, clearly you know better than I do what I think. You should call the CIA, they need people who are psychic.
    snoozy wrote: »
    I have become genuinely curious whether this is just a couple players making lots of noise or if this is something the community wants. So let’s get some numbers. Feel free to say why but please refrain from criticizing others or invalidating their view. There are several other threads where you have had that chance. Let’s let the numbers speak for themselves here.

    669 votes as of right now, 78% in favour of story mode. :relieved:

    is this about the size of the regularly active forum population? i assume most people who saw this thread already voted by now...

    can we get this to 1000 votes? :)

    You can get all the yes man votes you want, until you send out an email to all players or isn't even nearly representative of the actual population.

    I actually think that it represents the community quite well, probably biased towards the anti side more than you think (actual community vote would probably pass the 80% ez)

    The forums do not represent the silent majority, but avocal minority. Just as people have told us when we ask for more difficult content. Most people are fine with content being made for everyone, hyper focusing on one group because they suddenly became louder with the same demands as when the game came out is absurd.
  • TokenIntellect
    YES. We want a story mode.
    TheFM wrote: »
    Most people are fine with content being made for everyone[...]

    So, why are you a "NO" vote then?

    Isn't the point of a story mode that more of the content will be available for everyone instead of the minority? It sure seems like sour grapes— you didn't get the change you wanted (harder overland content), so you want to make sure that the YES voters here won't get what they want, either.

    It is entirely possible that a survey of all of the player base would come up with an entirely different result. But here's a novel thought for you, it may well be that the combination of the "year of the dragon," randomly fluctuating meta, thin plot, performance issues, etc. would also bias that poll to people who like the game as it is and play despite the issues. That doesn't mean ZOS would be well-served to think that the combination of the "year of the dragon," randomly fluctuating meta, thin plot, performance issues, et cetera worked and should be repeated.

    Yet, that's what we've got coming up. Not only does ZOS seem to think that running a few threads of story through the dungeons was a good idea, they've claimed that the feedback they heard was all in favor of it (it certainly wasn't) and have now promised that the story will be even-more integrated into the dungeons.

    Most people are fine with content being made for everyone.

    A story mode would get us a lot closer to that than, say, harder overland content— but expanding the content in both directions (assuming the fallacy that story mode is about being less difficult) would be ideal. Of course, if ZOS made harder overland content with some kind of more-difficult world boss— I don't know, maybe some kind of dragon or something— without also considering making the dungeons available to more players... then we'd be in a situation where the player base would be perfectly justified asking and advocating for a story mode.

  • DMuehlhausen
    YES. We want a story mode.
    zvavi wrote: »
    Two main downsides.
    1. More instances on the server side means more lag, rip PC EU.
    2. Some players that came for the single player, have stayed for the multiplayer, if dungeons had story mode, those players wouldnt stay, and eso would lose customers.
    3. Stop flooding the forums with the same thread.

    1. You could setup other servers just for these, or the fact that they take almost no time to complete essentially it wouldn't really impact performance
    2. If they want rewards, and to get better gear they still have to do the group vet/normal versions. These would be simply so somebody can play through and get lore / story of the dungeon instead of being rushed through by pushing PUGs
    3. I've only seen this doesn't seem like it's flooding
  • zvavi
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    zvavi wrote: »
    Two main downsides.
    1. More instances on the server side means more lag, rip PC EU.
    2. Some players that came for the single player, have stayed for the multiplayer, if dungeons had story mode, those players wouldnt stay, and eso would lose customers.
    3. Stop flooding the forums with the same thread.

    1. You could setup other servers just for these, or the fact that they take almost no time to complete essentially it wouldn't really impact performance
    2. If they want rewards, and to get better gear they still have to do the group vet/normal versions. These would be simply so somebody can play through and get lore / story of the dungeon instead of being rushed through by pushing PUGs
    3. I've only seen this doesn't seem like it's flooding

    1. They could also fix the servers. So they work. They didnt do it now did they? + "No time to complete" is a blatant lie, to listen to all the dialogs, talk to all characters, it is gonna take actually more time then actually face rolling normal with 4 dds.
    2. Ain't the problem, less initiative to do group content in an mmo is a bad thing.
    3. I saw 5 posts that day that had anything to do with story mode. Also 3 was more of a joke, thats why i said 2 things and not 3.
    Edited by zvavi on January 28, 2020 2:37PM
  • Sevn
    TheFM wrote: »
    Sevn wrote: »
    TheFM wrote: »
    Sevn wrote: »
    TheFM wrote: »
    Sevn wrote: »
    TheFM wrote: »
    Sevn wrote: »
    TheFM wrote: »
    TheFM wrote: »
    zvavi wrote: »
    TheFM wrote: »

    If you wanted a single player game, eso was never the game for you. ever. They cater to everyone, and you are not the crowd they are catering to when it comes to dungeons. And yes, demon dogs should be able to kill you quickly.

    Tbh the game being mmo shouldn't affect the content available. Especially since the game has such a big casual community from TeS games. Now i agree that skill points should not be given on story mode (even though they are tied to the quest, so if it is implemented they will probably put it in anyway) because it will lower the initiative to go multiplayer for dungeon skill points (i would totally take all my tank toons for quick rushed story mode for skill points ez, and thats already a huge reason against it)

    shifting to spending dev time on a story mode would take away somewhere else.

    Do you think it is really a lot more than sth. Like:

    If player count = 1
    Then mobstrength factor = 0.2


    Story mode sounds so big, but in fact.. Just being easier with weaker enemies would be already ok. As there is already a deep scaling mechanic in place I doubt much dev time was lost.
    And gaining a 60% more happy player base (according to the polls) should be worth it anyway. And how can sth. Optional offend anyone is beyond me.

    Same could be said about an instance for vet mode overland.

    So you'd be cool with a vet overworld with no rewards? Because almost everyone who wants a vet overworld wants additional rewards while almost no one is asking for any type of reward for story mode dungeons, including that funky skill point you keep holding on to lol.

    Anyone who has seen your posts knows the real reason why you are opposed to a story mode dungeon and in both instances you are in the minority. As you so nicely told another, if a challenging overworld is what you desire, ESO is not the game for you. It's a storybased MMO first and foremost.

    Let that sink in.

    No, if you put more effort in you get more rewards, as is the case in vet dungeons. More effort - more reward, less effort - less reward.

    Exactly what I thought, you have zero interest in challenging content you just want extra rewards.

    Let's be real here, for hardcore players,
    the ones banging on about this challenging content is challenging the 1st time, maybe the 2nd as well. By the 3rd time you know what to expect and how to overcome it.

    With that out of the way, you are now free to reap the additional rewards from "challenging" content that is no longer a challenge for you.

    I found Maelstrom Arena extremely challenging the 1st few times, now it's a cakewalk.

    I found Demon Souls challenging the 1st few times. No longer. Are they supposed to constantly redo overworld every update to keep up?

    Nope, thereby leaving you what you really want, access to easy rewards because the content is no longer challenging.

    Yes,go ahead and tell me what I think, clearly you know better than I do, that's hilarious.

    I'm not. I'm simply telling you what I would do. As I said, if they were to introduce vet zones with increased rewards for free I'd be all over them. Why? Because I'm part of the tiny percentage of players that can complete hardcore content like Maelstrom and would take advantage of the system.

    It wouldn't be long before I was mowing down this new content and start farming the daylights out of it for maximum profit. Hell I'd group up with other players who couldn't handle hardcore content but wanted access to the new shinys and sell carrys.

    I'd make a killing off the mats alone since these zones would be barren like Craglorn. Just off the top of my head I can think of 3 or 4 ways to exploit these new challenges that are no longer challenging.

    But I'm sure none of that even crossed your mind.*Rolls eyes*

    Keep telling me what I think, tell me how things work. You clearly know better what I think than myself.

    Well at least we agree I do know better and know how things work!

    Yep, clearly you know better than I do what I think. You should call the CIA, they need people who are psychic.
    snoozy wrote: »
    I have become genuinely curious whether this is just a couple players making lots of noise or if this is something the community wants. So let’s get some numbers. Feel free to say why but please refrain from criticizing others or invalidating their view. There are several other threads where you have had that chance. Let’s let the numbers speak for themselves here.

    669 votes as of right now, 78% in favour of story mode. :relieved:

    is this about the size of the regularly active forum population? i assume most people who saw this thread already voted by now...

    can we get this to 1000 votes? :)

    You can get all the yes man votes you want, until you send out an email to all players or isn't even nearly representative of the actual population.

    No need to keep agreeing with me, we've clearly established that.
    There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man, true nobility is being superior to your former self
  • Heelie
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    TheFM wrote: »
    Most people are fine with content being made for everyone[...]

    So, why are you a "NO" vote then?

    A story mode would get us a lot closer to that than, say, harder overland content— but expanding the content in both directions (assuming the fallacy that story mode is about being less difficult) would be ideal. Of course, if ZOS made harder overland content with some kind of more-difficult world boss— I don't know, maybe some kind of dragon or something— without also considering making the dungeons available to more players... then we'd be in a situation where the player base would be perfectly justified asking and advocating for a story mode.

    The dragons are not hard content though, for the past two years ZOS has released one trial per year, both trials were released with bugs that were found and reported on week one on PTS "there are 5 weeks of PTS in total", and most of these game breaking bugs are still in the game today. The people voting no are mostly doing so because every time a game dev team cater to the most casual and lowest 10% of the player base the tend to heavily stagnate the end game. Also I think there's a point to be made about people having to work to see all content. The dungeon stories are not crusial to the main story of the year, they're more like extra side stories, Wrathstone for example just being prequals. Scalebreaker having nothing what so ever to do with the main story.
    Most OwOrated healer of all time
  • Olith
    YES. We want a story mode.
    Heelie wrote: »
    The people voting no are mostly doing so because every time a game dev team cater to the most casual and lowest 10% of the player base the tend to heavily stagnate the end game.
    So the nearly 80% voting YES in this poll represent "the lowest 10% of the player base"? How nice of you.
    Also I think there's a point to be made about people having to work to see all content. The dungeon stories are not crusial to the main story of the year, they're more like extra side stories, Wrathstone for example just being prequals. Scalebreaker having nothing what so ever to do with the main story.
    And this is where the whole idea of main story content spanning the year "integrated" with dungeon dlcs breaks apart. There are only two possibilities, the dungeon story is essential for the main quest line for the year, or it isn't. If it is, a story mode at least for those dungeons would be more than justified. If it is only another side quest, the whole "year-long story arc" fuss appears to be a mere marketing gimmick to convince players without an ESO+ subscription to buy dungeon dlcs - which they might do once and probably never again.
    Edited by Olith on January 28, 2020 4:41PM
  • BejaProphet
    Olith wrote: »
    Heelie wrote: »
    The people voting no are mostly doing so because every time a game dev team cater to the most casual and lowest 10% of the player base the tend to heavily stagnate the end game.
    So the nearly 80% voting YES in this poll represent "the lowest 10% of the player base"? How nice of you.
    Also I think there's a point to be made about people having to work to see all content. The dungeon stories are not crusial to the main story of the year, they're more like extra side stories, Wrathstone for example just being prequals. Scalebreaker having nothing what so ever to do with the main story.
    And this is where the whole idea of main story content spanning the year "integrated" with dungeon dlcs breaks apart. There are only two possibilities, the dungeon story is essential for the main quest line for the year, or it isn't. If it is, a story mode at least for those dungeons would be more than justified. If it is only another side quest, the whole "year-long story arc" fuss appears to be a mere marketing gimmick to convince players without an ESO+ subscription to buy dungeon dlcs - which they might do once and certainly never again.

    Sometime people are just going to keep talking no matter how much they are plainly wrong. They make up any imaginary scenario to explain why all evidence contradicts them. Our mistake is when we fail to recognize we are speaking to such a person, then we keep proceeding as if they can be reasoned with.

    Edit note: to be clear @Olith I’m not talking about you. I’m encouraging you to recognize it.
    Edited by BejaProphet on January 28, 2020 4:44PM
  • LoneStar2911
    YES. We want a story mode.
    ZOS? You there, ZOS? We need you!
  • Olith
    YES. We want a story mode.
    @BejaProphet I didn't think you were referring to me, no worries.
  • Dusk_Coven
    YES. We want a story mode.
    TheFM wrote: »
    Dusk_Coven wrote: »
    TheFM wrote: »
    Dusk_Coven wrote: »
    TheFM wrote: »
    Tell you what, you can have a solo mode when we get a vet overland mode.

    Ergo, never.

    It's called Craglorn but you don't want to go there.

    Ok, you can have one dungeon. If you wanna use that comparison.

    Why not? And when ZOS sees how many people use Story Mode, they'll give us more.
    You don't use vet zones they gave you, so no more for you.

    There are no vet zones, lol. Imperial city is the closest you get in no cp, and I am constantly there.

    LOL you already agreed that Craglorn is a vet zone. See quotes above. Now you backtrack?
    You're a waste of time.
  • Magenpie
    YES. We want a story mode.
    OK, I can't help thinking that at this point the naysayers are just getting their daily *** from arguing with reasonable people. Perhaps time to step away from trying to explain the arguments now. They know and they get it.

    But in contradiction to my own advice, can I just say - if you want your fave mmo to stick around, and grow into bigger and better things, stop the effing gatekeeping and support the broadest gameplay for the most playstyles. If you insist on being a protective superior edgelord about the game, you put people off, you restrict the game, you don't garner support for YOUR fave bit of play, but worst of all, you potentially limit the money ZOS get from people who don't play just exactly the same way you do. And thus you shoot yourself in the foot.

    But maybe you ultimately don't care about that, and you just like to be an aggravating *** to people who disagree with you?
    Edited by Magenpie on January 28, 2020 7:43PM
  • Magenpie
    YES. We want a story mode.
    Forgot to say a thing - if dungeons truly don't have any important story, then why are ZOS so keen to include them as DLC and as part of the desperately exciting 'Year Long Storyline?' They are, I think, in a difficult position.

    If they downplay the request for solo dungeons, they are undermining their own PR in the importance of the linking narrative. If the dungeons don't actually contain any interesting and connected narrative to Greymoor, then they are kind of fibbing about the amazing Year Long Storyline.
    Edited by Magenpie on January 28, 2020 6:43PM
  • emeraldshado
    I want to go through the story.

    But in dungeon finder, I can't. The group runs ahead while I am reading or listening, Gets into combat, and because I am the farthest away, I am some how dragged into combat and a mob comes all the way back to me to say Hi with their sword.

    If I kill the monster and start to get back to where I was in the quest text, I would find a vote kick has been given as the group has gone so far ahead, and they feel I am not contributing to the clearing of the dungeon.

    One of my fiends says If I want to experience the story, I should just go watch it on youtube, which is counter to playing the game and enjoying the story. If I ask other friends, they have already done the dungeon, and they would be graciously gifting me their time that they would otherwise be spending elsewhere in the game, should they decide to assist me in being able to go through the quest text and clear the dungeon.

    Story mode would just be run though one time by me, so I can at least get the story, then I would be in a group every other time running through, not doing the quest as it has been done already.

    I thoroughly enjoy the stories, and actually go through the quest text at least once as a bare minimum in every zone I do.

    I liked in Malabal Tor when one of the npcs referenced the green lady incident that occurred at Kanarthis roost, which occurred at the time of me being there, when questing through the first zone of the aldmari dominion.

    I enjoyed seeing whats her npc face in the rift in the small town in the west, who had decided to become [x] after [x] events in Balfoyen effected her family after having to depart Bleakrock.

    I literally cannot tell you whats occurring in half the dungeons.

    I lucked out on a pc play through of the dungeon with selene re appearing as a character, due to the dps and healer saying it was a lore run for them. which I was fine with. that meant that I was able to read the text, they wanted to read the text, and it only cost my tanking buddy time since he was willing to assist in the dungeon.

    it would be a mixed bag to do a solo dungeon.

    maybe a separate Q for people. "do you mind if your party reads the quest text" or just "lore run"

    instead of having to spend development time on re tuning the already existing and adding time on creating new dungeons to support a single play through.

    The other option might be to join an rp guild that has players that are willing to offer their time.

    I'm fine for a single solo no loot play through as it means there is no benefit from doing it, aside from understanding whats occurring in the dungeon and what led you there.
  • zvavi
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    Magenpie wrote: »
    OK, I can't help thinking that at this point the naysayers are just getting their daily *** from arguing with reasonable people. Perhaps time to step away from trying to explain the arguements now. They know and they get it.

    But in contradiction to my own advice, can I just say - if you want your fave mmo to stick around, and grow into bigger and better things, stop the effing gatekeeping and support the broadest gameplay for the most playstyles. If you insist on being a protective superior edgelord about the game, you put people off, you restrict the game, you don't garner support for YOUR fave bit of play, but worst of all, you potentially limit the money ZOS get from people who don't play just exactly the same way you do. And thus you shoot yourself in the foot.

    But maybe you ultimately don't care about that, and you just like to be an aggravating *** to people who disagree with you?

    None of the yaysayers have addressed well the issue of how it will affect server performance, as i said in another thread, if they manage to make servers work, and not lag, i dont mind them adding story mode. Even few of my comments were addressed to the silly arguments TheFM used. But i wouldn't call all the arguments that the yaysayers side brought to the table "reasonable", many are biased to their side, also slandering those who disagree with them, saying we only like "to be an aggravating *** to people who disagree with you", for example.
  • BejaProphet

    There isn’t anything to respond to about server performance.

    First, the point we are suppose to address is no more than, “what about server performance?” What shall anybody say to that? Unless any of us here are experts on the machinery and what things actually stress them, then all of us are merely speaking from ignorance. Including those saying, “what about server performance?” Who don’t even have the knowledge to ask a more technically precise question.

    Second, in our ignorance there is no reason to suppose this will significantly impact server performance. It is not like those wanting to see the story a single time are actually going to repeatedly grind story mode the way actual group content players do so. It shouldn’t be much different than when they do any single player instance that is already in the game. Why would it be?

    Third, the game developers ought to evaluate the request for story mode in many ways, including whether they can deliver it in a playable state. Let them determine that. It should certainly NOT be expected that people who aren’t programmers must solve this before they can ask ZOS for something they want.

    So I think that answers it sufficiently.
  • zvavi
    NO. Do not add a story mode.

    There isn’t anything to respond to about server performance.

    First, the point we are suppose to address is no more than, “what about server performance?” What shall anybody say to that? Unless any of us here are experts on the machinery and what things actually stress them, then all of us are merely speaking from ignorance. Including those saying, “what about server performance?” Who don’t even have the knowledge to ask a more technically precise question.

    Second, in our ignorance there is no reason to suppose this will significantly impact server performance. It is not like those wanting to see the story a single time are actually going to repeatedly grind story mode the way actual group content players do so. It shouldn’t be much different than when they do any single player instance that is already in the game. Why would it be?

    Third, the game developers ought to evaluate the request for story mode in many ways, including whether they can deliver it in a playable state. Let them determine that. It should certainly NOT be expected that people who aren’t programmers must solve this before they can ask ZOS for something they want.

    So I think that answers it sufficiently.

    I mean, non have quelled the worries about server performance so my vote would stay the same. But, but, if performance update changes performance for the better (much better) my vote will change from "no" to "i dont mind". Now,

    First, more instances on server side means more server load. You don't need to be expert on machinery for that. Even though you might be correct, and the problem is the amount of information server can receive, which is probably the problem it has now. I don't trust them to implement it efficiently.

    Second, what other single player instances? The solo instances currently in game are numbered, and most quests are in overland, so saying they will be in another solo instance is mostly incorrect.

    Third, dont worry, story mode will be playable, since it doesn't depend on combat as much, the content that depends on combat might suffer.

    I mean, might be skeptic about things and how it will affect gameplay, but for example lets take their "new" dungeon finder and list the bugs it got me into in the last week:
    - entered dungeon, 3 people.
    - person bugged in group, after kicking him, no leader, cant invite a 4th person or requeue.
    - always believes it is in normal mode, even when is vet.
    - queue fails, puts you "in front of the queue", after 5 minutes, restart queue, pop instantly.
    - 4 people group, queue, nothing.
    - cant properly accept when queue pops.
    It obviously can't function properly even without story mode option.

    Thing is, they might promise story mode, then create it, with bugs and everything, affecting everything else, then just release it while still bugged. I mean, they will release it even if it is bugged. Look at frostvault, it is still bugged. Thats what i want to avoid.
    Edited by zvavi on January 28, 2020 8:19PM
  • Linaleah
    YES. We want a story mode.
    as far as i could tell and I do believe i mentioned it before - the major problem with load is not just having a number of instances, but rather a number of matchmaking requests being made simultaneously. when it comes to a solo dungeon, queuing up for a random would not be an option, you have to pick a specific dungeon and then it just ports you there. no matchmaking. or even if that is too much - make it ONLY available if you travel there physically.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • BejaProphet

    I get what you are saying. And I wish I could say your fears are unfounded. But yeah, ZOS could implement a housing change and accidentally wreck PvP and it wouldn’t surprise me.

    The problem though is that you could give that same objection to anything they ever do ever.

    Second, there never can be an assurance that they won’t. Because what you are talking about is them botching something despite the idea being sound. Nobody can promise they won’t do that.

    So despite that you are kind of correct, you are giving an impossible to answer arguement with the implications that the developers should never implement anything.
  • zvavi
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    Linaleah wrote: »
    as far as i could tell and I do believe i mentioned it before - the major problem with load is not just having a number of instances, but rather a number of matchmaking requests being made simultaneously. when it comes to a solo dungeon, queuing up for a random would not be an option, you have to pick a specific dungeon and then it just ports you there. no matchmaking. or even if that is too much - make it ONLY available if you travel there physically.

    Interesting solution, i support, if it is not connected to group finder it wont be as problematic.and the requirement of physically find the dungeon is great as well since it keeps initiative to run dungeon in group beforehand, but still gives the option to travel by foot. I think it covers all my problems with the original solution.
    Edited by zvavi on January 28, 2020 8:44PM
  • BejaProphet
    I think most story seekers might even like that. 🤷‍♂️
  • Linaleah
    YES. We want a story mode.
    zvavi wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    as far as i could tell and I do believe i mentioned it before - the major problem with load is not just having a number of instances, but rather a number of matchmaking requests being made simultaneously. when it comes to a solo dungeon, queuing up for a random would not be an option, you have to pick a specific dungeon and then it just ports you there. no matchmaking. or even if that is too much - make it ONLY available if you travel there physically.

    Interesting solution, i support, if it is not connected to group finder it wont be as problematic.and the requirement of physically find the dungeon is great as well since it keeps initiative to run dungeon in group beforehand. I think it covers all my problems with the original solution.


    and just to clarify, when I mean traveling there physically, i do mean being able to fast travel to it once its discovered - you don't have to go to the entrance each and every time. much like you can fast travel to various wayshrines, once you discover them. selecting a mode to fast travel to - can be as simple as the way you can currently select, say City of Ash 1/City of Ash 2 to travel to.

    part of the reason I wanted to specify it is because DLC dungeons tend to come pre-discovered - which takes care of the idea that at least one of the DLC's is meant to be chapter 1 of the ongoing yearly story. it still doesn't take care of new players starting with the newest tutorial, but its a separate argument and I still say new player should at least start with a vestige story and THEN have the world opened up to them, while players with at least one character who did a tutorial can chose which tutorial to start new character in... or skip it all together like you can right now.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Minyassa
    YES. We want a story mode.
    Story mode would be lovely. I actually have no clue what sort of plots are going on in dungeon quests and I've done most of them. I've even done them with groups willing to stop and let me read, but because of the pressure and distraction of having other people around and being mindful of time and not wanting to make people wait forever and having chatter around, I can't really pay that much attention to it and it goes right out of my head. I'd also like to be able to take my time and admire the construction of the dungeons. Some of them have some really gorgeous stuff in them that I've seen flying by and couldn't stop to get a better look. It took me like 50 times in one of them to even notice some really nice reliefs carved into the walls. Sure, I can do that with a group of friends who have all the time in the world...but that's not something that happens often at all. We are all adults with things to do, places to be, sleep to catch, and limited gaming time. I can't ask for that on the regular. Story mode is the perfect solution.
  • zvavi
    NO. Do not add a story mode.
    Linaleah wrote: »

    and just to clarify, when I mean traveling there physically, i do mean being able to fast travel to it once its discovered - you don't have to go to the entrance each and every time. much like you can fast travel to various wayshrines, once you discover them. selecting a mode to fast travel to

  • Kendaric
    YES. We want a story mode.
    zvavi wrote: »
    Interesting solution, i support, if it is not connected to group finder it wont be as problematic.and the requirement of physically find the dungeon is great as well since it keeps initiative to run dungeon in group beforehand, but still gives the option to travel by foot. I think it covers all my problems with the original solution.

    Why in Oblivion would a solo mode be tied to the Group Finder?

    I had naturally assumed it would involve manual travel/fast travel to the dungeon anyway... I mean why would anyone queue for doing a dungeon solo? Especially as it would not be giving Undaunted keys or anything.
      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!. Outfit slots not being accountwide is ridiculous given their price. PC EU/PC NA roleplayer and solo PvE quester
    • max_only
      Maybe when you get to 89 pages, Zos could close this down with out even dropping in to comment on the subject matter and ignore this player request for years as well.
      Edited by max_only on January 29, 2020 3:36AM
      #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
      || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
      ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
    • Sylvermynx
      YES. We want a story mode.
      max_only wrote: »
      Maybe when you get to 89 pages, Zos could close this down with out even dropping in to comment on the subject matter and ignore this player request for years as well.

      No doubt. *SIGH*
    • Dusk_Coven
      YES. We want a story mode.
      I'm fine for a single solo no loot play through as it means there is no benefit from doing it, aside from understanding whats occurring in the dungeon and what led you there.

      I really don't understand why there's this emphasis on reduced loot or no loot, especially if it's coming from someone who's not even interested in solo story dungeon mode.

      Difficulty and rewards are completely a separate topic from the concept of Solo Story Dungeon Mode.
      If solo story dungeon mode for Fungal Grotto 1 feels as difficult as 4-manning Fungal Grotto 1, then it should have the same rewards that each of those four people are getting, no? Same pay for same work? Nevermind that a solo run would take longer and time required is usually also a factor in determining rewards.

      Leave the issue of rewards out of this for now and just focus on the fact that solo story dungeon mode needs to be a thing.

      Of course solo story mode will probably be tweaked to be about the same as overland difficulty. Which is fine and you can give out overland difficulty rewards. But to go into extremes and talk about "no rewards" is ridiculous. It's just vindictive sabotage of something you don't like.
      Edited by Dusk_Coven on January 29, 2020 4:07AM
    • Sylvermynx
      YES. We want a story mode.
      Ah.... hmmm. I don't need rewards from a solo "story dungeon mode". In fact.... I don't need rewards at all in this game or any other.

      My "reward" is the fun I have playing whatever parts of the game I can manage. In some games (WoW, RIFT, TES I through V) that was easy to understand. In ESO, my fun is bounded by the fact that combat in this game is hard for someone with aging reflexes, not to mention substandard connection. So my experience can be considered (by those with far younger bodies, and far better connectivity) marginal at best.

      But I do enjoy myself. So for me, that's a win.
    • Dusk_Coven
      YES. We want a story mode.
      Sylvermynx wrote: »
      Ah.... hmmm. I don't need rewards from a solo "story dungeon mode". In fact.... I don't need rewards at all in this game or any other.

      Sure. That's great.
      I'm just questioning the motivation for "reduced or no rewards" versus simply using the existing paradigm for how ZOS calculates rewards. No need to change it.
      If they calculate an overland-difficulty implementation for a story dungeon mode, then let them use whatever calculations they have for how to reward that implementation. No need for anyone to interfere at all with their calculation. That would be the fairest way.
      Edited by Dusk_Coven on January 29, 2020 4:18AM
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