I created a necro last night. Just dropped items, not even all slots. No CP, i mean zero, null CP. No knowledge of Necro. Just as any new player would be.
While i liked the new Mannimarco movie sequence how he stole my soul, the rest of the game is now extremely dull. Khenarthis Roost is so hopeless easy. There is this cave where you have to guard that healing spirit from the root eating bugs. The bugs dont even attack anymore. You just stand there watching the quest to update.
Temple of Mourning Springs.. took me 10 minutes to walk though it. No real damage incoming.
Hazak's Hollow.. probably less then 10 minutes. No damage incoming
Cats Eye Quay.. should be the heroic end of the zone. The taste of victory at the end of a zone.. just dull and done in less then 10 minutes.
Alit, Thunderbugs ? no damage. There is no sense of danger left.
I am not a player who wants it hard. Bit this level of easy hurts the storytelling. Even with only light attacking with two swords it was to easy and the buff to 14k HP useless. You wont drop below 12k ever.
I am now level 10 and bored out of my skull.
Khenarthis is a started island. Its supposed to be super easy for brand new players to learn the basics.
Craglirn and the dlc zones will be more challenging.
Unfortunately there is now way for you to unlearn how to play. You might have no cp set, with dropped gear, but you still know the games mechs. You know to LA weave, use dots and spammables.
They're actually the same mobs. A wolf on a starter island will be as strong as any other overland wolf. Same resists, hp, damage, etc.. The challenge in different areas will vary based on factors like the number of mobs, but the mobs themselves have been normalized.
More challenging than a starter island. Not saying they are actually hard.
I would love actually hard overland zones. But how do you make a zone hard for vet trial players, without making it impossible for brand new players?
Crablorn Craglorn is actually easiest zone among any others. One of the story bosses (big manticore) have stupidly impressive 67k hp.Craglirn and the dlc zones will be more challenging.
I would love actually hard overland zones. But how do you make a zone hard for vet trial players, without making it impossible for brand new players?
They're actually the same mobs. A wolf on a starter island will be as strong as any other overland wolf. Same resists, hp, damage, etc.. The challenge in different areas will vary based on factors like the number of mobs, but the mobs themselves have been normalized.
More challenging than a starter island. Not saying they are actually hard.
I would love actually hard overland zones. But how do you make a zone hard for vet trial players, without making it impossible for brand new players?
MartiniDaniels wrote: »And yes it became worse over the year. Boon for being low-level was increased and now food is also buffed, so now you character with no gear is invincible.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
1. that Manimarco sequence is not new. it was there in Beta and I think.. at launch? i know i watched it when I first started playing and thought it was awesome, and that was in Beta.
2. kenarthi's roost is not just starter island its one of the ORIGINAL starter islands. it was easy before one tamriel. it was MEANT to be easy, becasue it was meant to ease you into the game without too much frustration.
3. you will never have the same experience as new player because you. know. how. to play. weaving is only a relatively small part of that. you are familiar with combat in general. you know what stats are good for you and which ones are not. I would wager that dodging and blocking and interrupting is something you do without even thinking, and I would say.. weaving as well. so yes. its easy for you. becasue you are not a new player. and i'm guessing your general skill cap is on a higher end of the spectrum.
4. aside from new player experience there is also that little thing of having different players at different gaming ability levels. its quite possible to have a new player who ends up grasping the game better - faster, then veteran player who has been playing for years. because their gaming abilities differ.
basically. no. leveling wasn't nerfed again. you just got better at this game.
P.S. most new players don't even eat food, or realize that you should. heck, I don't bother eating food when I'm questing through the world on my max level characters. its pretty incredible just how much of a difference, at least in my experience - food can make.
And yet there’s this thread, https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/475042/trying-to-play-legit#latest which seems to suggest the exact opposite.
I suspect that for casual new players the difficulty level is the same as that the OP felt when they started. I know when I stated I found one L19 quest boss so difficult I had to create a totally new character in a different alliance just to carry on playing the game. Now I will happily swat that boss aside, but the boss hasn’t changed.
My L10 necro can help take down dragons and doesn’t die. He went into Spindleclutch and didn’t die, which I’m guessing still isn’t what a new L10 player will experience. Is that because the enemies are useless or because I know how to fight, block, interrupt, dodge and use the occasional skill? And if I do know how to do those things and can execute them properly, shouldn’t the game feel easy?
It’s hard to remember and difficult to acknowledge how poorly we played the game when we started. It’s totally right that the overland questing areas should cater for players who might also be making a start in the game.
MartiniDaniels wrote: »@JKorr
Nobody asked for examples of games harder then ESO overland, it's like 99% of the market I guess.
Plz share example of game of comparable default difficulty, I'm simply curious if such games exist.
Khenarthis is a started island. Its supposed to be super easy for brand new players to learn the basics.
Craglirn and the dlc zones will be more challenging.
Unfortunately there is now way for you to unlearn how to play. You might have no cp set, with dropped gear, but you still know the games mechs. You know to LA weave, use dots and spammables.
However brand new players, if you read some of the forum posts, are *not* having the same experience. People ranted about the difficulty when the game started, ranted about not being able to go anywhere any time, so they changed the game, and One Tamriel happened, so player could go from the starter islands to the last zone and not instantly die. Level scaling happened, and still people are complaining.