Okay so let’s remove the only good source of snare and root immunity but do nothing to address how snares and roots are so easily spammed with no cooldown whatsoever ever? Is this a joke? Does zos want this game to be everyone going slow af and permanently snared/rooted?????
This snare and root meta will now be even worse since there’s still a bunch of pugs spamming roots and snares with 0 drawback whatsoever
I am actually surprised it took thing long TBH.
I guess ball groups need more purge spam now.
If they're good players they'll adapt and continue to farm zerglings. If their entire ability to be a good player rested on one skill, I'd personally question if they were good players.I am actually surprised it took thing long TBH.
I guess ball groups need more purge spam now.
Yes. Let’s punish ball groups for farming zerglings because they can’t fight back due to their lack of skill and coordination... welcome to the age where being a good player gets you punished while being rewarded for being trash
If they're good players they'll adapt and continue to farm zerglings. If their entire ability to be a good player rested on one skill, I'd personally question if they were good players.I am actually surprised it took thing long TBH.
I guess ball groups need more purge spam now.
Yes. Let’s punish ball groups for farming zerglings because they can’t fight back due to their lack of skill and coordination... welcome to the age where being a good player gets you punished while being rewarded for being trash
If they're good players they'll adapt and continue to farm zerglings. If their entire ability to be a good player rested on one skill, I'd personally question if they were good players.I am actually surprised it took thing long TBH.
I guess ball groups need more purge spam now.
Yes. Let’s punish ball groups for farming zerglings because they can’t fight back due to their lack of skill and coordination... welcome to the age where being a good player gets you punished while being rewarded for being trash
Well.. since rapids will be useless.. my next assumption will be that ball grouping will need more purge’s instead of rapids spamming. Meaning support that focused on stam will need to rely on mag for purge spamming instead of rapids
usmcjdking wrote: »Good, send this skill straight to the dumpster.
usmcjdking wrote: »usmcjdking wrote: »Good, send this skill straight to the dumpster.
You don't see anything problematic about having nigh perma-immunity to tools designed specifically to fight the people that have said immunity at no cost of their own?
usmcjdking wrote: »usmcjdking wrote: »Good, send this skill straight to the dumpster.
You don't see anything problematic about having nigh perma-immunity to tools designed specifically to fight the people that have said immunity at no cost of their own?
You don’t see anything problematic about everyone being able to relentlessly spam snares and roots without any cooldown or draw back constantly rooting opponents down especially since almost every spammable is a snare?
I am actually surprised it took thing long TBH.
I guess ball groups need more purge spam now.
Yes. Let’s punish ball groups for farming zerglings because they can’t fight back due to their lack of skill and coordination... welcome to the age where being a good player gets you punished while being rewarded for being trash
If they're good players they'll adapt and continue to farm zerglings. If their entire ability to be a good player rested on one skill, I'd personally question if they were good players.I am actually surprised it took thing long TBH.
I guess ball groups need more purge spam now.
Yes. Let’s punish ball groups for farming zerglings because they can’t fight back due to their lack of skill and coordination... welcome to the age where being a good player gets you punished while being rewarded for being trash
I am actually surprised it took thing long TBH.
I guess ball groups need more purge spam now.
Yes. Let’s punish ball groups for farming zerglings because they can’t fight back due to their lack of skill and coordination... welcome to the age where being a good player gets you punished while being rewarded for being trash