Why nerf ball groups? Because they make the effort to organise a team that works in synergy. This is not a natural advantage that zos gave them, this is hard work through sweat and tears, team dedication and organisation to make it happen. What people fail to recognise is that this applies to anyone, not just ball groups. Solo players and small groups can be just as effective.
I said this before they rightfully nerfed AoE caps, and I’ll say it again. I have no issues with ball Zergs having the natural advantages of superior numbers. Inherently, more numbers and superior organization should be stronger, and less numbers should be weaker. My bottom line however is that no advantages or disadvantages should be conferred based on numbers beyond those numbers itself. And as has been posted many times here before, it makes no sense that the more challenging small scale playstyle should have to lose its mobility yet ball groups get to keep theirs.
If we lose our speed, you should too. Period. Nerf rapids.
I said this before they rightfully nerfed AoE caps, and I’ll say it again. I have no issues with ball Zergs having the natural advantages of superior numbers. Inherently, more numbers and superior organization should be stronger, and less numbers should be weaker. My bottom line however is that no advantages or disadvantages should be conferred based on numbers beyond those numbers itself. And as has been posted many times here before, it makes no sense that the more challenging small scale playstyle should have to lose its mobility yet ball groups get to keep theirs.
If we lose our speed, you should too. Period. Nerf rapids.
usmguy1234 wrote: »
In all honesty ball groups are not going to want to fight each other... it's much easier ap to farm disorganized randoms than it would be to fight another organized group.
No. What you should come up with is :
People need to learn and get better so they don't have to rely on 4x their numbers to kill them. End of story.
Don’t forget to post the clip of you wiping some organized raid using a bomber build and a teammate nova.
VaranisArano wrote: »Good luck. Large scale organized combat is exactly what Cyrodiil was originally designed for.
Its also hard to actually nerf them, because organized groups will adapt better than any less organized groups. For example, the AOE cap removal was supposed to benefit small groups vs large groups, but in practice the winners were (as usual) large organized groups vs everyone else.
It's really idiotic fighting large ball groups with anything else other than another ball group again. I'd say it's worse than 2.2 -- especially because ZOS nerfed mobility for everyone except large groups.
Joy_Division wrote: »I'll bite.
We're going to have a meeting with the devs.
OP, tell me, specifically without pouring a carton of Morton's on me, exactly what feedback you would like me to communicate to the devs that might attain your objective that does not involve tearing apart existing game mechanics and redesigning them in 6 weeks to suit your particular play-style at the exclusion of all others. Or nerfing the crap out of something you don't like, which will adversely affect the game when ball groups aren't around.
I would also think it would be helpful not to just throw around the term "ball-group" as if everyone group out there in cyrodiil with voice coms are all the same. The majority of "ball groups" out there quite frankly aren't super strong to warrant major changes and can fail to take defended keeps Vs. an similar amount of Pugs who know what they are doing.
Good players, whether alone, in small-group, or in a larger group are going to be hard to kill. At some point, people should stop asking ZOS to nerf good players.
No, the nerf was not needed at all for both playstyles since the snares already so hard to manage. What had to be nerfed for both playstyles was the max speed you can obtain by combining different mechanics and that was dealt with already.
There was no reason to reduce the duration of forward momentum, at least not that drastically and the proper change would be to revert what was done for Murkmire and bring it back to a good 8 seconds.
VaranisArano wrote: »
ZOS wanted to make speed take greater effort to maintain. Guess who's willing to make that greater effort? Ball groups. They've got the numbers to have a rapids slave or spread out the rapids and still have damage and actually protect the person/people running rapids.
Nerf rapids? Guess who's still going to have the numbers and the organization to adapt? Ball groups. And you will still be slower than them.
I'd far rather ZOS revert speed to a pre-Swift state. That will do far more to help your small groups rather than asking for nerfs to rapids that isnt actually going to really solve your issue.
arkansas_ESO wrote: »I mean, addressing the rapids and purge spammers would be a great first step. There's no better example of the silly "lowering the ceiling and raising the floor" dogma that ESO has been designed around these past few years than the fact that builds that literally build to spam one skill and an ultimate are now essentially mandatory for group play.
Greater effort how? There is no "effort" put into having a rapids slave; you literally just tell one person to build for as much stam regen as possible and then spam one skill and an ultimate. These and purge spammers should outright not exist.
arkansas_ESO wrote: »I mean, addressing the rapids and purge spammers would be a great first step. There's no better example of the silly "lowering the ceiling and raising the floor" dogma that ESO has been designed around these past few years than the fact that builds that literally build to spam one skill and an ultimate are now essentially mandatory for group play.
Greater effort how? There is no "effort" put into having a rapids slave; you literally just tell one person to build for as much stam regen as possible and then spam one skill and an ultimate. These and purge spammers should outright not exist.
Last time we played we fought alot of very experienced players with some random DKs using the grip to pull players away from the raid at the right time, made us work much harder.
Or pull the healer out of his PUG. Everything is working both ways. Another frustration that keeps many from playing specialized in PUGs.
Personally, I remember back when they nerfed Maneuvers and made the skill fade off when being healed or dealing damage. I was all up for it because I could not stand 24men ballgroups running in at full speed inside a breach with 4-5 sieges pointing at it. I wanted them to be slowed down and make them work harder to capture a well defended keep.
Maybe the right approach was to add features to objectives to slow people down even if they have maneuvers, and let it the way it was for openfield fights. as a result, groups would not have to use one dedicated player to spam maneuvers most of the time.
Just keep in mind that one way or another, it is not fair for an organized group to just get melted simply because they are getting zerged down. This game has no diminishing returns on ccs, roots, snares. As a result, there should be a mobility counter to kite and get away when largely outnumbered (swift, snares removal, etc).
Also, there should be counters to organized raids, and we already have them.
Last time we played we fought alot of very experienced players with some random DKs using the grip to pull players away from the raid at the right time, made us work much harder.
VaranisArano wrote: »
ZOS doesn't want players to be able to do damage AND be speedy, or be tanky AND be speedy or heal AND be speedy without making sacrifices in their builds. That's what I mean by "effort". In the same way as I might say ZOS wants MagSorcs to need greater effort (sacrifices in their builds) to maintain damage shields.
A "rapids slave" is built to do one thing. They've sacrificed everything else decent about their build to cast Rapids. They are dependent on their group for everything else, but in return, they provide a valuable utility to the group.
ZOS didnt nerf them because:
A. Cyrodiil is designed for groups of 2 to 24
B. Having a dedicated rapids spammer fits in with ZOS wanting players to make greater effort/sacrifices to maintain their speediness. A raid has to sacrifice a player(s) and that player has to sacrifice their build to make it work.
Now, only large organized groups have the players to dedicate one or more players to spam rapids and the players to defend them. That's simply a strength of large organized group. - and nerfing rapids isnt going to change the ability of large organized groups to adapt to it. As I said, they'll just ask more people to do it.
You can look down on rapids and purge spammers for pushing one button all you like. They provide a valuable utility for their group that small groups and disorganized zergs cannot match - and they do so as team players. - And if you remove them entirely, an organized raid is a team. They'll adapt, and the simplest method is just to ask more people to run Purge and Rapids.
Again, I'd far rather ZOS revert speed to a pre-Swift state. That will do far more to help your small groups rather than asking for nerfs to rapids that isnt actually going to really solve your issue because the oeganized raids will just adjust and continue to be speedier than you.
arkansas_ESO wrote: »
Does it really matter if they're sacrificing all damage for speed if in turn everybody else in their group can build for damage? These specialized utility roles are innately zerg-friendly because they let a zerg build to cover all of it's weaknesses while small groups simply can't dedicate people to these roles.
"They'll adapt, and the simplest method is just to ask more people to run Purge and Rapids."
This is why the group cap in Cyrodiil should be 12.
VaranisArano wrote: »
Right, ZOS should totally change gameplay in Cyrodiil, which has always been intended for groups of up to 24 players, to better favor small groups who apparently can't handle organized groups of more than 12 players, LOL.
But I've repeated my preferred solution twice, and its clear you care more about nerfing larger groups than you do actually fixing the speed problem faced by small groups, so I think we're done debating here.
Have a great day.
Yes they should, because ESO in 2018 can't handle 24 man groups, let alone 3 of them on one side alone. You keep talking about ESO like it's in the same state it was in at launch. It's in an absolute state. Something HAS to change. They AREN'T fixing this game.