Yet to read any good counter argument to @DisgracefulMind 's posts, reading crap like buy more accounts, go away and hide on the server nobody plays on, it's your fault you live in Oceania and you're just doing it to farm ap are some of the worst posts I've ever read on here. So much for play as you want. I stand by my view that Faction RPers are the most toxic players in this game.
Sandman929 wrote: »
The only counter I could think of is to your point of "the server nobody plays on", we might not have all the details of the changes that are coming. Right now, Shor on your platform, might not have the population you'd like at the times you play, but that could change. We're all looking at the change we've heard about in isolation and applying it to the game as it currently is to draw conclusions from that.
I want a faction locked campaign. I don't really want it at the expense of others, but that seems to be how we're going to get it if there's only one 30 day option and people who play multiple factions would prefer the 30 day.
InvictusApollo wrote: »When I first saw the faction lock threads I thought to myself: "don't worry - this idea is so bad that it will never be implemented".
And now ZOS is actually going to put faction lock? Again? It didn't work the first time!
Have faction lock advocates really ignored the obvious problems that this is going to introduce?
Faction lock will effectively delete almost two thirds of all pvp characters for everyone who prefers noCP! How?
There is going to be only one noCP campaign! This means that only one third of many peoples characters will be able to play in pvp.
I for example have 3 chars in AD, 3 in DC and 2 in EP. And I love playing them all in noCP campaign.
Do I hop between campaigns to be on the winning side?
No! Why would I? I play for fun - not some fleeting victory that I had no inluence on because of so many players involved.
Do I hop between campaings to troll, spy or grief?
No! Why would I? It's boring.
I have created characters on every alliance for two reasons:
1. Experience the three banners war from every side.
2. Play with all of my friends who happen to have only one or two chars that are pvp ready.
With the faction lock I will be able to play with only 3 of my characters every month. CP is far too laggy for me to be even playable so if I were forced to play it, I would just turn off ESO and go play some other game (Overwatch for example). Even if I had better ping and actually could play CP, then still two or three of my characters would be effectively deleted from Cyrodill pvp.
And now the faction lock will have the following negative effects on me and every other player like me:
2. Completely prevent us from playing around two thirds of our characters if we prefer the noCP or CP campaign only.
3. Completely prevent us from playing around one third of our characters if we do not have preference on CP.
4. Prevent us from playing with many of our friends who happen to have pvp ready characters in other alliances.
5. Increase queue time on CP campaings since many players from noCP campaings will go there to play some of their characters that are locked our from noCP campaign.
6. Increase hatred between players of different alliances since faction lock will enforce alliance identity.
7. Decreasing overall monthly transmute crystals yield from tier one rewards since not all characters will be able to get them.
8. Making Cyrodill literally unplayable for anyone who wants some challenge and finds himself in a faction that is dominating.
9. Almost completely preventing people from playing in their favourite campaing if it is at maximum population capacity. Now we can just queue on another character. With faction lock we will either have to wait an hour to play or leave the game completely and play sth else.
10. Making some factions have significant numbers advantage untill the end of campaing. If for some reason one faction happens to have significantly less people than the others then that faction will be in constant disadvantage untill the end of the campaing.
11. Guilds will be literally able to choose the winning side just by grouping up to all queue on one campaing and on the same side. Some guilds care only about APs and they will gladly work with other like minded guilds to choose the dominant alliance and farm as many AP and rewards as possible.
All of these problems and probably even more that I haven't thought of and for what?
To reduce trolling?
Trolls troll because they like to troll. Those that want to troll will still do it without even batting an eye on their impact on the alliance end score. They will just troll in their home campaigns.
To reduce spying?
People who do not care about the score will still spy for their friends.
PvP for many people is the endgame - the thing they do when they have finished every single trial and dungeons so many times that they are too bored to play them.
With faction lock many people will stop playing pvp. And that means less eso+ subscriptions -> lower playerbase -> less money for game content, development and improvement.
And we can't solve all these issues just by introducing more campaings. The more campaings there are the greater chance that some of them will be dead.
I'm okay with a faction lock. It should be Shor, and it should be allowed to be guested, with no Campaign Rewards. 99% of us who play this game don't do it for the rewards anymore. Transmute stones are too easy to get.
Some of us really just want to play this damn game with their friends and not be locked out of it. I think people are missing the concept of what a game actually is supposed to be.
Sandman929 wrote: »
Or the developer is continuing to develop what the game is supposed to be. Personally, I would rather have seen a new locked 30 day alongside the open 30 and 7 day campaigns. Just to see which is preferred by the players. I don't really care about faction locks, I made the choice to play for one faction for myself only, not everyone. But it would be interesting to see if the player base prefers (even imposed) faction loyalty.
I mean, another 30 day campaign would be great for the faction lock too, I just don't think the population is there to achieve it. If they wanted 30 day campaign, that's great. There's room for all. But to have them shoe horning us into the same old stereotype of spais, hopping to the easiest ap, trolls and farmers is really frustrating. That percentage of people is so few.
Sandman929 wrote: »
The 7 days will be open, not locked, as of now. So they can all play in there.
Sandman929 wrote: »These threads are always have one of my favorite ESO contradictions. Rewards aren't good enough to promote faction loyalty and no one wants to go to 7 day because they want their rewards.
One faction locked campaign is all I really wanted, so I'm quite happy with the change if it happens. I don't care if the campaign is called Vivec or Shor or anything else, and I don't care if it's 7 or 30 day.
Right now I home the 30 day for the transmute crystals, but only play there long enough to get tier 1 and spend the rest of my time playing in Shor where, for the most part, lag isn't horrific.
Which brings up another classic ESO player issue...everyone hates prime time lag but no one wants to leave the overstuffed 30 day campaign to improve performance.
If faction hoppers really want to make a statement then they should all join the 7 day ffa campaign so that their collective voice may be heard when the new campaigns are rolled out with Elswyr. Doing anything other than that only reinforces the faction locked campaigns. That will be their chance to really voice an opinion and show their numbers.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
I've said this like...10+ times already in these faction lock arguments.
There are not enough people in off-hours and oceanic for us to "spread" to another campaign if we want to find PvP at all.
So we need to just not PvP? We're being told that we have to be faction loyalists to find action during any time other than US primetime and sometimes the weekend. And why? I thought this game was about playing how you want, was about community.
Why don't we split the open world zones back into alliance locks then too? We can go back to the dead wastelands every single zone was before we all were meshed together.
ZoS has and kept encouraging us to make friends across all factions, to roll characters across all factions, to build communities across all factions. And now what is this they're doing? Taking back years of community foundations in this game?
So are the majority of Oceanic/Asiatic players in favor of faction locking and would thus home on a faction locked server? Is this your concern? Tell me more about Oceanic play time. Do they spread out among the factions or does the majority stick to one? Do the majority swap a lot or do they pretty much just play one faction? What is the dynamic in that regard during Oceanic/Asiatic mainstream play times?
So are the majority of Oceanic/Asiatic players in favor of faction locking and would thus home on a faction locked server? Is this your concern? Tell me more about Oceanic play time. Do they spread out among the factions or does the majority stick to one? Do the majority swap a lot or do they pretty much just play one faction? What is the dynamic in that regard during Oceanic/Asiatic mainstream play times?
Tonnopesce wrote: »So the "spread the population" point everyone is ignoring or that there will be other 4 campaigns(2 fresh ic with maybe really good rewards) without lock?
When you have 300 ppl per faction waiting in queue during prime time, with the new system (without home-guest) you guys really believe that the other servers will remain empty?
I want to know what you guys are smoking because it looks really good....
Just a pun no offence.
Yesterday i've waited in queue around 80 ppl, Monday, dc faction (low pop compared to the others) i cannot imagine how long the wait was for ep
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
Yeah that's only American primetime though.
Tonnopesce wrote: »
Duh i'm from Italy usually when i log in at evening around eight i always get queue, considering the week ends and the empty days i get around 40 ppl each day as queue.
Enought to fill one bar of another campaign.
Plus, i'm considering only the vivec queue, even shor have it.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
Sorry, I don't know if you play on PC/NA or whatever, but on PC/NA there usually is only queues on weekends and typically only in American primetime. And that's only on Vivec, Shor doesn't get a queue here. It barely ever gets over 2 bars. Sometimes on the weekend.
Also, I don't know where you're from, duhhhhhh (since we want to talk like immature brats).
Tonnopesce wrote: »
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
You're not on the same server as me, I think we both have the same point, but it's not the same for us on PC/NA, is what I was trying to get across, I'm sorry for snapping back at you, it was rude.
We don't have the queues that EU gets, I don't think, anyways. That's why being told to go spread to the 7-day isn't really a sensible argument for us.
Tonnopesce wrote: »
I honestly believed that we in eu where the underdogs and that us had the bigger pvp population.
The thing that i really don't get (except for the duh... i did not know it was offensive...) is why everyone is worried about vivec.
Is for the rewards? They are afraid of changes? Considering that in the seven days campaign you get rewards every week it should be the same as for the 30 days.
Plus since we will have the new ic campaign everyone in the pvp community will be able to get more TV stones ence a new mainstream currency with new ways to make gold and pay for the potions/stuff we need for regular pvp.
People advocating for faction lock perhaps forget that it is only a game and so-called 'alliance identity' or 'alliance loyalty' are nothing but childish and indicate that maybe it is high time to visit a psychiatrist.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
People aren't worried about Vivec, what they're concerned about is there not being enough people to "spread" out to the other campaigns during off-hours and oceanic time zone, therefore forcing those players in those play times to lock into a campaign for one faction. Most "casual" PvP players do, indeed, home the 30-day. It's convenient for them, and they do reap crystals at the end of it. Oceanic PvP sees a lot of hoppers specifically because we have lower oceanic pop on PC/NA and it helps to let people swap around to help the faction getting gate-camped.
As far as I've heard, as well, I think PC/EU has more PvP pop than us.