cherry pick? all this was footage from ONE DAY. Look at the addon counting kills and deaths, also look at the time on the minimap. 266 killing blows and 13 deaths, one session. not sure what youre trying to say
and before you say half the days footage wasnt in the vid, there is this thing called primetime, high latency and ping which makes for *** footage to watch, so obviously that isnt shown. Doesnt mean whatever happened at those hours shows magden outside the "cherry picks". the k/d still doesnt lie there its not like he died 100 times because magden is actually trash and he didnt want to show that part.
kylewwefan wrote: »So you want Fetcher infection to have execute damage like poison injection. Sounds good to me!
And ice staff to have more Crit or Crit Damage or something...this also sounds good to me!
I’ve been playing frost warden a lot lately and pretty excited for the changes coming already. It looks like gonna fit my play style really well.
As for PvP, I’ve talked with a few other Frost wardens( there’s not many) and we kind of get the same thing. A lot of damage, but few kills. Could be an L2P? Or maybe we really do need a slight buff.
kylewwefan wrote: »So you want Fetcher infection to have execute damage like poison injection. Sounds good to me!
And ice staff to have more Crit or Crit Damage or something...this also sounds good to me!
I’ve been playing frost warden a lot lately and pretty excited for the changes coming already. It looks like gonna fit my play style really well.
As for PvP, I’ve talked with a few other Frost wardens( there’s not many) and we kind of get the same thing. A lot of damage, but few kills. Could be an L2P? Or maybe we really do need a slight buff.
the issue i found with the whole Frost themed warden is that you trade off sooo much potential (burst) damage to become this "annoying ice-mage" everybody complains about. Sure the control frost skills give is very nice, combining something like Frost wall of elements and the wardens ice skills and passives to get high uptimes on chilled status effects but this is also the reason why its hard to buff this aspect. People already complain about not being able to move in pvp as it is, im afraid with buffs to this aspect there will be even worse nerfs following
but what will seperate frost then from fire and lightning WoE? If damage is really what people are looking for, fire and lighting will only get better in comparison because right now the only reason to use Frost WoE is the control it provides. Flame has the potential to do 25% more dmg to vampires, lighting can proc concuss and off balance, so how will frost be in any better state when the control is cut, but dmg increased? the only thing frost will then excel at (imo) is being able to block on the icestaff.
This ofcourse is me taking the senario in which the snare/root from frost becomes nerfed into uselessness. That being said tho, i do believe the snare/root is kind of out of balance (60% on ice, 70% on sleet) but i think only slight nerfs to this would be enough to "balance" the element.
Perhaps immobilize and snares needs a cooldown of some sort (not talking about the immunity from certain skills and rolldodge). This will still make frost the better element for control, as i dont believe frost needs to be on par dmg wise with fire or lightning. again thats just imo
Magden weak in pvp? you guys need a reality check lol..
@Zardayne IMO pariah is completely unnecessary on a magwarden unless you're building an actual tank. It's much better to stack max magicka so you have strong defense (big shields and heals) AND strong offense. And then swap Skoria out for Bloodspawn or Pirate Skeleton for survivability.
@Zardayne IMO pariah is completely unnecessary on a magwarden unless you're building an actual tank. It's much better to stack max magicka so you have strong defense (big shields and heals) AND strong offense. And then swap Skoria out for Bloodspawn or Pirate Skeleton for survivability.
Shield still changes with max magicka. Yes it's capped based on health, but due to Battle Spirit you will basically never reach that cap in PvP unless you have 60k+ magicka.
And you don't really need the burst from Skoria because magwarden already has insane burst if you build correctly. On my Argonian magwarden using Necro and Bright Throat my birds have a tooltip of 14k dmg. Skoria tickles compared to that.
Of course, this is all just my opinion. Just chipping in my two cents since you were complaining about the lack of dmg on your magden.
Shield still changes with max magicka. Yes it's capped based on health, but due to Battle Spirit you will basically never reach that cap in PvP unless you have 60k+ magicka.
And you don't really need the burst from Skoria because magwarden already has insane burst if you build correctly. On my Argonian magwarden using Necro and Bright Throat my birds have a tooltip of 14k dmg. Skoria tickles compared to that.
Of course, this is all just my opinion. Just chipping in my two cents since you were complaining about the lack of dmg on your magden.
Hey I appreciate the input for sure. I learn new stuff everyday and I'm not afraid to give it a shot. Thank you!
but what will seperate frost then from fire and lightning WoE? If damage is really what people are looking for, fire and lighting will only get better in comparison because right now the only reason to use Frost WoE is the control it provides. Flame has the potential to do 25% more dmg to vampires, lighting can proc concuss and off balance, so how will frost be in any better state when the control is cut, but dmg increased? the only thing frost will then excel at (imo) is being able to block on the icestaff.
This ofcourse is me taking the senario in which the snare/root from frost becomes nerfed into uselessness. That being said tho, i do believe the snare/root is kind of out of balance (60% on ice, 70% on sleet) but i think only slight nerfs to this would be enough to "balance" the element.
Perhaps immobilize and snares needs a cooldown of some sort (not talking about the immunity from certain skills and rolldodge). This will still make frost the better element for control, as i dont believe frost needs to be on par dmg wise with fire or lightning. again thats just imo
but what will seperate frost then from fire and lightning WoE? If damage is really what people are looking for, fire and lighting will only get better in comparison because right now the only reason to use Frost WoE is the control it provides. Flame has the potential to do 25% more dmg to vampires, lighting can proc concuss and off balance, so how will frost be in any better state when the control is cut, but dmg increased? the only thing frost will then excel at (imo) is being able to block on the icestaff.
This ofcourse is me taking the senario in which the snare/root from frost becomes nerfed into uselessness. That being said tho, i do believe the snare/root is kind of out of balance (60% on ice, 70% on sleet) but i think only slight nerfs to this would be enough to "balance" the element.
Perhaps immobilize and snares needs a cooldown of some sort (not talking about the immunity from certain skills and rolldodge). This will still make frost the better element for control, as i dont believe frost needs to be on par dmg wise with fire or lightning. again thats just imo
What if they replaced ice-damages snare&root with armor debuff? Like, ice woe would apply minor fracture to all in it, and chilled status-effect could then apply bigger debuff of X amount. This could give back that armor debuffing that was lost when they changed night mothers and sunderflame back in the day. In pvp we would have less snares and roots and that`s exactly that should happen to make pvp more fun. Higher dps for ice-mages and less annying pvp is how I see result if this idea would actually happen.
Magden weak in pvp? you guys need a reality check lol..
I watched that video and I'll admit I'm truly amazed at the damage he's putting out. I've tried spamming clench like he is and I don't see damage like that. The only time I see damage like that is if I encounter a player who is normally a pve player or just new to the game. If I encounter anyone with some skill and game knowledge it's a lot tougher. As I was watching that video I kept thinking this guy ran into the pve guild out in Cyrodiil for their weekly picnic. No way the majority of people out there are that squishy at least not what I run into on Vivec. I even run most of the same skills. All I can say is the gameplay looked good though. WIth 20+ years of MMO fighting experience I guess I'm still learning..
I will say this though..As a magden that guy in the vid is working way harder to get those kills than most other classes I've played. The magden takes a higher skill cap to pull off feats that other classes are able to do with only a few skills and a few hits with a lesser skilled player behind the keyboard. IMO of course..
Trancestor wrote: »1. Magdens main spammable - birds of prey, is complete slow garbage that is easily dodgeable.
ESO_Nightingale wrote: »Trancestor wrote: »1. Magdens main spammable - birds of prey, is complete slow garbage that is easily dodgeable.
i make this mistake a lot too, but can you please correct this to Screaming Cliff Racer? new people may get really confused.
Trancestor wrote: »ESO_Nightingale wrote: »Trancestor wrote: »1. Magdens main spammable - birds of prey, is complete slow garbage that is easily dodgeable.
i make this mistake a lot too, but can you please correct this to Screaming Cliff Racer? new people may get really confused.
oopsie, fixed
I just thought I'd bump this for some more discussion. Sad thing is I don't think there are enough active full time Magdens to post on here to put pressure on ZOS to do something.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »
FrancisCrawford wrote: »MLGProPlayer wrote: »
Winter's Revenge is pretty blah in PvE. So it's an obvious candidate for a buff.