Rebuttal to “top tier pvpers griefing”

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  • Edirt_seliv
    Minno wrote: »

    You mean low MMR BGs?

  • Pain In The Axe
    Pain In The Axe
    These pve shats dont belong in our cyrodil! these gold farming cry baby bois need to be killed over and over again until they go back to craglorn to kill chickens, ghosts, and other brainless NPCs where they belong! And if any of you pvers are reading this and have a problem with our methods then please leave a comment below, so our boys can light you up. dont hold back boys dont hold back.
  • Enkil
    These pve shats dont belong in our cyrodil! these gold farming cry baby bois need to be killed over and over again until they go back to craglorn to kill chickens, ghosts, and other brainless NPCs where they belong! And if any of you pvers are reading this and have a problem with our methods then please leave a comment below, so our boys can light you up. dont hold back boys dont hold back.

    LMAO.. oh are u some big tough PvPer?

    /commentingbelow :D (where do I go to get lit!?!)

    It’s so hilarious how in ESO some in the Cyro crowd shun the PvE crowd as if they are some foreign people. This game’s PvP is the most Care-bear version of PvP there is in mmo’s. People farm AP from other players (as if they are mobs) but mostly from PvE and think they’re some elite force... Zerging has been rewarded and encouraged by the developers, and (the kicker) the winning/leading faction gets buffs rather than the underdogs, etc.

    As far as pure PvP development goes.. ESO took the carebear / PvE path after just one year... long ago and it is now mostly a carebear game. Anyone pretending to be some hardcore PvPer in order to demean other ESO players that prefer PvE is the epitome of hypocrisy. Please get a clue.

    We all continue to play the game because we like it/the Elder Scrolls universe/etc. Unfortunately, this game is NOT at all designed for competitive PvP gameplay.

    Edited by Enkil on April 24, 2019 7:01AM
  • Ackwalan
    These pve shats dont belong in our cyrodil! these gold farming cry baby bois need to be killed over and over again until they go back to craglorn to kill chickens, ghosts, and other brainless NPCs where they belong! And if any of you pvers are reading this and have a problem with our methods then please leave a comment below, so our boys can light you up. dont hold back boys dont hold back.

    Have a snickers, you get salty when you have sand in your shorts.

  • xaraan
    Toxic pver’s, farmers, and housing people all talk down and belittle pvpers when they try to show interest in those things. You don’t just let the new pvpers into your trials, they have to meet a litany of requirements or dps tests and even then... but it’s understandable, because that’s the content. Same can be said for PvP

    And now you knowingly enter the domain that is pvp to farm for items to earn a fake outfit. And you want it handed to you, you want it freely, you don’t want to earn it. You don’t want to learn how to survive, to learn how to pvp. You don’t plan to come back. You are just entering this zone to feed an addiction. A zone that has litttle to offer, besides an experience that many of us enjoy. Then you call us “griefers” because you chose to enter our area and don’t want to play the game you entered.

    You pvers don’t want to pvp. If you did you wouldn’t pvdoor zerg the map and saturate it so that it’s all one color and one faction pop locked. If you wanted to pvp you wouldn’t attempt to jump off cliffs or towers to prevent a pvper from the killing blow. Climb the tower in crops and attempt to jump off rather than fight to only learn you can’t jump off that tower... lol you never planned to pvp at all...

    You don’t have to pvp to get top tier pve gear. PvPers have to pve to get the best pvp gear though and we have to earn it and figure it out. You are coming here for an item you may never even use.

    We will take advantage of the opportunity to earn easy ap, to see how many bad pvers it takes to bring us down, and to kill as many as we can with the best kdr we can because we are playing for an experience.

    Just like we pvpers don’t get a free ride in your trials, you’ll not get a free ride in our campaigns, where the name of the game is Player vs Player.

    OK, as a guy that PvPs plenty, I have to call BS on this whole attitude. I know it's a huge circle jerk, but fact is, it's just not true to the spirit of what PvPers are doing. This may just apply to 99% of what I see, so maybe whoever is reading this that PvPs will know it doesn't apply to them, but I bet you've seen the same things happening on every alliance among many players.

    I've actually gone to a lot of these towns that are already owned by my alliance to find some small scale fights with the pvpers that are there to 'fight' and not for the quests. And I can tell you - they aren't there to 'fight', they are there to grief PvErs.

    You're not wrong that players should put a build together and all that, but let's not act like they are "entering your arena and pvpers are taking them on easily b/c they are out of their element. Now, gankers will gank, so I'm not knocking that and I do know of a couple players that are good at 1vX even against players that know PvP. But that's not what I see here. I've seen small groups of PvPers fighting smaller groups of PvErs or even single players. I've watched several different pairs and groups turn tail and run as soon as someone that has a build or PvP knowledge shows up to challenge them. I've seen PvPers pile into a quest house to kill players as a group as those PvErs enter one at a time (which will result in death usually whether you have PvP or PvE gear on) and they aren't getting a "farm" going so it's not about AP, they aren't taking the town back, etc. They are just there to grief.

    If I saw a bunch of 1v1s or zerg v zergs where PvErs were having to properly pvp and take objectives you'd have a point, but I'm seeing organized, decently skilled pvpers that I recognize ganging up on players they should normally be able to beat alone in towns that they usually ignore in PvP. I've seen them sitting there waiting to kill the same few people that don't reward AP over and over. I guess the whole speech works against PvErs that might think "that's fair I guess" or ZoS who don't play the game enough. But anyone that knows PvP can easily see that this is an excuse to grief. They aren't getting fun from challenging fights, or earning decent rewards. 99% of the time it's just pvpers griefing and hiding behind the pvp excuse.

    Edited by xaraan on April 24, 2019 6:48AM
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • sionIV
    CP5 wrote: »
    ... Did you call housing people toxic?

    They are the worst of the bunch! *raises fist in anger*
  • NeroBad
    I do pvp regularly with some breaks here and there. I don't mind fighting and dying sometimes during cyro quests, also you can grief indoor or outdoor quest givers its not prohibited, but as much as you despise pve players I despise your arrogant tone @SkysOutThizeOut

    Have your revenge for your inferiority complex, in the meantime I enjoy the game without hatred against dozens of people.
  • SkysOutThizeOut
    As I pointed out to one, I specifically said “Toxic pvers, etc... talk down and belittle...” I did not say all. I said a specific kind.

    You mistake an opposing perspective for arrogance because you choose not to understand it, or maybe you can’t.

    No one attacked you, your values, your character, or attempted to belittle you. What you read was an explanation, an opinion... but you attacked me, and asserted an assumption on my character because I play the name of the game, player vs player. Forums is meant for discussion not assault on character. I may not seem civil killing you cyrodiil where it’s deemed appropriate by ZOS, but at least I know how to be civil here.

    @xaraan 1/2/3 v 20ing is very challenging and fun. I go in to relive the old days of being able to 1vX pre-cwc for the challenge. Because that type of gameplay is not offered. If the towns were meant to be pvp objectives they’d not be fast travelable and they wouldn’t be capturable. Why can’t everyone understand they enter into a contract to die to any player any time when they enter cyrodiil because it’s player vs player. It’s like me attempting to justify raging when I get zerged tryig to small scale.
  • NeroBad
    As I pointed out to one, I specifically said “Toxic pvers, etc... talk down and belittle...” I did not say all. I said a specific kind.

    You mistake an opposing perspective for arrogance because you choose not to understand it, or maybe you can’t.

    No one attacked you, your values, your character, or attempted to belittle you. What you read was an explanation, an opinion... but you attacked me, and asserted an assumption on my character because I play the name of the game, player vs player. Forums is meant for discussion not assault on character. I may not seem civil killing you cyrodiil where it’s deemed appropriate by ZOS, but at least I know how to be civil here.

    @SkysOutThizeOut : "You pvers don’t want to pvp. If you did you wouldn’t pvdoor zerg the map and saturate it so that it’s all one color and one faction pop locked. If you wanted to pvp you wouldn’t attempt to jump off cliffs or towers to prevent a pvper from the killing blow. Climb the tower in crops and attempt to jump off rather than fight to only learn you can’t jump off that tower... lol you never planned to pvp at all..

    I attacked your tone, and this kind of answer just strengthen my opinion. The discussion also could be about the tone of the discussion, and yes as I said you can try to kill me in Cyro as it is a PvP zone I dont mind.

  • Jaimeh

    We will take advantage of the opportunity to earn easy ap, to see how many bad pvers it takes to bring us down, and to kill as many as we can with the best kdr we can because we are playing for an experience.

    Just like we pvpers don’t get a free ride in your trials, you’ll not get a free ride in our campaigns, where the name of the game is Player vs Player.

    What kind of an experience are you getting by one-shotting some poor dude in light armour? What's the satisfaction there, besides easy AP gain to flex whatever AP-related muscle? It's especially shady when it happens in the campains that were opened specifically for this event. Also, you can't compare trials and Cyro town questing as being the same ride: showing a courtesy by leaving PvE-ers who are clueless about PvP, to complete the quest and go, means they get their boxes, and that is that, showing a courtesy by allowing PvP-ers who are clueless about a trial, to join it, means it will likely not get completed, thereby messing the entire group. It's not the same thing, and attitudes like these are the reason I skipped this week entirely.
  • Sgt_Skittles
    Soul Shriven
    As much as I'd agree with the sentiment of "they come to a PvP zone, so they can't complain." They know the risks of going into a PvP zone. They know that around every corner a better player could be hiding. And that is a great thing. It makes Cyrodiil the place it is. However I cannot help but sigh at the justifications. PvE'ers as well as PvP'ers are not homogeneous groups. The problem is you're not targeting the ones that wronged you, you target completely at random and indiscriminately without regard to the other player. And that's fine, you're in PvP. If I see someone, I'll go after em just like I expect from everyone else. We both know why we're in PvP and have agreed to the playstyle. However, it's still a game. If you harbor hate or are simply that vengeful that just because someone did A, you do B I'd say that's absolutely not an excuse.

    Play nice, play fair. You'd expect the same from the other. Justifications are everywhere to be found for everything but they're still just that, justifications for bad behavior. If you are going out of your way to weed the questing lawn purely because you are resentful for what someone did at some point, instead of just playing the game and look for a good fight, you're no better than the toxic PvE'ers that wronged you.
  • malicia
    I can't really say I'm a PvPer. I play it often enough to have reached alliance rank 24, so while I play in Cyro quite often, I'm just another warden fighting along the edges of the zerg.

    My only gripe with players coming in for the event rewards is those who do so on pop locked campaign, and then ask us to capture towns for them. Some of us are trying our little bit to play the campaign, and the event is skewing the usual flow of Cyro a bit at times.
    PC, EU
    Not elite, not the best. Just enjoying ESO.
    Not the worst either. "Casual" != "totally ignorant"
  • SkysOutThizeOut
    @NeroBad you clearly do mind or you wouldn’t be here and wouldn’t appear emotional
  • SkysOutThizeOut
    @Sgt_Skittles you all act as if I’m only killing people in load screens. You act as if I’m zerging. You act as if I don’t let people get a pass after I’ve killed them 1 to a few times. The point is, I’m not going to change my gameplay or deny myself a different kind of challenge and area to fight in, in pvp because people want to quest freely and don’t want to pvp.

    Just because I don’t want to be zerged down when I small scale doesn’t mean other shouldn’t or can’t do it. Just because I want a carry in a trial doesn’t mean I’m entitled to it.

    This all appears to be about entitlement. Being entitled to something you don’t necessarily deserve.
  • SkysOutThizeOut
    @Jaimeh the whole point of PLAYER VS PLAYER is to take out all who are not on your team. When you play any FPS, no one takes it easy on anyone. In runescape you risked it all and lost it all on your character. You LOSE nothing except time. The whole point of player vs player is to kill the other team, that’s why player vs player is a thing.

    I’ll be damned if I don’t do right by the Aldmeri Dominion and capture those towns on the fringes to provide ways to get behind enemy lines and to deny enemy movement. As a small scaler, I’ll be damned if I don’t raid and cause chaos in zone chat, denying effective communications. I’ll be damned if I can’t redirect enemy forces to my position to provide freedom of movement to my fellow AD so they may more easily take or defend a keep.

    It’s all about perspective.
  • frozywozy
    I just have one thing to say regarding this subject. They should not open additional campaigns only to allow a certain faction to entirely dominate one campaign with max pop VS low pop for other factions and have every faction do the same on different campaigns to complete their quests happily in peace without any form of PvP.

    Once again, ZOS needs to start working on a system of dynamic population and have the system automatically open new campaigns at the current ones get populated. In the meantime, they should manually add campaigns progressively (one at a time) and make sure that there is action with similar population for all factions before opening a new one.

    This way there would be no buff campaign and easy reward being distributed to pve-ers during a pvp event.
    Edited by frozywozy on April 24, 2019 11:54AM
    Frozn - Stamdk - AR50
    Frosted - Magplar - AR50
    Frodn - Magden - AR50
    Warmed - Magblade - AR50
    Mmfrozy - Magsorc - AR44
    Necrozn - Magcro - AR32
    PvP Group Builds

    “Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, and great minds discuss ideas.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
    • Fix Volendrung (spawn location - weapon white on the map causing the wielder to keep it forever - usable with emperorship)
    • Remove / Change CPs System, remove current CP/noCP campaigns and introduce one 30days with lock, one with no locks
    • Fix crashes when approaching a keep under attack because of bad / wrong rendering prioritization system
    • Change emperorship to value faction score points and not alliance points - see this and this
    • Fix long loading screens (mostly caused by players joining group out of rendering range)
    • Add 2 more quickslots to the wheel or add a different wheel for sieges weaponry only
    • Fix Balista Bolts not dealing damage on walls or doors if deployed at a certain place
    • Release bigger battlegrounds with 8 to 16 players per team and only two teams
    • Fix the permanent block animation - see examples : link1 link2 link3 link4 link5
    • Gives players 10 minutes to get back into Cyrodiil after relogging / crashing
    • Add a function to ignore the Claiming system of useless rewards
    • Improve the Mailing System / Rewards of the Worthy stacking
    • Assign specific group sizes to specific campaigns (24-16-8)
    • Make forward camps impossible to place near objectives
    • Make snares only available from ground effects abilities
    • Change emperorship to last minimum 24hours
    • Fix body sliding after cc breaking too quickly
    • Remove Block Casting through Battle Spirit
    • Fix the speed drop while jumping - see video
    • Fix loading screens when keeps upgrade
    • Fix Rams going crazy (spinning around)
    • Bring back dynamic ulti regeneration
    • Fix speed bug (abilities locked)
    • Introduce dynamic population
    • Lower population cap by 20%
    • Add Snare Immunity potions
    • Bring resurrection sickness
    • Fix character desync
    • Fix cc breaking bug
    • Fix gap closer bug
    • Fix health desync
    • Fix combat bug
    • Fix streak bug
    • Fix server lag
  • JTorus
    frozywozy wrote: »
    I just have one thing to say regarding this subject. They should not open additional campaigns only to allow a certain faction to entirely dominate one campaign with max pop VS low pop for other factions and have every faction do the same on different campaigns to complete their quests happily in peace without any form of PvP.

    Once again, ZOS needs to start working on a system of dynamic population and have the system automatically open new campaigns at the current ones get populated. In the meantime, they should manually add campaigns progressively (one at a time) and make sure that there is action with similar population for all factions before opening a new one.

    This way there would be no buff campaign and easy reward being distributed to pve-ers during a pvp event.

  • The_Lex
    If this years' event, and the related hostility, has demonstrated anything, it's that PvE and PvP SHOULD be separated in terms of balance, content, and events. They are two separate games with two separate mindsets with strong feelings on either side.

    I know ZOS said they won't separate them but still...

    DISCLAIMER: I actively PvP on the nights my trials progression guild isn't running. So, yeah, I do both.

    Edited by The_Lex on April 24, 2019 12:29PM
  • Sgt_Skittles
    Soul Shriven
    @Sgt_Skittles you all act as if I’m only killing people in load screens. You act as if I’m zerging. You act as if I don’t let people get a pass after I’ve killed them 1 to a few times. The point is, I’m not going to change my gameplay or deny myself a different kind of challenge and area to fight in, in pvp because people want to quest freely and don’t want to pvp.

    Just because I don’t want to be zerged down when I small scale doesn’t mean other shouldn’t or can’t do it. Just because I want a carry in a trial doesn’t mean I’m entitled to it.

    This all appears to be about entitlement. Being entitled to something you don’t necessarily deserve.

    You completely missed my point. Never in my reply have I said anything about zerging or how you're oh so bad for doing this. Have you even read my post? I honestly doubt you did. If you did you'd have known I completely agree that you absolutely should be able to do it and there's no foul in it. You enter PvP, don't be surprised you get killed. It's the name of the game. Only thing I'm against is the reasoning of the justification as to why. It's a "Someone once did something bad to me, therefore I'm gonna do the same thing to these completely unrelated people". It's petty and childish. There is no need for that or any justifications as to why you kill someone. It's PvP. No one needs to have to explain why they kill someone. It's PvP. Enough reason. There is no negative effect to being killed.

    TLDR: PvP good, being petty bad. Same as teabagging. It's childish. Just kill and be killed without the rest. No need to be childish and only do A because someone once did B. Do A because it's PvP and you happened to be there.
  • SkysOutThizeOut
    @Sgt_Skittles and I’m just saying I’m not pvping to be petty. I’m just pvping because it’s what I do. Not the pvpers fault others think they’re being petty when they’re not.
    Edited by SkysOutThizeOut on April 24, 2019 2:26PM
  • Cadbury
    MFW I'm reading these posts

    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • Dunning_Kruger
    OOOhhh just had @SkysOutThizeOut and the bois take bruma back for the Nords from about 20 filthy questers last night.... SMH stay outta THE NORTH
    A G G R O - the legendary stamplar GM of <HALL MONITORS>

    For the Queen bby
  • NeroBad
    @NeroBad you clearly do mind or you wouldn’t be here and wouldn’t appear emotional

    @SkysOutThizeOut Oh I read many posts on the forum when nothing happening at work, and I replied yours because It had a bad attitude for me, but I hope in the end most of us have a good experience in the game. Take care
  • xaraan
    As I pointed out to one, I specifically said “Toxic pvers, etc... talk down and belittle...” I did not say all. I said a specific kind.

    You mistake an opposing perspective for arrogance because you choose not to understand it, or maybe you can’t.

    No one attacked you, your values, your character, or attempted to belittle you. What you read was an explanation, an opinion... but you attacked me, and asserted an assumption on my character because I play the name of the game, player vs player. Forums is meant for discussion not assault on character. I may not seem civil killing you cyrodiil where it’s deemed appropriate by ZOS, but at least I know how to be civil here.

    @xaraan 1/2/3 v 20ing is very challenging and fun. I go in to relive the old days of being able to 1vX pre-cwc for the challenge. Because that type of gameplay is not offered. If the towns were meant to be pvp objectives they’d not be fast travelable and they wouldn’t be capturable. Why can’t everyone understand they enter into a contract to die to any player any time when they enter cyrodiil because it’s player vs player. It’s like me attempting to justify raging when I get zerged tryig to small scale.

    I have yet to see any 1/2/3 v 20ing from pvpers lol. I've seen 4-8 man pvp groups killing pver's 1-2 at a time for the most part. Even saw a group of 4 red and 6 blue working together to fight singles one day and not attacking each other. So they were not there for pvp, they were there to grief pve'rs.

    Trust me, I know how fun fighting larger groups with smaller can be - that's mostly what I've done in cyro, and I'm sure there have been a few instances of it. But for the large majority of what I've encountered while looking for fights - it aint that. I also know towns were added as an objective, but we all know they are just convenient spawn points for the most part and they aren't being treated as pvp objectives for this event by pvpers, they aren't even trying to flip the towns.

    As I said, I'm sure there are exceptions, but I'm not talking about some random incident as an example. I've been in everyday looking for small fights and relaying what I've seen. Closest thing is seeing a pair of players trying to kite out 2-4 players to burst them down, which is normal fighting, but they also streak/cloak away at the sign of any real pvpers that they can't get alone and 2v1.

    If they were there to truly pvp, play objectives, etc. I'd be on your side. But we both know that's not why they are there.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • SkysOutThizeOut
    @xaraan those people your referring to are the resident zerglings. I deal with them more frequently when questers aren’t there.

    And don’t worry. Because boy do I have a video for you. :smile: it was fun. It was slightly challenging. And it was very intense and long 😉as far as fights go.
  • xaraan
    @xaraan those people your referring to are the resident zerglings. I deal with them more frequently when questers aren’t there.

    And don’t worry. Because boy do I have a video for you. :smile: it was fun. It was slightly challenging. And it was very intense and long 😉as far as fights go.

    As I said, I'm sure it has happened. In fact, I never questioned that and even accounted for that fact from my very first post. But we both know that's not the norm. And we both know the resident zerglings I'm talking about are most of what is pvp and probably what most pver's encounter.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • msalvia
    I sincerely hope that next year the PvE events in cyro don't give boxes. It's unbelievable how much whining this week has caused from people expecting peace and quite in a friggin war zone. Just do the real PvP dailies if you want rewards, easy fix.
  • Sevn
    That was an awesome post! Explains why pvp is so reviled by most in ESO. Most don't pvp in ESO for the competition, just easy kills to stroke ego.
    There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man, true nobility is being superior to your former self
  • SkysOutThizeOut
    @Sevn again with the assumptions... it’s the challenge of fighting other players, various player types, various group sizes larger than my own, skilled players, bad players, any player. It’s about going to the action. It’s about player vs player because you can’t control that variable, the player or the other players that show.

    The challenge with questers wasn’t to 1v1 or zerg them, but to fight the largest group of them possible.

    How come no one understands what player vs player is?...

    It’s obvious the ones who don’t pvp, don’t like competition or being made to compete in a contract they entered when they que’d.
    Edited by SkysOutThizeOut on April 24, 2019 9:40PM
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