edges_endgame wrote: »Buff zergs, nerf small scale. Voila
VaranisArano wrote: »Good luck. Large scale organized combat is exactly what Cyrodiil was originally designed for.
Its also hard to actually nerf them, because organized groups will adapt better than any less organized groups. For example, the AOE cap removal was supposed to benefit small groups vs large groups, but in practice the winners were (as usual) large organized groups vs everyone else.
Here we go again. I think I should prolly make a section in my signature for ball group counters.
- Negate
- Frozen Gate
- Unrelenting Grip
- Storm with a bomber setup
- Combination of synergies with harmony
Before people say it, you don't need to be zerg surfing to counter a ballgroup. Only if you don't wanna participate in another ballgroup and that's all on you and how it should be imo.
edges_endgame wrote: »Buff zergs, nerf small scale. Voila
fullheartcontainer wrote: »please explain to me how you expect ZOS to nerf something for a ball group without effecting anyone else? Ball groups are able to combine different things that work and coordinate that together to win. Anything you nerf they'll just find something else, or use that nerf to take advantage of the fact that they can kill other people easier now because THOSE people were effected by that same nerf.
Do you know how you fight a ballgroup? You get yourself a ballgroup because you aren't going to be able to solo it or kill it with an uncoordinated mess. Asking for nerfs because you're fighting a group that outclasses you without knowing what you want nerfed is crazy. You don't even know WHAT you want nerfed. You want... grouping... nerfed? You could literally remove the ability for people to group in Cyrodiil and ball groups would be just fine, because they use voice comms.
If you really want to fight ball groups, quit salting and go make a ball group to fight them with.
thankyourat wrote: »
You can Nerf the things that make them ridiculous though by getting rid of things like earthgore and AOE healing in general. You should have to target your heals just like you do for single target abilities. This would force healers to stand behind ball groups and will force ball groups to spread out a bit so the healers can target them.
fullheartcontainer wrote: »please explain to me how you expect ZOS to nerf something for a ball group without effecting anyone else? Ball groups are able to combine different things that work and coordinate that together to win. Anything you nerf they'll just find something else, or use that nerf to take advantage of the fact that they can kill other people easier now because THOSE people were effected by that same nerf.
Do you know how you fight a ballgroup? You get yourself a ballgroup because you aren't going to be able to solo it or kill it with an uncoordinated mess. Asking for nerfs because you're fighting a group that outclasses you without knowing what you want nerfed is crazy. You don't even know WHAT you want nerfed. You want... grouping... nerfed? You could literally remove the ability for people to group in Cyrodiil and ball groups would be just fine, because they use voice comms.
If you really want to fight ball groups, quit salting and go make a ball group to fight them with.
Not true. Most ball groups are made up of incredibly bad players. It’s entirely possible to take on a smaller balll group of 10 with just two or three people and easily with half their number. You know how you nerf a ball group? Take out the Zerg sets and skills, particularly earthgore and bubbles which is far too powerful with a giant AOE to be a spammable. Teams should not be able to constantly have this up. (I’ve not forgotten the actual name of this psijic skill). You then reverse some of the mobility nerfs, give magicka players speed pots, give FM a couple more seconds of snare immunity back, give shuffle more snare immunity. Make one morph of rapids usable only when riding a mount and bring the other morph (with snare removal) in line with other forms of major expedition. There’s a few ideas to get started.
I can tell you:Joy_Division wrote: »I'll bite.
We're going to have a meeting with the devs.
OP, tell me, specifically without pouring a carton of Morton's on me, exactly what feedback you would like me to communicate to the devs
Incorrect. If you read interviews from when ESO was in development -- when AvA had a high profile and the devs loved to talk about it -- you'll learn that it was made to facilitate a variety of play styles from solo to large groups.VaranisArano wrote: »Good luck. Large scale organized combat is exactly what Cyrodiil was originally designed for.
That's not what's happening here. At all. Actually, it's the opposite. The current strength of ball groups has everything to do with raising the floor and lowering the ceiling.Joy_Division wrote: »Good players, whether alone, in small-group, or in a larger group are going to be hard to kill. At some point, people should stop asking ZOS to nerf good players.
Prince_of_all_Pugs wrote: »
Hey Frozn can you please upload a Video or record a clip of you killing a ball group with these skills with 4-5 players? pleeeease.
Remove cast-time from inevitable detonation.
Make catapults ammo travel faster, so it would be easier to hit moving targets, rate of fire should remain as it is tho.
Purge and rapid maneuvers should have self-only and group morphs. For example: efficient purge should only purge caster for a low-cost while other morph would also purge allies but for significantly higher cost, same with rapids.