Moonsorrow wrote: »We need permanent bans for those who exploited the duplicate gold. No other choice. I wish ZOS will be strict on this issue. We the majority of players who have to "live" with this economy will support heavy punishments so let that Volendrung hit hard on all exploiters since they made our daily playing a lot less fun.
Who has intentionally abused anything.....? Great post mate - you admit you haven’t got a clue what happened or how guild trader bids work, but you insist on making BS comments anyway. What a prat.
IDK how the guild trader thing worked or which guild got the trader in the end. So i have no idea how much control people had over that.
kate.georgeb16_ESO wrote: »I run a small casual social guild that likes to get a trader if we can, even though most weeks we get outbid and even if I get a trader I'm mostly funding it myself as not a lot of players list stuff. I chucked 1 million of my own cash into the guild bank and made 10 smallish bids. I got 6 mails saying I had won, and a trader showing on our home page. However someone else had the trader. Yes we have about 4 million in the guild bank now but I don't dare spend it in case I get banned for exploiting a bug.
The second guild I am in is a small trading guild. Pretty much the same thing happened to them, except that we have now lost quite a few good member because we've not had a trader two weeks in a row. The whole thing is toxic and it's making people lose interest in the game.
Not spending it because the risk of being banned. Where is your moral.. what about not spending it because it is wrong!
Joke.. i predict that your guild gold will be removed while the people who bought all mats on the server will be allowed to keep the mats. Worst case they might get a 1 week suspension or something...
Not spending it because the risk of being banned. Where is your moral.. what about not spending it because it is wrong!
Joke.. i predict that your guild gold will be removed while the people who bought all mats on the server will be allowed to keep the mats. Worst case they might get a 1 week suspension or something...
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »Moonsorrow wrote: »We need permanent bans for those who exploited the duplicate gold. No other choice. I wish ZOS will be strict on this issue. We the majority of players who have to "live" with this economy will support heavy punishments so let that Volendrung hit hard on all exploiters since they made our daily playing a lot less fun.
Be careful with that. It's not like GMs are interchangeable NPCs. They are "leaders". Many guild members, including in trading guilds, feel committed to their guild(s) and their GMs. Perma-banning GMs (regardless of the moral justification of said sanction) leads to disbanding of ingame communities and many players leaving.
Things are not that simple.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Thanks for everyone’s patience
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »the issues impacting the guild traders from this past weekend were ultimately tied to the overall game load and related processing requests. The cause was a high volume of add-on requests, game server requests, and multi-bid process requests all hitting at once.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Disabling this functionality is the quickest and least impactful way to effectively adjust the overall load on the game. We’re still working on adding the additional safeguards and once we’ve tested it internally, we’ll determine if it’s something we can hotfix or if we’ll need to add it to an incremental patch. We’re also discussing the possibility of moving when guild trader ownership switches to another time that’s outside of primetime hours, but still during a reasonable time.
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »Moonsorrow wrote: »We need permanent bans for those who exploited the duplicate gold. No other choice. I wish ZOS will be strict on this issue. We the majority of players who have to "live" with this economy will support heavy punishments so let that Volendrung hit hard on all exploiters since they made our daily playing a lot less fun.
Be careful with that. It's not like GMs are interchangeable NPCs. They are "leaders". Many guild members, including in trading guilds, feel committed to their guild(s) and their GMs. Perma-banning GMs (regardless of the moral justification of said sanction) leads to disbanding of ingame communities and many players leaving.
Things are not that simple.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Thanks for everyone’s patience while we continue investigating the guild trader and multi-bidding issues that recently occurred on the PC EU server. To give everyone an update, the issues impacting the guild traders from this past weekend were ultimately tied to the overall game load and related processing requests. The cause was a high volume of add-on requests, game server requests, and multi-bid process requests all hitting at once.
As a temporary solution, we’ve disabled the guild history API functionality that addons use on the PC NA and EU servers until we have additional safeguards in place. Disabling this functionality is the quickest and least impactful way to effectively adjust the overall load on the game. We’re still working on adding the additional safeguards and once we’ve tested it internally, we’ll determine if it’s something we can hotfix or if we’ll need to add it to an incremental patch. We’re also discussing the possibility of moving when guild trader ownership switches to another time that’s outside of primetime hours, but still during a reasonable time.
As for the excess gold that some guilds received, we’re currently reviewing which guilds and individuals were affected and will be determining an appropriate course of action soon.
We apologize for the trouble and confusion all this has caused, and appreciate your continued patience.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Thanks for everyone’s patience
What patience are we talking about here ? We're being patient when you say the servers will be upgraded next year. We're patient when you do silly things to races, classes, skills, when you break the most recent class added to the game with bugs, when said bugs go away without being officially patched after several weeks... We're patient with basically EVERYTHING here. So yeah, damn right you can thank us for that. Any business that wouldn't rely on the sunken cost fallacy as much as an online game would have tanked already. Several times.ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »the issues impacting the guild traders from this past weekend were ultimately tied to the overall game load and related processing requests. The cause was a high volume of add-on requests, game server requests, and multi-bid process requests all hitting at once.
Yeah, so ? This is, this should be at least, business as usual. It's not like trade-related server load is anything new. It's been a whole year since server performance has started degrading quite a lot. You guys used some band-aid several times already, and we all have been requesting server upgrades for a while now. We STILL have huge lags for no reason, framerate drops in the middle of nowhere with nothing especially GPU-intensive visible for several seconds, long loading times, returns to the login screen, delays in bar swapping and whatnot... But hey, everything's just fine, server upgrades can wait until 2020, that's our roadmap.
Well, it should be pretty obvious now that no, it can't wait. Sure, in a few days from now on you can expect the WoW crowd to leave and go play Classic. That's a server upgrade by itself : less load, more ressources available for everyone else. Will that be enough ? Wouldn't you want, as a business, to try keeping those customers ? I know new customers provide more income than returning / staying ones, but new customers influx relies on game reputation. You may be "killing it" now, but your reputation won't improve with a flustercluck each and every patch.
Basically, server upgrade has been overdue for months, get to it now. You just admitted your servers can't handle the load, so make them able.ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Disabling this functionality is the quickest and least impactful way to effectively adjust the overall load on the game. We’re still working on adding the additional safeguards and once we’ve tested it internally, we’ll determine if it’s something we can hotfix or if we’ll need to add it to an incremental patch. We’re also discussing the possibility of moving when guild trader ownership switches to another time that’s outside of primetime hours, but still during a reasonable time.
Hey, look, more bandaid.
So, let me see if I get this right. You guys create a game with interface and functionalities so bare that pretty much everyone and their cousin has to use addons fo the most basic things. Like, actually having a minimap, some sort of inventory management tools, proper trade history, and whatnot ; and then you blame those addons we only use because you never provided those functionalities in the first place to be responsible for your shortcomings ? Impressive.
I've been playing MMOs for almost 20 years now. Back in 2002 when I started Anarchy Online, interface could already be customised and things moved around. Every game with any sort of trading system in it I have played over those years always had some form of purchase / sales history. Minimap was pretty much always there, as an option one could toggle as they please.
Your base interface and functionalities would already have been sub-par 10 years ago. BUT at least, you give us tools to do all the work for you, so some people did. And now you blame THEM for doing YOUR job. All the while still not doing your job and not upgrading servers that have really, really needed it for over a year.
And let's talk about your coding, too. How can such a mess even be possible ? Or the previous mess, where Necromancers were stuck in infinite blocking / lost the healing part of their skills / insert many, many other bugs ? Or the desync of AoE attacks and their visual indicators ? You guys manage to break things you don't even touch. That's bringing clumsiness to a whole new level.
I used to work in IT, systems and networks management, back then. So here's how we did work when we had stuff to add to live servers : once whatever it was was coded, we tested it on a specially dedicated test server. It wasn't something fancy like a huge public test server where customers would be able to report bugs, no, just a private server where the team would try the new stuff and see how that goes, as well as roughly checking if something else was broken. THEN, if everything was fine, code was pushed to live. If it wasn't, then back to the dev team.
You guys are trying so hard to push that "year of the dragon" deadline thing, which no one ever asked you for in the first place, by the way, if the in-game year of the dragon was taking one year and a half in the real life no one would have cared... You are trying so hard to push that deadline that you skip the most basic requirement of every upgrade ever : see if it works first.
The way you guys proceed reminds me of some really, really bad companies I've had the displeasure to work for, which tried to cut the costs at every corner by subcontracting some of their code development to really dirt cheap external team. You get what you pay for, so code was crap, and of course they didn't bother testing it before implementing it, leading to us support team to deal with the dungstorm and trying to find workarounds for things that shouldn't have happened in the first place. Which, in the end, causes more loss of money than actually paying some decent people in-house to do some proper coding and testing. The only use of that kind of policy is to shift the blame on the subcontractant. The higher ups rant, we get a new subcontractant, rince, repeat.
Pretty much the same as what you do, come to think of it. Shift the blame on extreme server load caused by addons, when said addons wouldn't even exist in the first place if interface wasn't so devoid of everything, and load that wouldn't even be excessive if the servers were upgraded according to their population.
Seriously, stop that crap. Do some proper coding, and more importantly, do some testing. There is NO WAY something like that could have happened if you had tested your code and if it were running on non-potato servers. If you expected load-related issues, and by now you should expect them all the time, it was easy to simulate by running the testing environnment on a virtual machine for which you gradually reduced allocated ressources until it lags as much as Cyrodiil on a friday night.
You want our money ? Give us good reasons to spend it on you.
And just how did they(GMs)suddenly become gold sellers? Let's remove the tin foil. Most didn't even spend the money and the economy is very stable. They didn't go run off to suddenly become gold sellers. I have to face palm that, Sorry. ZOS dealt with gold selling long ago. It's at an all time low at this point, if it even still exists. We have no more in game advertisements for it either, without them ending with the ban. You going to check with a dubious site that exists to steal credit cards and personal data has zero to do with this topic, and doesn#t make anyone a gold seller. We know a lot of GM's and none are gold sellers. Players aren't going to risk their guilds, accounts, and financial health for some bug in the game. OMG This is so ridiculous.anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »Moonsorrow wrote: »We need permanent bans for those who exploited the duplicate gold. No other choice. I wish ZOS will be strict on this issue. We the majority of players who have to "live" with this economy will support heavy punishments so let that Volendrung hit hard on all exploiters since they made our daily playing a lot less fun.
Be careful with that. It's not like GMs are interchangeable NPCs. They are "leaders". Many guild members, including in trading guilds, feel committed to their guild(s) and their GMs. Perma-banning GMs (regardless of the moral justification of said sanction) leads to disbanding of ingame communities and many players leaving.
Things are not that simple.
On the other side, I checked the various (illegal) Goldseller sites. The price for 1 million gold is currently at about 15, - Euro. This means that the largest repayments, with complete sale, bring the appropriate guild leaders 15000, - Euro to 45000, - Euro. Do you think they are worried about possible / imminent sanctions by ZOS?
Ban the people calling for bans!
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »Moonsorrow wrote: »We need permanent bans for those who exploited the duplicate gold. No other choice. I wish ZOS will be strict on this issue. We the majority of players who have to "live" with this economy will support heavy punishments so let that Volendrung hit hard on all exploiters since they made our daily playing a lot less fun.
Be careful with that. It's not like GMs are interchangeable NPCs. They are "leaders". Many guild members, including in trading guilds, feel committed to their guild(s) and their GMs. Perma-banning GMs (regardless of the moral justification of said sanction) leads to disbanding of ingame communities and many players leaving.
Things are not that simple.
I fail to see myself as an exploiter. If anything I did not swoop in to get me a trader for 10K, wich clearly wasn't meant to be mine. See where I'm going with this? No, ofcourse you don't…..
Run along now…
There aren't even enough facepalm gifs in the world to counter all this stupidity that goes on here.
Sanguinor2 wrote: »
Who has intentionally abused anything.....? Great post mate - you admit you haven’t got a clue what happened or how guild trader bids work, but you insist on making BS comments anyway. What a prat.
Rephrasing it in a way you might understand:
Guildmaster/Guildbank got additional Gold back when they had no Control over it? Not intentionally abusing something they are fine.
Guildmaster/Officers who left all the extra Gold in the bank and did Nothing with it? Not intentionally abusing something they are fine.
Guildmaster/Officers who took an amount that is equal or less to what they would have received back under normal circumstances? Not intentionally abusing something they are fine.
Guildmaster/Officers who know perfectly well that they shouldnt have received that much Gold back yet took it all and started mass buying stuff to resell at higher Prices? Intentionally abusing a bug, AKA exploiting AKA against TOS, Zos is well within their Rights to ban those People for whatever Duration they see fit and/or punish them in another way.
Maybe this clears it up? Im sure there is a majority of guildmasters/officers that didnt exploit this bug, that doesnt mean that those that did should go unpunished.
The guild trader system is a cornerstone of the in-game economy in ESO, but over time the enormous pressure on trading guilds to have a guild trader every single week has led to behaviors which reduce competition and negatively impact trader customers. Tactics employed to ensure guild trader ownership each week, such as the generation of alternate “shadow” guilds to bid on additional locations as well as guild trader speculation and resale through guild dissolution, often lead to fewer traders populated with goods and massive amounts of wasted gold.