Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

PTS Update 22 - Feedback Thread for Necromancer

  • Pallio
    Will the necro suffer the same bait and switch nerfs the warden received after launch?
  • vesselwiththepestle
    Pallio wrote: »
    Will the necro suffer the same bait and switch nerfs the warden received after launch?

    Supposedly it will be nerfed before launch, I've read somewhere that it is intentionally too strong now and will be adjusted in the upcoming PTS patches. Although according to some this is only true for Stam Necro, while Mag Necro seems to be mediocre? Also no clue how this approach will work for tanks and healers.
    Edited by vesselwiththepestle on April 19, 2019 11:20AM
    1000+ CP
    PC/EU Ravenwatch Daggerfall Covenant

    Give me my wings back!
  • Ahlteffour
    General question for those playing Necro on PTS.

    The siphon ability for the grave lord skill tree. It states that it does damage to all enemies around the corpse and between you and the corpse. How big is the damage radius around the corpse approximately?
    "Anyone can identify a problem. It takes hard work, dedication, patience and understanding to be a positive part of the solution"
  • highkingnm

    Agree on the disagree, please don't use the new trial dummy as a baseline... it's bugged to stack engulfing flames each time it's killed, so if you're hitting it with a flame damage skill (Stalking Blastbones) that's bugged to crit 100% of the time (Stalking Blastbones) and you've killed the thing a few times, of course the numbers are going to start getting silly!

    We were aware of the bug so we’re doing fresh parses to test it. As in removing then replacing. That means contrasting what we are getting on live builds on it and on stam and mag mancers. Most people in my guilds have been getting higher numbers and better sustain on Magmancer and stammancer. Can’t speak to PvP, not tried it and am going only on my experience and those of guildees, but the complexity of stammancer and the need to take more breaks in DPS to create corpses has left everyone I know with a clear 3/4K DPS difference between stammancer and Magmancer. It may be that stammancer has a higher ceiling than Magmancer of course and that, as a fairly casual raid guild, we aren’t approaching that yet. Whatever happens, a Magmancer sustain nerf is needed.
  • swickelb16_ESO
    What are your favorite and least Necromancer abilities, and why?

    - Good: Blastbones, good skill, unique, great optik, feels good. Bad about it it the time it needs. Cast time should be reduced to 1 sec.
    - Bad: Most of the healing and tank skills. Worst: Bitter Harvest, useless, plain and simple. The Necro lacks buffs, why not change this skill here to give you crit/spell dmg for using a corpse? Most every other class can self buff crit/spell dmg.

    Do the Necromancer’s visuals and themes feel unique compared to other classes?
    - yes

    Do the Necromancer’s abilities and playstyle feel unique compared to other classes?

    Did you enjoy the Necromancer’s corpse generation/corpse spending gameplay?
    - no, the corpses need to be useable much longer, maybe double the time for them. as it is, can can barely manage to utelise one corpse.
    - coprse mechanic fells clunky and is hard to use if you have to move often
    - especially Restoring Tether is useless, as it is really unlikely that you will get the group between you and the corpse. maybe the tank and one member of the group, but not more. and this after you first need a corpse and must get a good place to stay. If you have to move, the gruoup must again move with you ... just not a good skill in this form

    Did you receive a bounty for using “Criminal Act” Necromancer abilities in towns? If so, what are your thoughts on the experience?
    - yes

    Were you aware certain Necromancer abilities were considered “Criminal Acts” prior to using these abilities in towns?
    - yes
    Does the Necromancer feel faithful to established lore and themes in The Elder Scrolls?

    Do you plan on playing a Necromancer as your new “main” character when Update 22 goes live?
    - I would like to, but after playing the class on the ptr, I do not think so anymore, the playstyle is not fluid and many skills seem to be useless or subpar compared to other classes

    Do you have any other general feedback?
    - To make the class remotely playable and fun, increase the time a corpse can be used, including those from the necro spells.
    - For me, a necromancer should be more of a summoner / curser. I really miss one or more dots. I would have liked to see more debufs on the enemies. In this case, there would also be no reason for adding crit/dmg buffs. Also reannimate a fallen enemy would have been nice.
    - The dmg seems lacking as well. Compared to my live chars, I need more time for a kill and I have mope CP an the testserver. Over all, stam seems a bit stronger as mag, but for me, a necro is a caster. I would not miss the stam morphs, if you remove them ...
    Edited by swickelb16_ESO on April 19, 2019 12:26PM
  • BluntLightsaber
    highkingnm wrote: »
    We were aware of the bug so we’re doing fresh parses to test it. As in removing then replacing. That means contrasting what we are getting on live builds on it and on stam and mag mancers. Most people in my guilds have been getting higher numbers and better sustain on Magmancer and stammancer. Can’t speak to PvP, not tried it and am going only on my experience and those of guildees, but the complexity of stammancer and the need to take more breaks in DPS to create corpses has left everyone I know with a clear 3/4K DPS difference between stammancer and Magmancer. It may be that stammancer has a higher ceiling than Magmancer of course and that, as a fairly casual raid guild, we aren’t approaching that yet. Whatever happens, a Magmancer sustain nerf is needed.

    Ah, fair enough, I've been messing around a lot and because of the pet crit bug it's easy to build for crazy numbers. We're talking Spell Strat + Siroria + Shadow(would normally be thief but Blastbones is 100% crit rate so the extra crit is wasted) resulting in 64-65k against the 3 mil and 87-90k against the Atro first parse as well, but I'm conscious of the damage inflation because of that. Magicka counterparts generally have a much lower native crit so are benefitting more from the bug, which might be why you're having more success there at the moment?

    As for sustain, you're probably right, I think the difference between having resource return on a damage skill (Mystic Siphon) as opposed to a more survivability oriented skill (Siphoning Strikes/Channeled Focus) is great for parsing and means that there is no trade off between increased DPS and improved sustain.
  • Ragnaroek93
    This class is hilarious overpowered? What did you smoke when you created this?
    I used to think that PvP was a tragedy, but now I realize, it's a comedy.
  • titaniumdust
    I tested both magicka and stamina necromancer.

    What are your favorite and least Necromancer abilities, and why?
    I like the summoned skeleton and ghost. I like pets in general. I also like that the armor ability has a sustain utility built into it so I have a reason to use it over balance. I like that the stamina versions of abilities seem to have a theme of encouraging you not to recast your abilities early. It makes it feel different from the magicka version. It's nice that all the passives feel useful for both magicka and stamina. I also like the skull attack, but I will say that weaving with it felt awkward because of the different animations. The flesh golem ultimate was a letdown. The major vulnerability was too short to matter much. Maybe it would be better in a raid with many necromancers.

    Do the Necromancer’s visuals and themes feel unique compared to other classes?
    Yes. The colors work well together. The one issue is that the graveyard sometimes doesn't render on uneven ground, and it just looks like a frost circle.

    Do the Necromancer’s abilities and playstyle feel unique compared to other classes?
    For the most part. I would describe necromancer as a cross between warden and sorcerer. The tether mechanic is unique and gives you a lot to think about. I feel like I have to prioritize my abilities a bit differently than I would in other classes because of the corpse generation and the fact that the corpses disappear after a couple seconds.

    Did you enjoy the Necromancer’s corpse generation/corpse spending gameplay?

    Did you receive a bounty for using “Criminal Act” Necromancer abilities in towns? If so, what are your thoughts on the experience?
    No, because I didn't try it. If the whole justice system was removed from the game, I wouldn't care. Accidentally casting a necromancer ability in town will be just like accidentally stealing crusty bread from a shop you want to talk to: an annoyance. I don't see how the necromancer abilities are any more sinister than daedra summoning or the dark/blood magic that nightblades use, and this game will never be immersive as long as orcs in pink bath towels ride flaming guars through the middle of town. I think the bounty system is pointless.

    Were you aware certain Necromancer abilities were considered “Criminal Acts” prior to using these abilities in towns?

    Does the Necromancer feel faithful to established lore and themes in The Elder Scrolls?
    Yes. Their summons are basic in a good way.

    Do you plan on playing a Necromancer as your new “main” character when Update 22 goes live?
    No, but I will play it.

    Do you have any other general feedback?
    Stamina necromancer is powerful, but in my opinion doesn't feel good to use. Using mortal coil and detonating siphon as a stamcro felt very awkward. 12 seconds is very short for a sustain ability (compared to netch, rune focus, etc). In addition you need to make sure you have a corpse for both tethers, so you have to keep your two 12 second abilities on separate timers to ensure you have corpses up. Stamcro sustain seems much more difficult than magicka sustain. Alternatively, I tried not using mortal coil and slotting modify and expunge for the cost reduction. This simplified the rotation a little bit, but I felt like I was being cheated out of my sustain tool. I like that there are so many stamina options available to the class, but the corpses and timers on the abilities made it feel like the rotation was all over the place. Coil and siphon are on 12s timers, but can't be cast one after the other because of the corpses. The tethers need to be cast as soon as they are up so the corpses don't disappear. Siphon and skeletal archer shouldn't be cast early. Blastbones needs priority. PI and trap should be bar swap canceled. There's a lot going on. I got better dps than my other stamina characters, but I don't know if it was worth it. Stamcro made my fingers sore, probably from bar swapping every 3 seconds so consistently. I think it's fine that the rotation is difficult, but at the same time there must be some way to streamline this a bit.
  • luen79rwb17_ESO
    Improve the skeletal mage animation please. Make it so it looks like a vicious attack or something. Swinging its arms up does not look menacing, evil, foul. It looks dump.

    V16 sorc - V16 temp - V16 dk - V1 nb - V1 temp - V1 dk
  • xMovingTarget
    More of a bug report.

    Stalking Blastbones Kills friendly players in group. What causes this, I am not sure.


    This is from a random sunpire
  • Aiko
    Not really important.. but on the visual side.

    I feel like the Scythe Ability looks a little bit weak.. should get a bit more weight behind the swipe and maybe swipe at an angle - like from upper right to lower left.
    As to the weight.. i know the animations have to be somewhat fast for competitive play but would be nice if the necromancer would take a swing like as if he/she would swing a baseball bat or golf club.

    Also think it would be cool if Inferno staffs would have a blue flames when used by necromancers..

    The Bone Armor also looks a bit.. floaty. Like a Backpack really.. dunno if that is intended but would look much cooler if the bones would grow out of the body.

    I'm convincted that proper visuals enhance the gameplay immensely.. aka.. more fun.

    As i said.. probably not the most important thing for most people but i thought i mention it anyway.
    Fast is fine, but accurate is final.
  • Aiko
    Seems like we can't edit comments..

    I forgot to mention that the scythe itself could look a bit more menacing.. not like we stole it from the farmer next door. :D
    Darksiders 2 has a lot of good scythes - could be used as reference.
    Fast is fine, but accurate is final.
  • highkingnm
    highkingnm wrote: »
    We were aware of the bug so we’re doing fresh parses to test it. As in removing then replacing. That means contrasting what we are getting on live builds on it and on stam and mag mancers. Most people in my guilds have been getting higher numbers and better sustain on Magmancer and stammancer. Can’t speak to PvP, not tried it and am going only on my experience and those of guildees, but the complexity of stammancer and the need to take more breaks in DPS to create corpses has left everyone I know with a clear 3/4K DPS difference between stammancer and Magmancer. It may be that stammancer has a higher ceiling than Magmancer of course and that, as a fairly casual raid guild, we aren’t approaching that yet. Whatever happens, a Magmancer sustain nerf is needed.

    Ah, fair enough, I've been messing around a lot and because of the pet crit bug it's easy to build for crazy numbers. We're talking Spell Strat + Siroria + Shadow(would normally be thief but Blastbones is 100% crit rate so the extra crit is wasted) resulting in 64-65k against the 3 mil and 87-90k against the Atro first parse as well, but I'm conscious of the damage inflation because of that. Magicka counterparts generally have a much lower native crit so are benefitting more from the bug, which might be why you're having more success there at the moment?

    As for sustain, you're probably right, I think the difference between having resource return on a damage skill (Mystic Siphon) as opposed to a more survivability oriented skill (Siphoning Strikes/Channeled Focus) is great for parsing and means that there is no trade off between increased DPS and improved sustain.

    Really it does come down, I think, to this sustain issue. Having to do restoring tether and siphon as stamcro means less DPS or lower uptimes, whereas I get the bonus of both in one skill with higher uptimes as Magcro. Either giving stam back from the other morph of siphon or moving mag return to the mag form of tether would balance it. Given it is OP atm I think latter is better.

    The crit chance could explain a lot too. I’ll probably re-evaluate it once bugs are fixed but making sure sustain is similar for mag and stam is quite important. Both magcro and my healer have near 100% resources constantly when at full pelt. Just did a dungeon with full on heals and good DPS and not a single doubt about resources. If there’s no need to manage resources, Necromancer will be the unquestionable best at all roles as there’s no trade off.
  • EmtNOLA
    What are your favorite and least Necromancer abilities, and why?
      Favorite Abilities:
      • Frozen Colossus (both morphs): A quick-hitting damage + huge enemy debuff that has a high Ult. cost and immediate impact. I like the bursty nature of this Ult. and its short-duration debuff that rewards timing and placement while maximizing group damage. High Ult. Cost + Short duration feels a fair balance.
      Least Favorite Abilities:
      • Restoring Tether and Shocking Siphon (and their morphs): These abilities have potential and greatly fit the theme but require strong positioning and timing to utilize corpses. The significant drawback to either ability is that maximizing duration and impact requires a significant amount of time (time to move into position, time before a corpse becomes unusable) and bar-space that is deserving of greater reward for the skill (and, honestly, luck) needed to use effectively during a highly-mobile encounter

      Do the Necromancer’s visuals and themes feel unique compared to other classes?
        The visuals and themes overall feel unique compared to other classes, with the exception of some of the tethering effects that resemble Warden abilities like Nature’s Grasp and the use of runes/summons that have a a familiar yet distinct look.
      Do the Necromancer’s abilities and playstyle feel unique compared to other classes?
        The playstyle is unique in the heavy reliance on corpses for activating skills, however there are familiar skill uses found elsewhere (Repentance for Templars requires corpses). The heavy reliance on corpses does make the playstyle dynamic - which can be fun when timing and available corpses are in your favor and frustrating when corpses (and easy-to-kill adds) are unavailable.
      Did you enjoy the Necromancer’s corpse generation/corpse spending gameplay?
        Somewhat. Corpse-generation/spending gameplay is inconsistent, honestly. The short duration of player-generated corpses makes it challenging to maintain combat effectiveness when utilizing a more Necromancer Class-Ability-Heavy setup. It almost discourages an over-reliance on Class abilities in some cases as swapping out class abilities for more consistently reliable alternative abilities (like skills offering buffs such as Major Brutality or Major Sorcery) rather than maximizing corpse-generation/spending abilities in the Necromancer kit.
      Did you receive a bounty for using “Criminal Act” Necromancer abilities in towns? If so, what are your thoughts on the experience?
        I have received bounties outside of towns and found the unique interactions with merchants on the roads to be a positive level of immersion and meaningful gameplay. I can appreciate this addition to the Justice system enough to warrant it being spread to other potential Criminal Acts like higher-stage Vampires and even pets roaming public spaces.
      Were you aware certain Necromancer abilities were considered “Criminal Acts” prior to using these abilities in towns?
        I was aware and the ability text was clear and easy to understand when selecting the ability.
      Does the Necromancer feel faithful to established lore and themes in The Elder Scrolls?
        The use of Necromancy feels seamless in a game where Sorcerers summon Daedric Pets and the Mages Guild Skill line uses runes/glyphs for damage. It is a welcome addition to the depth of the game and extension of the lore. Necromancers NPCs have grown in power through practice and some may have even used their abilities for what they saw as the “greater good” despite some disastrous and ruinous ends. Players now get the opportunity to dabble in that process. I am, however, concerned about how interactions (quest givers, interactions with random NPCs, etc.) will reflect one’s choice to be a necromancer. This is similar to wanting to be recognized as a vampire when talking with NPCs with ties to/against Vampires, etc.
      Do you plan on playing a Necromancer as your new “main” character when Update 22 goes live?
        I absolutely intend to invest considerable time on a Necromancer, especially if experiencing the story anew also means different reactions/lines of dialogue specific to the necromancer class.
      Do you have any other general feedback?
      • Stamina Necromancers offer a great blending of class abilities with complementary Weapon Lines with little unnecessary duplication (like the need to have a class-based source of Major Brutality/Sorcery). Instead, unique effects and diverse skills help ensure that the flavor or necromancy remains even when integrating Weapon Skill Lines.
      • Please ensure that dialogue and decision-tree options that acknowledge that player characters are Necromancers are added where possible. The dynamic playstyle of the necromancer can be fun and the inclusion of a new class intriguing, but the lack of dynamic interactions with the lore can sour the long-term play of Necromancers. Not all “heroes” wear capes - some prefer the ethereal fabric of their recently conjured wraith.
      • Please examine (and extend) the duration of player-generated corpses. Even an additional second of corpse duration can help with positioning and timing to make the risk of not slotting a more reliable alternative power more consistently rewarding. The passive bar buffs to some corpse-using Necromancer abilities helps create value, however some Corpse-spending powers have no utility without a corpse and become bar bloat.
    • Anti_Virus
      Thannazzar wrote: »
      Disappointed by the lack of Stam morphs for all Necro Skills.

      Playing a Necro is the biggest draw for the new chapter. Would be good to play a full Stam Necro rather that a weapon wielder with a couple of Necro abilities.

      Lol wut?
      Power Wealth And Influence.
    • Lucky28
      The tethers are extremely lackluster, especially in PvP. First off, Mystic Siphon costs more than it even regenerates, which would be fine except its damage is quite bad. The heal tether isn't amazing either. I think if Necromancers need to rely on body management, then they should be rewarded for it. If we're standing our ground, as the class seems to be made to do, and we're correctly managing bodies and tethering to them and using them, we should be stronger. They feel like wasted bar slots right now currently for PvP.

      yeah Mystic Siphon needs a buff, it's really bad. even with the 3% damage increase i just can't justify putting it on my bar.

      And Hungry Scythe is also not grand. i think it could really use a DoT.
      Edited by Lucky28 on April 19, 2019 9:21PM
    • Tessitura
      Tessitura wrote: »
      highkingnm wrote: »
      ...Magmancer is probably a bit too powerful. I am not great as a DPS (my best parse on live with mostly ideal purple gear/gold weapons is 40k on petsorc and 37k on stamden) and was able to hit 43k self-buffed on 3mil and 6mil with a pretty poor rotation. 62k on the new trial dummy (my petsorc with all gold gear hit 59k with near flawless rotation). I can only imagine the numbers people with cleaner rotations are doing on the thing. Guildmate was pulling about 90k on PTS (take it with a grain of salt maybe, but they got it down very fast). The sustain is amazing, perhaps too much so. I never went below 60% Magicka on my Breton Magmancer with no heavy attacks in rotation and trash pots...

      Disagree on your assessment of magnecro being the one thats too strong, I was pulling high number on stam, with a dot, bow/dw build plus stam has the huge edge in pvp, I think stam needs more tweaking then mag does. I didn't really struggle at all with keeping tether up, never seemed to effect my stam dps.

      Agree on the disagree, please don't use the new trial dummy as a baseline... it's bugged to stack engulfing flames each time it's killed, so if you're hitting it with a flame damage skill (Stalking Blastbones) that's bugged to crit 100% of the time (Stalking Blastbones) and you've killed the thing a few times, of course the numbers are going to start getting silly!

      I'm really really enjoying the Magcro, I've posted it earlier in the thread, but the only fundamental change (as opposed to tuning tweaks) I'd personally prefer is being able to cast Stalking Blastbones every 3rd GCD regardless of range from the target (this is purely from a PvE perspective and clashes with 50% damage ramp up on travel time for PvP a bit). It's just to make the rotation the same at all ranges from the target, because I'd rather not have my optimal rotation be in a melee spot.

      I've seen a lot of people complain about the pathing of the ability in PvP, and a potential solution in my mind is to change the pathing of the magicka morph to have the skeleton spawn closer to the target and jump at them so that it's always done in time for the next cast after 3 GCDs. Obviously the damage with travel time would have to be changed, it could possibly do x% (20%?) more damage based on increased distance from the target, obviously when tweaking the numbers it shouldn't be too strong in PvE, my only concern with it would then be for zerg surfing in Cyro.

      The pathing of Blighted Blastbones could remain the same as it is currently, and maybe change the Major Defile so that it is only applied if the Blastbones has been chasing for more than x seconds (3.5/4)?

      I actually wouldn't mind seeing a dot applied after detonating with the intial damage remaining the same. I just think a dot help spread out the damage some and maybe keep people from freaking out over the single huge number they see come from it. Of course, if the issues with pathfinding were fixed along with the crit rate, then it would be fine as it probably.
    • samueltannerb14_ESO
      What are your favorite and least Necromancer abilities, and why?

      The summons. So far I've developed a good balance on how to use them all. I do wish that Blastbones was a bit more tanky instead of just an AOE.

      Do the Necromancer’s visuals and themes feel unique compared to other classes?

      No doubt. I do feel the Boneyard is a bit cheesy, but the summons and colors fit perfectly.

      Do the Necromancer’s abilities and playstyle feel unique compared to other classes?

      Yes. To me the class skills have a much better synergy than the original classes.

      Did you enjoy the Necromancer’s corpse generation/corpse spending gameplay?

      I mostly play overland so these skills are used rarely. After some tweeking on rotation I've found better ways to get at least one corpse in a fight. My only issue is timing and targeting which can be a bit too precise.

      Did you receive a bounty for using “Criminal Act” Necromancer abilities in towns? If so, what are your thoughts on the experience?

      Not yet.

      Were you aware certain Necromancer abilities were considered “Criminal Acts” prior to using these abilities in towns?


      Does the Necromancer feel faithful to established lore and themes in The Elder Scrolls?

      Well, not really. The criminal act yes, but the mechanics no. There are no curses, no real sense of using undeath, and no disease damage outside of stamina morphs. I would also think that the only elemental damage should be frost, and lighting skills feel completely out of place.

      Do you plan on playing a Necromancer as your new “main” character when Update 22 goes live?

      Before the update I would have said yes. When I started playing the PTS I would have said no. Now I bit more to yes as I've gotten the DOTs to be a stronger part of the rotation. It really comes down to if this feels more fun than my siphoning Magblade.

      Do you have any other general feedback?

      One crucial missing element is having a siphoning heal that also does damage. Two possibilities is to turn one of the heals that uses a corpse into an offensive spell, or to convert Mystic Siphon to healing instead of magika.

      There also needs to be at least major curse or debuff mechanic.

      The damage in general should be disease instead of being elemental. The stamina morphs could still be poison, but the overall damage type should be disease.

      I do enjoy the class but overall it looks like a necromancer, but does not really feel like one outside of the summons.
      Edited by samueltannerb14_ESO on April 20, 2019 1:57AM
    • TankHealz2015
      LOVE IT !!!

      SUPER FUN !!!

      VERY COOL !!!
    • ListerJMC
      Just as a disclaimer: I've only tested a stamina dps and a healer because that's what I intend to make on Live, so that's what my feedback will be based on.

      What are your favorite and least Necromancer abilities, and why?
      I particularly like the bright green skull created from 'Life Amid Death', and the resurrection ulti feels pretty cool to use. On the other hand, 'Detonating Siphon' is a tad too saturated in colour, it doesn't fit in with the other graphics of the game in my opinion.

      Do the Necromancer’s visuals and themes feel unique compared to other classes?
      For the most part, yes. My only comment is that I think 'Boneyard' with its frost aura and blue-ish colour reminds me a bit of Warden visuals, especially because the tombstones that make it more obviously belong to the Necromancer sometimes disappear early (particularly when it's cast in confined spaces).

      Do the Necromancer’s abilities and playstyle feel unique compared to other classes?
      It does. The use of corpses gives it a different gameplay feel to the other classes - I think the others could use some more unique flavour like this. I also really appreciate that stamina has some more usable class abilities, it's nice not having to rely on weapon skills so much and I like that it feels pretty viable as a ranged stamina option for people who like to play that way. As a healer it felt a bit more engaging because of the corpse mechanics than my usual Templar healer, who I personally find a little dull as lovely as he is.

      Did you enjoy the Necromancer’s corpse generation/corpse spending gameplay?
      The corpses seem to disappear a tad too quickly, it felt kinda awkward to rely on them but certainly interesting. Maybe in a trial situation where there are lots of corpses from trash mobs it'll feel different, but boss fights the corpses can be a bit tricky (similar to how I feel about my stamina Templar and 'Repentance', but at least I can generate bodies as a Necromancer).

      Did you receive a bounty for using “Criminal Act” Necromancer abilities in towns? If so, what are your thoughts on the experience?
      I sure did! I question some of the skills that didn't get me a bounty though - e.g. summoning a spontaneous graveyard is fine? I'm a bit worried the novelty will quickly wear thin though, and it's a bit jarring that I can do stuff like transform into a werewolf in the middle of town and no-one cares, yet summoning a skeleton is a no-go. I mean, people have skeleton pets following them around with no issue...

      Were you aware certain Necromancer abilities were considered “Criminal Acts” prior to using these abilities in towns?
      Yes, it says on the tooltip. I think it might be a nice addition to maybe have them coloured differently on your bar to better indicate that though, like some other tooltips change colour when ready e.g. 'Crystal Fragments' on Sorcerer. I'm not sure if that might be a bit too visually confusing, but when they're slotted on your bar it's not really obvious that they're criminal acts unless you hover over the tooltip.

      Does the Necromancer feel faithful to established lore and themes in The Elder Scrolls?
      I've never actually played a Necromancer-type character before in any game, but generally speaking it is really nice having temporary summons like the other games. I detest the permanent summons of the Sorcerer. It doesn't feel out of place as a class, given the amount of Necromancer enemies we encounter all over the place, and it feels no less weird playing one as a 'hero' character than playing something like a vampire as the hero.

      Do you plan on playing a Necromancer as your new “main” character when Update 22 goes live?
      There is no chance I'll ever replace my main, the biggest reason being that we don't have a global achievement tab. I really don't want to grind all of the achievements out again, it's too much effort. It's a shame, because I am enjoying the class so far and would like to play it more (along with the other characters in my roster that have been neglected for the same reason).

      Do you have any other general feedback?
      Is 'Expunge' supposed to purge 'Render Flesh'? Seems really odd we can totally negate the cost of the latter.
      Edited by ListerJMC on April 20, 2019 11:20AM
      PC NA & EU || Mammoth Guilds - Victory or Valhalla || Altmer sorcerer main
      "Wood Elves aren't made of wood. Sea Elves aren't made of water. M'aiq still wonders about High Elves."
    • Caligamy_ESO
      More of a bug report.

      Stalking Blastbones Kills friendly players in group. What causes this, I am not sure.


      This is from a random sunpire

      This randomly happened with me when I was dueling someone too, but the person killed wasn't even in our group. They were just a random bystander who had just loaded into the starting area and were busy setting up their CP when *kaboom*
      love is love
    • Ozby
      The exploding skeleton takes too long to spawn and hit the enemies.
      PC NA
      Aurora Bravepaw (Healden), Basks in Fire (DKTank), Bran Artlion (Magplar), Brindel Seedthorne (Stamden WW), Brugo Gargak (Stamcro), Casimir Delmar (StamDK), Falco Bastion (Stamsorc), Fus Ro Dah (Stamplar), Gandalff the Gay (Petsorc), Jo-Qinan Betula (Magden), Laveera Hex (Magcro), Raine Whitestag (Stamden), Raised by Bears (Wardentank), Ralak Rotheart (Healcro), Selene Sunshadow MagDK), Shadow Mirage (NBTank), Slythe Rattlebone (Healplar), Ulfnor Dragonslayer (Tankcro).
    • xMovingTarget
      More of a bug report.

      Stalking Blastbones Kills friendly players in group. What causes this, I am not sure.


      This is from a random sunpire

      This randomly happened with me when I was dueling someone too, but the person killed wasn't even in our group. They were just a random bystander who had just loaded into the starting area and were busy setting up their CP when *kaboom*

      Yea. It is sad. because of this we had to ban Necros from our sunspire grp =( I would lo
      ve to play stam necro.
      Edited by xMovingTarget on April 20, 2019 6:09AM
    • Lapin_Logic
      This is the official feedback thread for the Necromancer class. Specific feedback that the team is looking for includes the following:
      • Does the Necromancer feel faithful to established lore and themes in The Elder Scrolls?
      • Do you have any other general feedback?

      @ZOS_GinaBruno Thematically it is lore breaking that a Mannimarco level Necromancer is being chased and killed by "John Doe" the random town guard, especially as Artaeum and Meridia welcome me with open arms knowing full well I am a corpse defiling Necromancer.

      A better feel would be, citizens flee, merchants deny service and no bounty is placed, make the town folk Actually treat you like "scum" (throw mudballs), form a posse with torches, make you need to don a disguise, Flesh out the townsfolk reactions, make the World feel more alive.

      Being "Benny Hilled" through town by a Golden Guard doesn't feel 'Necromancer' just feels like a common Thieves Guild Member pickpocket. unless we are going to introduce perma-death and have a Skyrim intro style gallows execution there is little point in "you defiled the dead and practised forbidden Necromancy.... Pay 69 Gold / Clemency / Flee" because it feels like a Joke instead of a Lore keeping punishment, and its pretty petty if you Need to have this dog and pony show justice system just to "feel immersed" on a tiny level .

      (edited with some new ideas and corrected sentences now i am not on my phone)
      Edited by Lapin_Logic on April 22, 2019 11:04PM
    • Ankael07
      Blastbones could use a little more freedom. Its easy to counter (as it should be) but that shouldnt completely prevent the Necromancer from using that skill. Considering its a situational skill and the Necromancer's damage is heavily tied onto it.

      I recommend a middle ground of sorts. Allow us to recast the skill but doing so makes the Blastbone explode and disappear.

      If you want me to reply to your comment type @Ankael07 in it.
    • Narvuntien
      The blastbones is definitely awkward to use but I think it just takes getting used to.

      Atm I think the graveyard and the skeleton summon do a little too much damage, they are out damaging elemental blockade which probably should be the highest dps skill for a mag character. It would only need to be a small nerf to the damage per tick.

      The skeleton is very low cost which is nice.
    • proteinexe
      I just wonder if ZoS actually reads through all this - There's a lot on here, but ill leave my statement short and sweet.

      I only have knowledge in PvP, and as for testing, I made a pretty standard setup work well with good results, so here are my thoughts: (ill be talking PvP Magic)

      - It feels like Magden, but with a higher skill curve to it (which is good) BUT as Ive said in previous discussions, Magdens underperform due to their lack of Execute AND non-reliable CC, making them have to go to Destruction skill tree. MAYBE (just a suggestion) add an execute to Destruction skill tree in the future to help this situation out?
      - The animations can be clunky. Skele Bomber takes a long time to spawn and sometimes just stands next to your intended target if they do something like roll dodge.
      - Another way this feels like Magden is their Buffs taking a long time to stack up. Skele-Armour, Skele-Mage, Wrath-Heal and Harness Magicka are all pretty necessary. Magden requiring also 4 buffs to keep them at max potential. I honestly don't know how to fix this, but I know you thought it a problem on Warden and that's why you changed up times - maybe do the same?

      Those are my primary concerns when playing. Lots of Micro-managing, no execute (i understand the passive, but Crit in PvP against good players is hard to achieve) and some of the Minions being clunky. BUT I REALLY LIKE THE CLASS. Well done ZoS, you've made a difficult class to play with a high skill curve and fitting power to suit the amount of practice needed. Im looking forward to this!
    • Bored_Owl
      I had a lot of fun playing the class but you might want to tone down the effects a bit. It was a bit confusing when a whole bunch of necromancers were fighting at the same time and because of the colors it sometimes made it hard to see what was going on around me.
    • acw37162
      Intensive mender should scale of your max stat and max damage modifier, would also be nice if could scale off your highest criteria modifier
    • acw37162
      exeeter702 wrote: »
      Vexarius wrote: »
      After toying with the stam necro i like the feel for the most part. I like the positional play, i like the feel, i like the look and animations. My one makor complaint about the feel is that the scythe doesnt seem to be a must for anyone’s end game pve kit. Would have liked to see it be an option for spammable or at least something worth having in rotation.

      I agree about the scythe. I would like it to have more use as a spammable, currently it’s too weak compared to my flame skull. It makes me think of a melee version of swallow soul.

      it was never intended to be a spammable dps ability. For its budget, its damage is lower as its a utility skill for tank sustain and to debuff players.

      As i said countless times to those that complained that the sycthe would be OP in pvp, you are giving up damage to negate healing on targets for the same GCD. Giving the skill comparable damage to standard spammables would make it grossly OP in pvp, and taking away the heal absorb just makes it uninteresting.

      Scythe is also great for solo or early game play as a heal.

      Pair scythe with intensive mender even on a stem build and you have enough healing PVE wise to carry you through most content.

      It is also a very nice PVP spammable better then skulls in my opinion because of the negate healing option, the heals to you, and the coral AOE damage.

      This might be one of my favorite animations in the kit it looks sick and the sound is pot on to.
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