ellahellabella wrote: »
^^^ALL THE BOLD^^^ Oceanic is a thing you Rping Americans! Get off my throat please
And what makes Oceanic/Asiatic people more important than American's that they should get their way? What makes the limited amount of people who can't fill the server up more important than the majority of people who can fill the server up. What makes the rping faction swappers who think they are "faction saviors" or "invincible awesomesauce" more important than the rping faction loyalists that want the 3 banner war to mean something the way it was designed and intended?
You guys had the opportunity for years to split up among the factions and fight each other, you know find "good fights", but rather than that you decided rolling the map was more fun against npc's. Guess what though, there will still be a server where you can continue to play that way, or you can play the faction lock campaign and continue to roll the map like the majority of people who play during those hours always have, and then that can be dealt with later with future improvements to the 3 banner war that limits the impact of that behavior.
The 3 banner war is supposed to be something that is bigger than any individual or small group of people. It's not about you, or me, or someone else, or some small group of people, it is large scale. It is supposed to be AvAvA not small scale or 1vX. You can do those things in AvAvA, but the primary impetus for Cyrodiil is AvAvA siege warfare. That is what it was designed for and that is how it was intended to be experienced, and a lot of people would like to see it return to its roots.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
It makes no sense that people are going to play in the 7-day because, let's be real, most people want to play the 30 day and still get their crystals at the end of it. They're not going to want to play the 7-day. They've NEVER wanted to play the 7-day.
It wasn't shade and it wasn't directed at you. Lots of people have posted the same whenever the topic comes up. Roleplayers take a lot of crap without doing any harm. It's kind of ironic, considering roleplayers were the ones who spearheaded this genre. (I don't rp btw)DisgracefulMind wrote: »Sorry, *faction loyalists. (you can @ me next time you'd like to throw some shade, I'm fine with it, we can talk this out just an fyi)
I agree that's crappy and I've posted as much in the past. I think it would have been wrong to take away the option for multi-faction play completely after opening the door to it.It is preference, sure, but this game has allowed us to play how we want to (faction hopping to play with other friends and find more outnumbered fights included) for years now. To suddenly take it away isn't going to help anything in PvP. PvP, besides primetime, isn't exactly thriving. So what is this accomplishing?
It wasn't shade and it wasn't directed at you. Lots of people have posted the same whenever the topic comes up. Roleplayers take a lot of crap without doing any harm. It's kind of ironic, considering roleplayers were the ones who spearheaded this genre. (I don't rp btw)
I agree that's crappy and I've posted as much in the past. I think it would have been wrong to take away the option for multi-faction play completely after opening the door to it.
On the other hand, even though there were loopholes, the game was designed with locks in mind and it was actually considered to be a feature to some. It can also be said it was crappy that this feature was never properly implemented and then removed before it could be.
I think ZOS has given us a fair compromise. I think longer campaigns synergize with commitment, so it's logical that the CP 30 day campaign is locked. For players who don't want to commit to one team and/or don't care about the outcome of the scoreboard, what difference does it make how long the campaign is?
If the unlocked campaign will be dead like some claim, I think it would be reasonable to conclude most players do not want that and vice versa.
InvictusApollo wrote: »Do I hop between campaigns to be on the winning side?
No! Why would I? I play for fun - not some fleeting victory that I had no inluence on because of so many players involved.
(and no, having Shor, an often low population campaign even in prime time is not a replacement)
Those people that want to get their crystals will have to play the 7 day as that is the only way they can get their crystals. This should boost the population of the 7 day while diminishing the population of the 30 day just for this simple fact. ZOS has the data, it apparently leans the way they are leaning. If what you say is true and people don't like the 7 day because it is 7 days, then the obvious solution is to not have a 7 day, but rather make them all 30 day and allow faction swapping on one of those 30 day campaigns. I am assuming the data does not speak to this, but I don't know it was also stated that they wanted to split the population among all the servers. This would seem to be a way to do that if that is one of their goals with this change.
Good for you, but there are many players who do exactly that. And they're obviously more numerous than your kind, otherwise the population would naturally balance itself.
If there are enough people not wanting to play on faction-locked campaign, shouldn't Shor become highly populated?
And if only a few people switch to faction-hopping campaign, they're acceptable losses for ZOS.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
I'm not saying this is all about crystals, it's not. What I'm saying is that most people will still play the 30-day because they do want their rewards at the end of it, which is directly forcing people into faction locking.
Over ESO's history of dwindling PvP population, from my experience over 5 years on PC/NA, players very, very rarely choose the 7-day campaign, and faction lock won't change this. The 7-day will stay dead, I'm almost sure of it. The faction hoppers want PvP too, so we'll play the 30-day, it's just sad that we're cut off completely from playing with friends or fighting for the outnumbered side unless we want a lower populated campaign.
I think they should do a test with locks before they implement it, personally. And per server. Because PC/NA is vastly different from PC/EU, and onwards.
They have stated that this whole thing is experimental. We will see how it shakes out or if there is a better way to appease both sides of this equation. So really consider this whole thing a test.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »I think they should do a test with locks before they implement it, personally. And per server. Because PC/NA is vastly different from PC/EU, and onwards.
A much better way would be to introduce a new faction locked campaign for those who would like to play that way, instead of locking the main campaigns.
Remember back in 2014 when they cut the number of campaigns from 10 to 5? We told them EU had too many players to fit in 4 vet campaigns; they went ahead and cut the same number on both servers anyway, locking hundreds of players out of PvP. Now with only a fraction of that population remaining, I doubt they'll bother making different rules for EU.
For the AP farmers, Go shor. The Big Boy campaigns are now for true cyrdilll PvP instead of the AP grind it's been the last couple years.
Bring back faction loyalty, faction pride and proper map fighting.
They have stated that this whole thing is experimental. We will see how it shakes out or if there is a better way to appease both sides of this equation. So really consider this whole thing a test.
Bogdan_Kobzar wrote: »If a player wants to have a character in each of the three factions for a specific campaign, they will just need to have additional accounts. Most of the players already have multiple accounts and the community KNOWS them by their several account @names.
But then again, this is only my opinion.
They want to "fix" player behaviour (hopping to winning faction). If they just let them continue doing it on the old campaign, it wouldn't fix much. Hence a forced change -- if you're doing what they don't want you to be doing, you have to either change behaviour, or change campaign.
InvictusApollo wrote: »When I first saw the faction lock threads I thought to myself: "don't worry - this idea is so bad that it will never be implemented".
And now ZOS is actually going to put faction lock? Again? It didn't work the first time!
Have faction lock advocates really ignored the obvious problems that this is going to introduce?
Faction lock will effectively delete almost two thirds of all pvp characters for everyone who prefers noCP! How?
There is going to be only one noCP campaign! This means that only one third of many peoples characters will be able to play in pvp.
I for example have 3 chars in AD, 3 in DC and 2 in EP. And I love playing them all in noCP campaign.
Do I hop between campaigns to be on the winning side?
No! Why would I? I play for fun - not some fleeting victory that I had no inluence on because of so many players involved.
Do I hop between campaings to troll, spy or grief?
No! Why would I? It's boring.
I have created characters on every alliance for two reasons:
1. Experience the three banners war from every side.
2. Play with all of my friends who happen to have only one or two chars that are pvp ready.
With the faction lock I will be able to play with only 3 of my characters every month. CP is far too laggy for me to be even playable so if I were forced to play it, I would just turn off ESO and go play some other game (Overwatch for example). Even if I had better ping and actually could play CP, then still two or three of my characters would be effectively deleted from Cyrodill pvp.
And now the faction lock will have the following negative effects on me and every other player like me:
2. Completely prevent us from playing around two thirds of our characters if we prefer the noCP or CP campaign only.
3. Completely prevent us from playing around one third of our characters if we do not have preference on CP.
4. Prevent us from playing with many of our friends who happen to have pvp ready characters in other alliances.
5. Increase queue time on CP campaings since many players from noCP campaings will go there to play some of their characters that are locked our from noCP campaign.
6. Increase hatred between players of different alliances since faction lock will enforce alliance identity.
7. Decreasing overall monthly transmute crystals yield from tier one rewards since not all characters will be able to get them.
8. Making Cyrodill literally unplayable for anyone who wants some challenge and finds himself in a faction that is dominating.
9. Almost completely preventing people from playing in their favourite campaing if it is at maximum population capacity. Now we can just queue on another character. With faction lock we will either have to wait an hour to play or leave the game completely and play sth else.
10. Making some factions have significant numbers advantage untill the end of campaing. If for some reason one faction happens to have significantly less people than the others then that faction will be in constant disadvantage untill the end of the campaing.
11. Guilds will be literally able to choose the winning side just by grouping up to all queue on one campaing and on the same side. Some guilds care only about APs and they will gladly work with other like minded guilds to choose the dominant alliance and farm as many AP and rewards as possible.
All of these problems and probably even more that I haven't thought of and for what?
To reduce trolling?
Trolls troll because they like to troll. Those that want to troll will still do it without even batting an eye on their impact on the alliance end score. They will just troll in their home campaigns.
To reduce spying?
People who do not care about the score will still spy for their friends.
PvP for many people is the endgame - the thing they do when they have finished every single trial and dungeons so many times that they are too bored to play them.
With faction lock many people will stop playing pvp. And that means less eso+ subscriptions -> lower playerbase -> less money for game content, development and improvement.
And we can't solve all these issues just by introducing more campaings. The more campaings there are the greater chance that some of them will be dead.
Bogdan_Kobzar wrote: »If a player wants to have a character in each of the three factions for a specific campaign, they will just need to have additional accounts. Most of the players already have multiple accounts and the community KNOWS them by their several account @names.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
Which is why people who are faction hoppers are stating their opinions here and now, and will continue to, because this is a test that should not be implemented this far into a game's PvP that's already falling apart.
That being said, I hope it's a bad experiment.
Myself and most people I play with 'hop' not to winning factions but to underdog factions because that's were we can find more / better fights. Our objective is to have fun, but as a side effect our behavior contributes to balancing player populations, so I don't think there is anything in need of 'fixing' there