^ Make no mistake, they don’t want to learn about the play style, man. They just want an “I win” button against organized groups and feel entitled to take out 20 people with 6 people for some reason.
rabidrufus64 wrote: »now where does the term ball come from and what does it mean exactly? im assuming it has significance to "ball rooms" or nah
Joy_Division wrote: »I'll bite.
We're going to have a meeting with the devs.
OP, tell me, specifically without pouring a carton of Morton's on me, exactly what feedback you would like me to communicate to the devs that might attain your objective that does not involve tearing apart existing game mechanics and redesigning them in 6 weeks to suit your particular play-style at the exclusion of all others. Or nerfing the crap out of something you don't like, which will adversely affect the game when ball groups aren't around.
I would also think it would be helpful not to just throw around the term "ball-group" as if everyone group out there in cyrodiil with voice coms are all the same. The majority of "ball groups" out there quite frankly aren't super strong to warrant major changes and can fail to take defended keeps Vs. an similar amount of Pugs who know what they are doing.
Good players, whether alone, in small-group, or in a larger group are going to be hard to kill. At some point, people should stop asking ZOS to nerf good players.
Joy_Division wrote: »ZOS is going to say, not incorrectly, that they have done things to nerf ball groups: specifically...the significant increase to the threat of siege
Joy_Division wrote: »@Tommy_The_Gun OK, what if people do think twice about joining a mindful group that has standards? "Mindless" ball groups in no way have to be nerfed because they aren't particularly strong, so why should ZOS go after them? At that point, it's just penalizing people who are actually good at the game for joining a group.
I do think the idea of multiple smaller groups has merit, but that would require quite of bit of mechanical changes. Looking for things ZOS can actually do that doesn't involve redoing the game engine or just slapping nerfs on people for playing they way they want.
@zyk 3.0? 4.2? It's been so long I don't remember which was what. If I do a search about ball groups from 2014 and even during the 3.0 patch, I will come across the same complaints that you are voicing, that because of the mechanics, "bad" players can take advantage and be much more effective than they're actual skill level. People have maintained it's always getting worse and somehow never been as pronounced as it is now because of _____________ changes that ZOS introduced. Back in the good old days, I didn't have swift jewelry, I could be snared in vamp mist, the gap closer snare was far more pronounced and the ball group rapids did not break on heals so they were relatively much more mobile than a solo player was, but somehow now it's never been worse?
You bring up that "*bad* ball groups" take large numbers to wipe because they spam heals and CC. OK, that's what all players, whether grouped or not, do. What's the issue here and what in your opinion ought to be changed?
ZOS is going to say, not incorrectly, that they have done things to nerf ball groups: specifically the nerfing of groups skills like barrier and rapids, the significant increase to the threat of siege, and the removal of AOE caps. Aside from giving mobility back and Earthgore set (two things I can agree on), what exactly are these nuanced mechanics that have titled the balance too far despite the afore-mentioned siege and AOE caps changes?
@Lieblingsjunge - fair enough, the feedback ought to be objective.
I think you are right to point out that a lot of ego, one might say elitism, that gets thrown around in threads like this. A lot of the arguments reference pejoratives like "mindless zerglings" or more generally that "bad" or unskilled players are able to are somehow able to get kills and not die simply by virtue of being in a group. That players in "ball groups" are just terrible and not capable of doing these sorts of things without being carried. This is argumentation that I think ZOS is right to simply throw in the trashcan.
I play on NA and the majority of stack-on-crown groups are not something or strong enough that they are at an unfair advantage against a similar number of ungrouped players that know what they are doing. The few, and I can count them using one hand, that are noticeably stronger than a similar amount of PuGs are so because of the players in the group, as opposed the game's mechanics. I think this is the crucial point that complaints against ball group miss. People who play every night know there is a huge chasm between the best organized groups and the mediocre. Because this disparity exists, that would strongly suggest the most crucial component to the success of an organized group is not the game's mechanics, rather the skill of the players, which is how it should be.
If certain organized groups have remained very effective despite the changes made by the devs, a number of which were targeted at them, I think it's because those groups are comprised of players who have spent much of the past 4 years playing this game and know how to adapt.
@usmguy1234 - Why punish people and have different rules just for grouping up? Healers in organized groups are healing under the same conditions as those not in a group: if their healers are so much better, that's because the healers are better.
The only thing that needs to be nerfed about ball groups is rapid maneuvers. Small scalers had to adapt to the loss of mobility, and so it makes no sense that organized raids shouldn’t have to do so as well.
usmguy1234 wrote: »
I'm not saying punish healers but rather punish heal stacking. This has nothing to do with the quality of the healers but more so with the quantity of outgoing healing. When you can completely negate a small groups burst with a single earthgore proc that's a problem that has absolutely nothing to do with skill.
Joy_Division wrote: »I'll bite.
We're going to have a meeting with the devs.
OP, tell me, specifically without pouring a carton of Morton's on me, exactly what feedback you would like me to communicate to the devs that might attain your objective that does not involve tearing apart existing game mechanics and redesigning them in 6 weeks to suit your particular play-style at the exclusion of all others. Or nerfing the crap out of something you don't like, which will adversely affect the game when ball groups aren't around.
I would also think it would be helpful not to just throw around the term "ball-group" as if everyone group out there in cyrodiil with voice coms are all the same. The majority of "ball groups" out there quite frankly aren't super strong to warrant major changes and can fail to take defended keeps Vs. an similar amount of Pugs who know what they are doing.
Good players, whether alone, in small-group, or in a larger group are going to be hard to kill. At some point, people should stop asking ZOS to nerf good players.
Joy_Division wrote: »@Tommy_The_Gun OK, what if people do think twice about joining a mindful group that has standards? "Mindless" ball groups in no way have to be nerfed because they aren't particularly strong, so why should ZOS go after them? At that point, it's just penalizing people who are actually good at the game for joining a group.
I do think the idea of multiple smaller groups has merit, but that would require quite of bit of mechanical changes. Looking for things ZOS can actually do that doesn't involve redoing the game engine or just slapping nerfs on people for playing they way they want.
@zyk 3.0? 4.2? It's been so long I don't remember which was what. If I do a search about ball groups from 2014 and even during the 3.0 patch, I will come across the same complaints that you are voicing, that because of the mechanics, "bad" players can take advantage and be much more effective than they're actual skill level. People have maintained it's always getting worse and somehow never been as pronounced as it is now because of _____________ changes that ZOS introduced. Back in the good old days, I didn't have swift jewelry, I could be snared in vamp mist, the gap closer snare was far more pronounced and the ball group rapids did not break on heals so they were relatively much more mobile than a solo player was, but somehow now it's never been worse?
You bring up that "*bad* ball groups" take large numbers to wipe because they spam heals and CC. OK, that's what all players, whether grouped or not, do. What's the issue here and what in your opinion ought to be changed?
ZOS is going to say, not incorrectly, that they have done things to nerf ball groups: specifically the nerfing of groups skills like barrier and rapids, the significant increase to the threat of siege, and the removal of AOE caps. Aside from giving mobility back and Earthgore set (two things I can agree on), what exactly are these nuanced mechanics that have titled the balance too far despite the afore-mentioned siege and AOE caps changes?
@Lieblingsjunge - fair enough, the feedback ought to be objective.
I think you are right to point out that a lot of ego, one might say elitism, that gets thrown around in threads like this. A lot of the arguments reference pejoratives like "mindless zerglings" or more generally that "bad" or unskilled players are able to are somehow able to get kills and not die simply by virtue of being in a group. That players in "ball groups" are just terrible and not capable of doing these sorts of things without being carried. This is argumentation that I think ZOS is right to simply throw in the trashcan.
I play on NA and the majority of stack-on-crown groups are not something or strong enough that they are at an unfair advantage against a similar number of ungrouped players that know what they are doing. The few, and I can count them using one hand, that are noticeably stronger than a similar amount of PuGs are so because of the players in the group, as opposed the game's mechanics. I think this is the crucial point that complaints against ball group miss. People who play every night know there is a huge chasm between the best organized groups and the mediocre. Because this disparity exists, that would strongly suggest the most crucial component to the success of an organized group is not the game's mechanics, rather the skill of the players, which is how it should be.
If certain organized groups have remained very effective despite the changes made by the devs, a number of which were targeted at them, I think it's because those groups are comprised of players who have spent much of the past 4 years playing this game and know how to adapt.
@usmguy1234 - Why punish people and have different rules just for grouping up? Healers in organized groups are healing under the same conditions as those not in a group: if their healers are so much better, that's because the healers are better.
Increase the amount of magckia/stamina drain the oil catapult/lighting ballista do, while lowering their damage and making the snare unpurgeable. And maybe making the turning and rate of fire speeds higher. Giving those siege weapons the option of more utility over damage. The fire ballista’s dot should not purgeable same with oils.
Jimmy_The_Fixer wrote: »A few points here:
-If you have 4 people, don't be where the ball groups are, hit a resource, burn camps, intercept reinforcements as they trickle in. The keeps that are on the frontline are going to be swarming with pugs even if there aren't any ball groups. You can't run into Zerg central and then be surprised when you get swamped 10-to-1.
-Yes, running in ball, even high-tier organized group is less skilltesting than other types of pvp like 1v1,BGs or small group. It doesn't mean that these players are unskilled, it just means that "follow crown closely, listen to directions on discord and cast proxydet/ults on command" doesn't leave a lot of room for exceptional personal play even if you are highly capable.
-Dueling, BGs and small group all still exist. So it's totally fine that there's a gameplay style that's based around raid composition and group cohesion where individual skill takes a backseat.
Jimmy_The_Fixer wrote: »It doesn't mean that these players are unskilled, it just means that "follow crown closely, listen to directions on discord and cast proxydet/ults on command" doesn't leave a lot of room for exceptional personal play even if you are highly capable.
usmguy1234 wrote: »
So AvAvA should be about numbers, not skill. Got it.
VaranisArano wrote: »
So...a game mode originally based around groups of 8 to 24 players (as listed in the groupfinder, now 2 to 24 players) shouldn't be about numbers?
You can have your small group players who are good, who know how to play, and who will work together as a team...and most of the time you will get rolled by 12-24 players who know how to play together and work as a larger team.
What's the problem with that?
Your small man team can probably still take on 2, 3, 4 times your number of disorganized players who don't know how to play or dont know how to work together as a team. Because organization, teamwork, and skill does make a big difference in Cyrodiil! Can't tell you how many times Ive been zerg-surfing and we get broken by disciplined small groups because no one in the zerg is working together.
But by the same token, organization, teamwork, skill, and nunbers make a big difference in Cyrodiil. And that's why its the large organized raids of 12-24 players working as a team who dominate Cyrodiil on the battlefield, not the small man groups or the 1vXers.
These "ball group" threads always start off in the wrong direction and derail from there. The best thing ZOS could do is help the group players by creating a campaign for us. I would love to be able to consistently fight other guilds on a campaign that REQUIRED a group of 12 or more to even enter. Granted, there are a couple of guilds who prefer sheer numbers to actual tactics, but that's fine too. There would be a place for them too on a Guild v Guild campaign as long as population balance was maintained to some degree. And honestly, I think the guild groups could probably maintain that ourselves.
I believe the main issue at the moment is the advantage that the 4.2 changes to mobility have given to large groups. This is because Rapid Maneuver was not changed. As you know, it is standard for medium and large groups to utilize it. It is far less common for small groups or solo players to utilize it in combat because of its cost.Joy_Division wrote: »ZOS is going to say, not incorrectly, that they have done things to nerf ball groups: specifically the nerfing of groups skills like barrier and rapids, the significant increase to the threat of siege, and the removal of AOE caps. Aside from giving mobility back and Earthgore set (two things I can agree on), what exactly are these nuanced mechanics that have titled the balance too far despite the afore-mentioned siege and AOE caps changes?
I believe the main issue at the moment is the advantage that the 4.2 changes to mobility have given to large groups. This is because Rapid Maneuver was not changed. As you know, it is standard for medium and large groups to utilize it. It is far less common for small groups or solo players to utilize it in combat because of its cost.
This is is bad because prior to 4.2, solo and small group players had various means to match the speed and uptime of a large group utilizing Rapid Maneuver. This gives large groups a huge advantage they did not have before, creating an imbalance between large groups and other play styles.
Whatever adjustments have been made with ball groups in mind previously should have no impact on solving issues that exist today. If ball groups have gained a significant advantage, then that must be addressed.
Beyond that and Earthgore, I don't really have anything objective to add, but my general opinion is that it goes a bit deeper than those things.
These "ball group" threads always start off in the wrong direction and derail from there. The best thing ZOS could do is help the group players by creating a campaign for us. I would love to be able to consistently fight other guilds on a campaign that REQUIRED a group of 12 or more to even enter. Granted, there are a couple of guilds who prefer sheer numbers to actual tactics, but that's fine too. There would be a place for them too on a Guild v Guild campaign as long as population balance was maintained to some degree. And honestly, I think the guild groups could probably maintain that ourselves.