I sincerely hope that next year the PvE events in cyro don't give boxes. It's unbelievable how much whining this week has caused from people expecting peace and quite in a friggin war zone. Just do the real PvP dailies if you want rewards, easy fix.
The topic of that thread u are rebutting is geared PvPers going to towns and camping them in numbers so that ungeared, unskilled, new to PvP players are killed almost instantly and cannot even complete what they have originally set out to do. Often it’s involved exploiting the fact there is a loading screen on entering...
Griefing is not PvP!
Good observation as that works well during misuser meyhem.
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ThanatosXR wrote: »>housing people all talk down and belittle pvpers
Oh man I need a good laugh
Housetards spend $200 on fake houses instead of saving it for a irl house by far the stupidest "community" I have ever seen.
For $200 you can by the entire games content all xpac+dlc and buy some coke with the rest
ZeniMax investors are laughing all the way to the bank "well we wanted WOWs customer base instead we got the Sims playerbase"
ThanatosXR wrote: »>housing people all talk down and belittle pvpers
Oh man I need a good laugh
Housetards spend $200 on fake houses instead of saving it for a irl house by far the stupidest "community" I have ever seen.
For $200 you can by the entire games content all xpac+dlc and buy some coke with the rest
ZeniMax investors are laughing all the way to the bank "well we wanted WOWs customer base instead we got the Sims playerbase"
Edirt_seliv wrote: »
See, as a person who also can't justify that kind of money on game content i have wondered this myself.
The conclusion i arrived at is that
In my experience the people who blow shxtloads of cash on in game content are the ones who can simply afford it, and financially are far from being...houstards.
You're sitting here laughing at them for wasting their cash and they're likely sitting here laughing at you (and me)for...well...being poor.
If you're sitting behind a door smacking people who are stuck in a load screen, you're not really top-tier....
SkysOutThizeOut wrote: »[…]but it is pvp. […]
SkysOutThizeOut wrote: »@Mr_Walker that's why it was in "quotes," because it was a rebuttal thread to a thread with that name...
@Marcus684 Not true. It's easier for any player to kill bad players and they'll farm a lot more AP on the initial kills because everyone is generally worth the same if they haven't died in a while. But, yeah door camping is a low blow... so is a lot of things, but it is pvp. And the video I shared, I was in the town and we kept trying to cap the flag to stop the spawn so we could flip it.
Have a wonderful day all of you!
ThanatosXR wrote: »>housing people all talk down and belittle pvpers
Oh man I need a good laugh
Housetards spend $200 on fake houses instead of saving it for a irl house by far the stupidest "community" I have ever seen.
For $200 you can by the entire games content all xpac+dlc and buy some coke with the rest
ZeniMax investors are laughing all the way to the bank "well we wanted WOWs customer base instead we got the Sims playerbase"
They're PVPers, they're in Cyrodiil.
Well that makes Pvdoor skillful then because it is in Cryodiil.