Ball groups never fight other ball groups, so please stop with "they have to learn to play to kill us".
You guys in ball groups, just want to farm unorganised people and feel good with easy points and farming "lfg groups".
If you really want to feel strong, you know where to go.
Once that said, I don't know if ball groups need to be nerfed.
- Yes, there are ways to fight them, and people have to learn how to do it.
- But even if you know how to do, you have to be in organised defense to do it, unless you're yourslef in a ballgroup. That makes the feeling you can't do anything against them.
- people who know how to fight ballgroups, but not in organised defense (or beeing unorganised zerg defending) dont stay to defend because they know it's useless.
dtsharples wrote: »
This is possibly the most sensible post on this topic yet.
But, it would require the community to make some changes themselves, instead of placing the blame on ZOS.
Petition ZOS to implement a Campaign that has a minimum requirement of 12 person groups, maximum of 18 persons.
That way you would immediately see the ball-groups that remained in the 'standard' campaign for what they are.
To be honest this could have been done already solely by the community, with no involvement from ZOS at all.
All that would be needed is an agreement that a particular campaign was for groups, another campaign for smaller scale, limiting the small scale campaign to 8 person teams maximum.
But as we see time and time again, what people say they want and what they actually want are very different things. Very few of the large groups that currently steam-roll over pugs / individuals would survive against other groups of the same size.
Ball groups never fight other ball groups, so please stop with "they have to learn to play to kill us".
You guys in ball groups, just want to farm unorganised people and feel good with easy points and farming "lfg groups".
If you really want to feel strong, you know where to go.
Once that said, I don't know if ball groups need to be nerfed.
- Yes, there are ways to fight them, and people have to learn how to do it.
- But even if you know how to do, you have to be in organised defense to do it, unless you're yourslef in a ballgroup. That makes the feeling you can't do anything against them.
- people who know how to fight ballgroups, but not in organised defense (or beeing unorganised zerg defending) dont stay to defend because they know it's useless.
Lieblingsjunge wrote: »Ball groups never fight other ball groups, now that's a lie.
Fantasia always prefer to fight groups. Preferably other organized guild groups but even when we're playing the map the goal is generally to draw large groups to our location. Our fave fights tend to be with Dracarys, but all of the organized groups provide a good challenge and large numbers of solo players combined with small groups can prove VERY challenging.
I'll give you a tip on how to fight an organized group. Our strength can also be our weakness. Once we do an Ulti dump we are vulnerable and if we don't or can't spread out quickly enough to counter an opposing Ulti dump, we can be had. Also, if the group we're fighting stays spread out, we're limited to more single target skills and the fight can get very drawn out. Sooner or later while maneuvering to more favorable terrain someone will make a mistake and sometimes that's us.
The point is that organized groups are not invulnerable, we just present different challenges.
Remove cast-time from inevitable detonation.
Make catapults ammo travel faster, so it would be easier to hit moving targets, rate of fire should remain as it is tho.
Purge and rapid maneuvers should have self-only and group morphs. For example: efficient purge should only purge caster for a low-cost while other morph would also purge allies but for significantly higher cost, same with rapids.
GimpyPorcupine wrote: »
Removing the cast time from inevitable would do wonders.
For Rapid Maneuver, another idea would be to make its duration inversely proportional to the number of targets hit. 40 seconds if it only hits the caster, 10 seconds if it hits a group of 24.
Jimmy_The_Fixer wrote: »
Rapids is already dispelled if you use an abilitiy, that's why there's a member of the balls who's entire job is to spam rapids constantly. Usually a stam sorc.
Reducing the duration isn't a solution, but limiting the targets to 4 allies would work nicely.
Also, earthgore is a bit of a problem, I'm not sure how you balance it but its current incarnation is too much.
VaranisArano wrote: »
You know why organized groups can spam Time Stop and stack Earthgore?
Its because they are organized.
They can tell their players "Hey, X number of you run Time Stop and X number of you run Earthgore."
If its not Earthgore and Time Stop, its Permafrost, Sub Assault, Spin To Win, Destro ultimate...heck, anything that's even remotely strong an organized group will use better than anyone else. Because they are more organized than the disorganized PUG groups and larger than the organized small scale groups.
Nerf Rapid Maneuvers?
Organized Raid: "Alright. Guys, we need another "rapids slave" or X number of people start using rapids."
Nerf the stuff they use and they'll move on to the next thing. Its surprisingly hard to nerf organization when Cyrodiil was originally designed for large organized groups. I've been PUGing and playing in a large organized raid since before Morrowind, and at no point did any of the combat changes ever seriously threaten the dominance of the large organized raids (my factions or the enemies) on the battlefield. The one thing that actually caused problems for the raids, believe it or not, was the change to catapults doing increased damage, which made it much harder to capture well-defended keeps.
Sure but 30 seconds of major expedition available to your group is much easier than making sure someone is maintaining it every 4 seconds. I mean if solo and small scale players have to deal with heavily reduced mobility why shouldn’t big groups as well? And if you think earhtgore doesn’t enable unskilled players and the majority of ball groups to avoid death then i think we play in different versions of PvP. I’ve watched earthgore save people many times while they lay on the ground CCd. As for bubbles I’m simply saying that such a large AOE with such powerful effects should not be a spammable. I can’t imagine why you’d be against trying to balance this stuff unless you’re part of the groups that use it all.
Also, I realize that big groups will always find some way to adap and that’s fine. I’m not complaining about every single skill and tactic they use. But I think it should be obvious that we need to continue to keep in check the few skills/sets that emerge as being overly powerful. We stoood up to the destro train meta, the stambalde instakill meta, proc sets in general, and those were all good things and we should continue to do so. Right now Earthgore continues to heavily alter the outcome of combat without input from the player which imo should be looked at. Why do groups need a huge AOE CC that prevents healing and is arguably as strong as some ults in its effect?
VaranisArano wrote: »
I generally agree on Earthgore.
I disagree with your description of rapids. Since Rapids goes away when you cast skills or heals, the only time a group gets 30 second of major expedition is when riding. In combat, most groups do tell someone or multiple players to maintain rapids every 4-8 seconds anyways because everyone is constantly casting and needing rapids recast on them. The reason large groups maintained their mobility is because they can have players dedicated to spamming rapids, where small groups simply can't afford to have one player doing nothing but rapids. Nerf the duration of rapids or increase the cost, and the organized raids will just adjust how they already spam rapids with a rapids slave or sharing the burden - and small groups still wont be able to compete. (The real solution is reverting some of the speed nerfs to give small groups an option for speed, but that's up to ZOS, not me.)
VaranisArano wrote: »
I generally agree on Earthgore.
I disagree with your description of rapids. Since Rapids goes away when you cast skills or heals, the only time a group gets 30 second of major expedition is when riding. In combat, most groups do tell someone or multiple players to maintain rapids every 4-8 seconds anyways because everyone is constantly casting and needing rapids recast on them. The reason large groups maintained their mobility is because they can have players dedicated to spamming rapids, where small groups simply can't afford to have one player doing nothing but rapids. Nerf the duration of rapids or increase the cost, and the organized raids will just adjust how they already spam rapids with a rapids slave or sharing the burden - and small groups still wont be able to compete. (The real solution is reverting some of the speed nerfs to give small groups an option for speed, but that's up to ZOS, not me.)
Jimmy_The_Fixer wrote: »
These groups don't have infinite players, forcing a group of 24 players to have 4 rapid spammers would be a significant sacrifice.
And I think that's what people want, is to make the ball groups work for their expedition (like solo players) and have a real opportunity cost to maintaining this incredible buff. "You can have permanent speed buff plus snare immunity, but you have 4-5 fewer subassaults/proxydets/whatever"
Nobody wants to destroy rapids as a group tool (some people do), but what people are advocating for is that cost of maintaining this buff be on par with the power it provides.
Hexquisite wrote: »I think that there are just a lot of PVErs/Traders playing to get the Spell Strat stuff right now. I know in one of my trade guilds they are running huge groups to get the gear every night. All my trade guilds actively tell people to join a big group. And yes a lot of these groups aren't that great, you could take them out if you faced just that group.
Anyway, as the price of that gear drops, I expect the overkill response to a small group taking a resource, etc to die down, hopefully.
There is no way to nerf ball groups unless something stupid is done as adding friendly fire. But even then these players will slot single target skills and still kill players because they are organized.
One option could be if the group size is reduced to 4. If it is 8 a lot of good groups will be still very strong and make tons of kills. Then again nerf these groups.
As some people pointed out the big issue with the ball groups is that they dont fight each other and they lag the server because they draw big attention and many players go there and the skill spam start.
As pointed out before ballgroups do fight each other, second the server laggs when lots of people stack at one place even if there is no ballgroups around.
As pointed out before ballgroups do fight each other, second the server laggs when lots of people stack at one place even if there is no ballgroups around.
As some people pointed out the big issue with the ball groups is that they dont fight each other and they lag the server because they draw big attention and many players go there and the skill spam start.
I entirely agree with that statement. Ball groups need to stop working and playing so well together. If people they fight need numbers over skills to kill them, it's definitely not their problems. Ball groups should either stop playing in a group like that or simply lower their skills / performances to help the zerg kill them faster and lower the latency for everyone.
Do you read? I dont blame them. I said that they are good players and they will always find a way to kill others doesnt matter what ZoS does. I just wanted to explain why the server lags and why it happens way more often when there are ball groups around.
No. What you should come up with is :
People need to learn and get better so they don't have to rely on 4x their numbers to kill them. End of story.
It is not about who is good and who is bad. It is about builds. When I go in Cyro solo or duo or even with 4 ppl I go with a build that works in fights against people who are not in a ball group. If you go with your ball group build in duo or trio will you be so successful? I doubt.
The sad true is that the ball groups kill 90% of the time pugs and the moment they find another ball group if they wipe 3-4 times they try to avoid that group.
Joy_Division wrote: »I'll bite.
We're going to have a meeting with the devs.
OP, tell me, specifically without pouring a carton of Morton's on me, exactly what feedback you would like me to communicate to the devs that might attain your objective that does not involve tearing apart existing game mechanics and redesigning them in 6 weeks to suit your particular play-style at the exclusion of all others. Or nerfing the crap out of something you don't like, which will adversely affect the game when ball groups aren't around.
I would also think it would be helpful not to just throw around the term "ball-group" as if everyone group out there in cyrodiil with voice coms are all the same. The majority of "ball groups" out there quite frankly aren't super strong to warrant major changes and can fail to take defended keeps Vs. an similar amount of Pugs who know what they are doing.
Good players, whether alone, in small-group, or in a larger group are going to be hard to kill. At some point, people should stop asking ZOS to nerf good players.
VaranisArano wrote: »
So, ball groups do fight each other, even 3 or 4 times, before one of them gives up or wipes and goes for a different target?
A. Not surprising. Definition of insanity and all that.
B. Not the same as "ball groups don't fight each other". Typically we'd spar like that too, then when one group breaks off or wipes for the last time, go to another objective, and usually fight another group there. Again, not surprising - Oh, and its a lose-lose. We leave and thereby spreading out the fight and lessening the lag, we're "not fighting each other".
Again, I dont know if there's a platform/server difference at play here. On PC/NA Vivec, we have plenty of PUG farming, but also raids that focus on objectives. In my experience, if an enemy raid was playing the same night we were raiding, they usually came out to defend their home keeps and take ours, so we would clash with multiple other organized raids during primetime.
You know what? We fought for objectives. But those fights raid v raid were epic and fun. Sure, its cool to slice through a horde of PUGs like a hot knife through butter for a while, but our real test, our real joy was organized raid v organized raid in order to win a keep, a scroll, and the campaign.
Now, I'll be honest. I'm getting a little bit tired of explaining my problem with "ball groups dont fight each other" again and again. In my experience, that's not true.
Either we fight other raids "properly" and thus cause lag
We spread out and dont fight each other, and get pathetic fights against PUGs, also causing lag, because disorganized PUGs.
Mind you, Cyrodiil is designed explicitly for groups of 2 to 24 players. So I'm absolutely playing as intended.
Can't win. Can't freaking win.
Yes, they fight 3-4 times and then it is clear most of the times that one of the ball groups is way superior. In the next 2-3 weeks or till they get better they try to avoid them.