InvictusApollo wrote: »Nerflings should be banned. Go away @BohnT2 !
Everything got nerfed to oblivion because of people like you.
InvictusApollo wrote: »Nerflings should be banned. Go away @BohnT2 !
Everything got nerfed to oblivion because of people like you.
Nerflings should be banned.
I like them. Having to actively cast a defensive skill on back bar every 3 seconds is a massive cost for the buffs if you wanted to keep them up but they give medium and light armour builds the chance to get out of a tight spot if needed.
With changes to wrecking blow and draining shot what would be the point in running brp at all if these two sets were nerfed? Should sets that drop from easy dungeons be as strong as perfected gear from the hardest 4 person content in the game?
I like them. Having to actively cast a defensive skill on back bar every 3 seconds is a massive cost for the buffs if you wanted to keep them up but they give medium and light armour builds the chance to get out of a tight spot if needed.
With changes to wrecking blow and draining shot what would be the point in running brp at all if these two sets were nerfed? Should sets that drop from easy dungeons be as strong as perfected gear from the hardest 4 person content in the game?
This discussion happens every time a source of major buffs/debuffs with 30% bonuses appears. Hence nerfs to pirate skele, scourge harvester, lingering health pots, and necros over the years. Is it possible that the thing that needed nerfing in the first place was the overturned buffs rather than the sets that grant access to them?
BrokenGameMechanics wrote: »
It is 3 secs and not 4 and yea that second matters. 3 secs is extremely short. AFAIT this BRP DW thing is just a few core of bitter Pirate Skeleton PVP folk. Get over it and move on.
Light Armor dude fires of a 4-6K damage shield that lasts 6 secs, no problem. A Med Armor dude fires off BRP DW and will avoid 3K of damage on a 10K hit and game balance is totally destroyed.
It is honestly not a problem. Pirate Skel was a "passive", BPR DW requires tactical play. Sure you can spam it, or shields, or streak, or heals, or Dodgeroll, or Vigor or FM or many things.
BrokenGameMechanics wrote: »[quote="Kadoin;c-6344148"
Now, someone at ZOS probably thinks that BRP DW is more balanced now because of the cost increase they put on blade cloak. You lose stam and a GCD to gain a reduction in damage for 4 seconds.
3-4 seconds matter when its spammable and you can just heavy attack once to get the resources you used back on it or more if you happen to roll and have tactician cp? Not to me
Are you seriously comparing a proc set to shields, an active skill? Yeah, its the same when shields have a 4K+ cost after wearing 5 pieces light armor, require investment into magicka at a loss for stam and mag (less rolling and blocking, plus might also have a negative effect on offensive power depending on your class), and do not resist and reduce all damage in the game? Just no.
Both these weapons require little to no investment to use to the point you can slot them on mag and stam builds with little consequence just for the proc. By the way: streak, damage shields, heals, dodgeroll, vigor, FM, etc. are all usuable while you have these weapons on further proving why they are a problem in the first place.
Also, have you tried beating a shield with a sorc woke enough to be using BRP DW and sustaining stam?
Just wait for it to become mainstream...then the sorc class will be the problem and not the gear. I'm not about to let that happen.
EDIT: fixed quote
BrokenGameMechanics wrote: »
Lets stop with the 3-4 and say what it is which is 3 secs. And do you really think the combo "Fire cloak, dodgeroll in front of my opponent, stand there and hold a HA to go off to restore stam and get a knockdown" is THE OP meta skill combo that is causing all this major bed wetting?
And what is with your "proc set" confusion? Fire cloak with BRP DW and you get 3 secs Major Protection and yep there are Sets where you you fire off a shield you get +800 or something health regen plus many similar sets that synergize with a shield activation. Many in fact. What is your confusion here on comparison?
OK so now we are at the crux of you anxiety. You are worried that Stam Sorcs when BRP DW goes "mainstream". BRP DW has been out for a long time. By this point everyone has played around with it. To date Stam Sorcs Gone Wild with BRP DW hasn't hit the forums. Don't know enough Sorc to state that this is the Balance Meta Menace waiting to happen. Off the top of my head, I'd think if you build and use a Stam Sorc you are probably an experienced end game player. If running BRP DW pushed them into the Super Meta category, I'd think they would have figured it out by know. Stam Sorc in old Pirate Skel problem, with BRP DW I don't see the problem at this time.
Lughlongarm wrote: »The DW is fine fore sure. The resto staff got an indirect buff from the healing ward changes, only aspect I can think about that worth reviewing.
So if it's a stam weapon giving a ridiculous bonus, its fine, but if its a mag one its not? Yeah, I cannot see the bias here...
You can't make these forums up!
Lughlongarm wrote: »
You obviously did not understand my comment and jumped to a false conclusion.
When Blackrose weapons were designed and and balanced, healing word behaved differently. The healing from the skill could not benefit from the buff of the Blackrose resto staff because the buff is for 3 sec and you used to get the heal after 6 sec.
Last patch it was changed so healing ward starts to heal from the moment its being cast and therefore benefits from its own buff. This double dip scenario was part of the original design and that's why I said it is the only thing that could be reviewed(didn't say you have to nerf it) The DW behaves exactly the same compared to when the weapon set was introduced, if anything it has been nerfed due to cost increase of blade cloak.
And BTW, I play magicka Warden and I don't have access to either weapons. So ya....
Both of these weapons have been complained about since they were introduced. And in face, healing ward lost its initial heal it had before BRP resto was introduced to "balance" the weapon.
Also, if you don't use or have never used/experienced either weapon in any form, how exactly can you call for a buff or nerf of either? Somehow I have to hit the doubt button that you don't have either.
Lughlongarm wrote: »
BRP weapons and the changes to Steadfast Ward and the changes to evasion were introduced in the same patch( murkmire patch). So you can be 100% that BRP was designed and balanced around to work with a version of Steadfast Ward that cannot synerise with itself. Now it can synerise with itself. That's the difference. This aspect could be reviewed(and perhaps it had been).
Regarding your second question, You are in the PTS forum, so with that in mind, I'll give you the chance to figure it out.