Don't forget there are two sides to this. There are the PvP'ers, and there are the PvE'ers.
Those who are either one or the other will probably never see eye to eye. Only the players who both PvP and PvE are likely to.
josh.lackey_ESO wrote: »It's a zone almost single-mindedly designed for nightblades to gank and bomb people. A "lambs to the slaughter" design. No risk vs reward. Go ganking/bombing with 0 Tal Var, kill some people, deposit in the bank, repeat. No other class can do it because it relies on being able to spam Cloak.
They should disable Cloak in IC. Then it would be interesting.
They should also limit the amount of Tel Var you can get from killing a player to the amount of Tel Var you are carrying.
josh.lackey_ESO wrote: »It's a zone almost single-mindedly designed for nightblades to gank and bomb people. A "lambs to the slaughter" design. No risk vs reward. Go ganking/bombing with 0 Tal Var, kill some people, deposit in the bank, repeat. No other class can do it because it relies on being able to spam Cloak.
They should disable Cloak in IC. Then it would be interesting.
They should also limit the amount of Tel Var you can get from killing a player to the amount of Tel Var you are carrying.
iamkeebler wrote: »What do you enjoy most about Imperial City?
The only time I see groups getting bombed is when they do nothing against bombers. Here are a few things (for groups) that can help with bombers.
1) Impen trait in all your gear
2) Cast the Barrier ulti from Alliance War skill line before you have to stack somewhere (looting a boss, chest or capturing a flag)
3) Sorcerers can put Defensive Rune on themselves so the enemy bomber gets stunned the moment he damages them
4) Necromancers can put a totem down so they'll have an AOE stun that pulses every 2 seconds
5) The speed of capturing a flag is the same no matter how many people you have on it. So you dont have to stay packed on the flag like a can of sardines
I'll edit this comment if I can come up with more ways to prevent bombers
iamkeebler wrote: »I’m laughing a lot during this event over every forum post complaining about imperial City. All the “fixes” for imperial City people keep begging for (remove telvar? Make a PvE zone? Really folks? 😂😂). So I wanted to reach out to the eso community to help explain why Imperial City is awesome the way it is. So sound off below! What do you enjoy most about Imperial City? What made you love this zone? What keeps you coming back? Let’s hear it sewer rats!
For me, I personally love the different style of PvP gameplay that IC requires compared to the game play of Cyrodiil. I love that you can go in solo and sneak about, I love that you can zerg up and sweep the sewers clean. I also really enjoy the feeling when you flush the center out of the opposing factions, reclaim it for your own, and hold it down for hours on end.
Running and seaking solo or sweeping everything in a zerg , taking the center objectives of the map from enemies and keeping it that way for few hours. Sounds so completly "different" then Cyrodill lol. /s
Don't forget there are two sides to this. There are the PvP'ers, and there are the PvE'ers.
Those who are either one or the other will probably never see eye to eye. Only the players who both PvP and PvE are likely to.
MasterSpatula wrote: »I've had plenty of enjoyable PVE experience and enjoyable PVP experiences there, but I've never had a "another player keeps me from completing my objective" experience I would remotely describe as positive. And that definitely includes when one group comes across our group fighting one of the patrolling horrors, kills us, finishes off the horror, and leaves us with the boss on CD and us without credit. I don't consider it a particularly good design decision for that to be possible.
What do you enjoy most about Imperial City?
What keeps you coming back?
iamkeebler wrote: »I’m laughing a lot during this event over every forum post complaining about imperial City. All the “fixes” for imperial City people keep begging for (remove telvar? Make a PvE zone? Really folks? 😂😂). So I wanted to reach out to the eso community to help explain why Imperial City is awesome the way it is. So sound off below! What do you enjoy most about Imperial City? What made you love this zone? What keeps you coming back? Let’s hear it sewer rats!
For me, I personally love the different style of PvP gameplay that IC requires compared to the game play of Cyrodiil. I love that you can go in solo and sneak about, I love that you can zerg up and sweep the sewers clean. I also really enjoy the feeling when you flush the center out of the opposing factions, reclaim it for your own, and hold it down for hours on end.
Artemiisia wrote: »
After I stopped carrying about tal var stones gain, im having a blast in there, lose some win some its all good.
iamkeebler wrote: »
I think really is the trick for full enjoyment in this zone. Don’t stress about telvar and don’t stress about dying. Just expect that you’ll die and lose telvar. It’s part of the experience. Each death is a learning opportunity to get better at navigating that zone in my opinion.