People saying this usually don't play in any of those groups and speculate from their own observations which represent nowhere near the reality and what is truly happening. They say it because they hate the playstyle and they won't miss an opportunity to diminish, bash or laugh about it.
I'm not referring to pug groups or PVE players. Or resources or getting zerged down, for that matter. The ball groups I'm referring to are composed of experienced PVP players and in some cases have run for years.
Dont get it, it seems like some think that good ballgroups go on smallscalers. Thats not the case acording to my experience, there is not enough AP in that. Its more fun to go on other large raids or zergs which outnumber you and it give much more AP to.
I entirely agree with that statement. Ball groups need to stop working and playing so well together. If people they fight need numbers over skills to kill them, it's definitely not their problems. Ball groups should either stop playing in a group like that or simply lower their skills / performances to help the zerg kill them faster and lower the latency for everyone.
Ideas to bring to the table.
Proxy det scaling on all large costing aoe ultimates.
Group sizes that exceed 12+ people can not give or receive heals from players of a different group
Encase + talons + ice root get bombard treatment
Major/minor snare system of 20/10%
Earthgore removes all ground effects and doesn’t heal. 1 minute cooldown +
Time stop snare reduced by half or more
Most importantly...
Goblin racial, quest poly (like skele not disguise slot) or crown store item (made viable for cyro) Something.
Okay thanks :thumbs up: good talk
ShadowProc wrote: »
My sentiments exactly when u post. One of these days I’m gonna put together a highlight reel of your posts shaming the exact play style you defend now.
VaranisArano wrote: »Good luck. Large scale organized combat is exactly what Cyrodiil was originally designed for.
Malamar1229 wrote: »Only other comment I'll add is good ball groups should be defined by their coordination, synergies, and skill level.....not by the red cloud hovering above them or other cheese proc sets.
NupidStoob wrote: »According to this thread running around in a zerg makes you mindless, but being in a group spamming one button while following the crown is the pinnacle of play.
rabidrufus64 wrote: »now where does the term ball come from and what does it mean exactly? im assuming it has significance to "ball rooms" or nah
People saying this usually don't play in any of those groups and speculate from their own observations which represent nowhere near the reality and what is truly happening. They say it because they hate the playstyle and they won't miss an opportunity to diminish, bash or laugh about it.
Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »Simple example:
"Rapid Maneuver" affects whole group and cost about 8K stamina. When you have full ride (24 people) this means it brings more benefit vs casting this skill solo (ungrouped). So the real cost per person in a group is something like 333 stamina.
Same goes for every other skill that affects whole group.
However, there is some issues in the game as it stands that need urgent attention, which some have outlined. One is Earthgore (EG). This set as it stands is far too strong. This set was recently up for grabs in the pvp vendor so everyone who wanted to could easily get it. The main issue we have faced with is fighting other raids much bigger than us say 30-40 players. We can sustain the numbers but when it comes to execution and wiping the enemy EG procs and given how many people run this set it is incredibly difficult to overcome the stacked burst passive proc heal. Key word is stacked. It stacks and forms a massive aoe heal. And if 20 people have it on it is enough to have EG up for every burst. This empowers the very large groups far too much.
TheLionFromTheNorth wrote: »I can't agree with this Point at all. Earthgore doesn't have a big Impact on pvp raiding any more. The healing per second is as big as two stacked healing springs (~3k) and you will barely stay in it for more than 2-3 seconds, if your raid is on the move. Another downside is the huge downtime. For comparison: One "Hasty Prayer" can give you a 4 times higher burst healing and ist not stationary...
TheLionFromTheNorth wrote: »Yes its true the automatic proc can be nice in some situations, and we still run few of them in the raid. But a stationary 3k healing over time won't save you against a massive incoming burst. Keep in mind that earthgore just as healing springs also can be removed by negates!
Another downside is, that one single player who drops below 50% can proc all of your earthgores in the raid! Even a random player running close to your group who accidentally gets a mutagen from one of your healers can proc the earthgore 15 seconds later far away from your group and then you have to wait 35s until it's up again. So you can't rely on earthgore saving you in moments of high pressure.
Earthgore was absolutely op in the beginning, but the longer duration in combination with the movement speed buff through swift etc. in the Summerset patch reduces it's impact on PvP raiding imo. That's the reason, why you see more bogdans these days in raids. The healing per second is the same (smaller area though) and it will proc almost on cooldown...
The primary problem with ball groups is heal stacking because it can not be offset by DoT stacking because of purge. Heal stacking results in continuous health regen because of staggered heals from different peoples GCDs which makes it difficult to punch through. Some groups can stand in 4 oils with no siege shield plus whatever else damage with their health bars barely moving.
I don't know if there is a good solution to this. I can give a mediocre one that might sound good in theory but is probably boring in practice.
1. The player should get a debuff that stacks with the more HoTs they receive which reduces healing received from HoTs.
2. A siege shield should cancel these debuffs while players stand in the siege shield.
This accomplishes two things. The first is it makes ball groups vulnerable once they start moving unless they want to cast a line of siege shields which costs a lot of magicka and removes rapid maneuver buff. And second for non ball groups that need to go through a breach in a fort if they drop a siege shield in the breach they don't suffer the HoT penalty while going through the breach.
VaranisArano wrote: »
Meatbag and Scattershot catapults did a lot of what you want when they had their damage buffed. I can tell you that dealing with prepared defenses of stacked meatbag/scattershot catapults tested and pushed our healers to the limit at keep captures and defenses. We died more on breaches that patch than ever before or after.
But if they were murder on our organized raids, they absolutely destroyed everyone else who was less organized or less numerous, or less able to knock down multiple holes in a keep.
So ZOS nerfed them, even though they were hands down the best tools small groups/solo/disorganized players had against organized raids yet.
Make of that what you will.
Incorrect. If you read interviews from when ESO was in development -- when AvA had a high profile and the devs loved to talk about it -- you'll learn that it was made to facilitate a variety of play styles from solo to large groups.
Just like there needs to be balance between classes and roles, there needs to be balance between play styles because we all fight in the same very large arena. Like with classes, balance between play styles fluctuates patch to patch. Over the past year, ball groups have become disproportionately strong IMO.
A ball group is a group that primarily uses AEs and therefore clump together like a ball or blob. Though a group of any size can play like this, it's usually only effective in medium to large groups.
Large ball groups have been addressed in the past. In 2.3, for example, changes to purge, barrier and rapids were meant to address ball groups.
That's not what's happening here. At all. Actually, it's the opposite. The current strength of ball groups has everything to do with raising the floor and lowering the ceiling.
I know it's easy to imagine only the best groups when a discussion like this comes up, but it's actually the mediocre ball groups that stand out as the main beneficiaries of the changes that have helped ball groups. There are so many *bad* ball groups out there who can barely get kills, but take large numbers to wipe because it's easy for them to spam heals, CCs and stay mobile.
My POV is that of someone who has played all styles over the years. I've been on the extremes of both sides of the coin, fighting in some OP ball groups and also fighting against groups of all types as a random.
I think that play style balance is essential. Ungrouped randoms and small groups need a fighting chance against large groups. As recently as 3.0, I felt we had that. Good groups had to constantly be aware of even solo bombers and over-extending as a member of a large group would get you killed.
Though I think the path to where we are now was much more nuanced, there are two changes that stand out to me: The blanket nerf to mobility and Earthgore.
The 4.2 mobility nerfs are huge here. Basically, everyone except ball groups had their mobility significantly limited. This gives large organized groups the ability to easily reset and reposition at will. It is unlikely that a significant portion of their opponents will have the means to efficiently keep up with them which quickly reduces pressure and helps with kiting. We all know how important mobility is after the nerfs, so we should all recognize this is a huge advantage.
On the other side of the coin, everyone else had their legs chopped off. A random fighting these groups without speed potions and other mobility tools that were nerfed has to maintain a much greater distance between them and the ball group. When they do get caught, escape is much more difficult.
The changes to mobility also make it trivially easy for a ball group to disconnect from a fight and drop a camp. The synergy between Forward Camps and ball groups needs to be addressed. A 20 player AE rez with a massive radius shouldn't be so easy to execute.
Earthgore is quite a dead horse, but continues to be a major factor in bailing out ball groups -- especially the very bad ones -- when they make mistakes. This is key because away from an outright coordinated bomb, whittling down large groups one by one was an effective tactic.
But like I said, I think it's more nuanced than this. Beyond game changes, strong builds and tactics have become more widespread and I know most solo and small group players would say their play styles have been significantly nerfed over the same period.